This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 25th, 2006 at 11:12 am.
Categories: News Chat | By Sharon

The Rocky Horror Picture Show is a classic, an amazing feat of music and creativity and it would be a shame to tarnish it with a bad remake/update, but if they are going to do it then I can think of no one more suited to play in it than Marilyn Manson. The people over at give us this:

although this next one I cannot confirm until I hear of some other people who happened to catch it on TV. B-D reader ‘Time Warper’ writes in to B-D, “In a recent interview with E!, shock-rocker Marilyn Manson revealed that 20th Century Fox has approached him to star as the sweet transvestite, Dr. Frank-N-Furter, in an update of the cult classic The Rocky Horror Picture Show, tentatively titled Rocky Horror.” Rumors about a remake have been floating around for months… and who better than Manson to join the horror? We’ll keep you posted and confirm as soon as we know, until then keep this under rumor.

Here’s the synopsis: A newly engaged couple have a breakdown in an isolated area and must pay a call to the bizarre residence of Dr. Frank-N-Furter.

Sounds exactly like the original. I guess they will have to update it with cellphones and breast implants, not story lines. This is one movie that I wouldn’t mind having a sequel of. It would be fun to see the continuing saga of sex, song and rock and role in the land of naughty transvestites. But it’s an updated remake and that has it’s appeal. There are a few things going for it and a few thing going against it.

What may go wrong: Manson’s acting, the guy likes to appear cool, too cool sometimes and for a role like this you have to be able to make an absolute jackass out of yourself. The envelope could be pushed too far and it may end up being gratuitously shocking in all the bad ways, also the music could be terrible, if is all new songs the chances go way up for badness. Finally people may riot in the streets at the mention of someone trying to outdo the original.

What I’m hoping for in this movie: cool new takes on the original music by Marilyn Manson, even sexier outfits with quality gender bending that pushes but doesn’t rip the envelope, seeing if Manson can act and, of course, dancing the Time Warp again.

My gut feeling says that it will be good, but not as good as the original.

18 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. carl

    tim curry was awesome,lets hope marylyn can do the role justice…

  2. Sean

    There was a sequel already I believe, it’s called Shock Treatment.

    As for this remake, I really think that Rocky Horror is one of those movies that cannot be remade. I’m not saying that as a purist (I don’t even really like the movie), I just can’t see a new version working — with or without Marilyn Manson. There are far too many unique elements in the original that can never be replicated.

    - Sean

  3. miles

    problem with this is manson can only sing in one key and relies on screams/superb studio work to sound passable on albums.

    he dosn’t have the voice to carry a burleque show type atmosphere.

    i also think he takes himself a little to seriously for this role.

    i would watch a remake though, but manson is a bad choice. all he has is the name and look.

  4. lizardfreak

    Shock Treatment was horrible, and seeing a remake of Rocky Horry would be excellent. But is they don’t kick up the music, and have even less of a plot than the original…then fuck, it would suck! The thing about Frank-N-Furter is, the fact Tim Curry did such a good job, was the best actor in the whole damn film, and the most energetic, (not to mention he looked friken hot!) Manson is not n actor, and sure is hell no Tim Curry. And Rocky Horror is such a big cult classic with so many fans, you have to be careful how you approach it. I’m not saying you have to only aim to please die hard fans, that would be bullshit..but who isn’t a diehard fan?

    Shock Treatment should be remade, so many problems came up during its production, the story Richard O’ Brien had just wasn’t made, instead it was turned into a piece of shit due to filming location and budget cuts which destryoed what a piece of gold it could have been. The songs were just as bad, I only liked 2, one being the main song Shock Treatment.

    Shock Treatment should be remade, with what O’ Brien origgnally intended it to be. And speaking of that god, is he too old to return as Riff-Raff? At any rate, SHock Treatment should be remade, not Rocky Horror, although a new Rocky Horror would be awsome if done correctly. Theres is great possibilty that Mansons style could bring a certain charm to the film. This isn’t a bad idea,I’ve tasted blood, and I want more!

  5. darren j seeley

    There are a few things that need to be said.

    First, what made ‘Rocky Horror’ Rocky Horror was the fanbase and/or audience participation. Even the newer generation has gotten in on the act, with the dress up, the rice and the peanut butter, the whole damn thing. Remaking the movie itself would seem pointless. (and it is as if, without the audience participation, RHPS is actually not that great of a movie, just intentionally campy bad to be good)

    I can’t say anything about ‘Shock Treatment’, like most I consider it like a bastard stepchild.

    And no, O’Brien isn’t too old to play Riff Raff, should he wish to do so.

    In any case, this is a boring conversation and the point of it all is moot.
    In other words, Manson was never approached. Fox isn’t remaking the film, at least with him in it.

  6. borloff

    I rather enjoyed Shock Treatment.

    I’d be up for a RHPS remake. Just to see what they do with it. If they take it in a wierd, dark direction (which i think is a wonderful approach)…. then MM is the Tranny for the job.

  7. Marina

    I’m not a fan of musicals and hence not a fan of Rocky Horror so I don’t have any personal opinion on whether this should or shouldn’t be remade. On the other hand, I completely agree that casting Manson could be a huge disaster. Sure he could fit the part with limited make-up from the folks on set and the guy sings (if you can call it that…and yes, I’m a fan) but this just doesn’t seem like enough reason to cast him.

  8. Manson-Freak

    fuck yeah this is gonna be awesome
    i loved the original. but i love manson. so im hyper about this issue

  9. douglas.nerad

    Generally I’m not a fan of remakes. It’s the idea Hollywood is out of ideas and scraping what already exists in an attempt to make a buck. However, if they do remake it I rather hope they cast Jack Black to play Meatloaf’s old role!

  10. lizardfreak

    Jack Black as Eddie = freakin brilliant!!!

  11. Laura Ross

    I have been hearing these rumors for years but it will be interesting to see. You’ll have a lot of Tim Curry purists protesting, but face it, a whole lot of people have played Dr. Frank N Furter over the years including me, and I for one am not opposed to seeing Manson play the role. He did a great job in Party Animal so we know he can do drag!

  12. Laura Ross

    By the way, along with my friend Sean I do a Rocky Horror podcast called Rocky Horror Pod Show which you can find at We’ll be happy to mention this there.

  13. HandnHalfSword

    The trouble with doing a remake of a classic is that you have to be twice as good as the original to be as good as the original.

    Take Johnny Depp’s remake of Willy Wonka. Had there never been a Willy Wonka staring Gene Wilder, Depp’s version would have been quite interesting. I’m sure the Depp version cost a lot more than the Wilder version. But I’d rather watch the original anyway.

    I think it will be the same case here.

  14. Mark Miller

    I would think that the campy nature of the film and it’s link to the 1970’s would rule out an outright re-make….however if they took a tongue-in-cheek aproach and did something close to what they did with The Brady Bunch and do a continuation/comedy remake where they force the costumes to look exactly like the original (as a tip of the hat to fan following)and use original locations and rebuild sets to resemble the original movie, that sort of thing with guest appearances by original cast members and a real effort towards the music I think it would be more acceptable by all in general.

  15. PJ Gaynard

    Redoing The Rocky Horror Picture Show is a horrible idea. The original is still in theatrical release and has been for 30 years.

    Taking advantage of that fan base and marketing a movie to them is a great idea though. Consider making a movie about a shadow cast (the group who acts it out below the screen). There are several documentaries about these people already.

    Or consider making another sequel to Rocky entitled “Revenge of the Old Queen”. A script has been batted around the internet in various forms for years. O’Brien himself has even talked of mounting “Revenge…” into a stage show. In it Janet is pregnant. Brad left her. Frank isn’t dead but fighting his way through the club scene building a new legion of sexual perverts. And the Old Queen returns from Transexual to find her favorite Frankenfurter. Thats where the money is.

  16. james

    i very much enjoyed the original Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Tim Curry did one hell of a job - but i also think Marilyn Manson would also do one hell of a job ( the original will always be my fav. no matter what) Marilyn Manson is very talented ……….so i say go for it

  17. jennifer

    to remake RHPS is both disturbing and disappointing. marilyn manson is twisted enough for the part but he’s not tim curry. and riff raff richard o’brien IS riff raff and meatloaf IS eddie. hey why not jack black as eddie and sebastian bach as riff raff. i just hope the the remake holds up to the original or alot of true fans will be really bummed out . i know i will be

    don’t dream it be it

  18. Johnathon Reedy

    Social networking site MySpace is to block users from uploading copyrighted music to its pages…

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