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Plane Dead

Ok, now this is getting ridiculous… and yet… I can’t look away from it. SO you thought SNAKES on a plane was a tough thing to deal with? Well how about ZOMBIES on a plane. Yup… you read that right boys and girls. There’s a movie coming out called “Plane Dead” that’s basically…. well… Zombies on a Plane.

Here’s the quick synopsis:

A deadly virus is unleashed aboard a 747, changing a group of occupants into “un-dead” killers. A handfull of survivors must fight to stay alive on the flight.

Oh my goodness gracious me. And it gets even better! There is a trailer up and online for it already. To see the Plane Dead trailer you can just head on over here and check it out at the official site. There are also some picture galleries and stuff already up as well.

Thanks to Michael for the heads up.

23 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. TM

    What a shame of a movie. Do people no longer have respect for the cinema to create such things?

    Very sad indeed…

  2. Bishop

    This is not Cinema, this is not a Film, this is a Movie. A Movie.
    Sometimes I think we get so caught up being serious about our love of all things film, that we forget to sometimes sit back and just have a good laugh, have some fun.

    We watched this trailer last week and OMG does it look fun.

    I didn’t say good, (although who knows? We could be surprised)I just mean plain old fun.

  3. Norddeth

    Is this an Oscar contender? no
    30 million opening weekend? no

    A DVD you pop in on a Halloween night spent on the couch with a lady friend? fuck yes

    Good, silly fun, count me in!!


  4. Bishop

    John, I thought you were avoiding the whole zombie thing for a while?

  5. Red Steven

    Just so you know, I’m pretty sure this was in the works long before anyone had heard of Snakes on a Plane. And there was that scorpions on a plane movie that came out five years back, too.

  6. wolf

    I’m not a huge zombie fan, but this looks like a fun flick. I like the idea of it being on a plane.

  7. Dan

    Ever had one of those moments when you had an idea for a movie that you thought would kick so much ass and then about a month down the road you discovered that the idea is already being made into a movie? Somebody took my idea…damn.

  8. simon

    Ok I know it looks like a Snakes on a plane want be. I can’t wait for it I am going to blog about it on my site and myspace. I think there is a new kind of genre out there call Plane Horror. Maybe I was right when I walk out of Snakes on plane and telling my friend that film is ahead of is time. But I am also the type of guy who loves watching those bad horror movies that go straight to video. That what I wanted to make when I was in Film school. Thanks for posting this blog John.

  9. darren j seeley

    Red Steven: that wasn’t “Tail Sting” was it?
    No, don’t ask me how I know these things.

    As for this Plane Dead, I hope it isn’t just plain dead, and I am curious if the action takes place in coach.

  10. Prophecy

    Bad news…it’s copying a movie that was a dud.

    Good news…maybe they can learn from SOAP and make a wicked film.

  11. Dre

    inevitable really :-)

  12. Bunk

    I worked on this film. It’s got hot girls and zombies and blood and gore. If they market it right and thanks to the movie blog it’s already bigger then most low budget films being out here now. Mad props to the web. Check out my website and see who I roll with.


  13. Marco Shimomoto

    Guys, this is not supposed to be art or to be intelligent. It’s a f***ing zombie movie. Just have fun, like all zombie movies.
    (I just had a semi-identical post on my blog, Campea :D )

  14. simon

    Marco Shimomoto is right it is not supposed to be art or to be intelligent. The way I look at these bad Horror movies are just to have a good time it is not the next winner of the Cannes film festival.

  15. paulm

    I think this sounds great. Snakes on a Plane sounded dumb to me, and I avoided seeing it. I can’t wait for this to come out.

  16. DarkKinger

    Was Snakes on a Plane a good movie?


    Did it top the Box Office?


    Did the movie kick ass while everyone else were too scared of the hype?


    Man, I enjoyed SOAP for the soul fact that it was going to be an enjoyable pice of shit! I knew from the get-go it was going to be stupid; if only the studio could’ve added that to their ads, maybe more people might have shown up.

    Now, it’s time to kill those motherfuckin’ zombies on the motherfuckin’ plane! Will this movie bomb better than Snakes on a Plane? Maybe, but I forgive it is it has the same fun cheese factor from SOAP.

    Either way, they’re going to the Grindhouse!

  17. JohnIan

    Red Steven is correct.

    “Plane Dead” was announced awhile back. Long BEFORE “Snakes On A Plane”. In fact when I head about SOP I thought they dropped the zombies and inserted reptiles. Nope. It’s a different movie.

    Maybe about a year ago I head about this flick, then squat. It sounds stupid, but stupid features can still be very entertaining.

  18. JohnIan

    I checked my archive. Yup. Yes it was.

    The movie’s original title was “Flight Of The Dead”, announced in April of 2004.

  19. paulm

    I just checked out the trailer, it looks cool. I like the “Flight of the Dead” title better.

  20. Red Steven

    You’re right, Flight of the Dead is a far better title. And yes, Darren, it was Tail Sting.

    On a side note, I just picked up a dopuble pack of 1970’s made-for-tv nature runs amok flicks, one of which is Tarantulas, in which the title characters get loose on a plane. Good stuff.

  21. carl

    i dont give a shit, i love zombie movies no matter how bad they are.bring it on

  22. Cain

    Is this definatly going to be a theatre release? I was getting the impression by the website that it would be straight to DVD.

  23. Meli

    Zombies? I’m in! =D

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