Stallone to be in Predator 3

I shoudlnt be surprised about hearing Stallone being rumoured to be involved in an action flick. Personally, I think in his aging days he should push for comedy (Oscar was brilliant) but news is spreading that Stalone might be in the much hoped for Predator 3.

Filmforce says:

The sequel would reportedly happen after the now-filming Alien vs. Predator 2. Citing a scooper, quotes the source as claiming: “Stallone might be being coaxed to do battle with the new Predator

The Aliens vs Predator movie is still considered a smudge on the Predator and Aliens franchise. And with news of the sequel leaning towards a grittier James Cameron style found in the Aliens franchise, it will be good to see an installment of Predator.

It may also be a final testament to Stallone’s viability as an action star. Don’t get me wrong, if I am in HALF the shape he is at his age, I would be bragging (Im not even half that NOW) but he is getting older and less appealing as the action hero. But everyone loves the underdog!

Stalone also has the upcoming Rocky Balboa to show he still has it, as well as the fourth chapter of Rambo. So maybe he will get back in the saddle and blow some stuff up for the action fans in us all. That combined with Predator could really put him back on top of the action list, but he has a lot of catching up to do with a handful of really charismatic and appealing younger action stars going for a piece of that market that Sly and Arnie once dominated.


  • 1. Norddeth replies at 28th September 2006, 9:41 am :

    I have no problem with Stallone at all, as long as he is playing his age and the story takes his age into account, otherwise it would be embarrassing to watch. (read: Steven Segal)


  • 2. Black Steven replies at 28th September 2006, 9:55 am :

    What would be great is if he’s leading a team of aging and no longer relevant action stars to track down the Predator. There’s him, Segal, Van Damme, Patrick and Don Swayze, maybe Brian Bosworth. Also, Jeff Speakman. It could be a bit like Bubba Ho-Tep, but with over-the hill lunkheads and Predators instead Elvis and a mummy.

    I’m very much looking forward to this film I just imagined.

  • 3. Black Steven replies at 28th September 2006, 9:56 am :

    That’s ‘instead of’. ‘Instead of Elvis and a mummy’. Damn, still excited about Buffy…

  • 4. John Campea replies at 28th September 2006, 10:01 am :

    Hey Balck Steven,



  • 5. Kneon Transitt replies at 28th September 2006, 10:16 am :

    Whoah… didn’t see this coming. One last hurrah for Sly? Rambo 4, Rocky 6… and a Predator sequel. Where’s Demolition Man 2?

  • 6. Shane replies at 28th September 2006, 10:24 am :

    Take me now, Lord.

  • 7. Todd replies at 28th September 2006, 10:27 am :

    This has already been denied, both by Stallone and by the rights holders for Predator.

  • 8. Norddeth replies at 28th September 2006, 10:33 am :

    Damn you Todd! could have at least given me some time to day dream about this!


  • 9. Chark Hammis replies at 28th September 2006, 11:21 am :

    Predator wasn’t cool because it had pumped up 80s action vets. Predator was cool because it turned the tables on the 80s action movie- making the badasses the hunted and introucing an extra-terrestrial “Most Dangerous Game”. Predator 3 won’t be a success based on the fact they get an Arnold clone via Sly- it’ll be a success based on the story.

    THough I’m rooting for Sly’s comeback, he’s not the guy for a proposed Predator 3. Bring the franchise into 2006. The conventions of the 80s are over.

  • 10. Norddeth replies at 28th September 2006, 12:08 pm :

    Viva le 80’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • 11. TM replies at 28th September 2006, 1:01 pm :

    Stallone needs to step down and accept the fact that he’s “not getting too old” for such action movies, but “is already too old”.

    - Okay…in the first Predator, I could buy Arnold giving the Predator somewhat hard time.

    - Danny Glover beating a Predator in part 2 was insulting to the Predator race.

    - Now Stallone in his old age will beat on a Predator??

    What’s next?? Some soccer MILF beating a Predator?? Hum…maybe that’s not that bad of an idea… :oP

  • 12. Terry Letourmeau replies at 28th September 2006, 1:15 pm :

    “What’s next?? Some soccer MILF beating a Predator?? Hum…maybe that’s not that bad of an idea… :oP”

    A whole new meaning to MILF Hunter

  • 13. Lee replies at 28th September 2006, 1:54 pm :

    i just want a part 3,they could stick Borat in it and Id watch…

    I just hope its not a steaming pile like AvsP was…

  • 14. Jon replies at 28th September 2006, 3:26 pm :

    I really am at a loss for words…this can’t be happening

  • 15. darren j seeley replies at 28th September 2006, 8:03 pm :

    Black Steven: Van Damme no longer relevant? He’s not even 50 yet….and he WAS the “original” Predator before both creature was improved and he bitched, left, got replaced by the late Kevin Peter Hall.

    As for Speakman, he only takes supporting roles in low budget action/suspense pictures, as he puts more of his focus into martial arts instruction.

    And Seagal? I could still see ‘Under Siege 3′ happening [worst case it falls under the Direct to DVD section Warners recently set up] but, to be fair, it would be a step up for ye ol Sensei, as he finds out the Preds challenging him because he flipped a dude , said some cold stuff and broke some bones just under the elbow.

    My vote would go to Ray Park or Tony Jaa myself, or maybe the guy from District B13 [the dude that bounces off the friggin walls]

    But Stallone I could kind of see- but is his character more Rambo or more Cliffhanger?

    Oh, and, one last thing. If this has any merit, Fox…do everyone a HUGE favor.
    Deep six that AvP2. Now. Give the public want they really begged for: Alien 5…
    and Predator 3.

  • 16. Alfredo replies at 28th September 2006, 8:05 pm :

    Why hasn’t their been ten Predator films already? Every Film would be the Predator going up aganist another famous action star.

  • 17. Black Steven replies at 29th September 2006, 3:07 am :

    To John - Thanks for the kind words. Glad to hear I didn’t piss you off for a change.

    To Darren - No offense intended. Just having some laughs at the expense of the DTV crowd. Not sure where some of those names came from - I’ve obviously spent way too much time watching late night action films. They can take it, I’m sure. And you’re right, Jean Claude has plenty more to offer. No, really, he does! Seriously, I really mean it…

    I like your Segal idea, though. Steverino (playing a pizza delivery boy with a background in black ops) takes on an ARMY of Predators armed only with Ju Jitsu and soft voiced quippery. I predict he will kill or disarm at least ONE THOUSAND Predators ALL BY HIMSELF and that hill will NOT ONCE look as though he is in any real danger or even a little bit tired. SEGAL DOES NOT LOOK WEAK, MOTHERFUCKERS!

  • 18. Norddeth replies at 29th September 2006, 3:33 pm :

    No he doesn’t weak, just fat, but Im sure his fatass could still tear me a new one.


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