Halo Is Dead - And the 4 Great Bullshits That Followed

Posted by on 31. 10. 2006in News Chat

The Halo movie project has been a total disaster from almost day one. Joke after joke has followed in its footsteps since its inception and today the final nail was put in its coffin (for now anyway, like a zombie it will return at some point in the not too distant future I’m sure).

Yup, from cancelled release dates, the hiring of a director who has never worked on any movie in any capacity in his life, more moved release dates, claiming they loved their script only to scrap it later and hire a totally different writer, refusing to budge on their own profit numbers in order to accommodate Fox and Universal, getting dumped by the studios, failing to find another studio… and now this. They’ve officially announced that all pre-production on Halo has been stopped and the film is on the shelf. The good folks at AICN give us this official press release from Wingnut Film (Peter Jacksons company) and Microsoft:

“As was previously confirmed, we deeply regret that both Universal and Fox did not choose to move forward with financing the Halo film under the original terms of the agreement. At this time Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh, along with their partner, Microsoft, have mutually agreed to postpone making a feature film based on the Halo video game universe until we can fulfill the promise we made to millions of Halo fans throughout the world that we would settle for no less than bringing a first class film to the big screen. We are fully supportive of Director Neill Blomkamp’s vision of the film. Neill is a tremendously gifted filmmaker and his preliminary work on Halo is truly awe-inspiring. While it will undoubtedly take a little longer for Halo to reach the big screen, we are confident that the final feature film will be well worth the wait.”

So there you have it. It’s done. There is so much BULLSHIT coming from Bungie and Microsoft… and I’ll say it… Peter Jackson, that it makes the head spin. So here is the 4 great BULLSHITS coming from the Halo camp:


Remember this bullshit line last week that Bungie made when Fox and Universal pulled out? So here’s my question for the bullshiters: If you’re not concerned about “the numbers” yourself… then why didn’t you agree to Fox’s and Universal’s request to give them a bigger percentage to lessen their financial risk and lower your own percentage? Oh that’s right… BECAUSE YOU’RE CONCERNED ABOUT THE NUMBERS TOO! Hypocrites.


This is such a joke. What vision? They did the script without Blomkamp’s input. They started pre-production without him. They did the freaking storyboards without him. So if you did the script, structured the story and even began work on the movie all before you even hired the guy… HOW THE HELL IS IT HIS VISION???? Nice attempt at spin.


This is a huge bullshit. If they believed in the project so much… then why don’t they PAY FOR THE DAMN THING THEMSELVES??? Microsoft has more money than Fox and Universal combined. Don’t believe the bullshit, if Microsoft actually believed Halo the movie could be a financial success, they would have put their own damn money up for it and production would already be well underway. But instead they wanted other people to pay for it who wouldn’t care about “the numbers”.


Remember when they said this just last week to make it sound like other people were just waiting to step up to the plate to replace Fox and Universal? Yeah… well that was all bullshit too. They weren’t in negotiations… they were out BEGGING other studios to pick the project up. And as I predicted just last week, no one was stupid enough to bite.

Look, I love Indiana Jones… but I call bullshit when I see it. And everything we’ve heard from Lucas, Speilberg and Ford has been bullshit. Indiana Jones 4 ain’t ever getting made. I don’t hate Halo at all… as a matter of fact I love all sci-fi… but I call bullshit when I see it, and this whole Halo mess has been bullshit from day 1, and I’ve called it the whole way.

So now ladies and gentlemen, I’m going to take on the character of “arrogant jackass prick” and say something a few commentors have suggested I say since last week. Ready? Ahemmmm…..


Ok, that felt good.

I have no doubt Halo will return at some point. But maybe they’ll get it right and just do it as a full 3D animated kick ass action sci-fi flick. I think that would be better suited, but maybe not. It’s just a sugestion.

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84 Responses to “Halo Is Dead - And the 4 Great Bullshits That Followed”

  1. carl says:


  2. Jay says:

    The character fits you well, John…

    It fits you well…

  3. John Campea says:

    Oh come on now Jay… don’t be that way :P

  4. Jay says:

    Oh, dude…
    I really am just kidding.

    You’ll notice that I didnt say I disagreed with anything you said.
    Because I dont. I think you are spot on, except for the negotiations part. Begging is just a sad, pitiful variation of negotiations :P

  5. Servant of Krom says:

    Campea, you are often dead wrong. But, I’ll give credit where credit is due. You did indeed call this since day 1 and you were right all along. I conceede and bend a knee. For now. LOL

  6. nova says:

    Everytime you post about Halo I get a warm feeling in my stomach… Like when you and Doug talk about romance in action movies….

  7. Senor Chefy- AKA Chark Hammis says:


    You made us look like fools, WingBungiesoft. You made us look like fools.

  8. John Campea says:

    “Begging is just a sad, pitiful variation of negotiations”


  9. Jay says:

    you liked that one, did ya?

  10. FredoTeabaggins says:

    This post confirms why I now spend my time at AICN and CHUD. Better writing and less rubbing your nose in dogshit. But hey, that’s John’s trademark, so I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised.

  11. FredoTeabaggins says:

    One more thing: John, you don’t work for Microsoft, Bungie or Wingnut. You haven’t visited New Zealand to see pre-production work, read a script, interviewed the director, someone from Bungie or Peter Jackson, so your assumptions are just that. You are an arrogant prick.

  12. Jay says:

    As soon as I read this at Comingsoon.net I knew what was coming, so no surprises here either.

    It’s John’s way of expressing himself.
    It’s endearing… childlike, but endearing.

  13. Bishop says:

    Clearly you do spend your time at AICN and CHUD. Why else would you post here?

    Clearly a man who runs a blog is allowed to post his ideas and thoughts and predictions on his own blog.

    Clearly when a man is right, he is right.

    If John was wrong he would be the first one to admit he was wrong. So when he is right, why do you jump on his ass when he admits he is right?

    Just wondering, seemingly angry and frustrated persons.

  14. Jay says:

    And now, Ladie and gentlemen…

    Let the as kissing bandwagon now begin boarding.
    Those of you with tickets know who you are.

  15. Bishop says:

    Sorry Fredo.
    I have to apologise now.
    I see why you are angry.
    Have a nice day.

  16. carl says:

    ahhh fredo you are so bitter!

  17. John Campea says:

    Hey Fredo,

    You’re right:

    - I’m just assuming Halo has been canceld
    - I’m just assuming the scritp to Halo was done before they had their director
    - I’m just assuming they changed release years 3 times
    - I’m just assuming They got dumped by Fox and Uni
    - I’m just assuming they started pre-production before Neil was there
    - I’m just assuming they accused Fox of Uni of being just conerned about the nubmers
    - I’m just assuming Microsoft is richer than any 10 studios put together
    - I’m just assuming other studios turned them down
    - I’m just assuming they claimed to already be in negotiations with other studios

    Yup… I sure do assume a lot. Oh wait… those were all facts. Oh well… details detail eh Fredo?

  18. anonymousbrain says:

    Fredo Teabaggins,
    Funny name. That took some creativity so you can’t be completely out of touch, but this is John’s site. He gets to brag about the fact that he was right when just about everyone called him an idiot who doesn’t know what he was talking about.

    You’re just pissed that John has a successful site that is growing very well.


  19. Allan says:

    This totally sucks! I’ve been dying for this movie ever since I heard about it. But you’re right, it has been one giant shit ball mess. I like the idea of a 3D animated movie better at this point. They could do a lot more with it and it would be a hell of a lot cheaper to make too.

    Shit. Oh well.

  20. Tom says:

    You know, the Halo movie doesn’t mean much to me, but honestly, John…

    …you’re a douche.

    And go ahead and say ‘But TOm itz johns site he can say he wantz lolz’ because that’s true too, but he’s still a douche. Saying what he wants just removes all doubt.

  21. FredoTeabaggins says:

    This IS John’s site. It’s an open forum. I think he’s an hyper-opinionated jackass with a bunch of followers who have their noses so firmly inserted in his ass that if he moves suddenly their noses might break off. He can think I’m wrong, a loser fan-boy, whatever. It doesn’t bother me. I just appreciated the opportunity to put my voice out their, just as John does. The only difference is when you disagree with John he cries like a little girl.

  22. Allan says:

    Tom help me out. He’s a douche for what? pointing out he was right when everyone was bashing him this whole time and calling him names and saying he was wrong? This makes him a douche? Well you’re a douche for saying that.

  23. Darth-T says:

    Fredo your such a suck. You’re the one crying like a little baby right now. You were one of the guys who was giving campea the most shit when he would point all this stuff out before. So instead of saying “ok you were right” you just come here to whine like an infant. Well keep crying. Maybe someone will listen.

  24. John Campea says:

    Dear guys who love me and guys who hate me

    Can we all just grow up and cut the name calling please? Talk about the post. What do you agree with? What don’t you agree with? What do you think will happen with Halo next? You know… mature stuff.

    If you want to disagree with me. Great! That’s how discussion happens.

    If all you want to do is call me names… please just go away.

    If you want to back me up. Great! more discusstion.

    If all you’re going to do is back me up by calling other people names… please just keep it to yourself.

    Grow up and talk about movies. It’s much more interesting than me anyway. :P

  25. Joel Gustafsson says:

    There is going to be another rant on the next audio edition. :)


  26. Jay says:

    For once, I completely agree with Campea.

    I still say that the HALO movie will happen.
    I’m not so sure of the parameters anymore but I still say it’s just a matter of time.

    Whether Bloomkamp will be involved… who knows.
    Even John doesnt KNOW the answer to that one. He has his opinions but thats all they are.

    As for why Microsoft doesnt put up their own money… I just dont know, but it’s a question I’ve asked myself many times.
    200 million is a lot of money, but it’s not like Microsoft and Bungie dont have it. Maybe they are scared. I would be if it was me putting up the entire amount with no one to share the burden. I find it hard to believe that they have NO confidence in the project, otherwise they wouldnt be pushing as hard as they have been to get it made.
    Why would Peter Jackson be involved with a project that has no chance of being a financial success. The idea presented by Campea that Microsoft doesnt believe HALO will be successful is ridiculous. Microsoft just doesnt want the entire financial burden on their shoulders alone. I can fully symathise with them. Just because they dont want to pay for the entire thing themselves doesnt mean they have no confidence in the project.

  27. Senor Chefy- AKA Chark Hammis says:

    Personally, I enjoy a good flame war as long as it stays on topic.

    I think the disagreements with John are not the fact he was shown to be right (owie- that hurt)- it’s the fact he used the news to prove how right he was and “rub noses in it”. Insult to injury and that type of thing. I’m sure it’s validating and vindicating, but I can see where folks might think that’s lame.

    Either way, as I stated above- those who believed and got behind MicroBungienut Films on this were made to look like chumps, while MicroBungienut has shown they are the king masters of overpromising and underdelivering.

    PS- anonymousbrain: Believe me- Fredo is not jealous of “the success” or “growing well” of The Movie Blog. What a silly assumption to make when someone posts an incindiary and contrarian opinion.

  28. John Campea says:


    I just had to delete a couple of comments from people who thinks they’re really cute and kept the name calling up.

    Grow up guys, please. If you disagree (like Jay above) then just make your points and why you think them. Leave the 5 year old stuff at the door please. Ifyou agree with me, you aren’t doing me any favors by calling names back.

  29. Heat says:

    Did the comments you call bullshit come from microsoft or bungie? because although im not the biggest halo fan i do have a lot of respect for bungie if it was all about the money for them there would have been 3 halos on the xbox plus spinoffs like EA would do, and if they did say its not about the money they could be telling the truth even though they are owned by microsoft now it wasnt always that way. Bungie may not feel the same way as microsoft when it comes to the royalties and stuff. I have to admit though i dont know much of the specifics in this situation.

  30. John Campea says:

    Chark is partially right in his observations

    I 100% confess that there is a little bit (but honestly not too much) “nose rubbing” in the post. I don’t deny it at all. But I’m not calling anyone any names or calling people fools who disagreed with me.

    I still havea folder in my Thunderbird called “Halo Hate” that has 139 messages in it from people calling me names and telling me what dumb ass I am for thinking Halo may fail or fall apart.

    I think I’m entitled to just a LITTLE bit of “I told you so”. Maybe some ofyou disagree. Fair enough.

  31. Heat says:

    John i see your not used the childish crap when it comes to videogames. Blind fanboys are the worst thing about the videogame comunity they find any negative comment about there game or system of choice a personal attack. Go to some vidogame forums sometime and see these guys at work its a joke.

  32. John Campea says:

    Hey Fredo,

    Freedom of expression does not extend to abuse here. Make your points, defend them and chat about it. Name calling is not “expression”, it’s lack of intelligence… and I know for a fact from our previous discussions that you don’t suffer from lack of intelligence, so please don’t act like you do.

    I’ll continue to delete people calling you names, and I’ll not allow you to do it.

    If you really hate me and my site and my opinions so much, stop waisting your time here and just move on to something you like.

    Otherwise, your non-name calling input is greatly valued.

  33. Tom says:

    Yeah, and people on movie forums never do that.

  34. John Campea says:

    Hey Tom,

    Yeah we all do it sometimes… and I’m no better. But at some point you gotta put the brtakes on and stop acting like a 5 year old (not you specifically… I mean all of us)

  35. Jason says:

    ok fine I’ll admitt it. I was one of the people who called you nuts. Extract your pound of flesh Shylock. Jerk.

    But seriously, you did say this is what would happen and I’ll give ya that. Even when we all lined up against you ya stood your ground and I respect that. So enjoy your day in the sun johnny boy, I’m sure it won’t last long. LMAO.

  36. Jay says:

    Hey Chark,

    I dont feel like a chump for wishing success on the HALO project, nor do I feel like a chump for believeing it would move forward in a timely, productive manner.

    Do you?

    And if so… why?
    Why would you feel like a chump for being optimistic?

    I’ll take being an optimist over being a pessimist anyday of the week.

    I agree with some of what John said but I disagree with some of it too. I agree that The Halo project is in a little bit of disarray right now and it’s future is uncertain. I disagree with the idea that M.S. has no confidence in the project, but I can see why he thinks that given the fact that Bun/M.S. will not foot the entire bill. I disagree with his assesment of Bllomkamp’s involvementNone of us KNOWS how much he has been involved. He may have been involved in rewrites, he may have been involved in crafting scenes with WETA, He may have been involved in completely redoing the storyboards. My point is, John doesnt KNOW his level of involvment just like the rest of us dont.
    Were there storyboards prior to Bloomkamp? Yes.
    Does that mean that he hasnt done some of his own along with some pre-vis also? No.
    Does anything that happened before Bloomkamp neccessarily mean that Bloomkamp hasnt come in and changed what was there already? Does it mean that he hasnt created his version of HALO in the time that he has been involved? No.
    Do I think Bloomkamp will end up with the job or will he be replaced? I think he will keep the job, but I dont know that for sure nor am I guaranteeing that he will not be replaced. Maybe he will, maybe he wont. None of us knows the outcome, no matter how sure we are of our own opinions.

    If you want to say “I told you so”, then go ahead. It’s your right.
    I dont have to agree with that course of action but in reality you saying “I told you so” doesnt affect me in a negative way. I actually find it humorous.
    If a feeling a vindication and the subsequint rubbing of noses puts a smile on your face then by all means, go ahead and gloat, but dont act surprised by any negative reactions it may produce.
    As for me… I just want to say that if the movie goes forward and is a financial success under the direction of N. Bloomkamp you dont have to worry about me uttering that phrase. Saying “I told you so” just doesnt do anything for me.
    But hey…. to each their own.

    Cant we all just get along?

  37. Jay says:

    I realize that “little bit of disarray” is an understatement.

  38. John Campea says:

    Hey Jay,

    I never intneded for it to make you or anyone else feel bad at all. And if you’ll notice above, i actually cited you as one of the examples of how to properly discuss and debate.

    My only point in the “i told you so” thing was… if I have to be subject to litterally hundreds of messages calling me names for my position on Halo… then I at LEAST get to pound my chest a little bit when it turns out I was right.

    Not for anyone else… just for me. I take A LOT of verbal abuse from people doing this site… so once in a while… on the rare blue moon when it happens… I like to yell: “HA!” :P

  39. Jay says:

    It’s all gravy, brother.

    I have no hate for you or what you said.

    I’m sure you do take a lot of abuse. The danger of the internet, I’m afraid. It affords people the ability to do and say whatever they want to without the fear of the repurcussions they would have to face in the real world.

    I wasnt trying to belittle you, I was just letting you know that I wont partake in that particular course of action if the opposite happens. HALO becomes a success.
    Because in reality, I know that you want a balls out, kick ass sci-fi movie as much as I do. And I also know that you will be pleased as punch if HALO turns out wonderfully.

    And I do appreciate the shout out.

  40. Jay says:

    Buh-Bye, Joe

    Thanks for the memories.

  41. Jay says:

    And no matter what you say,

    Begging is still a form of negotiating.

  42. Jay says:

    All in good fun, dude

  43. Senor Chefy- AKA Chark Hammis says:


    As far as I’m concerned, Halo is the new Star Wars. I don’t feel like a chump for wishing for the success of Halo. I feel like a chump because we defended and defended and defended and bought every party line piped out of Bungie and MS. And that’s the problem. I gobble up everything they do and say and was chock full of optimism, viewing every step as positive (and rightly so, I feel- the fact the studios pulled out wasn’t representative of the quality- that’s all assumption) and this one fell apart. I just don’t like being wrong.

    Of course, part of this bitterness stems from me buying the Halo Trilogy Theme on XBOX Marketplace last night and have it turn out to be an overhyped piece of crap. But I do still wish for the success of the Halo film. I still believe Niell could make this film something to behold.

    In the end, it’s just a movie. And the halo universe is alive, well and still awesome.

  44. Zer00 says:

    Hey John. Grow up.

  45. bullet in the head says:

    Never having owned an X Box, I fall in the camp of don’t care, though I am always up for watching action sci-fi on the big screen, so if it gets made YAY, if not I had no idea what all the fuss was about in the first place anyway.

  46. blah says:

    The game was aiiight. Who was “clamoring” for this movie?

  47. alfie says:

    this isn’t the first film to have development problems….look how long it took to get a superman film - how many writers, directors and actors were hired and fired on that property???…..spider-man went through several phases before it got made - james cameron even had a crack…Lord of the rings got dumped by miramax at the last minute and new line picked it up….but when miramax pulled out it needed a miracle to save it and luckily enough new line did it…..but this stuff happens all the time so I don’t get why this is such a big deal….how long have we been hearing about I Am Legend??fucking years and years it has been in development and they are finally shooting it now (can’t wait as it one of the best stories ever told)

  48. mike says:

    All those bitching sound like little girls who’ve just lost their toy barbie.

  49. Darren J Seeley says:

    Why is everyone so upset? If you don’t like the message, why shoot the messenger?

    I think this is a great op for Blomkamp to find a lower budgeted project to do. Make a few more short films, do a feature film. What have you. When folks are more comfortable to put him in front of Halo, when that starts up again, he will have a better film.


    This isn’t bad news for Halo. It is great news.

    Then again, there’s always that small, obscure possibility that this would have never worked as a full length feature film to begin with.

  50. fearlessweaver says:

    I’d have a hard time anticipating or being hopeful for a movie based on a videogame, even if the game was mind-blowing (which Halo is not). Exactly what past video game adaptation was fueling the hype here? Lara Croft? Mario Brothers? This is a long list of suck, and there’s no reason to regret that Halo won’t be added to the pile.

    That being said, some day soon, someone will make a movie and slap the name Halo on it because it has brand recognition and it will probably make a heap of cash for that reason alone.

  51. Norddeth says:

    Poor alfie, Ive heard some bad things about I Am Legend movie, lots of liberties being taken.

    I just wish someone would do a proper adaptation of that book, its so badass.



  52. igl says:

    i’m always surprised how much, eeee, discussion halo topics start. It’s funny

    Well, I’m not to upset, there’s a lot of other movise coming out.

    I just read Eragon, damn, it’s gonna be a bad movie. Unless they reaaally changed the story.

  53. HitokriX says:

    You called right on the fact that the movie wouldnt make ’07 or ’08 but really you “5 Bullshits” re the stupidest things I’ve ever read on this site.

  54. PuppetMasterDan says:

    Despite what HitokriX says, the “4″ bullshits are not stupid. How can they be when they’re totally correct?

    I doubt Halo is dead. I mean, it’s on life support, and it won’t get done now. But at some point it’ll get produced for sure. I don’t know why some people are ready to jump off a bridge.

  55. Tarmac Chris says:

    Ugh Campea. Why’d you have to rant like that?

    This news hurts enough as it is anyway without you adding insult to injury. I don’t know if it’s my own natural bias towards desperately wanting the Halo project to be an overwhelming success or not, but your post felt like another anti-Halo rant which, how would I put it? ‘Lacked professionalism’?

  56. Krintina says:

    That was the best post you’ve ever put up! Hilarious and smacking with truth.

    My brother has been mopping around like a sad puppy all day. Our talk sounded a lot like what Chark said earlier “I feel like a chump because we defended and defended and defended and bought every party line piped out of Bungie and MS. And that’s the problem. I gobble up everything they do and say and was chock full of optimism, viewing every step as positive”

    But that’s what PR people do right? It’s their job to put everything in a beautiful light right? They’ll tell you how wonderfull the Titanic is when it’s already half under water. Halo has been half under for a while now.

  57. Senor Chefy- AKA Chark Hammis says:

    Sad thing is- In real life I AM a PR/Marketing person.

  58. Jay says:

    All of this is business as usual in hollywood, as Alfie was trying to say.
    This is absolutely nothing new.
    Look at the ones he mentioned and know that there are hundreds more that went through the same hell getting made.

    And as far as the “Bullshits” being “totally correct” goes, well…
    Bullshit #1: Totally correct
    B.S. #2: John’s opinion. How can John possibly know how much Bloomkamp has contributed to the project at this stage? How can John possibly know how much faith the company has in Bloomkamp?
    B.S. #3: Once again, John’s opinion. Saying that Bun/M.S. obviously have no faith in the project based solely on the fact that they wont pay for the entire thing themselves is ludicrous. Obviously they have faith in the project or they wouldnt have come this far. Obviously they have faith in it if they managed to get Peter Jackson involved.
    B.S. #4: See, this is where John and I differ. I think begging another studio to help them out qualifies as negotiations.
    If someone has a gun to your head and you beg for your life, that, my friend, is negotiating.

  59. Jonathan says:

    John, I can’t wait until Indy 4 happens, because I’m sooooo gonna rub it in your face.

  60. Jagmir says:

    Let me translate:

    We’re too frickin’ incompetent, and we’re too stubborn to give way…so…we’re going to sit with our thumbs up our A** until we can figure out what to do…..

  61. John Campea says:

    Hey Jonathan,

    I hope you’re right man. This is one thing I would LOVE to be wrong on.

  62. alfie says:

    I figured as much nord…..I still hope it is good.

    shopping to studios is not begging…I highly doubt anyone begged anybody else. Obviously they don’t want all the work they have done so far to be in vain so they tried to get someone else involved but i guess it wasn’t to be/

    This is just typical hollywood business…..

  63. chris says:


    Indiana jones WILL be made!…..

    though i know it will be hated like the star wars prequels, for no goddam reason…

    as for Halo…. w/e i could care less. I dont care what anyone says, that games story has no movie potential.

  64. HB says:

    So predictable.

  65. Chisox says:

    From the jump Microsoft tried to milk the studio’s.

    From Wiki:

    On February 3, 2005, Creative Artists Agency confirmed that Microsoft had completed a million-dollar deal with Alex Garland to write a screenplay based on the video game series Halo, which would then be offered to studios.[2] Microsoft released Garland’s completed screenplay to various Hollywood studios on June 7, 2005, looking to be paid a $10 million fee as well as the studio’s agreement to adhere to guidelines set by the game’s developers.[3] Microsoft also wanted the studio to seek approval over the director and cast. In addition, Microsoft sought full merchandising rights for itself, a minimum $75 million budget, and company representatives’ full access to the film’s rough cuts in Los Angeles. Studios like Paramount, DreamWorks, Sony, and Warner Bros. did not want to cede creative rights to the film and passed over the project.[4] A few days later, 20th Century Fox and Universal Studios entered negotiations with Microsoft to divide Halo’s distribution rights. The original $10 million deal was reduced based on the studios’ negative response to the exorbitant price tag. In the negotiations, Universal gained rights to release the film in North America, where Fox would distribute the film overseas. On August 22, 2005, Microsoft’s deal with the studios was announced to be finalized, with summer 2007 as the target release date.

    Glad to the the studio’s still have a brain.

  66. DarkKinger says:

    Good thing I didn’t hold my breath, ’cause all signs pointed down in the first place. I almost thought it had a chance, but this mess couldn’t be cleaned to begin with. As I’ve said before, if too much money is wasted and nothing happens, it’s time to pull the plug.

    Okay, IMO, I think franchises like Final Fantasy VII and Halo can be great movies if there is proper planning (the risk of failure will still exist, but it is a challenge all filmmakers face). However, an adaption of FFVII seems better fit for anime or CGI (it is impossible to do live action if you’ve seen the crazy action and locations from Advent Children).

    Sad to hear Halo is dead (for awhile), but video-game adaptions need to be taken more seriously instead of a way to earn cheap bucks in theaters. I feel Advent Children was a bit close, but it hasn’t broken any records yet.

    **sighs** Where’s a good script when you need it?

  67. Jay says:

    You have to admit, John, you get more posts regarding this HALO nonsense than any other topic.

    I mean, I dont even play HALO and I still want this movie to happen.
    Damn this love for sci-fi that takes hold of my very soul.

  68. Max says:

    You didn’t tell us anything dude? The mainstream public doesn’t know there was a Halo movie coming in 2008 (2007?). As far as I’m concerned, it never moved beyond the rumor stage. There was no teaser trailer, no advertising, etc. It was just in talks (however loose those talks were, according to you). It didn’t die and it never officially was alive. It will be made sometime in the future, and that’s what fans want. I wonder if you’ll look back on this post and think “wow…I am an arrogant asshole. This post had no point to it.”

  69. Jarrod-D says:

    hahahaa. I love this site!!!!!!!!!

    Sacrament tattoo Flash

  70. DarkKinger says:

    Same here too, Jarrod-D!

    BTW Max, there was a lot of money put into this project, therefore while it wasn’t “officially” alive, money was already wasted and hopes for those who knew have gone down. Excuse me, I must prepare for the Blockbuster showdown next year.

  71. Chase Murata says:

    A Halo movie could have been as big of a hit as Lord of the Rings, as a lot of people play and love that god damn game.

    There is a possibility that it could have been Doom (the movie), but unlike Doom, Halo is a well-written (from what I’ve been told) epic.

    So yeah, candy corn’s so underrated…

  72. Zac says:

    I’m going to go out on a limb that Halo movie will postponed until after the Halo 3 game, Halo Wars, and the still unnamed Peter Jackson Halo game happen. If those are big hits, studios will be more open to making a Halo movie because thats 5 hit games over 2 hits. The ongoing comic and steady stream of novels mean the fiction will have a more secure following.

  73. Mike says:

    Somewhere in Germany, Uwe Boll is praying.

  74. Chase Murata says:

    “Somewhere in Germany, Uwe Boll is praying.”


    (laughing loudly at my own ass)

    But yeah, I think fans would riot if Boll was given the project.

  75. Rodney says:


    Having a franchise of a number of successful video games does not ensure success in the theatres. Video Game movies just dont have the same draw as the games themselves.

    For example, look how many Mortal Combat games there are. Or Mario games. Street Fighter? As far as movies go, these are not big draws.

    Resident Evil is likely the most successful VG to translate to the big screen and Apocalypse only made 123million world wide. I know that is still a ton of money, but compared to the money Halo would need to make to turn a buck, this is way below acceptable.

    And as much as Uwe Boll would love to get his hands on this, he hasnt put out a video game movie that has made more than 15million worldwide yet. But since they dont care about the numbers, I guess its possible.

  76. Ricci says:

    What Microsoft really need to do, is Hook up with Square Enix, and Make a CGI film.

    Halo the movie with FFVII:Advent Children type animation has Win written all over it.

    If its made into a real film, its going to be Star ship troopers, halo style.

  77. wolf says:

    When I first saw this post about Halo I knew right away there would be name calling and arguments, talking about Halo is a dangerous thing around here :P

    I’m not suprised it was cancelled after all the crap thats been going on over the past few months. I’m sure after the release of Halo 3 some studio MIGHT pick it up. But until then it’s dead!!

    If a proper director was choosen and things like the script had gotten done faster I’m pretty sure the project would be well on it’s way by now.

  78. Jay says:

    who cares about any of this HALO crap…

    The Wachowskis are directing Speed Racer!!!

  79. alfie says:

    really? the wachowskis!!!
    the guys responsible for two of the absolute worst films ever made??awesome….

  80. Jay says:

    Absolute WORST, Alfie?


    Dont ya think you might be stretching that a little bit.

    There are thousands of films worse than the Matrix sequels.
    And besides, the reason the Matrix sequels werent that good was because of the script, so as long as they dont write Speed Racer then we should be OK.

    Two of the absolute worst films EVER made…?
    Wow. That’s an intense hatred ya got there, Alfie.

  81. Jay says:

    Oh well, it looks like they are writing it too.

    Actually that doesnt really bother me. They wrote the first Matrix so its not like they cant write something good.
    I still have high hopes no matter what you say.

    If you were a member of the Teen Titans you’re name would be Negative Boy, blessed from birth with the power to bad mouth and hate everything.

    P.S. - Dont get mad, Alfie. It’s just a joke from a faceless paragraph.

  82. alfie says:

    Jay Jay Jay

    I call them as I see them.

    The Matrix sequels were truly truly terrible films on every level. I couldn’t believe my fucking eyes….in fact I might goes as far as to say they are the worst films I have ever seen. especially the third one which I only saw on dvd while skipping through it because I couldn’t stomach anymore of the fucking bullshit they were spouting. talk about taking yourself wayyyy too seriously. Hated them.

    But you seem to only notice my negativity…..I try to balance it out so just for you I will be positive for a bit..here goes..

    I just saw borat - hilarious. funniest film in years.

    the departed - loved it..favourite film of the year.

    Dead mans shoes - incredible I recommend that you all go and get it right now

    tristram shandy - another great film

    can’t wait to see spider-man 3….i think it will be incredible.

    Loved Pirates 2 - looking forward to 3…..

    just saw the break up and thought it was excellent. I can see why people might have been a bit lwet down as it was far from the wedding crashers 2 that the ads made it look like but I thought it was like one of those classic dramas from the 70′s…if it had been made in 1973 we would be referring to it as a classic character piece…

    what else am I looking forward…well believe it or not transformers. i want it to be good i just don’t think it will be. you see i want transformers the movie..not hot wheels the movie and those flames on prime look like hot wheels.

    looking forward to hostel part 2, hot fuzz, babel, fur, little children, rocky balboa, die hard 4 (even though odds are its will be terrible I hope they pull something out of the bag)

    hoping that I am legend will be great. Don’t mind will smith when he keeps his smugness down to tolorable levels and in that story …there isn’t much to be smug about.
    Smokin aces looks great…..I hope it isn’t a case of the trailer being better than the film.

    now that is all the positivity you will get from me…from now on I will revert back to my old stock in trade……

  83. Jay says:


    Was that so hard?

    And just so you know, I’m not saying that they werent bad movies, I just thought that “2 of the absolute worst films ever made” was a little harsh. The Chateau fight and the car chase I thought were excellent in Reloaded, but Revolutions really dropped the ball for me. Reloaded’s downfall was the “speech then action, speech then action, speech then action” pace. None of the characters just talked. Everything was about destiny and purpose, and about what we’re here for. No emotion whatsoever other than “What’s my purpose?” over and over and over. And of course the Rave/Orgy/dance scene was riculous, but I could have forgiven all of Reloaded’s shortcomings if Revolutions would have kicked ass. I can overlook a poor middle installment if things are wrapped up nicely. But what the fuck did I root for these two for just to see them both die. I understand the Christian allegory they going for but I dont understand why. They took a fun, sci-fi, action movie with a great premise and turned it into an over-bearing, heavy-handed, speech-riddled anime wanna-be. And just so we’re clear, I fucking despise 95% of anime, so that’s not a good turn to take for me. But even after all that, I still wouldnt qualify them as 2 of the worst ever. I at least enjoyed the eye candy, as I thought the Sentinel seige on Zion was spetacular.

    Havent seen Borat or Dead Man’s Shoes, but I agree with everything else. Well… except for the Pirates 2 thing. I was a little letdown with that one but I still enjoyed it. Just not as much as the first one.

  84. Jay says:

    I too am really rooting for “I Am Legend” but I gotta say from what I’ve read so far it’s gonna be yet another weak adaptation.
    More akin to The Omega Man than the book.

    I was so mad when I read that news. It’s a f-king fantastic book, so just make the damn thing.
    End of rant.

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