Hey Look! Street Fighter! Just what we neede.. oh .. wait.

I guess you can file this under “Releases we weren’t expecting” or perhaps”Releases I won’t notice.”

To be fair, I might be jumping the gun on that one, but looking at history gone by, this can’t be a good idea. (Although the guy who wrote it, Justin Marks, just finished a “Voltron” script, which I find terribly funky.)

You may remember “Street Fighter” being released 12 years ago - but, let’s be realistic: - No you don’t. Geez, I’ll be honest, I had to look it up. That may work in their favour as the “remake” / “re-attempt” is slated for your eyeballs sometime in 2008 - apparently marking its irrelevant 14th year anniversary.

I may be committing what the filmmakers don’t want - which is a comparison. As the new film has nothing to do with the first one - as far as I’ve read. They’re keeping the plot line [smirk] under wraps because, I’m guessing it’ll just, like, completely blow your mind. Although we do know the film will center around Chun Li, y’know, everyone’s favourite female character in the game - who will also, no doubt, have cleavage that practically covers her face. Lara Croft who?

Source: Variety & Movieweb


  • 1. Norddeth replies at 31st October 2006, 1:45 pm :

    How do you not remember Street Fighter!!

    Jean Claunde Van Dam!!!!!!!

    Thats like saying you dont remember Double Dragon!! you know, with that guy from Party of Five, lol


  • 2. alfie replies at 31st October 2006, 3:11 pm :

    the first street fighter movie is the best video game movie ever made.

  • 3. Fender Strat replies at 31st October 2006, 5:54 pm :

    I’ve read that this is going to be animated. Which is odd cause there was already an animated Street Fighter 2 film made in the early 90s and it was pretty good.

  • 4. sebastian replies at 31st October 2006, 7:02 pm :

    Perhaps you should check your sources one more time before you say something like this.

    “sometime in 2008 - apparently marking its irrelevant 14th year anniversary”

    It’s not going to be released in 2008 marking AN IRRELEVANT 14th anniversary of the first movie, but of the GAME FRANCHISE.

    I think, that if you’re not interested in the project, you’d better avoid making a comment like this one. And once again, you’d better check your sources instead of talking free!

  • 5. sebastian replies at 31st October 2006, 7:10 pm :

    forgot to mention… 20th anniversary of the game franchise

  • 6. Marina replies at 31st October 2006, 7:40 pm :

    Hey dude. I’d totally watch a Chun Li movie. That chick kicks so much ass. Literally.

  • 7. Neil Honky replies at 31st October 2006, 8:15 pm :

    im sure if its a proper film about the game it WILL NOT follow chun li.
    ryu and akuma seems to be the main storyline of the series followed by the m.bison stufff…

    yeah im going into geek mode.

  • 8. Chisox replies at 31st October 2006, 8:25 pm :

    Hopefully it does not get the Electra treatment or becomes a strait to DVD release. Chung Li is a sexy bitch, I could see Zhang Ziyi playing her. I’ll cross my finger on this one.



  • 9. Chisox replies at 31st October 2006, 8:28 pm :

    If they film this on a green screen I’ll be fucking happy as hell.

  • 10. Chase Murata replies at 31st October 2006, 10:54 pm :

    Well, it can only get better.

    And as big of a Street Fighter fan as I am, I’d rather this be an animated movie, than a live-action flick.

  • 11. Daniel replies at 1st November 2006, 5:24 pm :

    Come on,
    you´re trying to make me believe that a movie nerd writing in a blog that is mostly concerned in comic adaptations doesn´t recall the street figther movie???
    I guess someone woke up today and thought he was something better than he already is, so he wondered: why the hell should i say something good about a movie that i know nothing about?
    I kinda keep up with this blog, but i’ve got no cue who the hell is this Wormwood all of a sudden, and where he bought this attitude…
    I’ll wait until Campea says something about this flick. Reasonably.

  • 12. Wormwood replies at 1st November 2006, 6:33 pm :

    Oh, I’m sorry Daniel.

    Perhaps I should introduce myself. I’m “wormwood” you may me remember as one of the guys that helped start this blog 4 years ago. In fact, there was a time in there where I was running it all by myself, under a different name mind you, but apparently, you’ve been around long enough to remember that.

    Sorry if I didn’t make that clear, I must be a dork ‘all of a sudden’.

    My apologies if you liked the first Street Fighter movie. Which, frankly, I’m glad I know very little about.

  • 13. Sean replies at 1st November 2006, 9:28 pm :

    Gosh Daniel, do you ever read this site? “a blog that is mostly concerned in comic adaptations”

    I just looked at the list of the last 100 posts. Yeah, 4 of them were about comic book adaptations. For the mathamatically impaired, that 4% of the posts.

    Maybe you should look into something before making a wild statement like that again.

  • 14. sebastian replies at 2nd November 2006, 11:49 am :

    Where do you keep your humility? In fact, what makes you believe you’re better than you are for placing a statement like “i’m glad i know very little about”. Do you really think you can do it better? What have you done to make films better? I must believe that you’re almost a genious!
    I, frankly must admit, I didn’t like the first Street Fighter movie… in fact, it sucked… but c’mon, let’s give it a chance, and if you don’t give a s*** about it, why do you care making comments about it? Just to make you feel superior??? In that case, I must say, I’m sorry about you and your attitudes.
    Moreover, as I say before, you should check your sources and information before placing an arrogant statement like “marking AN IRRELEVANT 14th anniversary” when the cause is the 20th Anniversary of the VideoGame Franchise.

    And yeah, I loved that game!

  • 15. Wormwood replies at 3rd November 2006, 2:02 am :

    Hello Sebastian.
    Let me answer your 2 main questions:

    1) “Do you really think you can do it better - What have you done to make films better?”

    Well, first off: hi.
    Have you ever owned your own farm?
    Ever grown and harvested and exported crops?
    Ever raised livestock and slaughtered them for meat?


    Then How the hell would you know what food tastes good? - You think you can grow it better? — Ohhhhhh .. wait.. it’s because you have to EAT IT. That’s right. Your extensive experience of EATING food, gives you a good taste of what -get this- what you LIKE and DON’T LIKE. Sorry, but your question is an attempt to protect your opinion in the movie. I don’t hate you man. You like the movie/genre: fine. I have no problem with that. Getting pissed raises your blood pressure. Relax. Geez.

    2) “why do you care making comments about it?”
    Truthfully, the answer is: Because you do. We wouldn’t post anything if nobody read it. Someone will find it interesting, namely you - and here you are.

    I’m sorry about the fact that disagreeing with someone makes you hate them, but you’ll need to work on that in your own time.

  • 16. Daniel replies at 3rd November 2006, 1:20 pm :

    First of all, MY BAD!!! It was really pretentious of me to have overlooked the fact that this blog is kinda old. If you helped its start then, so you really shouldn’t have to introduce yourself. I must apologize.
    Despite of that, for the last year i can honestly say that i´ve been always reading it, and the fact that you wrote something that was so out of the line of what the blog means today, made me wonder why you did it.
    This blog isn´t about comic books and nerd stuff???? What about the once-a-week transformers posts??? Is that a regular movie critic thing?
    Of course everyone who´s interested in reading this blog, in this Campea’s era (you have to agree with me here), is somehow found of comics and sequels. IT IS A REALLY CHILDISH BLOG, and if no one had realized that, than they should. I kinda like it that way.
    That´s why the post made me comment it: you really should´ve thought that you would make a street fighter fan piss off.
    Not because the first movie was good, or the second will be (obviously), but because i cared about the game, and don’t want to know that you don´t like it without even remebering it.
    So, please, don’t do that again… You look a reasonabe guy from what you’ve said in the last comment. But you have to eat the meat(and like the cow) to bash the farmer, ok?
    I enjoy criticism too, but let’s be rational.
    Sorry for my fanboy attitude, take care.

  • 17. sebastian replies at 3rd November 2006, 5:54 pm :

    Wormwood, brilliant!!! Really great…

    Perhaps you did’t notice, but this is http://www.judymoodymovie.com, not http://www.howtopisspeoplewithcomments.com.

    First of all, I have done NOTHING helping film industry to be better, just like you… but perhaps you don’t notice, I don’t manage a blog called “the movie blog” which, as i think most do, is expected to bring some cool info about future films, news about productions, actors, directors, roumors, etc., and not arrogants points of view of “i don’t care about it, so I must show the world how much it will suck” (and of course, i will write about it everything that comes to my mind… 2008-1994… ‘yeah 14th anniversary’, nobody will notice i know nothing about what i am talking about). This attitude is called ‘lack of professionalism’.

    I don’t hate you man, not at all. I just feel sorry for that arrogant position that you have making everybody notice “hi I founded this blog, so my word is the truth in here, or at least, it is better than your truth”.

    As a matter of fact, I just have to believe what a friend told me: “Internet gave them the space to talk… It’s up to you whether you’re going to take or leave it”

  • 18. Wormwood replies at 3rd November 2006, 7:06 pm :

    “Perhaps you did’t notice, but this is http://www.judymoodymovie.com”

    — And If I have a thought about -hang on- movies, then I’m going to post it. My post was about the next Street Fighter movie - and my opinion about it. That’s why we started a blog in the first place. If you just want facts, go download a news RSS feed.

    “First of all, I have done NOTHING helping film industry to be better, just like you… ”

    - I won’t detail this, but there’s a reason I write under an alias. And there’s a reason I haven’t been around for months at a time. Your statement isn’t entirely correct.

    I fail to see how liking your own opinion is arrogant. HOWEVER, The second I insult you and call you “stupid” for liking something, feel free to call me on it.

    It’s funny that you mention, word for word: “lack of professionalism” -you should listen to John’s last Audio Edition.

    You’re making it sound like I’m made a post flagging my position. I didn’t even mention who I was until I was insulted by someone else. Read the post again. From the post 1) I don’t care for the 1st movie. And have my doubts about the next. There’s nothing wrong with that.

    I’m done playing defence in a street fighter thread.

  • 19. John Campea replies at 3rd November 2006, 9:59 pm :

    Wormwood understands more about the movie business then any of you here (including me). And sebastian, the only one here out of line is you.

    Lots of other movie sites to read. Go to one of them if all you want to do is troll.


  • 20. Kevin replies at 3rd July 2007, 10:51 am :

    ENTER YOUR COMMENTS HERE. Make sure you fill out the box below this one before submitting your comment

    Hello!!! Street Fighter hardcore fans!!! Street Fighter back in 1994 was supposed to be an Oscar award-winning film with realistically video game iconic characters they all are it’s just Steven De, Souza didn’t research the video games long enough. Now, Street Fighter has a chance to be different and Oscar material with more realisitic versions of the World Warriors instead of making them less than that. Jean-Claude Van Damme as Colonel William Guile and the late Raul Julia as General Michael M. Bison had the best costumes. Jean and Raul were the stars pf Street Fighter in 94. in, 2008, lests bring in even bigger stars this time, I would cast Zhang Ziyi, Devon Aoki who played another video game icon diva Princess Kasumi in DOA. and last Kelly Hu, she looks definitely like Chun-Li Zang her and Devon Aoki look more like Chun-Li. last thing Cammy White I would choose Holly Valance she wwas in DOA as Christie Allen, Jessica Biel she is super sexy and was great as Abigail Whistler in Blade Trinity. and last, I’m thinking of another blonde i would go with Trish Stratus she is a former WWE Women’s Diva champion very athletic or Amy Christine Dumas aka Lita can go blonde and play Cammy White shecan also, take Karate, because Cammy is a trained Lieutenat officer for Delta Red in the video games and Comic Books. That’s All Folks!!! Game Ovahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Raul Julia General M. Bison!!!

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