Shrek 3 Princesses

Posted by John Campeaon 26. 10. 2006in News Chat

I’ve mentioned before that I”m a fan of the Shrek films (I’m even one of the few people who actually enjoyed the second one even more… it’s wasn’t quite as GOOD as the first one… but I was a little more entertained by it). From what I know, this is the first official image from Shrek 3 (AKA Shrek The Thrid).


To see an evenlarger and higher quality version, you can just go here.

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John Campea who has written 6784 posts on The Movie Blog

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14 Responses to “Shrek 3 Princesses”

  1. 12 Monkeys says:

    Jeffrey Katzenberg loves sticking it to Disney.

  2. WolfMarauder says:

    I got to see four minutes of the film earlier this year. It was pretty much finished, except for the music.

  3. Red Steven says:

    And here I thought Shrek couldn’t get any worse.

  4. TM says:

    The image looks funny. I hope they’re able to bring something new and refreshing in the story, and to the old and new characters in the movie.

  5. wolf says:

    WolfMarauder, was the four mintues any good? Even though 4 mins is not long to judge.

  6. Mike says:

    Not this crap again…

  7. WolfMarauder says:

    Hey Wolf (wow, your name is my name -marauder, hehe)

    I laughed, so it wasn’t too bad. I’m not a huge fan of Shrek, though some of the parodies are very clever. The funniest thing I saw in those four minutes was the Gingerbread Man having his life flash before his eyes, from when he first came out of the stove, up until what happened a few seconds earlier.

  8. Marina says:

    I’m not a huge fan of the Shrek films though I did enjoy them both and Puss in Boots rocked. This looks like it’s going to be fun. I love movies with more than one heroine.

  9. wolf says:

    Thanks for the info, brother or sister wolf ;P

    Ginger bread man having the flash back sounds hilarious. He is one of my fav characters.

  10. Opiate Detox says:

    It is good to hear that the producers of Shrek thought about making another sequel to this great animation movie. If they keep the humor and acidity that will be great. And also the animation is special.

  11. Brett says:

    I really liked the first Shrek, but was a little disappointed with the second. I found a new TV spot for Shrek 3 here:

  12. princess fiona apple says:

    im a huge shrek fan as well…the movie rocks! so funny and u can watch it over and over again without getting bored.
    really funny and the story is great…..its like all the fairy stories in one!

    shrek rocks!

    fiona apple

  13. judy says:

    good movie i have it on dvd

  14. Tod Nolan says:

    this film luks rockin proppa awesome dudes and i think that it is nearly as gr8 as my pink top and long hair in wich i have things growing from all angels. well neways shrek three rocks homies it is the shiz an so am i

    peace out (wolf impersanator 563 east american home grown an raised)

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