Top 10 Films Everyone Loves That John Hates

Someone told me the other day that “it takes a lot of guts” to put up a list of films that I enjoy that no one else does. Well that ain’t nothing. Today, I’m giving you a list that will REALLY make you look at me strange!

EVERYONE has a list of movies that most people love, that they hate, but are too embarrassed to say so out of fear of getting flamed. Well… my eyebrows have already been burned off… so I’ve got nothing to lose. I’ll do it… put my neck on the line… here we go.

John’s Top 10 films that he doesn’t like, that everyone else on the planet loves:

1) A History of Violence - Oh good heavens this movie sucks sucks sucks. But ohhhh… it’s directed by David Cronenberg… so you’re required to say it’s brilliant. Ya well it’s not. It’s totally inconsistent, far too 2 dimensional, VERY black and white whose only “moral” at the end is to day “Look, grey exists”. Blah. Man I hated this boring boring film.

2) Being John Malkovich - I really hated this film and thought it was a wasted opportunity.

3) Old School - Didn’t HATE this movie… but I wasn’t impressed with it. The whole movie felt like they put a leash on Will Ferrell and never really let him cut loose. Some gold moments… but not enough.

4) Fargo - Sooooo… booorrrrinnnggggg. Oh but there’s a wood chipper… so it must be good. Bleh.

5) American Beauty - You know, for all of the introspective nonsense in this film, no one seemed to bother to look up and realized they were being put to sleep. Simple simple simple ideas comunicated as if they were some sort of great societal revelations. The film spends so much time staring at its own navel that it never bother to get me attached or interested in any of their 2 dimensional characters.

6) Saving Private Ryan - The first 15 minutes of this film are total GOLD! Best war time scene in the history of film as far as I’m concerned. To bad it then degraded into nothing but pompous self moralizing and cheesy one liners that were meant to make you feel something… but you didn’t

7) Blade Runner - This is the one every film fan is REQUIRED to say you loved… or else you “just don’t get it”. Yeah well… I got it. And I didn’t like it.

8) Walk the Line - To say you didn’t like “Walk the Line” is a slap in Johnny Cash’s face! That’s how people want to make you feel. I really didn’t mind this film, but thought it was WAY overrated.

9) Traffic - If this film ever got down off it’s pulpit and just tried to tell a story, perhaps I wouldn’t have minded it. If I wanted 2 hours of being nothing but preached at I would have gone to a double feature church service. “Fighting Drugs is Stupid”

10) Pulp Fiction - Ya know… if this film just stopped TRYING so hard to be so damn “cool”, it might have been more palatable. The movie we can all blame for resurrecting the career of John Travolta. We will never forgive you Tarantino (although I like most of his other work). Everything felt so contrived that it took any magic away for me.

Well there you have it folks. My reputation suicidal list of movies everyone loves that I didn’t. Now don’t leave me hanging. We ALL have films we secretly don’t like that everyone else does. So come on! Fess up! What is YOUR list?

188 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Norddeth


    If nothing else you have balls John. But I have to say, you seem to miss the point on why people like those films, because its not for the reasons you listed, for the most part, but thats just my opinion.


  2. Virginia

    I completely agree about most of those, particularly American Beauty, which I thought was the most cliched, grating, wannabe pretentious piece of Oscar-bait I’ve ever seen. I also agree that Old School is overrated, but I do love Being John Malkovich.

  3. Oh come on Nord. That was GUTLESS.

    Don’t come in here and critisize my list unless you’re willing to put your neck on the line too and tell the world the movies you don’t like that everyone else does.

    Lame dude… lame.


  4. Brian

    loving the list m8. I would say lost in translation would be num one. I got it but hated it sooo much, boring


  5. Andreas

    Can’t agree more with Pulp Fiction (too long and not as cool as people think), Traffic (too long) and Fargo (God was that boring and the use of the word ‘yah’ every few seconds!!).

    Agree somewhat with ‘A History of Violence’ but overall thought it was ok, had some good action sequences, definetly overrated though.

    Liked ‘Old School’, prob 7/10. Again good but not great.
    Totally disagree with ‘American Beauty’, thought it was great.
    Yet to see ‘Walk the Line’ but I expect that to be overrated as well.

  6. wolf

    My list goes as follows.

    Lord Of The Rings trilogy-Borrrrrrrrrring. I tried so hard to like these movies but Orlando’s stupid face to Frodo just annoyed me.

    The Matrix- Didn’t like the first one or any of them.

    Dodgeball- I HATE THIS MOVIE!!!!!

    Scarface- I tought it was ok, bored me in a lot of parts.

    Brokeback Mountain- Two guys spend most of the film in a tent on a moutain…..yawn!!!

    Ong Bak-Didn’t hate it, but it’s wayyyyy overrated.

    Enter The Dragon- Another movie I didn’t hate but it’s so boring most of the time.

    Pirates of The Carribean 1+2- Overrated scurvy.

    The Unsual Suspects-Boring, and I guessed what was going to happen at the end and I was right.

  7. Brave List wolf… brave list. I salute you.

  8. GeneAriani

    Thank you Thank you for this:
    The movie we can all blame for resurrecting the career of John Travolta.

  9. Pedro Martinho

    If for one thing, you´re gaining some new enemies online, i´m sure of that! Not for me, although I think most of the movies you´ve mentioned are, really, some of my favorites. To say that Traffic, Fargo and Pulp Fiction are over-rated is kind of “pretencious”, don´t get me wrong! Of course that you´re entitled to your opinion, and that´s why and don´t want to judge but, as I said, it´s hard not to think of your opinions as pretencious…
    Here´s my list:

    1- Titanic
    2- A Beautiful Mind
    3- Brokeback Mountain
    4- Corpse Bride
    5- Apocalipse Now
    6- Braveheart
    7-Shakespeare in Love
    8- Chicago
    9- Good Will Hunting
    10- The Sixth Sense

  10. Babz

    1.x-men3 (such a disapointment)

    2.kill bill (dun shoot me pls)

    3.jay n silent bob (pussy boo boo kitty cat…. ok shoot me now)

    4.tony jaa movies (i’m asian and i’m supposed to like him, admire what he’s doing for south east asian movie development… but it’s just lame..i cringe the 1st time i’ve ever seen him i ong bak, and cringe through the whole movie. and my bf knows if he forces me to watch any tony jaa movies again, he can forget that he’s male cos i will geld him. jaa can be a circus performer, pls just dun make any movies)

    5.american beauty (what john said)

    6.pretty woman (moral of story? that u can be a prostitute and some guy will rescue you from the streets.) smith (movie too short, not funny enough, just an excuse to marvel about how beautiful a couple jolie and pitt makes.)

    8.batman begins (katie holmes ruined the whole movie for me.i like bale but the movie didn’t pack the puch i was hoping for.)

    9.crouching tiger hidden dragon (boring. typical chinese film. zhang zi yi - bad actress. nothing against chow yun fat and yeoh)

    10.memoirs of a geisha (they made it in english… aaaaaaargh. nothing against english language it’s the only language i speak daily nowadays… but argh. also, zhang zi yi again. i just have no idea why she’s in hollywood. seriously.)

    john, i was just thinking, what about a list of actors that people like but u don’t?

  11. A.J.


    I really like Fargo, Pulp Fiction, John Malkovich and Blade Runner.

    But I really don’t like American Beauty. Traffic and Saving Private Ryan are WAY overrated.

    Couple of my picks:

    Crash (Haggis) was just horrible in my opinion, although many seemed to like it.

    Silence of the Lambs is also one that I’ve never liked that much.


    Spider-Man 1

  12. Alfredo

    I’m going to Ray was really over rated. Jamie Foxx is great in it ut that’s it. While I was watching I reallied the message is that you can get away with cheating on your wife and do heroine so long as you make mad cash. :(

  13. Hey Pedro,

    Just curious… why is MY list “pretencious”, and YOUR list isn’t? Just wondering what the diference is.



  14. WolfMarauder

    Here’s my list. I’d write comments on hem, but I don’t have time right now. Most of my liast consists of so called “Classics” that I can’t, for the life eof me, even with a good amoun=t of education in film, understand how they got that status.

    1. Easy Rider
    2. Rebel Without a Cause
    3. Cool Hand Luke
    4. It’s a Wonderful Life
    5. The Bridge on the River Kwai
    6. Full Metal Jacket
    7. City Lights
    8. Blue Velvet (debatable, because a lot of people hate this movie, but a lot also seem to think it’s brilliant)
    9. Dogville
    10. Shrek

  15. Terry Letourmeau

    One movie that comes in mind for me was ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding’. I am still trying to figure out if that film was a comedy…was it?

  16. Jmarps

    John, everyone has a right to their opinion…except when it comes to Fargo. If you run a blog about movies, you sh0uld have to take a test and if you don’t like Fargo, you shouldn’t be allowed to have a movie blog. Seriously, I understand if you don’t like this movie, but I am really surpised that you didn’t like it. I mena, Macy is fantastic in this. The accent, the weasaly way he behaves. And there are so many hillarious one-liners, “Not sure if I agree with your police work Hal.”

    Anyway, like I said, I understand. I have one movie that I haven’t seen posted yet that I really was dissapointed in and everyone else just seems to love.

    I thought Gladiator was a piece of crap. Yeah the action scenes were compelling, but the story was so lacking…..Just my thoughts. Enjoy!

  17. ThS

    I can agree with most of them. But Pulp Fiction?! No fricking way. That’s pretty much my favorite movie of alle time. Come on!

    Here’s a few I hate that everybody loves:
    Star Wars (really)
    Crounching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
    Titanic (I guess some people hate it too, but whatever)
    Fargo (boring indeed)

    That’s all I can think of for now.

  18. WolfMarauder

    Pretentious is the most pretentious word in the English language. Everyone who uses it seems pretentious for doing so. Have you noticed that? This word should be banned from all film criticism, both professionally and casually. Haha.

  19. Jay

    #1: Fargo - thank god I am not the only one that didnt like this film

    the rest in no particular order -

    Ong Bak - overrated
    Million Dollar Baby - oh, boo hoo. she dies.
    2001: A Space Odyssey - Snooze fest
    Donnie Darko - I’m not a depressed teenager, so I guess this movie wasnt made for me
    Shakespeare in Love - WTF! Best Picture over Saving Private Ryan. WTF!
    Almost Famous - whatever…
    Being John Malkovich - what you said
    Casino - Marty. What happened to ya?
    Its a Wonderful Life - if I have to sit through one more holiday season with this f-king movie playing on 6 diffrent channels at the same time… and yes, I do kick kittens.

  20. Eric

    Your right. I HATED Being John Malkovich wasnt what EVERYBODY said it was.

    I also hated Fargo, It was like eh, boring, meh.

  21. Drewbacca

    Insanity John. Utter and total insanity. I don’t even know where to begin, so I’ll just leave it at that. But I must say it again… INSANITY!


  22. JWP

    Fargo has definitely got to be the worst movie of all time — absolutely horrible and unwatchable too. American Beauty was also a very bad movie, but would disagree with listing Old School and Saving Private Ryan — both good movies.

    A movie I thought wasn’t nearly as good as people bragged it up to be was Sin City. It was okay, but nothing spectacular — could have been that my expectations were set too high prior to watching it.

  23. Hey Drebacca,

    Ok… Insanity. But where is your list?

  24. SamTaylor

    Some of these, John, I’m with you on. But others? Well, what you just did is akin to Heath Ledger saying he hates comic book films, lol.

  25. Jeff

    Interesting picks, though some are understandable. So here goes…

    Titanic - Still don’t get it and the bitch got rid of the stone, what gives?
    Cinderella Man - Irish Rocky, and..?
    Fargo - Makes me glad I don’t live in “the middle”
    Star Wars - Namely the last 3 films
    Pirates of the Carribean, the Davey Jones Locker Edition - Just cuz one is marginal, do you have to make a second?
    Brokeback Mountain - Clear Oscar Pandering…
    2001 a Space Odyssey - Too boring, too long, too dumb
    Shakespeare in Love - Gwyneth’s breasts weren’t that good
    Crash - Shite happens, get over it
    Old School - Come on now? Does anyone REALLY like WF? really?
    Dumb and Dumber - Chipped tooth and toilet scene do not make a movie
    Ace Ventura - Neither does bad hair and guess what? another toilet scene.
    Being John Malkovich - Better on shrooms

  26. Jmarps

    People that agree with John, especially about Pulp Fiction, Fargo, and American Beauty, I would be interested to see what you considered a good movie. Here’s my guess:

    Any Star Wars film
    Any Comic Book film
    Any LOTR Film

    In other words, strong geek culture here, correct?

  27. Jeff

    Oh, and when Transformers gets released, if it is a big hit, I won’t get that either. Come one now - Cars that transform into robots..?

  28. Larry

    In no particular order

    Independance Day (except for Randy Quaid)
    The Matrix (1,2,3)
    Pretty Woman
    Godfather I
    Sleepless in Seatle
    The Natural

  29. Jay

    Hey JMARPS,

    Bitter much?

    Where’s your list?
    I guess you dont want to post it because you dont want people attacking you for having an opinion.

    Hardly seems fair, since you got to attack others for their opinions.

  30. FZ1

    Man, I REALLY like a number of the movies on your list. Of the ones you mentioned, even the ones don’t love I thought were easily worth the watch. Malkovich, Fargo, Ryan, and Traffic are four of my favorite movies. You probably just didn’t get it. ;)

    Here is my list of movies I don’t like that my demographic seems to dig (no real particular order after the first two):

    1) X-Men (all)
    2) Spiderman (all)
    3) Sin City
    4) Army of Darkness
    5) Killer Clowns from Outer Space
    6) From Dusk Till Dawn
    7) Brazil
    8) Star Wars 2 (1 everyone agrees sucked; 3 was ok, not good, ok)
    9) Heavy Metal
    10) Akira

  31. Nazz

    Films which I think are over-rated:

    1) Being John Malkovich
    2) Titanic
    3) Cinderella Man
    4) Saving Private Ryan
    5) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
    6) Brokeback Mountain
    7) Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
    8) Fight Club
    9) Old School
    10)Remember The Titans

  32. Jmarps

    Look a few posts up Jay…..

    Other movies that I thought were incredibly overated…

    Matrix 2 and 3 — The story starts to lose it’s suspension of disbelief
    The latest trio of Star Wars movies….zzzzzz
    Gladiator for reasons stated above

    As I think of more I will post them.

  33. Jon

    Here are a few I hate:

    Titanic - so boring, just want the boat to sink and everyone die
    Walk the Line - stupid
    It’s a Wonderful Life - I don’t get it - preferred SNL’s take on the ending
    Ray - I just don’t care

  34. p

    In addition to some already posted here’s a few of mine:

    Big Lebowski - still trying to find the humor in it…
    Any Wes Anderson movie - full of itself, automatic criterion edition(why?)
    Scarface - I own it, don’t hate it, don’t LOVE it either, like so many others claim to
    Brazil - wtf?

  35. Babz


    i agree with john, i don’t like american beauty, but i also hate star wars (all of it) and batman begins. x-men 3, don’t get me started.

    geek u say? stereotyping much? shut the fuck up.

  36. Babz

    oh and also, the remarks about John’s opinion of Fargo… I’d like to see YOU run a movie blog.

    again, shut the fuck up.

  37. Jmarps

    Wow, guess I touched a nerve.

    My apologies to John. I thoroughly enjoy the site and the work he does.

    No apologies to everyone else that cannot take a little name calling.

  38. mero

    john, you use the word “HATE” too liberally and it’s lost all meaning and value. It’s like the word “LOVE” now. It’s still a very strong word, but coming from your mouth it means very little.

    And here’s why i think you have the list that you do, Campea:
    Your taste in movies tend to be in Sci-fi, Comic Book, Action, and Comedy, not Dramas, foreign, indies, or artsy movies. That’s why the The Movie Blog never talks about those flicks, and you seem to just ignore them. This is a real shame that you ignore all those movies, but it’s your site.

    Here’s a recommendation for you,

    Since you LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE (has those word lost value yet?) box office info so much, I think you should post your own box office predictions for each weekend. that way you would really be sticking your neck out on the line. I would’ve LOVED LOVED LOVED LOVED LOVED LOVED to see the weekend of Snakes on the Plane and see how dead wrong you were. PLEASE DO THIS FOR THE TRANSFORMERS WEEKENED! I want to see how much you predict it would make. Notice I said HOW MUCH, not just the ranking. Yes, I want your predictions on how much each movie makes each weekend, not just a rank.

  39. Larry

    Or, Films Everyone Loves That For Some Reason I Have No Interest In Seeing…

    Pirates of the Caribbean 2
    Fight Club
    Brokeback Mountain
    Schindler’s List
    American History X

    …at least not as of yet.

  40. Nazz

    John, I think you should change the title of the topic from ” Top 10 Films Everyone Loves That John Hates” to “Top 10 Overated Films in John’s opinion” not because I’m arguing with your list but because for “Old School” and “Walk The Line”, you said you didn’t hate those movies.


    PS: Mero, what the hell are you smoking mate?

  41. mero

    i’m smoking some grade A dried up dog poop.

    And i still think everything I said is true about this site and Campea.
    He doesn’t care for foreign, indies, or artsy movies, that’s why he has that list. Or basically he’s a big studio kind of guy, a movie guy that’s into mainstream stuff. things like big robots, explosions, stuff like that.

  42. Chuck

    So, I guess I have to do my agree with you here, you’re wrong here thing. A History of Violence? I don’t know a single person that liked that movie except critics. I completely agree on Fargo and Pulp Fiction. Walk the Line? Overrated? I’m the only one going around saying it was the best film of the year last year. It wasn’t even nominated for Best Picture and it’s overrated? Most of the people I know didn’t like it.

    This doesn’t really seem like a list of movies that everyone loves aside from Pulp Fiction.

  43. anders

    not saying any of the commentors or you john are like this (very sure you’re not ), but i have met a few people like it. and that is people who basicly dislikes a movie of the single reason of it being popular. god it’s annoying. sme with music, so what if more than 10 people have heard of it? it’s probably a reason for it.

    anyway. got a few myself:
    Apocalipse Now - If this isn’t to long I don’t think anything can be
    Braveheart - NOT a piece of crap, but people give it way to much credit
    traffic - boooring
    walk the line - can’t get around to see what the big buzz was about
    spiderman 2 - that some s calling this one of the best comicbok movies is still a mystery to me
    Gladiator - ok movie, not nearly close to sa good as some claims it is

  44. Jmarps

    Mero, hear, hear! on the box office predictions…

  45. Mr Stay Puft

    I haven’t seen A History of Violence or Walk the Line, so I have no comment.

    I agree with your choice of American Beauty and Traffic. Your comments for both these films echo my own thoughts.

    I half-agree with Blade Runner, but only the Director’s Cut. I thought the Harrison Ford voice-over worked and I hated the dream implications that Deckard was a Replicant.

    I disagree strongly with your choice of Fargo (great characters and dialogue) and Saving Private Ryan (riveting from beginning to end).

    My list:
    1. Good Will Hunting - Awful! Pretentious (wink wink) garbage. If Ben and Matt hadn’t been the next big thing in Hollywood, they would have never won the Oscar.
    2. American Beauty - see John’s comments
    3. Traffic - ditto
    4. Crash - If you want a real examination of race relations, rent the superb In the Heat of the Night with Rod Steiger and Sidney Poitier. If Crash had come out in the 1960s, maybe it would have been as relevant as the filmmakers wanted us to believe. It still would have had ridiculous, contrived situations and thoroughly unsympathetic characters.
    5. The English Patient - Slow, tortuous hell. They gave the Oscar to this crap.
    6. Legends of the Fall - Though I only know one person who actually liked it.
    7. Erin Brokovich - I had eye surgery and my wife rented it. I could only listen and this film had some atrocious dialogue. I do not get the appeal of Julia Roberts.
    8. The Exorcist - This movie is scary, but it really is nothing more than a shockfest. Read the book by Wiliam Peter Blatty instead. The story is much richer than the movie. Themes that were jettisoned could have and should have been included.
    9. The Fog - I’m a big John Carpenter fan and many think this is one of his top films. Not me. I think he struck out here.
    10. Roger and Me, Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11 - Michael Moore ruined the documentary and it’s credibility.

  46. Lou_Sytsma

    Most overrated film - Fight Club.

    The ultimate exercise in narcissism. The end DOES NOT justify the means ie climbing over the bodies and miseries of those less fortunate and wreaking mass destruction on a journey of self discovery.

    Oh, but wait, I forgot, you aren’t supposed to talk about it.

  47. Okay, so I only read the comments at the bottom and didn’t realize I had to provide my own list to backup what I was saying…

    1. Every Tarantino movie - they’re all the most overrated, dumbest, violent for no reason things I’ve ever seen.

    2. Lord of the Rings trilogy - please be dumber, longer, and walk some more.

    3. Dodgeball/Anchorman/Zoolander - all the same movie, all are heinously bad.

    I already have more than 10. Should I continue?

    4. Napoleon Dynamite - The world Liger is funny?

    5. Star Wars: Episode III - People don’t completely love this movie, but it’s widely considered the best of the new trilogy, but it’s most definitely the worst.

    I’ll just go with 5, I guess.

  48. mero

    John I don’t think you’re fight is with the “common” people.. When you say “everyone” I think you mean critics. This is a list of movies that you disagree with critics on.

  49. anonymousbrain

    Mero, why are you attacking John? He like what he like and he hates what he hates. Just let a person have his own opinion. If he you don’t like his opinions, then stop coming to the site. And on many occations in Audio Editions John has made accurate or close to accurate predictions for weekend box offices.

    And to all those that are bashing others for their opinions. Why? Just because you love a movie and someone else doesn’t affect the movie. Just because someone says one part or actor or what not is stupid doesn’t mean your going to love the movie any less. So get over it.

    Here are my Top Overrated Movies (in no particular order)

    -Chicago (annoying songs, annoying story)
    -Shrek-both(the concept is okay, but the execution is too boring)
    -Natural Born Killers (again, good concept, but too much LSD)
    -Brokeback Mountain (just because its a controversal subject doesn’t make it good)
    -Pulp Fictions (for many of the reasons listed by John and others)
    -Batman (we all know the others were terrible until Batman:Begins, but the orginal Batman was too dry like most Tim Burton movies)

    And the one most people will hate me for…
    -The Passion of the Christ (BORING!!! Having Mel Gibson make a movie of him sitting in a chair reading the bible to me would have been better. Dry dialogue, slow movie pace, and pointless torture scenes only took more away from the real message of the story)


  50. mero

    hey anonymousbrain,

    i’m not attacking campea. i’m giving him recommendations and my critique of his opinion. Whenever he posts something on here, he’s giving the opportunity for the public to express how he/she feels.

    another HUGE let down i had about this site, was that fan convention they attended and had infrequent posts on. WHY WAS IT A LETDOWN? It seemed as though they had nothing to say about what happened in the convention. Campea said they will have audio casts, written posts, and video updates about the convention, and that didn’t happen. In fact, I learned nothing about the convention at all. They had these pathetic 2 min interviews, and a couple of introductions for each day. It was truly pitiful how they “covered” the event. Campea, a reporter you are not!

  51. Geoff

    It’s nice to see someone else disliked Blade Runner and Pulp Fiction.

  52. Nicole

    I dunno about you guys…

    but I hate boxing movies.

    There are just so many movies about boxing it isn’t funny. lol And they all have similar plots - the struggle and uphill battle of a potential boxer and then they finally gain success.

    Seriously people.
    Stop making movies about boxing. lol

    P.S. I agree with you about Blade Runner. And I’m a film student for crying out loud. I’m gonna get beat up. haha

  53. matlot

    I totally agree with all but two of your list:
    Saving Private Ryan did lose its way slightly halfway through but was still fantastic. The knife fight to the death towards the end was absolutely terrifying - I am in the Armed Forces and, after seeing that scene, I made it my business to put in some more hours on the weights.

    Also, you must be flogged for dissing Pulp Fiction - even though I’m bored of it now; at the time it WAS that cool!

    Totally agree about Blade Runner though. It’s the sort of film that I feel I should be exactly my cup-of-tea, but just aint.

  54. mero

    hey anonymousbrain,

    Another thing to add, I would only agree with you if I thought I was being completely unfair or being too picky about things. I think the things i’ve said are true and RIGHT.

  55. Drewbacca

    Ok John, if you feel I must prove I’m insane too…

    Out of the movies I’ve seen (about 90% of them) from IMDb’s top 250, these are the ones I don’t really care for:

    Taxi Driver
    Brokeback Mountain
    LOTR 3
    Pirates 2
    Gladiator - don’t hate this ne, just hink it’s a tad over-rated.


  56. FZ1

    Just a general question:
    Do many of you walk around in your daily lives talking to other people in the same manner that you post comments, or does being behind the keyboard somehow make you lose all social skills?
    This is not a commentary on what people are saying, just how they are saying it. Sometimes I wonder why I ever venture into the comment sections of websites.

  57. bullet in the head

    Reservoir Dogs … apart from being “borrowed” ideas, it’s like a stage play and bores me

    Saving Private Ryan … some shaky cam at the start and then drivel

    Dogville … The underlying plot was OK, but it was long, boring, pretentious and essentially a stage play taped and not a movie at all

    Garden State … guy goes home, some of his mates still do drugs … wow independent genius

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind … big stars without make up, must be genius

    Fight Club … lame

    American Beauty … pretty much what John Said

    The Sixth Sense … does nothing for me, kid was a good actor, but that’s about it

    Napoleon Dynamite … two guys talking too slowly

    Ong Bak … yeah Tony kicks ass, but the film is a heap of shit

  58. Nazz

    FZ1, Although I agree with you 100%. I like to go to the comments section because it is fun sometimes to read what people write stupid (but funny) things because of spite.

  59. Monty

    1: Napolean Dynamite-My friends seem ready to impale me whenever I say it, but I never got more than one or two half-assed chuckles out of this one.
    2: Rent- Maybe it doesn’t have a huge following, but alot of people I know seem to think its the best musical EVER! I found myself wallowing in apathy for the characters.
    3: Most all Will Ferrel.- The man just irritates me. Wedding Crashers went from fun to unenjoyable for me when he came in.
    4: Walk the Line-I was very excited being a big Cash fan, but when the credits rolled I think I let out an audible “meh”.
    5: Titanic- Still haven’t managed to sit through the whole movie.
    6: Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon- Beautiful direction, but the running through the treetops got real old real fast.
    7: Saving Private Ryan- admittedly at first I thought it was awesome. But after watching superior pieces like Band of Brothers, I see how mediocre it was.
    8: Waking Life- Again, friends thought I was nuts. But I thought it just ran around incoherently using the interesting animation as a crutch to lean on while shouting “look how though-provoking and original I am.” Gah a hated that movie!
    9: Spiderman 2- In the theatre I was in atleast, the rest of the crowd was actually cheering, while I was stifling laughter over how bad it was.
    10: Reservoir Dogs- Yeah, it kept my attention well enough, but I don’t think its near good enough for the acclaim its received.

    But then again, I’ve got a soft spot in my heart for NASCAR and movies that are so bad that they’re amusing. So what do I know about film.

  60. wolf

    Thanks John :)

    I forgot about Napoleon Dynamite, but I do think the word Liger is funny :P

    FZ1- Most people have different manners towards different things. If you talk to your friends you’ll have a different manner to when you might talk your parents in some cases. But some peoples manners are odd behide the keyboard simply because no one knows who the person is in person and a person feels safe behind a computer knowing that they can say what they want when they want and get away with it.

  61. TJ

    okay Mero needs to seriously chill but anyway let’s get on with the festivities.

    1. History of Violence (had a moment or two but so overrated it isn’t even funny)
    2. Titanic (only think worth watching is the 45 minute sinking ship)
    3. Napoleon Dynamite (never thought it was good ever. This is the film that overshadowed a much better film during it’s release which was Garden Stater which is a far superior film)
    4. The Inglish Patient (Zzzzzzzzzzzzz……)
    5. Chicago (Okay I do enjoy musicals but this this is near unwatchable when I say I hate it I mean it)
    6. Batman (1989) I didn’t like Jack as the Joker or Keatan as Brue/Batman. It was a major let down.
    7. Spider-man 2 (don’t get me wrong I enjoy it like 7.5/10 which is really good but it isn’t the 9/10 that everyone pretty much thinks it is and actually like the first one better.
    8. Monty Python and the Holy Grailer (not a bad movie but Life of Brian is so much better then it but that could just be me. Again it’s a 7/10 but everyone usually thinks its a 10 that can do no wrong.
    9. Equilibruim (not a ton have seen but those who have usually say it beats the Matrix and it doesn’t by a long shot its good but thats going way to far.
    10. Saving Private Ryan (same reasons as John first 15 mins are mindblowing then it just gets worse and worse it’s a film that starts with the climax instead of leading to one which kills the film.
    11. Pulp Fiction (I just don’t get it maybe but it’s weak for me Bruce Willis did great and is the only part I enjoy but the rest just again like John said tries to hard.

    John I agree mostly and only disagree with Blad Runner and Being John Malkovich. I don’t hate you for that though it’s a good list and considering the feedback of some others a brave list too so good job. I would say Blade Runner is a bit overrated but not so much so that I hate it and Being is just there you know.

    John do you think you might do a underrated films list cause that might be a good way to get people to see movies where as this list is movies most people have already seen. I love underrated movie list cause they make me go and search for great films I didn’t previosly know existed. Thanks John keep it up!!!

  62. Poppe

    First some of you are kinda shooting and missing when you do the I hate but everyone else loves, by picking movies not that many loves, see matrix 3. Maybe use the imdbs top 250 to see wich movies everyone loves.

    I also concur with Mero if a movie isn’t in the top 3 spots of the box office John probably hasn’t talked about it, unless it is a very BIG (with a-list actors/actresses doing it for free) indie movie.

    And so on with my list I’m acctually gonna piss on some of the greatest movies of them since I acctually took my time to watch some of the old classics and doesn’t only munch mainstream box office things.

    1. Citizen kane. Oh my oh my did this suck. Acctually saw a swedish movie that borrowed most of the stuff they tried to do in Kane and did it 50 times better

    2. 2001: A Space Odyssey this rivals Kane for the top spot becouse I can honestly say I haven’t seen anything as boring as this. (oh and I have a kubrick dvd set and most of his movies are very very good except for this and eyes wide shut)

    3.Shichinin no samurai I saw this as the 202min long one and well it was 2 hours too long

    4. The Great Dictator, I don’t know why this is considered chaplins master piece. If you for one moment just take away the fact that this movie is made during the hitler era. Well then there is nothing left.

    5. V for vendetta. hmm somehow this made it to the top 250 films and since I decided to pick out the five first movies I didn’t like that was on the list I guess this will have to be the nr 5 then. I guess alot of matrix fanboys cheated this into the 250.

  63. Mike

    Agree about “A History of Violence”, “American Beauty”, “Blade Runner”, “Walk the Line” and especially that crapfest “Being John Malkovich”.

  64. Mike

    Yeah, and I’d include “Kung Fu Hustle” & “Requiem for a Dream”.

  65. thegoodfella

    I think Gladiator, while not bad, is one of the most overrated films of the past decade.

    Others include:-

    Blade Runner - Spot-on Campea!
    The Shining - It didn’t scare me, didn’t grab me, just confused me…
    The Sixth Sense - Maybe because I’d been told the twist before seeing it, but meh…
    Syriana - I get what the director was trying to do, but I couldn’t get involved in it
    Shrek - Again, I don’t hate it but it irritates me how overrated it is
    Young Frankenstein - The only Mel Brooks movie I like is The Producers
    X-Men - I actually found it pretty boring
    Snakes on a Plane - I was looking forward to this as much as anybody but it just didn’t get crazy enough to live up to the hype! Far too tame for my liking…

    Not a very daring list; while I didn’t necessarily enjoy much-loved movies like Citizen Kane or 2001, I could see why they were so popular and how they had influenced others. I respected rather then liked them, so that’s why I wouldn’t stick it on that list.
    Sorry, I’m shite at articulating myself - product of the Scottish public education system :D

  66. Mike


  67. Ryan

    In no particular order

    Blade Runner
    Brokeback Mountain
    2001: A Space Odyssey
    Clockwork Orange
    Old School
    Raging Bull
    Kill Bill

    I’ve gotta say I disagree with most of your picks John, but that’s one of the reasons I love this site.

  68. Jon

    Holy shit John, do you like movies? Apart from Old School, Being John Malkovich, and Fargo, everything else on that list is fine. But hey to each his own.

  69. anonymousbrain


    The reason I felt you were attacking John was where you basically said he only hated the movies on his list because of the movies genres he likes. I like mostly Sci-Fi movies but that doesn’t mean I don’t like movies outside of my genre of choice. I liked House of Sand and Fog, The Machinist, and Proof.

    And I see where you are making recommendations, but the way you put it just seems more critical than informative. I could be wrong, but that is the impression I got.

    And I must say, it’s rare to disagree with someone online without them calling your a “fag” or a “duchbag” because you thought they were being mean.

    I bow to you sir for keeping our disagreement civil.


    Also, I forgot to add this to my list of Top Overrated Movies….

    -Anything with Will Ferrell as a Lead (He is great as a supporting actor in comedies but he uses the same character/joke everytime he plays the lead in a movie)


  70. Nicole

    Haha I agree with POPPE.

    I hated Citizen Kane. I fell asleep during the first 3 minutes. Okay so maybe I’m exagerating but you get the point.

    Some other movies I fell asleep to?

    Good Night, and Good Luck


    I guess I’ll never know if those films got good or not because I didn’t get very far before I was out like a rock. =)

  71. Nicole


    Ryan mentioned A Clockwork Orange. I hated that movie simply because they went with the American version of the book and not the orginal version. Friggin Kubrick. I love the dude to death but I wish he stuck to the original.

  72. Ryan

    I REALLY wanted to like that movie, before I saw Clockwork I figured it would be right up my alley.

    But then everyone was so ridiculously cartoony I could even begin to find them remotely scary or sinister. Maybe that was the point, but man was I let down.

  73. wolf

    I agree Nicole on Capote. I really didn’t like that film and I found it very boring.

  74. Burbanked

    Wow, John. If you set out to get fingers tap-tapping at the keyboards, I’d say you’ve done a fine job indeed.

    I’ll follow with a list below, but I’ll include my beefs with you first:

    You’re wrong on Fargo, Being John Malkovich and Pulp Fiction. I’ll grant you History of Violence, Saving Private Ryan and Traffic, because I’d consider those contentious; I’m not in love with them enough to defend them. But on those first three you’ve stunk up the joint, sorry.

    You’re absolutely right about American Beauty and I’m not that big a fan of Blade Runner.

    Here’s my list and I’ll lead with your big one:

    Transformers - I’ve said this before, in comments here and on Burbanked. I absolutely don’t get it. WORST. MOVIE. IDEA. EVER.

    LOTR - every sixteen-hour, self-indulgent, installment of it.

    Both Mummy movies

    Jackie Brown

    ALL of Robert Altman except for The Player and some parts of MASH

    V for Vendetta - seriously, WTF?

    X-Men 3


    The Graduate

    Casino - I HATE CASINO. IT’S SCORSESE LITE. I kept waiting for the voice over to end AND IT NEVER ENDS. And Sharon Stone was freaking NOMINATED for this movie!

    Apocalypse Now - how high was everyone when they made this? No, really, how high exactly?

    And I’d watch Aliens over Alien eight ways to Sunday.

  75. Burbanked

    Oh, and I meant to mention: great topic and the site looks terrific. Nice work.

  76. Alan

    completely agree w history of violence… that movie sucked

  77. tedd1108

    John, I loved History of Violence, for too many reasons to mention here. But for the love of god, do not assume others like it only because it’s done by a great director. Are you seriously trying to insult my intellegence with that comment, or just trying to make a smart-ass comment?
    I can accept the fact that you don’t like a lot of the films I may like, that’s fine… but, if you are going to list a reason for not liking a film, don’t insult the ones who DO like the film.
    Anyway, it’s definately an interesting list.
    Oh yeah, and one more thing…
    (just kidding dude… hey, put that knife down…seriously…I was only joking!…oh shit….)

  78. Butch Landon

    My List:

    English Patient
    Green Mile
    Mystic River
    Killing Fields
    Spider Man
    Bull Durham
    Training Day
    Lost in Translation
    Royal Tanenbaums

    Saving Private Ryan presents the point of view that there is nothing one can do to repay that type of sacrifice. And, Pulp Fiction IS that cool. I like Fargo, as I cant think of another movie like it.

    How bout a list of favorite actors/ most overrated actors?


  79. CHRIS

    Here are a few movies i thought were way overrated :

    -Harry Potter and the sorcerer’s stone (after that one ,i didn’t want to watch the others)
    -Lord of the Rings (a journey with monsters whereever you go) .I saw all three expecting to like at least one but nope .
    -The Aviator (ok ,it’s a bio but it’s long and boring)
    -Meet the parents :not funny…not once .
    -Titanic :so cheesy .
    -Signs :didn’t see the point .
    -Kill Bill vol.1 .The second one told a story but this one was only images and music .
    -Requiem for a dream .Well made but boring .
    -The thin red line :see Requiem for a dream .
    -Walk the line :i didn’t get the hype about the actors’ performances and the movie was boring .
    -Donnie Darko :all right but cult ?
    -Amelie Poulain .
    -Star Wars Attack of the Clones :cheesy dialogues .The worst of the six ,by far .
    -Million dollar baby :good ,not great .
    There…i probably forgot a few

  80. chris

    1. All x-men movies- hugh jackman as wolverine…bullshit and halle berry goddamn thats a lot of suck. jason statham IS wolverine.
    2. Scream Trilogy- WTF white people getting killed for NO REASON…
    3. Batman Begins- Great comic book movie crappy shake camera action scenes
    4. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory-….Johnny Depp’s a man right…right?
    5. Both Tony Jaa movies- I own them both but if you take out action scenes its like retards with cameras 101
    6. Dodgeball- Funny the first time, turn this shit off every other time
    7. Boyz in tha Hood- good wake up to white people, predictable trash in my eyes.
    8. Crash- the most overrated movie of all time. As a black man this movie did nothing for me. Just a whole bunch of racist shit happening to good actors. I FUCKIN HATE THIS MOVIE!!
    9. Final Destination 3- Best in the series my ass! How is this better than parts 1 and 2. The first two were related but the third just random.
    10. American Beauty/ Superman Returns- overhyped pieces of garbage WTF to both movies.

    ps How could anyone hate anchorman? lol. The fight scene with the other networks was gold…gold I tell you!

  81. CHRIS

    My list :
    -the thin red line :well made but so boring .
    -requiem for a dream :same as thin red line .
    -star wars attack of the clones :the worst of the six ,by far .the dialogues were funny even though they weren’t supposed to be .
    -kill bill vol.1 :only music and images .the second one was much better with a real story .
    -million dollar baby :good but overrated .
    -walk the line :boring .i didn’t get the hype about the actors’ performances .
    -lord of the rings trilogy :i saw all three expecting to like at least one but i didn’t .it’s about guys fighting monsters everywhere they go .
    -harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone :it didn’t make me want to saw the others .i’m not 12 .
    -the aviator :long and boring (i know it’s a bio but com’on)
    -titanic :that one tops the list .so long and cheesy .
    -meet the parents :not funny…not once .
    -toy story .as i said i’m not 12 .the same goes for all animated movies i’ve seen ,except for shrek which was really funny (this one was for adults)
    -donnie darko :it was ok but cult ?

  82. Louis

    Well, my list of the movies everyone love and I don’t

    Lord of the rings
    Spiderman (sucks! this can be extend to all films with so-called superhero in Pijama with Christian morality)
    Kill Bill 1 (boring)
    Godfather (the first film, Godfather 2 and 3 are ok for me)
    Goodfellas (dull, I stopped after half an hour into that boring film)
    Donnie Darko (Sucks!!!)
    28 Days later (Suck as much as Donnie Darko!)

  83. Jay


    I read your post about Gladiator but I was asking for a list. One or two is easy but to put yourself out there with 10 movies that most love is daunting because someone with no manners might attack you for not liking one of their favorites. You know, like you did to John concerning Fargo.

    The way you offer suggestions is very condescending. Just because someone doesnt appreciate foreign cinema or “artsy” movies doesnt mean you have the right put them down for it. If you want to disagree, that’s fine. Just dont be so juvenile as to say that if someone doesnt like Fargo that they dont have the right to run a film website. I know you were trying to make a joke but it didnt come across as funny, it came across as elitist and condescending.

    I liked Gladiator. Does that give me the right to say you have no taste and shouldnt be allowed to post on a movie website?
    No. Of course it doesnt.
    I could be childish and do it anyway but whether I’m in person or on a website message board I still value manners.
    I agree with FZ1. People on message boards seem to lose all manners because of the security that the internet offers.

    You might try to get the same message across in person, but I bet you would word it differently.

  84. CapnTightpants

    Hey John!
    Good list, though I don’t neccessarily agree with some of your choices. Blade Runner is one of my fave films. I myself haven’t come up with a complete list yet, but somewhere near the top of the list would have to be the Godfather Trilogy. I just don’t get it. I mean, cinematically I get what Coppola was trying to do, but I just don’t get the appeal.

  85. Eric

    Here’s a few.

    It’s a Wonderful Life — The ultimate in feel-good garbage.
    American Beauty — Too heavy handed.
    American History X — Again, a bit too over the top. Trying too hard to be “artistic”.
    Sin City — Contrived from dozens of movies better.
    Crash (2005) — Forced, unrealistic, written by a rich white guy.
    Full Metal Jacket — A disappointing third act.
    Donnie Darko — Stupid.
    The Sixth Sense — One trick pony.
    Magnolia — Self indulgent and boring.
    Heat — Aside from some amazing heist scenes, the melodrama kills it.
    Snatch & Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels — Mindless.
    The Usual Suspects — Well made, but cheap story.

    There’s plenty more.

  86. IAmDennis

    What’s the deal with movie lists on this site all of a sudden?
    Running out of REAL movie dish or just trying to push the CORRECT MOVIE OPINIONS a little?
    The site’s beginning to look like an on-line version of ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY with all their TOP 50 BEST…OF THE YEAR special editions. Please, no special photo editions.

  87. themarina

    Wow. Talk about generating heated discussion! I’m surprised by a few of the selections on your list but to each his own right? Here’s my list:

    1)Amélie - it nearly put me to sleep
    2)Kill Bill - I’m not a big fan of Tarantino but this was not only difficult to follow but made little sense
    3) Sling Blade - why this was such a huge success I’ll never understand. It did very little for me and Thorton did even less
    4)Life is Beautiful - with all the hype I thought this was going to be fantastic! I really didn’t enjoy it. At all. I guess I’m heartless because I didn’t cry either! ;)
    5)The English Patient - Reading this was bad enough but watching it was that much worse
    6)The Sweet Hereafter - There was sooooo much positive buzz about this movie I figured I couldn’t go wrong. Another I nearly fell asleep watching
    7)Ong-Bak - and this Jaa character is supposed to be the next thing in martial arts? So he’s pretty talented, I’ll give him that much but he has to start doing some movies that make a bit more sense. I sat through that nighmarish story for the action but I refuse to do it again. EVER
    8)Wedding Crashers - I just didn’t find this funny. At all. I honestly didn’t smile even once
    9)Jurasic Park - I liked nothing about this movie. Not even the giant dinosaurs. I could appreciate that they looked fantastic but that’s it.
    10) The Motorcycle Diaries - I tried to see this twice. Twice I turned it off. Talk about creating a boring film of a great personality

  88. Chisox

    1.Star Wars- Light Saber YEAH!!!! don’t see what the big deal is. This film can’t hold Space Odyssey 2001’s jock strap.

    I never read the book. I just went as a normal moviegoer. Great special effect’s, terrible story. The goblin absolutely saved the last film. They should do a movie with just him.

    3. All OF DARREN ARONOFSKY’s film- I guess I am not and elitist or a intelligent person. Or maybe his film’s just suck ass.

    4. Mystic River- Sean Penn I don’t believe you. I don’t believe you are in pain over your daughter’s murder. I have no sympathy for your vigilante justice character at all. I spit on this film.

    5.Sixth Sense- Garbage, thrash, slop, turd. I don’t understand the hoopla over this film. NOT THRILLING, NOT SCARY, AND VERY BORING.

    6. Harry Potter- Again I never read the books. Can someone tell me why Potter is such a bitch ass, pussy faced cunt. His character has no balls he just comes across to me as a bitch boy. For a lead don’t you need a strong character depicted, as he transends from adolescent to manhood. Please Guillermo Del Turo show the how it’s done.

    7.Citizen Kane- A fucking snoozer. I have this on DVD and always pop in just to try to understand what makes this the greatest film of all time. I have not watched it from start to finish yet. I fucking hate this trash. It does not stand the test of time like a Kubrick or Hitchcock film.

    8. V for Vendetta- Once again I never read the book. Went to this film giddily as hell as it came highly regarded by my friends. Not a terrible movie but not very good either. Just barely ok

    9. The English Patient and Shakespeare In Love- I lump these too in because they like won back to back pest pictures. Both god awful film in my opinion. Only for people who drink tea with there pinky finger off and think there shit don’t stink.

    10.X-Men/Spider-man- I can’t believe people are gobbling up this shit. The film’s are good but could be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better. I lay in bed and think about just how awesome these comic book franchises can be. Until that day I just stare at my Marvel Universe Magic Cards.;

  89. xplod

    John I desagre with you in half the list
    - A history of violence, this is indeed a great movie, I love it
    - Being John Malcovich, I thought this was ok
    - Saving Private Ryan, this is my favorite war movie I think it’s great
    - Blade Runner, come on… this is a great Sci-fi movie…
    - Pulp Fiction, this one is the one I must desagree with you, I’m not a tarantino fan, but this movie is awesome

    My list:
    1- 2001 - A space odissey, now this is a boring boring movie
    2- Kill Bill 1 and 2, I don’t like the story, it’s dumb
    3- Pearl Harbor
    4- Last Days, come one this shit is so boring and so… so nothing, a fucking movie about nothing
    5- the ring
    6- Harry Potters(didn’t see the last one) I don’t think the movies get the concept of the story in the books

    Ps.: I would like to give a proper justification for my choices, but english level is to low

  90. Mattias L T Cedervall

    I don’t love all of this movies!! So please don’t say everyone else.

  91. thegoodfella

    Just thought of another one - Face/Off.

    I’m a huge fan of John Woo’s HK work and this just did nothing for me at all. The gunfights were well below his usual standard, despite the brilliant use of ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’, and the story wasn’t substantial enough to keep me interested for its two hour plus running time.

  92. borloff

    Damn John….. some truly shocking titles on that list. Many of which are among my favorites (Blade Runner, Fargo, Malkovich, American Beauty, Pulp Fiction). I sat in stunned disbelief for about 5 minutes before i could even begin to formulate a response. Can’t really bad mouth ya for your opinion but…… damn. In defense of some of my faves;

    Blade Runner: What did you not like about this? What version did you see? The sans narration version is superb in my opinion, with the additional cut-in of the unicorn dream coupled with the happy ending getting lopped off. The film is a case study in “Who am I? What does it mean to be human?”. I first saw this movie back when i was a wee-lad in the 80’s and it was powerful stuff….. made you think.

    I thought all the acting was excellent (even sean young!), the direction was top notch, the production design really influenced the course of modern Sci-fi (and helped to establish the whole cyberpunk movement in books and cinema).

    Fargo: I used to watch this film all the time. It’s a great “people-watching” movie. And it’s funny as hell. Watching all these idiots just keep making the wrong choices time and time again never gets old with me. The performances were outstanding across the board, and it’s the Coens at the height of their powers (before they lost it completely).

    Being John Malkovich: Perfect “love it or hate it” movie. What stands out above all else with this movie for me is the sheer joy i got at every twist and turn in this film, knowing i had never seen anything like this before. What’s gonna happen next…. i really don’t have a clue. But i love wierd movies. Missed opportunity for what?

    Pulp Fiction: I loved it BECAUSE it was trying to be so cool. It really shook some shit up when it came out. I can see how it wouldn’t gel with some folks. But for me, cinema gold. Another perfect example of a movie where you really don’t know what is gonna happen next. I liked the non-linear narrative, and how my brain felt all happy when all the storylines would weave in and out of each other. I see it as a crime comic book movie.

    American Beauty : You are upset that it wasn’t called Canadian Beauty. No, i can see how somebody wouldn’t dig this film. Not me, i loved every inch of it. I thought it was a very, very artistic movie, and i can see how that would come off as pretentious. Again, all the performances were just outstanding. SPACEY!

    I personally don’t have too many movies that i hate that everybody loves…… I do hate Hook though, and there seems to be alot of Hook love round here. And i don’t like Mallrats or Dogma.

    shocked john……… just shocked……. i feel like you came over and punched my son in the face while drinking my last beer.

  93. Liam

    I despise David Cronenburg’s work. I don’t think I’ve seen any of his movies that I’ve liked. maybe the fly, but I was a kid when I saw it.

    his work has soured me on most canadian film actually.

  94. dan

    most of those movies i did not like much either.
    but i thought Being John Malkovich was so crazy and original.
    i really loved that film.
    maybe it’s because i had no expectations.
    come to think of it, maybe a movie seems better or worst solely based on expectations.
    like when i saw Equilibrium. i was simply amazed because i had never even heard of it before.
    and when i saw Anchorman, i was just disappointed because my friend was raving is was amazing.

  95. darren j seeley

    Man- tough crowd.

    First, let me say something about “Blade Runner”. It is more of the technical and production design acheivements in the film, as well as the appriciation of them. One of the only other reasons why the film is “loved” is that the film’s troubled production and Ridley bumping heads with the studios at the time…[also goes for Terry Gilliam’s ‘Brazil’] - we LOVE filmmaker/Hollywood “war stories”. But then there’s the trivia part of it, the editing blunders, references to things that never got filmed or were shuffled around.

    If “Blade Runner” were more of an ‘action’ film as we know sci-fi action films today, aside from the [even more popular] video game, we would have had a dozen sequels by now. It need not have Harrison Ford. I know I felt the sequel novels by KW Jeter were overrated, however.

    I’m also a guy who loved “Traffic”, Steven Soderbergh’s film, but if it makes you all feel better, I LOVED Soderbergh’s “Kafka” too. So there you go.

    Oddly, I cannot rebut the 1-6 on John’s list. Yes, I liked ‘History” but not as much as others have. In fact, I loved Cronenberg’s other films such as “Fly”, “Dead Zone”, “Naked Lunch” and “eXiStenZ” far, far more. Once Ed Harris was out of “History” the film lost a ton of impact for me.

    Congrats to those above who said “Kill Bill vol.1″. It’s funny, when I reviewed that film on a site I used to frequent, I got this excuse “Well- OF COURSE you hated it! You cannot properly critique it UNTIL you see PART II!! They are part of the same movie you stupid jerk!!” and I swear, you say you hated/didn’t like one damn film Tarintino put out that “must mean” you hate ALL of what Tarintino does! The gag was I did like the second film (oh, excuse me, the SECOND HALF) better than vol.1. Well, if that rule still stands…so be it.
    Can’t please everyone.

    Anyway…we shall skip “American Beauty”, “Being John Malkovich”, “Old School” and “Violence”…because here’s what’s wrong with “Ryan”.

    No, it isn’t because in the same year there was a better WWII film [Thin Red Line]. No, it wasn’t because I loved the film “Enemy At The Gates”. It was because…well, it suffered more cameo disease than ‘Line’, the last half of the film is dramatically manipulative, and the ending is ALL WRONG. It should not be the elderly Ryan saying that line. It belonged storywise, to another character. But as far as Spielbeg goes, there is one film…one film…that trumps this one into something I DESPISED in not only my childhood years, but up to this day.

    1) E.T.

    Let me put this out: I think Steven Spielberg is one of the best filmmakers that ever lived. I watch ‘Jaws’ over and over again, never get bored. I still marvel at the ‘Raiders’ films, loved ‘Armistad’, ‘Empire Of The Sun’…for as dumb as they were, the first two ‘Jurassic Park” films are great popcorn. And then, the real masterpiece, “Schindler’s List”.

    But…there’s ET. Could it be I’m really a cold hearted, sonofagun? Maybe. But see, it’s like this. I did not care for the ET/Christ comparisons [the original ad was inspired by the Michaelangeo painting; ET dies then comes back to life, he heals the sick etc] but that was the least of it. ET drank beer, and through the telepathic bond, Eliot got bombed. Ho Ho Ho. As a child in the theatre, I wasn’t laughing. I was shocked this was in the film. It turned me into an ET hater. It did not help when they put him in drag. ho ho ho. Being in a family whose parents are divorcing because my father messed around and abused alcohol was not a laughing matter at hme. Why should I find little kids getting drunk onscreen funny? Or the funny looking critter downing brewsies like a 4 year old drinks up Tang!?

    Then later in life, I thought, man, that’s a tough thing. Then I heard Steven Spielberg was putting ET on DVD and re-doing some scenes so little children who watch it now won’t be scared. He takes out a guys gun (which is never used in a fight) and puts in a flashlight. Nothing more. I was offended. That scene didn’t scare any kid in the 80’s. Through a characters POV, he was supposed to look mysterious and menacing…until he took his gear off and you see Peter Coyote. But he never changed the beer scenes. So it’s okay not to scare kids with a gun that never gets fired. But it’s okay for them to see what it’s like to drink and get buzzed. I understand perfectly.

    2) Twister.

    A lot of my (old Christian) friends love this film at parties, especially just before a Michigan vs. MSU game. Don’t ask me why. I never figured it out myself. All I know is that in time I got sick of watching that film…

    3) Constant Gardner.
    A total mess of a film. Hard to understand.

    4) Fight Club.
    Yes. But I can’t talk about it.

    5) The Sixth Sense.
    The better ghost film, ‘Stir Of Echoes’ was ignored in favor of this crapfest by Shaylaman. The film did nothing for me.

  96. Richard (no not THAT Richard)

    I just find it funny that John says right in his post that he isn’t saying these are bad films, just that they are films that everyone seems to love that he hates. That’s all. And even still, it’s OPINION people. It’s something we’re all entitled to.

    Personally, I disagree with John on 9 of the 10 films he listed. I wouldn’t say I absolutely LOVE those 9 films (although 3 of them are probably on my top 10 list) but I happen to think they are all very good films.

    The one film I do agree with John with was A History of Violence. And I don’t even know that it’s the fault of the movie. I went into it expecting so much based on reviews and word of mouth that I think I was just let down by the expectation factor. It just seemed like a very simple story with not much to it. And that was disappointing. Also, the fact that William Hurt was nominated for an Oscar for that film was a joke, right? Because he was easily the worst, most out of place actor in that movie. His accent was awful, and his portrayal of a mobster would have been better off had they just put Fat Tony from The Simpsons in his role.

    With all the lists that have been already posted, I would just be repetitive to go with another one. But here are a couple of movies that everyone I know seems to love, that I hate, that haven’t been mentioned:

    Bottle Rocket. I love Rushmore. I love The Royal Tennenbaums. I just don’t get Bottle Rocket. I’ve tried. I’ve tried more than once. Just can’t like this movie.

    Moulin Rouge. I couldn’t stand more than 20 minutes of this film. Personally, I think there should have been a warning to film-goers that this film is prone to cause seizures. I liken it to watching a strobe light for 97 minutes.

    Sexy Beast. Probably not beloved by fans everywhere, but man did the critics go nuts for this movie. I love Ben Kingsley, but I was bored out of my mind. I looked over to my wife and saw she was asleep. I nudged her and we walked out. First time I ever walked out on a film.

    Swingers. Just kidding. :)

  97. darren j seeley

    Oh…I forgot one.


  98. Corab

    Hey John, I happen to love lists as well. I am a longtime reader of your site, and a first time poster. Anyhoo, here is my list of movies I did not enjoy whatsoever.

    1. Forrest Gump-My best bud loved it, I think its a meh
    2. Terminator-Oddly I loved T2
    3. Jaws-One of a couple Spielberg movies I did not enjoy
    4. Castaway-Made 430 Million worlwide, and I do not know how
    5. Gone With the Wind-I just did not like it, and i tried
    6. Chicago
    7. Close Encounters of the Third Kind- I found this honestly boring
    8. Million Dollar Baby- Did not hate it, but did not love it
    9. Brokeback Mountain- I just felt snoozy watching it
    10. The Deerhunter- Another one that I did not hate, but did not enjoy

    Anyways, thats the list. I have put myself in the firing range


  99. Culture Snob

    My modestly proposed list:

    1) Citizen Kane. It’s a fuckin’ sled! How boring!

    2) Schindler’s List. The Nazis kill the Jews. Repeat. Snooze.

    3) Rear Window. The guy’s in a wheelchair. We’re in his apartment nearly the whole time. I’ve had bowel movements that were more interesting. And they were a lot shorter!

    4) The Godfather. You can barely understand the dialogue coming out of that fat guy’s mouth! And it’s so long! But at least it has Fish from Barney Miller.

    5) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. (If only my dick were as long as the title!) What? They couldn’t hire a few more actors?

    6) City of God. How am I supposed to watch and read?!

    7) Psycho. With all that editing, I can barely follow what’s going on in the shower!

    8) To Kill a Mockingbird. Oh, I get it. Racism is bad. Tell me something I don’t know!

    9) The Third Man. I can’t stand that music! What a shitty movie!

    10) Das Boot. It wasn’t even about a boot!

  100. Joe Simmons

    If Culture Snob’s retardation was not on purpose then I’ll be the first to say it.

    Culture Snob is a complete moron.

  101. Jmarps


    I hate you


    (Dude, the whole thing about John not being able to run a website was a joke! Chill out man.)

  102. FoX

    I think 2001: a Space Oddesey is probably the most overated piece of crap of all time. It drove me insane i waited for Hal to talk for almost 2 hours

  103. alfie

    tedd1108 has a great point. it is fine to hate these films but to say things like “heres a film you are required to like because cronenberg directed it” is insulting and a pretty stupid thing to say. It challeneges the integrity of people who do like the film and thats as bad as people challenging you on whther or not studios could buy you off. I personally don’t believe you will be ever bought off as you speak your mind no matter what..this list proves that.

    I enjoyed history of violence because i think it is filled with fantastic performances. It isn’t as good as the graphic novel..I wish they had kept the original ending but it would have seemed a little far fetched in real action…. and nowhere near as good as the critics would have had you believed but all in all I thought it was a solid little thriller. I certainly don’t feel it is a requirement due to its director.

    your list has confirmed what I have thought for a long time but this has really sealed the deal….we have completely different tastes and see the world with different eyes.

    But you have balls to lay all that out there……and that is why I like you. You were not afraid to pick justin long as a future superstar. You have no fears in saying that you like brendan fraser as a pure actor…see I cannot for the life of me see either of opinions as all but you do and you say it. And thats why i like this really don’t give a fuck about what other people think of your opinions and that is great. I don’t however like the way you suggest that some people only like some films because they feel they have to. it isn’t the first time you have hinted or suggested that is what you think. I could say that about you and superman returns that the only reason you claim to love it so much is because you love bryan singers films and no matter what you were going to like it. but that would be wrong of me to so that. and you would get pissed off if I or anyone did say that. and rightly so so i don’t think you should say that about others.

    You always refer to Rotten tomatoes when you talk about films to back up claims you make and thats fine I do the same thing to but you have listed a lot of critically acclaimed films there and it is ridiculous to suggest that people may love them for anything other than the fact they truly think that are great films.

    But again you really don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks and I like it.unless it is your integrity.

    I agree with you about private ryan -I think it is a terrible movie.not just overrated but an actual bad movie with terrible storytelling.

    I personally don’t see how you can say will ferrell was held back in old school though. hard ot get more out than to gostreaking through the quad and into the gymnasium.

    But I aint going to defend all the films on there I love because everyone is different and if we all agreed on everything than these sites and life in general would be pretty fucking boring….

    but blade runner??? that is the one that really shocked me the most…..that is crazy talk…

    when did you last see it?? because that film is a fucking gem.

  104. Bennis Pavisian

    I think this post made me rethink everything i have read on this blog…..I understand that taste in movies in different, and its all opinions and such… but the way you described some of these movies makes me second guess whether or not you actually watched them..

  105. Jay

    i’m chilled, man.

    Sorry if I seemed to get over-excited.

    P.S. - I hate you too

    (the above line is in no way to be considered acurate, true or believable)

  106. Fox

    Ok i hit the post button accidentally
    so ill make a list

    1)2001: A Space Oddesey- after watching this i wanted to punch somone in the face. Its a 2 hour music video.

    2)Napoleon Dynamite- No point. I think i laughed once maybe.

    3)Blade Runner- I don’t get it and i dont think i ever would.

    4)Saving Private Ryan- yes John is right the first 10-20 min are great but after watching Band of Brother of History Channel this movies isnt as good. Oddly enought both have Speilberg involed in them

    5)28 Days later- Come on the part in the mansion wtf ???

    6)King Kong all 3-the only part i liked in 2005 and 1933 is the end i feel so sad

    7)Pearl Harbor

    8)Old School- I think i Laughted once or twice

    9)Master and Commander

    10) Forrest Gump

  107. Andrew Edmark

    I think you’ve got something here, John. You don’t like boring movies!

    hah, brave list… We all have our reasons for liking things. I like alot of those films for different reasons. That’s my problem, though. I don’t hate alot of movies. I rate them more along the black and white concept of a movie that I would buy, or one that I wouldn’t. I guess you could say I “hate” movies I would never buy. But then again, I bough Before Sunset… Now THAT is an overrated, boring, contrived film.

    I want to see another list.. Movies that everyone hates, but I like. Unless you did that one already and I wasn’t paying attention.

  108. V Wilson

    OK, so I was going through your list and was agreeing with most of it although I personally enjoyed “A History of Violence” despite the fact it does have many flaws. But then you just floored me midway through the list. Blade Runner is in my all time TOP 10 best films at #6. Don’t say you get it because you simply don’t. This film’s greatness is not just the story and the look. It is the groundbreaking work in set design, prop design and SFX, which like Star Wars helped spawn an industry. It is a true work of art. Finally to did one of the greatest films ever made and #3 on my all time list “Saving Private Ryan” is truly unfortunate for you. To label it with your silly reasoning and petty insults, while missing out on the epic story and heartfelt sentiment and homage is truly sad. I generally don’t let people’s taste
    (or lack of) bother me but to disrespect and not love a film like SPR is truly disgusting and truly shameful. Oh sure, maybe this reads very heavy handed and I should perhaps lighten up but that just bugs me. Until Lord of the Rings was justifiably awarded the Oscar a few years back, I had personally ignored the Academy Awards and refused to watch due to their criminal decision to award the Oscar to that mushy piece of crap “Shakespeare In Love”, while snubbing SPR. SPR is a little too close to my heart, as is the mini series “Band of Brother”.
    I just hate it when those great productions with their inspirational message get disrespected by pseudo intellectual film lovers who show extreme levels of poor taste and pretentious pretense. Give me a break! Now to offend some of you out there I’ll include my list of 10 most overrated films of all time.

    1. SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE - An absolute lightweight. Totally forgot
    2. ORDINARY PEOPLE - Please slash my wrists before I see it again.
    3. FORREST GUMP - More stale than a ten year old box of chocolates.
    4. DRIVING MISS DAISY - I’d rather shop at the Pigly Wigly all day.
    5. A BEAUTIFUL MIND - A beautiful waste of time.
    6. CHICAGO - I’d rather listen to Moulin Rouge backwards.
    7. FARGO - This film should have been fed to the woodchipper.
    8. TRAFFIC - Hard to follow, hard to view, hard to stomach. YUKKK!
    9. AMERICAN BEAUTY - This beauty needs a facelift and a tummy tuck.
    10. TERMS OF ENDEARMENT - Tears of endurance ran down my face. BORING

  109. Jmarps


    Love ya man


  110. MotherNature

    Good ballsyness for posting the list, but man there are a few choices I can’t understand.
    My thoughts:
    Life is Beautiful is sad but 2 dimensional.
    Matrix was cool but will look dated any day now.
    Usual Suspects is crap because it’s laughing at us. We are the customs officer listening to the story, we have no choice but to assume it’s true like any other flashback movie. Then we realise he was lying the whole time and we’re supposed to think “Oh, you got me, good work.”

    I’m really sure that in decades to come Pulp Fiction will be thought of as one of the best movies of the nineties. It has an original clever narrative, timeless style, glorious dialogue, crazy chronology and yet keeps three acts.

    Malkovich is good because it’s an original story that works. Thats enough these days when 90% of films are not original stories.

    American Beauty is beautiful and the acting is great (not sure if Spacey deserved to win over Denzel’s Hurricane though).

    I agree on A History of Violence and Fargo though.

  111. JWP

    I cannot believe that someone hated Killer Clowns from Outer Space….truly one of the best movies ever made. :)

  112. litreofcola

    Fantastic letterbait, John. I actually do like most of the films that have been listed in the comments, but here are a couple that I catch I lot of crap for hating:

    WEDDING CRASHERS - love the rest of the “frat pack” flicks, but this one was utter garbage

    MEET THE PARENTS/FOCKERS - painfully unfunny! I simply don’t understand its widespread appeal

    SHREK - zero laughs and damned annoying characters (the fact that a few others in this thread agree has comforted my soul to end)

  113. alfie

    I have a much bigger list of movies people hate that I love over films people love and I hate…but here are the films I hate that people seem to love

    crash - campea your description of traffic (which I love) describes this film beautifully. remove drugs and place in racism.”crash” is so heavy handed and clumsy it boggles the mind that this won best picture last year. I can’t believe people took this film seriously. it is about as subtle as being hit in the testicles by a sledge hammer which is being swung by someone saying “i am going to bash your testicles in with this sledgehammer”. in fact if i had a choice between watching crash and having my testicles crushed by a amdaman weilding a sledgehammer I would..well..I would probably watch crash but I would have to think about it.Jaw droppingly awful in every single way….the script, the story, the acting, the direction everything. I was offended at how stupid they must think people are….i fucking hated is no better than an after school special on racism from the 80’s.

    gladiator was terrible. could have starred jean claude van damme. completely phoney in every way. I wannabe epic.

    shakespeare in love - not as clever as it thought it was. truly awful

    i don’t get the love for burtons batman. it is horrendous.

    superman returns - depressing

    signs - makes no sense

    all the matrix films…loved the first one but the sequles absolutely destroyed that entire franchise for me. ghastly.

    mystic river - overbaked made for t.v. melodrama.

    the godfather 2. love the first one but the sequel bores me. godfather 3 is as bad but everybody generally agrees it is weak.

    2001 - it just bores me. the only good stuff is the apeman stuff at the start. but if i want that I just watch quest for fire


    brokeback mountain - the last hour it really picks up and the story gets interesting but the first 3-4 are painfully boring.

    gangs of new york. remove day lewis and you have a disaster of epic proportions. with him you still have a bad film it just happens to contain one of the best performances in film history.

    thats about it really….those are the only I can think of that I would go as far as to say I really hated…there are tons of acclaimed “must see” films I think are overrated but these ones actually annoy me….

  114. Capman

    (1) Anything made by Wes Anderson - When I saw him finally “sell out” & do a Coca Cola commercial, I saw all his fans cringe in the theatre. Before that, I cringed during his films.

    (2) Scarface - just a bad movie to me. Did he have to cuss that much? Music stunk, casting was meh, never blew me away like everyone said it would. Boo!

    (3) Kill Bill (both) - A film by Quentin Tarentino in dedication to Quentin Tarentino.

    (4) X-Men - Low budget is understandable, but casting Anna Paquin & Halle Berry is not; add them with a neanderthal Sabretooth & it was horrible. Hugh Jackman saved the comic genre movies!

    (5) Saving Private Ryan - 100% agree with John on this. First 15 minutes rock, then it’s total fiction (anyone who reads/studies WWII history knows how inaccurate the film is & how overrated D-Day really is in the WWII list of important victories)

    (6) Forrest Gump - Shawshank dominated this & somehow bad selectors still snub the real Best Picture winner. Good soundtrack, that’s about it.

    (7) Animal House - Not THAT funny. Call me blasphemous, but it illustrated everything wrong with our culture. Yes, even John Belushi.

    (8) The Deer Hunter - Outside of the 2 Russian Roulette scenes, there were about 2 1/2 hours of nothing.

    (9) American Beauty - Insecurity central. Spacey did not deserve Best Actor that year. Biggest post-modern POC to date.

    (10) Cold Mountain - Love story was okay, but man, what a Civil War tease.

  115. Henrik

    Pulp Fiction is one of the best comedies of all time.

    Along with Strangelove, Some Like It Hot, Fight Club and Anchorman.


    OMG! I thought I was the only one who thought A History of Violence was total crap. I bought the dvd on some one’s suggestion. I liked a total of 10 minutes. So if i watch it again. I will just skip to those parts. And no it’s not the ‘love scene’…..dumb dumb dumb

  117. darren j seeley

    Mother nature:

    Something about “Usual Suspects” I have to point out. I didn’t mind 70% percent of Kint’s story was BS. I wasn’t surprised he was who he was, because to me, the gag was like Agatha Christie- “Ten Little Indians”.

    Yes. 70%.

    Not all of Kint’s story is a lie. In everything he told Kujan, there has to be elements of truth in them. He is no ‘rat’. He uses aliases, except for the dead (you can’t rat on dead people) The killing of Finster, for example. No drugs being on the boat. Verbal was “the man with the plan” when the gang decided, and executed, a theft of a mob payoff to diry cops. The hit on the “drug dealers” in the parking lot had an element of truth. (Kint implicates himself in a shooting?) Also, there were “facts” the authorities already knew. {The lineup] and that either Keaton figured out who Soze was, or always knew/suspected. [This scene at the beginning of the film has a ‘confirmation’ of who Soze is. If Keaton didn’t ID Soze, the living witness would not be able to ID Soze]

    Oh…a word about the posters who hate Citizen Kane.
    Don’t bullshit. You never seen the film.

  118. darren j seeley

    Yes! You never seen it!

    “I bought it but I never watched it cuz it was stupid”
    “I stopped watching after three minutes it was so horrible”

    That *is* what I’m seeing up there in the comment section, is it not?
    Vipers! Phonies!

    Watch the entire film and then form an opinion.

  119. Herby

    BIG BRASS ONES JOHN! Love your list. I don’t agree with it, but I love it. Here’s mine in no particular order.


    Independence Day - Proof that ED WOOD is alive and well.

    Return of the Jedi - I hate those freaking Soul Sucking EWOKS

    Braveheart - A Bloody, Bloody Mess.

    The Sixth Sense - He gets shot in the chest, the kid sees dead people… And you couldn’t figure out he was already dead.

    Unbreakable - I still haven’t woken up.

    Moulin Rouge - A spectacular failure



    John Wayne Films - Except for Stagecoach and Who Shot Liberty Valance, he always looks like he is trying to remember the next line

  120. darren j seeley

    Sorry. This topic has pissed me off.

  121. Maegraukar

    01 - Star Wars (all of them)
    02 - A Beautiful Mind
    03 - Million Dollar Baby
    04 - Chicago
    05 - Crash (2004)
    06 - The Green Mile
    07 - La Vita e Bella
    08 - Gladiator
    09 - The Shawshank Redemption
    10 - Spider-Man


    I am not surprised to see Return Of The Jedi on your list HERBY.

    I am a Star Wars fan, but for me, Episode 4 A New Hope (the REAL Star Wars) is the best in the ’saga’. Its the only movie that stands on it’s own.

  123. Herby

    My Favorite is Empire just great, but I agree about A New Hope (without all the enhancements). I saw it 7 times in the first week it was out.

  124. roy

    first id like to say pulp fiction rules

    1. lord of the rings - didnt get it and too long really boring movie- this is crap
    3. king kong - a film that was to long
    4. finding neverland- boring
    5. chicago- crap movie
    6. moulin rouge - crap
    7. brokeback moutain - really gay film
    9. mission impossible 3 - im sick of tom crusie
    10. master and comander- gay boats and gay story

  125. alfie

    I just remembered one…

    To me this is truly one of the worst films ever made. It was garbage from scene one right through until the end. No wonder alan moore didn’t want his name on it. I can;t begin to explain hwo I feel about this film. total style over substance…..repetitive scenes…..dreadful dialogue….some of the eworst action scenes committed to film…..every performance was awful….V voice was so disembodied from the character it never looked like he was saying any of the lines…thats probably because hugo weaving was hired half way through after they sacked the first guy so he was dubbing another guys actions but it looked terrible….plot points that made zero sense…natalie portmans atrocious accent…a dreadful piece of work and everyone involved should be deeply embarrassed to have been a part of it.


    Movies I hated that many others liked:

    MOULIN ROUGE - For me this movie was like someone throwing crap on a canvas and calling it art and selling it for millions and everyone agreeing that its a true masterpiece even though its still CRAP ON A CANVAS! Total neurotic made to sell music albums junk.

    GLADIATOR - I actually liked this film the first time, then it came out on DVD and I bought it… then I could never bring myself to watch it again. I still can’t. Why? I think because everything other than scenes with Russel Crowe it didn’t work. Either way, this film did NOT deserve best film

    2001: A SPACE ODDESSY - Its the only movie I have ever fallin asleep at while watching it and I was wide awake at the beginning. Nuff said. I did go back and watch the rest and it just bored me even more.

    THE SIXTH SENSE - You watch it once, you love it, then you know the twist and it just plain sucks after that point… okay MAYBE you could watch it one more time to see all the stuff you didn’t catch the first time. THEN its unwatchable.

    THE DEER HUNTER - I stayed awake, barely. The characters were unengaging. The story was weak. The only scene worth remembering was russian roulette. They should have hunted more deer or somethin. Geez.

    LORD OF THE RINGS TRILOGY - Why, OH WHY do people like these movies!? If not for the truly amazing special effects I would never have made it through them all. I was just incredibly bored by the story. And man did I want to just strangle Frodo with his cute little googly doe eyes. Okay, I’ve never read the books, but shouldn’t a movie make you WANT to read the books? These movies made me want to NEVER read the books, whereas I was considering it before them. Why were all these random characters jumping in and out of the story? What was up with that wizard in the tower that hated Gandolf? Shouldn’t I beable to follow this movie without a freakin LOTR encyclopedia? I’ve never had a movie feel so random.

    Movies I gotta defend

    Kill Bill - Plain and simple fun action kung fu with a mission for vengence. Nothin wrong with that.
    Pulp Fiction - … I just don’t know what to say here. I don’t understand how ANYONE could NOT like this movie. I just don’t get it. Its a true masterpiece. A perfect 10. It doesn’t miss a single note… okay maybe just a BIT during Willis’s Gold Watch section, but thats about it.


    AW COME ON ROY! Mission Impossible 3? Fuck Tom Cruise, I don’t like him either, but that movie brought back a franchise. JJ Abrams should be given a metal for creative genius.

  128. alfie

    i don’t get people who say they hate the “all” of the lord of the rings films.
    why would you sit through 2 three hour + movies if you hated the first one?

    o.k. I can understand maybe that if you saw fellowship and hated it you thought fuck it i will give two towers a chance but then if you did and hated that why on earth would sit through another one when they were all made by the same guy..pretty much at the same time with all the same writers and crew and effects house…it was essentially made as one long film…
    chances are if you hated the first weren’t goping to like the films…like i said i can understand watching the second one to give it a chance but after that you are just a sucker for punishment.
    lots of people say they sat through all three of them and hated them all…that is just crazy to me…I saw harry potter 1 hated it so I didn’t bother sitting rthough 3 more fucking films…..I hated oceans 11 so i didn’t see oceans 12…

    devoting three + hours to a film you pretty much know you are going to hate is strange to me…..

  129. Koko

    I know I’m a bit little bit late posting this, being that there is already about 130 comments left on this board. Good topic to stir some shit in here John. Controversy makes conversation. Ok here goes:

    10# RAGING BULL -
    Top notch acting and dedication by De Niro but I just found the whole film overated and boring.

    9# STAR WARS (All of them) -
    Sorry guys just couldn’t get into them. The first three were not made in my generation and The Phantom Menace didn’t exactly get me excited enough … well … actually, at all! Garbage.

    8# MATCH POINT -
    Woody Allen’s apparent return to form. This movie was boring, boring, boring. Until the very end of the movie where there was supposed to be some sort of shock factor in the guys actions to keep his secret. The ending just didn’t suit the rest of the movie. Oh well at least he made Bullets Over Broadway.

    7# CASTAWAY -
    Tom hanks looks like he’s living a third world country (no offense) and becomes best mates with a Volleyball. Wow! Sounds compelling! This was just a waste of 2 1/2 of my life that I’m never going to get back. Thanks Tom.

    6# FARENHEIGHT 9/11
    Being an Australian … I quite honestly could not have given two shits about this movie. I actually fell asleep, it was so boring! Comprende!

    5# CHICAGO -
    Crap! I can’t watch Catherine Zeta Jones in that movie without thinking of her doing the exact same dance in America’s Sweethearts (ALSO A BAD MOVIE, BUT NOT WORTHY OF A MENTION BECAUSE HANK AZARIA MAKES THE MOVIE WORTH WATCHING)

    Big Tarintino fan, but this movie just sucked. It was way too long. Could’ve ended about 5 times. And was just too hard to follow sometimes. Didn’t enjoy it. Better luck next time.

    The first was just bubblegum shit but it was watchable. This. Pathetic excuse for a movie, I couldn’t even sit through it. Luckily my disc skipped and I was forced to take it out of the player just when Nickelback & Kid Rock were performing an Elton John cover and Angels were being slung from a speeding car with some dodgy as fuck CGI. I wasted way too much time typing about this piece of crap. Damn you John!

    2# SIGNS -
    There has to be some Shyamalan in here cos he’s just a complete fucking dick! The movie felt ok right up until Johhny Cash beats the Alien with a baseball bat. HAHAHAHA!! Most Pathetic and laughable ending to a movie I have ever seen in my entire life …. Which brings me to No. !

    Speaking of the worst endings if a movie. I found myself enjoy a movie called “The Matrix” and I was waiting for it to end. If it had’ve ended after 2 hours (The Matrix) I would’ve been happy as a pig in shit! … But no, the REAL ending didn’t come until two movies later!!!!!! I felt like a had been molested by my grandpa watching those second two movies!!! Yes, thats right! Molested by MY GRANDFATHER!!! THATS HOW FUCKING BAD THOSE MOVIES WERE!!!!!!
    ….. Fuckin Rubbish

    See John, now you got me all worked up.

  130. Justin Flood

    Ok John, no offense, but PULP FREAKIN FICTION!?? I mean by most anyone’s standards its a classic! Is it the greatest movie ever, no, but HATE it. That’s rough. I can see your point on stuff like American Beauty, even though that is one of my favorite films of all time. But Pulp Fiction man? That just rips my poor little geek heart out.

    There is one that I will wholeheartedly agree with you on that list though. Blade Runner. Holy fucking god was that movie horrid. I have never been able to sit through the entire thing without being a) utterly confused or b) put to sleep. I know most people will say, “you just dont get it” And I do. It sucks.


    Hmmmm…. Movies I don’t like that everyone else does….

    Napolean Dynamite - Is it wrong I want to beat the crap out of people over this? Seriously. I hated this thing.

    Anything led by Will Ferrel as the main attraction. Yes, I said it… I can’t stand his humour because it’s senseless BS that isn’t funny.

    Anything led by Ben Stiller. This guy too, does nothing to make me want to watch a movie he’s in…

    Donnie Darko. It was ok, but nothing as great as everyone I know says it is.

    Saw (1 and 2). I just can’t stand the fact that something this sick and twisted is actually liked by as many people as it is. Are people out there really this sick and twisted?

    All the latest Chinese films coming out. Not because they’re shit, but because they’re all the same theme, same action, same storyline BS as the one that came out before it.

    LOTR - I think they were ok, but WAY overrated. They weren’t the greatest things ever made.

    Independance Day and War of the Worlds. Suck A**… Grasping at straws (great alien species come to Earth, and WE DEFEAT THEM? Ya, right!)

    King Kong (NEW) - BARF… What a waste of 3 hours of my life…

    Since it’s 2am, and I’m a little tired, I’m drawing a blank on others… Will update if there’s more to say.


    OK…Correction about Ben Stiller. Something About Mary was his best role, and I love that flick…Everything else, stands.


    Oh man, how could I forget!

    WHAT DREAMS MAY COME - That Robin Williams movie from a while back. Come on, did any guy ACTUALLY like this movie or did they just tell their girlfriends/ wives they did to make them happy?


    Raging Bull - You nailed it there KOKO. Way overrated to me too.

    The other two Matrix films… come on, they weren’t THAT bad. The brothers just got way too preachy and into themselves for their own good. They wanted to make it the most discussed film of all time, like the key to unraveling the universe or something… and they ended up just creating a mess with some sparks of seriously cool action. Some of those actions scenes were pretty damn cool, come on, you know they were!

  135. Koko

    Ok, some of the action scenes were ok. But it doesn’t nearly make up for everything else that I disliked about the films. The only good thing besides some of the action was Hugo Weaving, who just nails everything that he does. Watch a little Australian film called “Little Fish” with Cate Blanchette, Hugo Weaving at his best!!

  136. Rudger

    Well this should be a fun first post on the movieblog…
    Okay, I’m gonna have to completely agree with you on the Private Ryan and Old School. I didn’t like either of those movies and it puzzles me how so many people love them. Well, okay, Private Ryan I at least get a little more since I’ll occasionally get into a scene, but I found the whole thing overall boring. But Old School - Wedding Crashers and Anchorman as well - not funny. When there are such better films like 40 Year Old Virgin and Harold and Kumar out there for ridiculous comedies it amazes me how much people enjoy these poorly made movies with such weak characters and unenjoyable plots. If I wanted pure laughs with no plot or characters or anything of the sort, I’d watch the Jackass movies.

    But Pulp Fiction? Okay, not enjoying it, fine, but to call it contrived sounds like you watched it today after just having watched everything that came out in the 90’s trying to take its style. Again, not liking its style is fine, but to say that the film didn’t catch you off guard ever or felt unnatural seems strange to me.

    Walk the Line was overrated. It was a by the books retelling of somebody’s life that gave me no real insight into the characters presented on the screen.

    Movies I don’t like a lot of people love (since skimming through these posts it seems like you’re requiring this):
    Somebody mentioned Crash, gonna have to whole-heartedly agree.
    I know you love Russel Crowe, but I’m sorry I thought Gladiator was terribly boring and A Beautiful Mind wasn’t the least bit interesting or surprising. Once the surprise was revelead the movie went spiraling downhill, not like I felt it had very far to fall. Oh and Master and Commander was pretty bad. He’s done some pretty pretentious shit lately, but at least his next film might prove his ability to simply exist in a film without trying to overtake.
    Gosford Park - The constantly moving camera just made me nauseous and the mystery was too obvious, plus the film was just too slow and boring.
    Shakespeare in Love - thought it was just okay, nothing that special.
    Monsters Inc. and A Bug’s Life - strange choices, but I know many people who love these films and I simply didn’t.
    The Lion King - Another movie I don’t get why so many love it. I’d rather watch Mulan or Lilo and Stitch any day over this film. The music was terrible and out of place and the story was boring.
    The Shining - it just didn’t excite or scare me all that much….which is important for a horror/suspense film.
    North by Northwest - it’s okay, but not nearly as interesting or great as people make it out to be. And maybe it’s just the mass media talking, but I can’t see what all the fuss about Cary Grant is. He’s not attractive and I don’t get why the women are falling all over for him.
    American History X - Though everybody loves a good curb-stomping now and then, I was really dissapointed with this film. I think I was expecting too much.
    Heat - also, thought it was okay, but there were so many characters and plot points that went nowhere in a way that felt on purpose. An interesting idea no doubt, I just don’t think it was done that well. Collateral did it better and made the same point stronger.
    Mystic River - I could not get into this movie for the life of me. I thought the script was absolutely terrible and was carried only by fabulous acting.

    As a side, I have to ask why so many people on this site seem to hate Chicago so much. Are they just not theater people? Cause if you ever worked on Chicago or simply saw the stage version the movie’s genius should be easily recognizable. They made such smart choices on what to cut what to add and how to fit the music into a movie version that it simply amazes me.

  137. darren j seeley

    I loved Chicago, Rudger.

    But while I disagree on ‘Heat’, [all plot points are paid off] you must keep in mind at least 1/3 of the commenters are full of phony bolonga.

    I’m just waiting for someone to crop up and pronounce curses on any one of Akira Kurasawa’s films, or say that David Lean’s “Lawrence Of Arabia” was a piece of crap and “I fell asleep in the first five minutes”, and “Wizard Of Oz” was the stupidest picture ever made. “Key Largo” was a waste of my time, and …well, you’re all wrong about “The Bikini Carwash Company”-that was a work of art!

  138. Poppe

    Frack you darren j seeley. I watched Citizen Kane and hated it, I even got treated to it on celluloid. Like I said watch this and you’ll see what could be done with the concept. oh and CK is remembered becouse Gregg Toland did some innovations that alot of people later used.

    And Seeley brave of you not to like Twister, since we all know what a masterpice that is, puts Wells to shame any day right

  139. Vix

    But I love Pulp Fiction! Is it possible that I am the only person here who has not seen Saving Private Ryan?
    Anyway my list of popular dislikes:

    1. 2001: A Space Odessey - The beginning is very nice but it gets boring and about a quarter of the way through the film loses me.
    2. Gone With The Wind - Memorable lines but I don’t get the movie’s appeal
    3. Brazil - That movie made no sense whatsoever
    4. West Side Story - I really liked this movie as a kid but after seeing it again recently I can’t imagine why I liked it.
    5. Blade Runner - The theatrical cut blows but I love the Director’s Cut.
    6. Pearl Harbor - I don’t understand why the majority of Ben Affleck fans say this is their favorite because it was 2 plus hours of trash.
    7. Titanic - Never understood the hype of this movie - James Cameron has made better.
    8. Pirates of the Caribbean 2 - A complete waste of time. There are funny bits but they don’t add up to anything. Come to think of it was felt “bleh” about the first installment too.
    9. The English Patient - good book, boring movie

    Damn! I can’t think of a 10th movie.

  140. To MERO,


    “Your taste in movies tend to be in Sci-fi, Comic Book, Action, and Comedy, not Dramas, foreign, indies, or artsy movies”

    Ummm… dude… did you even read my favorite movies of all time list????

  141. Alex

    My list in no particular order:
    1. Titanic - I hated this completely
    2. Sin City - I didnt like the style
    3. Finding Nemo - I have no soul
    4. War of the Worlds - Makes me hate Tom Cruise
    5. Scary Movie 4 - Why did people like this?
    6. Unbreakable - Again why did people like this?
    7. Traffic - I thought this was a movie about cars
    8. Napolean Dynamite - I didnt see the point of this movie
    9. Anything with the Rock - One of my favorite wrestlers has turned into a mediocre acter
    10. Anything about 9/11 - And again I have no soul

  142. Jose

    I can’t believe you John.

    How can you not like American Beauty and Pulp Fiction and then like Daredevil and Cinderella Man?

    American Beauty and Pulp Fiction had the moxy to be original, while Daredevil was a rip off of Batman and Spiderman and Cinderella Man was nothing more than Rocky set in a different era.

    Anyways, other than that I agree with your list.

  143. PrometheanPenguin

    Ok, I don’t agree with all your choices… but what the hell was up with the hype around History of Violence… when I finally watched I was surpised in how shitty it was, it must have been some of the worst acting I’ve seen in a long time!

  144. R. Jackson

    Hey, it’s fine to not care for whatever movies you don’t care for, but it seems like you’re taking a shot at people who did find something to like about those films. What’s funny, though, is that it brought a bunch of people out of the woodwork who were eager to give the finger to everyone from Orson Welles to Stanley Kubrick. Heh…which is fine, too. It’s just a little nauseating to those of us who’ve written a lot of papers about the historical merits of those films. “It’s a fuckin’ sled! How boring!” Uh, yeah…

  145. fearlessweaver

    Why oh why is everyone’s favorite criticism “it was boring?” It makes you sound like a three year old with ADD. God forbid anyone actually think while a movie is playing. “Why movie no go flash bang boom boom? Me bored!”

    I love Fargo and Lost in Translations more than life itself and History of Violence was about the only movie that I liked last year. My personal pick for a beloved movie that I hate would be King Kong. It’s one of the very few movies I’ve actually walked out on because I couldn’t take it. It was gross but humorless, operatic without earning that level of emotion, and, on the island, absurdly racist. Plus, the protagonist had absolutely nothing to do. That’s OK, it’s fun to hate a movie some times.

    Oh, and it was boring.

  146. BIGLEX76

    ugh…. it’s to early and im not up yet…. uh…

    Napolean Dynamite - I chuckled once or twice

    Sideways - I didn’t get it… maybe i should try watching it when i’m in a more sober mood but i didn’t think this movie was funny at all

  147. JD

    1. Say Anything - Bored out of my mind for about 80% of this film, another 15% just left me with the ugh feeling. Through the whole movie there were only about 15 enjoyable, watchable minutes. Not even UPN would settle for 15 watchable minutes … in a sitcom.

    2. Being John Malkovich - Gotta agree with you here John.

    3. Citizen Kane - What was so great about it. Oh the cinematography was so ahead of it’s time. That’s what made it great?

    4. Monty Python: Holy Grail - I thought I liked this when I was in high school and recently saw it again. This is movie was just plain stupid.

    5. The Ring - Quite honestly not scary, even predictable at times. I could pretty much reserve this spot for any lame J-Horror flick that people seem to find scary.

    6. Blade Runner - Once again I agree with John.

    7. Traffic - I leave our agreement at three or else this list would be completely unoriginal.

    8. Super Troopers - Not that funny. Seems more like an inside joke for most of the film, but I generally don’t find Broken Lizard films that funny, Club Dredd was horrible.

    9. The Godfather Part 3 - Really no reason to make this movie, it did very little for the franchise.

    10. Anchorman - Like Super Troopers, it just wasn’t really that funny.

  148. Edward Lee

    John, John, John …

    again with the self promotion

    Give it a rest.

  149. Poppe

    R.jacksson, wow you did historical papers about 2001 and citizen kane huh. Like not every fracking movie wannebe did that(like half of my movie studies class). Its one thing too give the old movies credits for inventions and new ways of expressing things through film but if the movie isn’t as innovative now as it was 60 years ago and there are 1000 new movies that does what the old ones tried to do and does it better why should we then still think that the old one is the best movie ever made.

    Oh and I must take a shit at another one of the greats of cinema.

    Les Quatre cents coups. Another one of the overblown so called classic masterpieces, had one good scene that’s all.

    That’s the last i’ll say on this matter..

  150. Jay


    Awww shucks, you’re gonna make me blush.

    Luv ya back

    (the above line is in no way to be considered false, inacurate or unbelievable)

  151. Pat

    Edward, how is writing a top 10 list self promotion? And self promotion, it’s John personal movie blog! Blogs are all about ones point of view, in this case John’s. Giving it a rest would mean he had to delete every post on this site.

  152. Jay

    Hey Alfie,

    Mystic River and Gangs of New York al;most made it onto my list too.

    I literally got up after Mystic River and had to take a bath because I felt so dirty and used after wasting 2 hours of my life on this piece of s-t.

  153. Jay

    Roy wrote -

    “Master and Commander - Gay Boats and Gay Story”

    That may be the funniest line I have ever read at the MovieBlog

    Seriously dude, I didnt hate the movie that much but that line… I swear I almost tinkled a little.

  154. Herby

    I let go the remarks about Citizen Kane. I believe it a beautiful piece of cinema, others disagreed. Okay!!!

    Raging Bull was mentioned. Another masterpiece I thought, with the single greatest acting performance on film by Robert Dinero. Fine, everybody has their opinion

    Fargo I loved, an Intricate, complicated, funny motion pictire, based on a True Story that was made up. I can live with the critisism.

    But now you have gone to far….


    Of course that’s just my opinion. :^D

  155. Pedro Martinho

    John, when I said your list sounded pretencious is just because I have the feeling that people “hate” or “dislike” some movies just because everybody else liked them or just because they were popular sometime in the past. As I said, it´s just opinions, and I would be very surprised if you wouldn´t find my list as pretencious as yours…
    It kinda of gets me when, just because a movie did well comercially or even, did well at the oscars, a bunch of people start saying bad things about them, or finding flaws in every frame. I dont´t say that´s your case, but as I said, I like some of the movies you didn´t and I disliked some of the ones you´ve mentioned.

    It´s a strange fact: If you ask anyone if they liked the movie that won best picture in the oscars (year by year) you see most people hate Chicago, Gladiator, Platoon, Beautiful Mind, or even Lord of the RIngs. It´s what´s commercial that bugs people, it makes them think it´s popular, and “what´s popular is bad quality”… It amazed me to see that, lately, movies like Superman Returns, King Kong, Pirates…, Miami Vice, and other blockbuster hits have the same response from everyone, they always say it was a bad movie, like they were expecting even more…I don´t say they´re excellent, but look at the effort on making them, and after all, look at their winnings at the box office, it´s contradition after contradiction…

    I´m drifting now…still, I stand by my list!
    Love to hear you and read you! Keep it up.

  156. joe

    my movie everyone loves but i hate is ray that movie is dumb and boring

  157. dr. theopolis

    My list of the overrated films that most people love and I couldn’t stand:

    Garden State, Pulp Fiction and Bram Stoker’s Dracula come to mind.

    I couldn’t stand the first LOTR movie… refused to see the other two.

    the first Pirates was overrated, too. It was long and I didn’t see what all the hoopla was about.

    Hated Being John Malkovich. Pretty disappointed in Spider-Man 2 (um, he loses his powers cause he doesn’t want to be Spider-Man??? WTF?)

    Batman Begins - why? his origin has/had already been covered. oooh, it’s darker. big deal.

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - like Malkovich, i hated the acting and the premise, but the one saving grace was the way they showed the disappearance of memories on-screen. that was cool in an otherwise awful movie.

    King Kong - the barefoot hobbit spent the GNP of some small countries to retell a story for the umpteenth time. and dick-nose Adrien Brody (when he kisses Naomi)… yeeech! he’s no leading man in an action film.

    I agree with Eric on Magnolia. awful.

    Mission Impossible 2: worst. movie. ever. one more slo-mo shot with doves and i’m going to have to hurt John Woo.

    and finally, Wedding Crashers. I didn’t laugh once at its idiotic/sophomoric humour. just because bloated Vince Vince Vaughn says something repeatedly (and faster each time) doesn’t make it funny.


    I love this thread. It shows the variety of people’s interests and how varied their opinions can be, even about the same movie they dislike. Good job, whoever recommended it (if someone other than John). And if it was John that came up with it, keep it up, man. You’re site is awesome!

    But, to those who didn’t understand/like Crash, Matrix (all), Batman Begins, Godfather (all), Mystic River, Shrek (all), or Sin City…You’re all insane! LOL :D

  159. bullet in the head

    @fearlessweaver “Why oh why is everyone’s favorite criticism “it was boring? It makes you sound like a three year old with ADD. God forbid anyone actually think while a movie is playing. “Why movie no go flash bang boom boom? Me bored!”

    … because the thing which makes people dislike a movie most is to find it boring. People will tolerate almost every other thing from a movie, bad effects, bad acting etc. etc.

    Most films even art house exist to entertain on some level, if you are bored by a film, its not entertaining you in any way at all and there for you will not like it.

    I can’t believe how smug some people are just because people don’t share their taste in movies.

    No one said the movies bored them because they have to think, maybe they personally did not find the subject matter interesting.

    Why are there so many people who find the concept of film and art in general being subjective so hard to understand? I like Citizen Kane, but can fully understand why someone else would not find it interesting and could be bored by it!

    Diversity is what makes life interesting!!!!!

  160. DevonRoy

    Why do you always say that people have to give their own list to critic yours, I mean its your site and you are the one putting it out their in the first place. Anyway, HISTORY OF VIOLENCE, not the best movie but i think you should watch it again. I found it really consistent within its own world giving this fascinating contrast of gross-out images and laughable delivered lines that somehow meshed together. Most of the time I find Cronenberg average but here he was shooting for something a bit higher. BEING JOHN MALCOVICH, I thought this was a good direction Charlie to start in, and it was nice to see something a bit different. Just comminted to the title character whomever they may have got to play this role was clever. OLD SCHOOL, yeah i have to agree with you, I felt to was going somewhere for the first 3/4, perhaps to a comedy classic like caddyshack but the filmmakers really dropped the ball towards the end. FARGO, is one of the best paced movies that I have ever seen. The Coen’s are always playing on anoterh level. AMERICAN BEAUTY, you hit this one right on, it was designed to win oscar (I think spacey play ever character in the same mind set as this movie was made, annoying). SAVING PRIVATE RYAN, yeah I dont know, this is probably the best war movie ever made, the very least a contender. All the moral stuff gives movies depth. BLADE RUNNER, watch it again, I really dont think you did get it, those special effects rival some of todays. WALK THE LINE, yeah i didnt even like this when it was called RAY. TRAFFIC, i thought it was good but im not going to argue with you here. PULP FICTION, between this and your BLADE RUNNER comments you might get burned at the stake. This movie is trying to prey on all those things you said about it, it is suppose to look like its to cool for its own good, I mean its called PULP FICTION! Remember at the beggining when it defines PULP FICTION? I hate to say it John but this list looks better then your “favorites” list. Stop with the list!…i keep having to read them.

  161. borloff

    Stop all this insanity.

  162. R. Jackson

    “R.jacksson, wow you did historical papers about 2001 and citizen kane huh.”

    Uh, Poppe, you may get out of film school without writing about Kubrick, but Citizen Kane is something you’re going to have to watch and write about mulitple times. And the deep focus techniques used in Kane haven’t really been used much since color cinematography became popular. Which is ironic, since Kane’s cinematography was made possible because of the Technicolor lighting that Selznick bought to shoot Gone with the Wind.

    I think the point isn’t whether or not you understood what was being accomplished with the films you detest, but that others were able to discern their artistry. Doesn’t mean you have to enjoy them, but it does mean that slagging them doesn’t really play as well as you might think.

  163. TheSnowLeopard

    162 posts? Is this a record? I don’t have time to read all this. John, can you summarise for the next Audio Edition ;)

  164. Steve Spartan

    Wow. Some of the movies you guys are talking about are some of the greatest of all time. If you understood them, you’d really have no choice but to like them and appreciate them. Saying you don’t like Blade Runner, 2001, or Pulp Fiction is the same as saying you don’t like Beethoven’s 9th or Michaelangelo’s David. These are GREAT works of art you guys are talking about, and if you don’t like them and appreciate film at all, you should really figure out what these films are all about. And yet, this site gets excited over Transformers? TRANSFORMERS!?! Give me a break.

  165. beejag

    i submit to you John Campea and the international friends my top 5 list XD enjoy

    1. history of violence -HOLY SHIT all i can say is i agree with John on this 120%
    2. the Godfather -i appreciate it for what it is but my god >i submit to you John Campea and the international friends my top 5 list XD enjoy

    1. history of violence -HOLY SHIT all i can say is i agree with John on this 120%
    2. the Godfather -i appreciate it for what it is but my god ><
    3. old school -had little to no funny parts at all
    4 Walk the Line - OMFG this movie sucked out the ass i went to see it with friends and they loved it, i simply left them 3 quarters of the way through and never spoke another word of this piece of garbage.
    5. pulp fiction - self indulged crap

  166. Kanin

    I have to agree with you about some of those movies. Pulp Fiction and American Beauty have been films i have been disagreeing with for years and people just look at me funny for saying i didnt think they were that great. And i agree with you completely on Old School and Being John Malkovich. Some other movies i cant stand that everyone loved are the last 2 matrixs, the Kill Bills, and all films by M. Night Shyamalan (except Unbreakable). Two other films i thought were horrible
    Batman Begins - While i admit it was darker and looked cooler, since when do I wanna watch a film about Bruce Wayne, who by the way is Batman. In the comics it was Batman who had a secret identity named Bruce Wayne not the other way around. Lets make a Superman movie about Clark Kent oh and by the way hes Superman also.

    Gladiator - Horrible piece of crap. Fight scenes Bad Ass, but the rest of the movie a retarded waste of my time.


  167. Jay

    Oh goody,
    someone else is going to tell me I’m wrong for not liking certain movies.

    Wait… I bet next you’re gonna tell me that since my favorite color is blue I’m obviously so unintelligent and lacking in taste that I just dont understand the sheer brilliance of the color red. Because if I “got” what the color red was saying I would have no choice but to embrace it as the masterwork of color that it is.

    All art is subjective. Why is this such a difficult idea for some people to embrace. There are millions of people in the world that think Beyonce is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Do I agree with them? No. Do I respect their right to their own opinion? Hell yes. Would I say they lack the intelligence to comprehend true music? Good God no!

    How do you have the audacity to tell someone that if they “understood” these films they would “really have no choice but to like them”? Basically with that statement you are calling everyone who didnt like those films an uncultured buffoon lacking the ability to comprehend your version of a masterpiece of art. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder or if you would prefer the Shakespearian version “Beauty is bought by judgement of the eye”.

    Dont be so arrogant as to pass judgement on someone else’s intellect based on your version of beauty. Understanding a film is not the one and only avenue to the enjoyment of a film. Entertaimment is one. Being able to relate is another. Escapism is still another.

  168. R. Jackson

    “All art is subjective.”

    Sure. However, the first guys to use perspective in their paintings were out in front of the pack and blazing new trails. You don’t have to like to painting to appreciate that it’s important.

    The same thing goes for some of these movies. In film school I must have seen Citizen Kane half a dozen times. It is only a marginally entertaining film after you’ve seen it two or three times. Magnificent Ambersons is actually a lot more entertaining, IMO. Actually, Grand Illusion is more entertaining than either of them, IMO. Still, Kane is worthy of the time we spend on it because it brought together a number of elements and pioneered a number of filmmaking techniques. Even though Welles was famously fond of self-promotion, I don’t even think he had any idea how important it was going to be as a film. Hell, he was 26 years old when he made it.

    Someone in a class I had said he thought Bonnie and Clyde sucked. Well, I can sympathize. I like the film, but I can certainly see how it might rub someone the wrong way. But if it hadn’t been for Bonnie and Clyde, The Wild Bunch, Easy Rider and The Graduate the market for “New Hollywood” may have taken much longer to become established and a lot of those groundbreaking, quirky films of the early 70’s might never have been made. Among them The Godfather, Midnight Cowboy, Vanishing Point, etc.

    Sometimes it’s hard to appreciate the work that came before us. It kind of takes a willingness to accept the work, though. Film is a very young art form. In a little over a hundred years it’s become a very mature form. That’s faster than any other discipline in the history of the arts. Embracing its history is well worth the effort. All, IMO, of course.

  169. Jay

    Embracing the history and appreciating the developments in the technology of filmaking are one thing. Whether you enjoy the film or not is another.

    I agree that Citizen Cane, 2001, and even Blade Runner (to a much lesser degree) were groundbreaking films. And, I also appreciate their technical merit and understand their place in film history. None of that means I have to enjoy watching them.

    Everyone can aprreciate what Citizen Cane did for the medium of film, but very few people actually enjoy watching it.

  170. Jay

    R. Jackson said

    ” You dont have to like a painting to appreciate that it’s important”

    You are exactly right, but this list isnt about important films. This list isnt about acknowleging important works of art. This list is about films that you DONT LIKE. More specifically, films that a lot of other people like that you dont.

    Yes, Citizen Cane is an important film, but you yourself said that you didnt enjoy watching it after 2 or 3 times. Thats what this list is about. Films that you dont enjoy watching.

  171. R. Jackson

    “You are exactly right, but this list isnt about important films.”

    And when John started it the emphasis was on films he didn’t enjoy, which was fine. But somewhere along the line people started jumping in and talking about how a lot of these films were “overrated” and pieces of crap, etc. When it crossed from personal taste to critical appraisal it kind of got out of hand, IMO.

    And while Citizen Kane got a lot less interesting to sit through after the first 3 or 4 times, most movies aren’t all that thrilling if you see them half a dozen times in a classroom setting. I love Chinatown, but after seeing it the first couple of times I skipped class when I saw it was going to be shown by yet another professor.

    2001 is still one of my favorite films of all time, BTW. And not just for its technical merits, though I challenge you to find a movie made before 1968 with effects in the same league.

  172. Steve Spartan

    ALL art is not subjective. There are certain works of art considered better, more beautiful, and more interesting than others. The GREAT works of art liked for more than just whether they are entertaining or the effects are cool. If you don’t like the “great” films, then, obviously, you don’t understand them. Not understanding them does not mean I am calling you stupid. Unintended ignorance is not a bad thing. But instead of talking about how boring a great film is, perhaps you should be trying to understand it. I like dumb movies like Star Wars and Sin City as much as the next guy, but try and expand your horizons a little and perhaps you will broaden your horizons.

  173. motherNature

    Seriously, how can you not enjoy Pulp Fiction?
    You should dedicate a whole audio edition to explaining this one. The only reason I can imagine someone not enjoying it is because of the violence and language. Is that it? It must be. I’ve heard people say some parts are boring (I guess the monologues) but those are the casual movie watchers talking, not the editor of The freaken Movie Blog.

    Oh man, honestly, I’ll keep checking the news posts but perhaps not the reviews from now on.
    Unless you can explain yourself. Well.
    Good luck with that.

  174. Alex

    I really don’t agree with your list, but some that I think are overrated:

    Crash - The more people like this movie, the more I hate it.

    Dumb and Dumber, Old School, and The Wedding Crashers - I don’t think any of them are that funny and The Wedding Crashers was way too long.

  175. Alex

    I forgot to add Little Miss Sunshine.

  176. Barrett

    Sin City
    V for Vendetta
    Big Fish
    Crash (2005)

  177. Just a Random Passerby

    Okay, I just HAD to post something. I have to say, most of you guys are complete jackasses! It seems like you read these, JUST so you can post something mean about someone!

    And……I agree with Alfie. Why the HELL would you watch a sequel when you thought the first one was crap?! You must be one of those stupid people who watches movies JUST so they can critisize them. And wow, I feel semi-hypocritical, _> Anyhoo, I’ll name a few movies that I just can’t bring myself to watch because they looks so retarded, or I’ve seen and wished I could somehow dig my eyeballs out with a spork.

    #1 Little Miss Sunshine…….Is there even a plot? Wow. Some little girl’s in a beauty pagaent. Woopty FREAKIN’ doo!

    #2 Snakes On A Plane…….ARE YOU F***ING KIDING ME?! I won’t even TRY to watch that movie!

    Yeah. _> Those movies are all I can think of right now. And, what’s with all the hate Moulin Rouge is getting?! I have that movie memerized I love it so much! But then again, most of you probably don’t appreciate the humor. And Fight Club? How could ANYONE hate that movie?! I thought it was one of the best made films I’ve ever seen! And don’t even get me started on the Pirates movies! I love Johny Depp to death, and the only movie of his that I’ve seen and haven’t loved is What’s Eating Gilbert Grape. That had to be one of the most boring movies ever. *ZzZzZzZzZz……* Right. One more rant. The Matrix?! I admit the second and third one’s aren’t as good, but seriously?! Kill Bill vol. 1 is AT LEAST five times worse! And TIm Burton isn’t dull!

  178. Bob


  179. Bob


  180. kevin alexander clark

    Cool site. Thank you:-)

  181. Ross

    Oh John, I respect your opinion, something which everyone is entitled too but me and you (if we met) are sure to get off on some sort of argument. I can’t believe you said that about Pulp Fiction, it’s my favourite movie. SOrry just had to express MY opinion, just didn’t like reading that about my favourite flick, especially from someone I have come to respect a lot.

    And as far you saying we should stick OUR necks on the line. Here are some of the movies I don’t like but every one else does:

    Braveheart - I don’t like films that are soaked in the Scottish culture (surprising since I am myself Scottish) but I prefer my films to be far removed from where I am from. Plus I’m not a big fan of Mel Gibson, especially as an actor.

    Trainspotting - I DETEST this film. Again it is one that is centered in Scotland. I just feel incredibly uncomfortable and feel like I need to go take a shower after watching it.

    The Deer Hunter - Everyone syas you HAVE to love this film to be a true film fan. It is the single most boring film I have seen in my entire life.

    Blade Runner - Not one that I absolutely hate but it’s just ludicrously overrated.

    A History Of Violence - I can’t believe this got the amount of positive praise that it did, it was awful. And it doesn’t help that I don’t like Viggo Mortinsen.

    Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - Aside from Gollum/Smeagol this movie was an utter snoozefest.

    Dirty Harry - Another “classic” that you HAVE to love. Well I just didn’t like it, at all.

  182. Scott A.

    I agree with half of your list but then I am horrified by the rest. But your entitled to your opinion just like everyone else and your opinion is completely idiotic.

  183. cheap airline tiskets

    Cool site. Thank you!

  184. HATER

    Really enjoyed the post – got me to thinking and I couldn’t limit myself to ten…

    1.The Incredibles – soulless, mean spirited (but some cool stuff I admit – I liked the shuriken hover platforms)
    2.Election – I found myself haunted by the repulsiveness of the some of the characters
    3.Gandi – epic-ally dull
    4.Die Hard – I hate working class tough guy routines – it is also painfully dated (saw it recently for the first time)
    5.House of Flying Knives – just wack
    6.Hard-Boiled/ any other John Woo – no substance, slept through them all
    7.Wedding Crashers/ Talledega Nights – I found the Wedding Crashers annoying: why - too long? Main characters too arrogant? Too graphic? Talledega Nights was just crap – especially Baron-Cohen’s character – I loved old school and Anchorman though, and I though Ferrell was the only decent thing in Crashers…
    8.Five Easy Pieces – didn’t buy Jack’s character
    9.LOTR, King Kong – slept through them all (I am a kiwi and I loved his earlier stuff so I was disappointed)
    10.The Life Aquatic – the ending was cool but I found the rest meh (and I love Wes )
    11.25th Hour - sucked
    12.Traffic – totally agree with John on this one – ham-fisted
    13.Scarface – some iconic scenes but lacked sympathetic characters
    14.Training Day – cheesy ending
    15.The Departed – I don’t like films with non Italian gangsters for some reason
    16.Millers Crossing – see 15
    17.Heat – too long, over hyped and couldn’t live up to expectations
    18.Chinatown – just didn’t like it
    19.The Deerhunter – boring – one good scene, lots of Oscar wannabees playing working class schmuckos (I didn’t buy it)
    20.The Pianist – weirdly unemotional (but I wonder if that was the point)
    21.Napoleon Dynamite – okay but not great (Wes is better)
    22.Short Bus – the central conceit was pretty hard to buy into (sex therapist who has never achieved orgasm)– I also felt like the ending was a manipulative attempt to create a transcendent moment ( it failed for me anyway)
    23.Match Point – Woody’s version of Englishness is totally off the mark, Scarlett was not good in this….

  185. Ezell

    The LOTR i can understand they just had a big budget and a decent director but to bash Gladiator, American Beauty, Saving Private Ryan and the Departed you don’t no shit about film making I can under stand if there not your type of movie but there great movies my list would be

    1. Scarface (agree with Hater)
    2. American History X (was good but over rated)
    3. Napoleon Dynamite
    4. E.T.
    5. Rocky (yea just not my movie)
    6. Batman (except jack) i hate Tim Burtons style of all his films
    7. Spiderman 2
    8. Superman Returns (seemed more about Lowis Lane)
    9. Goldeneye (that was one bad bond film)

  186. Dragonslayer

    What? Saving Private Ryan was so cool!

  187. Darek-T

    Ok even though this post is very old now i’m still gunn comment realy quick.
    I have only seen one film on this list and it is Saving Private Ryan so i feel that’s the only one i can say anything about, and it’s the only one that i was actualy surprised that was on the list, i don’t see how you can’t like it, i can see how others can’t like super hippie non-violent peace people, but not you, it just doesn’t make any since.
    i don’t think i realy have a good list because all the movies that i think i’m gunna hate i just don’t watch and so i don’t realy see many movie that i hate. So my list will be movies that everyone loves that i think look stupid and have no interst in seeing them.

    (in no particualr order)
    Titanic (how can this movie possibly be entertaining for 3+hours! i hate that it is #1 on any box office lists)
    Shawshank Redemption
    Brokeback Mountian (i don’t like gayness)
    2001 A Space Odyssey (i can’t stand any Sci Fi outside of STAR WARS)
    Empire Strikes Back (i don’t see how this is considered the greatet STAR WARS movie ever, i did like it quite a bit but it’s not the the greatest, definetley not more then epsidoe 3 or 4)
    Any James Bond movie before Casino Royale

    ok there’s me list and keep in mind that i haven’t actualy seen any of these movies (exept Empire) so my opinion of these movies may change, it’s just i have no desire to go out and see any of these movies.

  188. David

    Anything by Simon Pegg. I just don’t see it. Only vehemently disagree with Blade Runner, Pulp Fiction and Old School but also say each to there on and other such things.

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