Uwe Boll Beats Up More Critics

So Uwe Boll’s reign of terror in the boxing ring over internet film critics who have blasted his movies continues. Boll just had 4 matches in Vancouver canada against the group of online critics… and apparently he kicked the piss out of all of them.

One of the critics who got the stuffing knocked out of him had this to say:

I thought it was a PR stunt and it was a joke and he was going to be nice. And then he just brutalized me.

But the quote of the night goes to Boll himself who actually made me laugh when he said:

Boll, who is filming his new film ‘Postal’ in Vancouver, said he respected the critics` courage to enter the boxing ring with him but offered one last parting shot. ‘They were badmouthing me but they showed (something) going into the ring,’ he told the paper. ‘Now they are brain dead and they will like my movies.’

Ok, the guy still makes crap films, but at least the guy is displaying at least a little bit of a sense of humor. Sigh, now if only his movies could be as mildly entertaining as his witty self depreciating comments. Not a chance.

Via M&C

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  • 1. Black Steven replies at 26th September 2006, 5:14 am :

    That’s pretty funny, and for some reason it makes me want to watch one of his films. I don’t know why. If I did, I’m sure it would be a mistake, but something is compelling me to support this crazy critic-punching film director.

    At least he’s willing to fight outside of Germany, which is rare for a German fighter. Those damn Germans, they win their belts and they disappear off to the fatherland to be coddled by ‘friendly’ referees and ‘bought and paid for’ judges…

    Oh, wait. We talk about films here. Sorry.

    Anyway, I’ve only seen House Of The Dead, which was memorable only for some pre-op pre-Lois Erica Durance boob action. Can anyone recommend another Boll masterpiece I can watch?

  • 2. Edward Lee replies at 26th September 2006, 9:57 am :

    Boll masterpiece? That’s an oxymoron.

  • 3. Jason replies at 26th September 2006, 10:01 am :

    It’s seriously the most perfect publicity stunt. Not only does Boll get good publicity out of it, but he also gets to beat the tar out of those who criticize him. Pure brilliance.

  • 4. wolf replies at 26th September 2006, 12:48 pm :

    We all know Boll makes shit movies, but you know something I think the guy would make better movies IF he tried to make low budget over the top movies. Evil Dead is over the top, so is American Werewolf in London, I’m not saying the guy can make someing anywhere near as good as them but he should shift towards the direction of chessy over the top stuff.

  • 5. Marina replies at 26th September 2006, 1:25 pm :

    That quote is priceless. When I read that quote yesterday, I nearly keeled over from laghter. Too funny.

  • 6. Alfredo replies at 27th September 2006, 7:16 am :

    Hemingway would be proud.

  • 7. Loren replies at 27th September 2006, 12:03 pm :

    I hate this man. he makes bullshit movies that stupid teenagers like and get good actors in them so they can’t go do other better projects.

  • 8. elaine colita replies at 1st October 2006, 8:06 am :

    i love to watch your movie because its great.

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