Updates Audio Edition, Posting and Stuff

Hey there folks, John here with a couple of quick news bits and updates for ya.

1) I’m out of town at the moment working on a project. I haven’t been able to be around the internet much, so my posting is light right now. Many thanks to Rod and Sharon for picking up my slack. I’m home in the next day or two.

2) NO AUDIO EDITION TONIGHT. Sorry folks… but the Skype thing just doesn’t seem to work as well as I wanted it too yet. I’ll get it figured out. But to make it up to you…

3) We’re recording NEW AUDIO COMMENTARIES on Monday. The 2 new commentaries will be (by popular demand) A) Conan the Barbarian and B) The Princess Bride. How cool are these movies!

4) In response to some email I’ve received on this issue, just let me say that I think Filmrot.com is a WICKED website. The guys there are uber talented and terrific to deal with. They are one of my daily reads and they should be one of yours too.

Sorry again for no Audio Edition tonight, but it just wasn’t working out. We WILL be back next Monday, and the new Conan Commentary should be up Tuesday. YAY!!!!!

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  • 1. Alfredo replies at 25th September 2006, 2:16 pm :

    no audio edittion! BOOOOOO!!!

  • 2. Marina replies at 25th September 2006, 2:28 pm :

    Two commentaries? WOOHOO! I had this feeling that Conan would be one of them so I picked it up on special this weekend. Can’t wait!

  • 3. Mike replies at 25th September 2006, 2:36 pm :

    Yesterday watched “Road house”. To quote Doug, “wicked movie”. I’d be glad to hear your, guys, audiocommentary to it!

  • 4. TheSnowLeopard replies at 25th September 2006, 3:00 pm :

    Hey John

    Why is there a big gap between the first 2 or 3 posts at the top of your main page, and the rest of the posts at the bottom? Same thing happens when I go to view the comments on any individual post. I have to scroll down all the way to the bottom of the page to read them.


  • 5. wolf replies at 25th September 2006, 3:40 pm :

    Yeah that seems to happen to me too.

    I really dig filmrot, Melt does a fantastic job, too bad Dave had to say them things.

    Too bad about the AE but 2 friggin commentaries will make up for it :D

  • 6. FZero replies at 25th September 2006, 5:40 pm :

    Its all about roadhouse.

  • 7. Ryan Cross replies at 25th September 2006, 5:57 pm :

    The formatting issue seems to crop up in Internet Explorer (version 6.0.2 for me). A big gap between stories occurs right around where the Advertisements section on the navigation bar starts.

    I run Firefox (1.5) and everything looks great, so I’m betting it’s just an IE problem. Now, everyone _should_ be running Firefox (or Opera, Safari, etc.), but considering how many people do run IE… this bug probably needs to be fixed.

    Now as for the commentaries… I can’t wait! Doug’s comments on Conan ought to be fun.

  • 8. Linz replies at 25th September 2006, 7:31 pm :

    John -

    Good call on the Princess Bride! Great movie! Can’t wait to hear what you come up with.


  • 9. Red Steven replies at 26th September 2006, 12:18 am :

    Nagy, I hope you did REH proud, man.

  • 10. Doug F. replies at 26th September 2006, 2:33 am :

    I was picking up lego stars wars 2, and while in the checkout of the Futureshop I saw the two dvd set of conan for 12 bucks. I’m glad my investment in conan has now paid off.

  • 11. LarryG1978 replies at 10th October 2006, 12:53 pm :

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  • 14. Jejune replies at 6th March 2007, 6:33 pm :

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  • 15. Jejune replies at 6th March 2007, 6:33 pm :

    I’ve just been letting everything wash over me lately, but it’s not important. I haven’t been up to much today, but eh. I haven’t gotten anything done recently.
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    [Face] jejune

  • 16. Jejune replies at 6th March 2007, 10:39 pm :

    I’ve just been letting everything wash over me lately, but it’s not important. I haven’t been up to much today, but eh. I haven’t gotten anything done recently.
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    [Face] jejune

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