Sharon reviews Death of a President

Posted by on 26. 10. 2006in Reviews

Death of a President is a fictional documentary about what would happen if George Bush was assassinated, this year. It has had a lot of controversy surrounding it’s release. The largest American theater chains will not show the movie and the White House stated that the movie “did not dignify a comment”. What has everyone so riled up is the use of real images and voices of Bush and Dick Cheney, quite a few images of many members of the White House, and of course the money shot of Bush actually being killed.

Director Gabriel Range had a few words of the controversy surrounding this movie.

“I have always known that I would be condemned for the very idea of this film, but I believe that sometimes it is not only acceptable for art to be outrageous – it is necessary”.

I tend to agree, and in North America where everyone is becoming afraid to speak their minds less we offend, or be pointed at as terrorist sympathizers this movie, or at least what it stands for is indeed very necessary.

What is entertaining about DOAP is that It’s almost like an episode of CSI, it shows what would be the protocol if this happened, and what mistakes the big guns might make in this situation. It shows the differing views of Bush, what people think is happening to America , and the upward turn in racism.

The story flashes in between interviews with Bush’s fictional staff, including his speach writer and head body guard and back into the events the day he is shot. It also shows interviews with people and their families who have been accused of murdering Bush. The interviews and the impact on the lives of the accused is the most political part of the movie The movie get this so right that I had goosebumps.

Bush is in this movie for about 15 minutes, tops. The actual Bush getting shot scene is so fast that you don’t get to see anything, I was a bit disappointed to be honest. But the riots and protests in the street coming up to his murder are great, the director really captures a rage that many people feel towards good old George W. One of the protest signs in particular made me laugh, there is a picture of Bush and it says “like a rock”…”Only dumber”.

Overall this movie is watchable. But it does drag a bit. It was also predictable at times and the way they digitally put Bush into scenes was often distracting visually, although sometimes it was perfect.

The directing and editing are the best part of this movie, it really does feel like a documentary and a pretty honest one plus there isn’t any over the top Bush bashing.

This is a movie with an agenda, but it’s not to inspire someone to shoot Bush, it seems to be about reminding us to an open mind on issues and a dialogue about things we believe in.

For a no go or routh I give this a go, but go rent it, not that there are many places to see it in theaters anyway but you will get more out of this movie if you get to form your own opinion, and aren’t distracted by the goof behind you yelling “kill him” in the theater. On a scale of one to ten I give it a seven.

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12 Responses to “Sharon reviews Death of a President”

  1. Chisox says:

    This film is a joke. This isn’t art this is pure garbage. I don’t care what point it’s trying to prove, YOU DONT POTRAY A FICTIONALIZED ASSASINATION OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES IN THIS LIGHT, NOT IN THE CLIMATE WERE LIVING IN.

  2. darren j seeley says:

    While I do think the fictionalized ‘death’ of a current leader is in poor taste - couldn’t the filmmakers have had a “fake” President (and I mean ‘fake’ as in made up, not ‘fake’ as in never should have been in office, just to be clear) and the same story pretty much CAN be told? But what burns me up is that the filmmakers have the gall to say *this* isn’t political, and that the film gets festival awards because of it.

    So Bush isn’t shown that much. La de da. How about Chaney, what does Chaney do in this film? What’s that? An innocent man is accused under his watch and isn’t given due process? Hmmm? What? Chaney is in the process of creating a police state while ignoring a bigger bloodbath in Iraq?? Really? Hmmm. Hey, what a great idea, let’s make a film about people still alive, have pre-concieved leftist ideas about them and what they might do. No, let’s also say in a fictitious story what they won’t do in real life.

    Rang can skirt around it as much as he wants, he’s full of hot air. The film is extreme left wing political. It is in poor taste.

    Hey, don’t gimmie that look. These folks opened pandora’s box; not me. Either Gabriel Rang stands by his statement, or he does not. Let’s look at that, shall we?

    “.. I believe that sometimes it is not only acceptable for art to be outrageous – it is necessary”

    Very well. Let’s have a fictitious documentary about Hilary Clinton’s murder plot to off Monica Lewinsky once and for all, years after the fact, how she castrated her husband, the Ex-President, and the conspiracy to cover it all up…and how she had her own little bedroom romp with a hunky Secret Service Agent, with whips, cuffs and candle wax. Or how about a fictitous documentary about if John Kerry was elected, and after *his* assassination, the remainder of his staff pulled out all the leftover troops in Iraq…so they could *nuke it all*, and be done with it. Why not, if it is “acceptable for art to be outrageous and necessary”?

    ..and have those filmmakers behind *those* films to say it isn’t political. That it is a work of cinematic art, nothing more, nothing less. They should be the darlings of the film festivals that they play in, be called ‘daring and innovative, challenging’…

    Hmm Hmm. Won’t ever happen.

    HOWEVER, I **also** draw the line when there is a deal to distribute the film domestically and theatre chains say no because of possible contreversy. Release the film; people can still “vote” what movie they wish to see or not wish to see at that given time.

    Oddly (and I’m surprised nobody has posted it yet) the comedy “Borat” is also coming under fire, as Fox slashed the number of theaters in which it plans to open Borat domestically to 800 from more than 2000, although this was due to low test scores.

  3. sharon dewitt says:

    Darren have you seen this movie? Because of you haven’t then you are having preconcieved right-ist views about this movie. I am surprised at you.

  4. Zuke says:

    Darren J Seeley - excellent comments. A movie for entertainment depicting the assassination of any real living person is in pretty poor taste.

    Beyond that, imagine if there had been a movie about JFK being assassinated, prior to his actual killing. And then it really happened, say, just as it was portrayed in the movie. Would the movie still be defended as “art”?

  5. Zuke says:

    p.s. Sharon - I do enjoy your reviews!

  6. Chisox says:

    Sharron just admit you are a liberal and you hate George Bush.

  7. sharon dewitt says:

    Ok I am a liberal and I hate Bush. I’ve waxed for years.

  8. darren j seeley says:

    Sharon, I’m not exactly left or right. I’m stuck somewhere in between, like a sandwich.

    I also disaprove of the film not being shown in the majority of theatres. I will not name names, and I do not ask friends where they obtain such things, but I have seen the film, although it was poor quality due to (ahem) “technical diffulties”. I would have rather opted to have seen it in a, shall we say, different venue.

    and don’t the filmmakers’ imply that Chaney sign something called “Patriot Act 3″ which grants more Big Brother like power to those in power (Republicans/Religous right) ? Maybe I missed out on that intepetation somehow?

  9. Lou_Sytsma says:

    No problem with art pushing the envelope. The issue here is, the movie is about what would happen after a president is executed. Making it Bush is, in my opinion poor taste, and smacks of nothing more than a cheap publicity stunt.

    If the filmmaker has a good story to tell, using a fictional president will not diminish its impact.

  10. sharon dewitt says:


    Yes they do have a part in the movie that talks about the Pariot Act 3, but I don’t think they used the words “big brother like powers to those in control”. America already has that power today. I do agree that is is a politcal movie. But it is still entertaining and I didn’t think it was a extreme leftist view.

    I dissagree that using a fictional president wouldn’t diminish the impact. Of course it would diminish it impact, we aren’t emotionally invested in President Bob Willowbark being assasinated as everyone would be if Bush got shot.

    The movie was made to get people talking, for publicity no doubt but also for the sake of a public and open dialoug about the people who rule our countries.

    It seems to have worked.

  11. Lou_Sytsma says:

    The purported purpose of this movie is to show what could possibly happen AFTER a president is assassinated. Using Bush gets people talking, but about the wrong thing. Ergo, the decision to use a real president backfired. Using a fictional president obviously based on Bush would have been the best approach.

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