Toronto After Dark Film Festival Launch Party

For about a month now I’ve been telling you guys about the upcoming film festival in Toronto called “Toronto After Dark“. It’s basically styled after the Toronto International FIlm Festival’s Midnight Madness stuff. To see me talking to the Festival Director Adam you can check out the video here.

Anyway, last night at the Bovine Sex Club in Toronto they held the special launch party for the festival (even though the festival doesn’t actually start until October 20th. A good time was had by all as you can see from some of the shots below. Todd Brown (The head honcho over at Twitch, who actually got his movie blogging start right here on The Movie Blog) hung out and chatted about the films. It’s going to be a fantastic time. 13 films of the Sci-Fi, Horror and Fantasy genre are going to be on parade. And get this… passes FOR THE WHOLE FESTIVAL are only $99!!! But I think they might be on sale right now for a limited time for $89.

So go check out the Toronto After Dark Film Festival’s website. The full list of films showing are being publicly announced today!

Todd and me. Damn this boy is tall.



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  • 1. Norddeth replies at 29th September 2006, 8:37 am :

    Damnit, if my girlfriend didnt get sick we were supposed to be there last night, are you going to be going to the actual movies John? let me know, I figure I owe ya a beer for railing on your constantly, lol.

    Im probably only grabbing a 4-pass myself as I have alot of those movies on DVD already, but who knows, I still dont know what was announced last night, anything good or is it still hush hush?


  • 2. John Campea replies at 29th September 2006, 8:50 am :

    Yup… John will be at just about every single one of them.

  • 3. Black Steven replies at 29th September 2006, 8:55 am :

    John, you have to get another photo face, mate. You have the exact same expression in every picture, which seems to be your version of ‘Blue Steel’ (copywright, Derek Zoolander).

    It’s either that or you’ve never been to any of these places you say you’ve been to and you’re just photoshopping yourself into a bunch a different pictures. Don’t worry - I did the same thing once with me and Evander Holyfield.

  • 4. Triflic replies at 29th September 2006, 8:56 am :

    I was there last night and met Mr. Campea while waiting in line to get in. There was a civil disagreement about the potential of the Transformers movie (which I remain unconvinced that it will be successful, I’ll concede possible break-even money, but this movie is going to be expensive). A good evening, especially the free beer part.

    I plan on attending several of the films I’ve not managed to catch yet, the biggies are

    “Funky Forest: The First Contact”
    Kyoshi Kurosawa’s “Retribution”
    A Swedish vampire flick “Frostbite”

    I’ve seen it already, but I strongly urge people to come and check out the Michael Rapaport starring low-budget wannabe superhero flick “Special”, it is a very, very good film.

    Others announced were:

    Tokyo Zombie
    Mad Cow Girl (should be fun)

    I’ve been itching to see BEHIND THE MASK, that film was announced earlier.

  • 5. Black Steven replies at 29th September 2006, 9:00 am :

    Now, let me just clarify a few things.

    First, it’s ‘bunch of pictures’, not ‘bunch a pictures’.

    Second, I didn’t mean pornographic pictures of me and the Real Deal. Let’s just get that straight. I love the man, but not in a butt sex way. Also, it was a joke. I don’t even have photoshop.

    Sorry about this. There’s a charity thing here and I just ate a bunch of sugary cakes. It affects my concentration, you see.

  • 6. Norddeth replies at 29th September 2006, 9:01 am :


    Well, it looks like I will be getting the Festival Pass afterall because there is about 8 I want to see for sure, this is going to take more out of me than TIFF did I think.

    Trif, I have to agree with John on Transformers, that movie is going to make SICK money, once a proper trailer is out you will have to be dead inside not to want to see it.

    By the way, how the hell have you already seen Special? Do you have it on DVD already?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!

    FREE BEER!?!??! I would have left the girlfriend at home with a box of tissues had I known about that part! fuck me! and fuck bees!


  • 7. Triflic replies at 29th September 2006, 9:05 am :

    A certain festival programmer may have screened the film for me…some time ago before he programmed the film.


  • 8. Drewbacca replies at 29th September 2006, 9:21 am :

    I’ll see you guys there. I’m seeing every movie there because that’s how I roll.

    Ramble on…


  • 9. Lou_Sytsma replies at 29th September 2006, 10:16 am :

    Is he tall or is…?

  • 10. CW1985 replies at 29th September 2006, 10:49 am :

    John, I’m not gay, but you’re a good looking man…

  • 11. Norddeth replies at 29th September 2006, 12:32 pm :

    It only looks that way because he’s standing beside Todd.

    OH SNAP!!



  • 12. Todd replies at 29th September 2006, 12:48 pm :

    That’s me, Nord. Mr. photogenic.

  • 13. kohina replies at 29th September 2006, 12:58 pm :

    John is the Steven Seagal of internet blogs 8)

  • 14. John Campea replies at 29th September 2006, 1:12 pm :

    I take offense to that you jerk! I’m clearly the William Shatner of internet blogs. Or perhaps the delighfully quirky Pauley Shore.


  • 15. Marina replies at 29th September 2006, 3:46 pm :

    I’m living in the wrong city. What are the chances a festival like this could ever travel West? For a while there I had given up on the idea that Vancouver was a No Fun Zone but I’m starting to think it’s actually true.

  • 16. Don replies at 29th September 2006, 5:53 pm :

    Man, that looks like a blast, I’ll make it there one day….’course it would’ve been easier a few months ago when I still lived on the east coast…..

  • 17. nick botulism replies at 1st October 2006, 4:52 am :

    i was there that night! i didn’t stay for long, but i did see some of the nail and fork fun. the program looks great, i am so psyched.

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