Ryan and Hanks in Homeland Security

Let me first get something off my chest. Meg Ryan is one of the best aging women in Hollywood. She is still stunning and as beautiful as some hot actresses half her age. Some say part of her success is her chemistry with other actors, and no one can forget how well she plays off of Tom Hanks in the THREE movies they starred in together.

Now, in an upcoming movie Meg will once again share billing with Hanks. No, not Tom, his son Colin.

Cinematical says:

Hanks will play a young FBI agent (can you believe this kid is old enough to play an FBI agent?) who is forced to spy on his mother (Ryan) after her new man (Antonio Banderas) is linked to an international art theft ring. While Ryan was rumored to be taking over for Annette Benning (who suddenly dropped out of the role recently), it appears the move is now official. Also starring is Selma Blair, who will play Hanks’ (sexy? seductive? innocent-looking?) girlfriend.

Colin Hanks was in King Kong, and you probably didnt notice him or at least notice WHO he was. I think this is a smart move for Colin. Clearly he has a leg up in the industry being Tom Hanks son, but instead of getting daddy to push his 20 year old son into superstardom, he is earning his stripes with a number of supporting roles, and TV roles. I first saw him in “Get Over it” as the brother of Kirsten Dunst’s character.

But the involvement of Colin aside, I have a concern about this movie. Its not the actors (I think its a fine list indeed) and its not the director (who hasnt done much that got my attention). Its the title.

This movie SCREAMS to be noticed in the world where “the War on Terror” is such a household phrase. This is a movie about an International Art Theft ring. This doesn’t appear to have any links to dealing with National Security at all. I hope more comes out soon that ties this movie in more with its title, or else it might just be a desperate plea to stand out. I would have thought this cast would be enough to spark some attention!

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13 thoughts on “Ryan and Hanks in Homeland Security

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  2. I think this will be one of the biggest movies for meg and antonio . I venture to say that homeland security will keep the moviegoer glued to his seat.

  3. Rodbo, this movie screams ‘failure,’ if you ask me. Ryan’s pretty much a has-been, Colin Hanks is a never-have-been, and Hollywood can’t quite get focused on terrorism or national security (oh, I get it, they’re “artists” and they’re concerned about “art theft”) — in any form — as a relevant issue, so how you think this is going to be gangbusters is beyond me … and beyond logic.

    Now, if they had cast Ann Coulter and Johnny Knoxville, then it may have drawn some attention.

  4. Meg Ryan is so full of animal killers I’m surprised she’s not sick. Add to that the fact that she’s far from a good actress and I’m still scratching my head trying to figure out WHY we still care about her.

  5. Colin was great in Orange County, that was the first time I saw him, he was kinda lame in King Kong though. He was also good in 11:14, anyone else see that flick?


  6. Yep, I’m going to have to agree. Meg Ryan was good looking up until about 6 years ago, when she decided to get all this plastic surgery, that just KILLED her looks. I think the last movie she was good looking in was You’ve Got Mail.

    Anyway, Colin Hanks has to be one of the biggest DORKS in the industry. He’ll never be taken seriously (although I’m sure people said that about Tom… but probably not).

  7. Poor Meg Ryan. She used to be pretty damn cute, but an evil plastic surgeon chased all her cuteness away. Now she can’t even grow old gracefully, what with theose weird lips and all.

  8. Yeah, she’s a monster. I was standing in a checkout line at a grocery store last night and had kind of a freakout glancing at the magazine and tabloid covers. So many of the women on the covers of these rags are hellish, terrifying creatures. They’re desperately trying to cling to their sexuality and it eventually transforms them into some kind of ghouls with surgically-altered Mr. Sardonicus smiles staring at the camera with a kind of desperation that’s really pretty scary. Male actors go that route occasionally, too, but they don’t seem to end up on the covers of the rags nearly as often. Still, I’ll see David Keith or Patrick Swayze or Burt Reynolds occasionally and my skin just crawls. Almost as bad as seeing Melanie Griffith or Meg Ryan.

  9. Huh??? Best aging woman?! Got to be kidding…Nord is right she looks like the Joker but worse! I loved Meg Ryan when she was young and hot, but her last two movies were bombs and she has been looking aged and abused in her last publicity shots that I saw…she’s a good actress, but I get a sense she is struggling to find herself in her old age..movie sounds OK but more like a rental than a trip to the movie theater.

  10. Rodney boy you need glasses my friend, or at least stop watching Sleepless in Seattle 5 nights week. Meg Ryan “used” to be one of the best aging actresses….she is zombie like now, botox and lip injections, she is positively GHASTLY, she smiles like the Joker for christ sakes, lol, and her last few movies have been total garbage.

    You are right though, it is a decent cast surrounding her at least, this smells like a Blockbuster rental to me though.


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