Robert Downey Jr. Is Iron Man

Well, it looks like it’s all official. Robert Downey Jr. is going to be Iron Man. The folks at Yahoo News reported the following:

Robert Downey, Jr. is suiting up to star in “Iron Man,” a superhero movie based on the Marvel Comics character. Jon Favreau is directing the Paramount Pictures release. Filming is slated to begin in February in Los Angeles.

Downey will portray Tony Stark, a billionaire industrialist and genius inventor who is kidnapped and forced to build a devastating weapon. Using his intelligence and ingenuity, Stark instead builds a high-tech suit of armor and escapes captivity. Upon his return to the U.S., he uncovers a plot with global implications and must don his armor and protect the world.

Sounds like they’re departing a bit from the comic book, but you all already know I have no problems with comic book adaptation movies doing that.

Here’s the interesting thing. I was under the impression that Favreau was going to go with an unknown actor for the role… and I said publicly that I thought getting an unknown was the best thing for this project… I still think that’s the case. HOWEVER…

If you’re going to put a well known actor in this roll… then DAMN!!! Robert Downey Jr. is the PERFECT guy for this particular role. As soon as I read his name, it all just clicked. I don’t know how many of you have seen Kiss Kiss Bang Bang that Downey did with Val Kilmer, but he was just amazing in it (the whole movie was freaking fantastic). Not to mention it’s just never a bad idea to add an Oscar nominated actor to your film… well… I guess there are some exceptions to that rule.

So Robert Downey Jr. is Iron Man. What do you guys think?


  • 1. dan aho replies at 29th September 2006, 7:45 am :

    fucking fantastic. i still hope they change their mind and keep the alcoholism.

  • 2. Matt Holmes replies at 29th September 2006, 7:46 am :

    I know what you mean John, I hadn’t thought of him either but as soon as you read the name it just fits perfectly.

    Genius casting but a hell of a risk putting such a big franchise on his shoulders. I hope it pays off.

  • 3. motherNature replies at 29th September 2006, 7:51 am :

    Awesome. He’s so under-utilised i guess because his own..”problems”. In any case it’s great news. So long as he doesn’t play him in the same style as his character in Wonderboys. I liked Wonderboys but.. you know

  • 4. roy replies at 29th September 2006, 7:59 am :

    perfect choice now with there leading man i want to see this bit more now

  • 5. Gruff replies at 29th September 2006, 8:18 am :

    Yes! Downey’s getting work properly now, makes a bloody change, let’s hope he’s jumped away from drugs for good. And comic book movies are the way to go if you want to prove yourself as a movie star. What a champion man.

  • 6. Black Steven replies at 29th September 2006, 8:30 am :

    Um… it’s certainly an interesting choice, so I’ve got to give Jon Favreau credit for that. Not who I would have picked at all, but at least he’s a good actor. Also, he’s not your typical ‘tough guy’ type, so maybe they’re going to play up the ‘vulnerable out of the suit, kicking all varieties of ass inside it’ angle.

    All in all, I think I like it. We’ll have to wait and see.

  • 7. Joel Gustafsson replies at 29th September 2006, 8:32 am :

    The idea to have a struggling addict play a struggling addict is pure gold. With Downey Jr. onboard they really should make Stark an alcoholic. Favreau would be crazy not to take advantage of this.

    Just my two cents worth…

  • 8. Norddeth replies at 29th September 2006, 8:32 am :

    Wow. Awesome. I instantly saw him in the suit and yeah, that’ll do pig, that’ll do.

    Kiss Kiss Bang Bang was a really great movie, I find it to be one of those movies you can watch again and again and find something new and it was danm entertaining to boot.

    If only they kept in the alcoholism, cause Downey can do funny drunk and slip into angry drunk with ease. I am now super hyped about this project, they nailed it.


  • 9. Pineapplehead replies at 29th September 2006, 8:44 am :

    What a brilliant choice.

    The only downside is I imagine they’ll lose the trademark moustache.

  • 10. Jagmir replies at 29th September 2006, 8:47 am :

    Now let me get this right, Downey is the stunt double for the alcoholic Tony Stark right?

    He’s not actually the lead actor in this… right?

    I mean, for a second there, I thought this guy was going to play the lead role.

    The guy looks like he’s frickin 80 years old! What were they thinking?!!!!!??

  • 11. Norddeth replies at 29th September 2006, 9:10 am :

    Jagmir, have you seen Kiss Kiss Bang Bang by chance? just wondering?
    Cause honestly, if I hadnt seen it myself I “might” have been thinking the same thing you were.

    I think Black Steven said it best

    “‘vulnerable out of the suit, kicking all varieties of ass inside it’

    That is an angle I would enjoy muchly.


  • 12. vijay replies at 29th September 2006, 9:25 am :

    I don’t know. The eyes…

  • 13. Edward Lee replies at 29th September 2006, 10:05 am :

    It’s an odd choice. I’ll give it that. I can’t see Robert Downey fan base scrambling to IRON MAN, though, unless this were a gay direct-to-video title. We’ll have to wait-and-see if Favreau takes this route.

    I do agree Downey Jr was great in KISS KISS BANG BANG, though. Great little flick.

  • 14. Lou_Sytsma replies at 29th September 2006, 10:14 am :

    I concur. This is a brilliant choice and moves Ironman to a maybe rental on DVD to a ‘must see’ in the theatre.

  • 15. Shane replies at 29th September 2006, 10:26 am :

    Inspired choice. I can’t believe that they are completely abandoning the alcoholism angle. It was what set “Iron Man” apart in the comics. The addiction is what humanized the character. Who’s more of an authority than Robert Downey?? In a film that is sure to be CGI heavy, it would provide balance to the plot. Oh well, guess you can’t have everything.

    I see the grumbling has already started. Why not him??? He’s too old? He isn’t buff enough? Newsflash: There are NO real people who look like comic book characters. Could we at least give the man a chance? Can anyone say “Michael Keaton”??????

  • 16. Varun Lella replies at 29th September 2006, 10:34 am :

    Yeah Downey is a little baby faced, but you know he really can act and I agree with Joel…you gotta have him as an alcoholic…the emotion would be pretty freakin real.

  • 17. slybri replies at 29th September 2006, 11:09 am :

    Seems like casting Downey as Stark is confirmation that they will be making a dark movie dealing with the character’s alcoholism and self-destructive nature. In other words, not a Comic Book movie for kids. Why else would they cast a guy like Downey?
    My expectations for this movie just doubled.

  • 18. Zer00 replies at 29th September 2006, 11:13 am :

    That is some good God damn casting.
    Kiss Kiss Bang Bang was one of the most brilliant films I’ve seen in a while.

  • 19. John Campea replies at 29th September 2006, 11:14 am :

    Hey Slybri,

    I don’t know that I agree with you. I think they cast him because he’s a great actor. In Kiss Kiss Bang Bang he’s kind of a lovable screw up. Downey has done pure comedy, dark drama, and just about everything inbetween. Heck, he was even the love interest for a couple of seasons on Ally McBeal. :P



  • 20. slybri replies at 29th September 2006, 11:32 am :

    Well, I haven’t seen Kiss Kiss Bang Bang yet, but I doubt the Iron Man movie will be a romantic comedy with Tony Stark as that “loveable screw-up.”

    Oh and by the way, the orginal IRON MAN origin story from Tales of Suspense 39 (1963) does in fact have Anthony Stark being kidnapped by guerilla fighters in Vietnam. He’s forced to build a super weapon by the guerilla leader Wong-Chu before shrapnel in his body reaches his heart and he dies. Using his knowledge of “transistors” he builds a suit out of scrap iron that keeps him alive and he fights his way out.

    So Favreau’s sticking pretty close to the classic origin story.

  • 21. Alfredo replies at 29th September 2006, 11:49 am :

    Okay… I think this going to be cool. :)

  • 22. slybri replies at 29th September 2006, 11:58 am :

    It’s just that Downey’s pretty well known for his trips to rehab and his name still carries a lot of tabloid baggage. If you were gonna focus on Stark’s alcoholism in the movie, he would be a clever casting choice.
    If they were doing a less dark, more mainstream superhero movie and leaving out the whole alcholism angle, there are plenty of skilled younger actors without histories of substance abuse who could play Stark.

    Then again, you may be right Campea. It would be kinda hard to make a dark movie with characters named “Pepper Potts,” “Happy Hogan,” and “The Mandarin.” Maybe it will be a retro-style Saturday matinee cliffhanger thing, like The Rocketeer or Sky Captain.

  • 23. Jay replies at 29th September 2006, 12:57 pm :

    I like the choice.

    I like the age of actor that he went for and I most definitely like the skill of actor he went for.

    This could be inspired casting.

    I would never have thought of him in a million years, but I really like the the casting of this movie so far.

    I mean, Terrence Howard and Robert Downey Jr…
    …thats a lotta skill you got there, Jon.

    Please be a good script. Please be a good script. Please be a good script.

  • 24. Jay replies at 29th September 2006, 1:14 pm :


    Jon has already said that the alchoholism will not feature in this movie but that it will in later installments.

    This is an origin movie. Stark didnt become an alchoholoc until later on in his story when the pressure of being Ironman AND the head of a multi-billion dollar company got to be too much for him to handle. That is when he turned to the bottle, not before. Tony Stark was not a drunk before he built and put on the armor.

    Introduction of character, neccessity of armor, buliding of armor, trial and error of armor, Geo-political stage, use of armor, and donning the mantle of hero will be enough for the first movie. Save the alchoholism for a sequel to add to the challenges of that movie.

    Whether or not he wants to become this “hero” will be enough of a personal internal challenge for this movie. Hve him turn to alchohol in the second one as a way to numb himself when the burden of being hero and C.E.O becomes overwhelming

  • 25. replies at 29th September 2006, 1:42 pm :

    I’ve never been much of an Iron Man fan. I am a little surprised at the casting of Downey, oh well, and it’s not that I disapprove, I could really care less.

  • 26. Rafael replies at 29th September 2006, 2:44 pm :

    He’s a great actor. Please God above please watch over him for an entire year. Don’t let him drink or do drugs in that span of time. Please give him a chance to become Oscar worthy again either in this role or an upcoming one. Other than that - wwwooooo hooooooooo! Pulsars away!! I hope this movie will kick ass!!

  • 27. slybri replies at 29th September 2006, 2:48 pm :

    That would make sense. Most superhero movie sequels have the hero going through some dark period of self doubt. The origin movies are usually focused on adjusting to new powers and adapting, accepting the role of hero.
    I’m just saying I think Downey’s history of substance abuse was a factor in choosing him to play Stark, even if they don’t deal with alcoholism until the second movie. It’s just a theory.
    Tony Stark is an alcoholic. Robert Downey jr. has a history of substance abuse. I’m sure I won’t be the last person to point out the connection.

  • 28. Senor Chefy- AKA Chark replies at 29th September 2006, 2:59 pm :

    This report is total horse shit. I am Iron Man.

  • 29. slybri replies at 29th September 2006, 3:10 pm :

    Tony Stark is an alcoholic who saves the world played by Robert Downey jr. who has a history of substance abuse and jailtime. Don’t you guys see the IRONY?
    get it? Irony! LOL

    okay. I’ll leave you guys alone now….

  • 30. The Jay replies at 29th September 2006, 3:22 pm :

    Whenever you’re casting a hero for a comic book adaptation, I find it’s always good to pick the guy who did so much blow he probably OD’ed River Phoenix just by breathing on him one time at the Viper Room. So mazel tov to Marvel, Kevin Feige, Jon Favreau and Avi Arad for finally finding their perfect Iron Man.

  • 31. Marina replies at 29th September 2006, 3:48 pm :

    If Downey was EVER bound to do a ’superhero’ movie, this is the role for him. I’m a bit disappointed that they didn’t take the no big name lane but I’m much more interested in seeing this now that Downey has been cast.

  • 32. darren j seeley replies at 29th September 2006, 4:45 pm :

    Interesting…and great choice.

    I, too, loved Downey Jr., in “Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang”…and “The Singing Detective”, for that matter. While Shane Black’s “Kiss” had some action in it, most of it was comical. The only remote action film I can recall Downey Jr. being in is his supporting antagonist role in “US Marshals”. So I expect that there may be some folks out there who may be skeptical. This is what I say: “Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang”, “Singing Detective”….CHAPLIN.

    That’s right: all the commenters have seem to forgotten his Oscar Nomination. Terrance Howard, should he be in the film, is a recent Oscar nomineee. While I think Downey’s past troubles may have played a small factor, I would like to think he’s on for his acting chops alone…which in my point of view, seems to be the case.

    I’ll say it again, just in case:

    1) Whoever plays Iron Man need not have a ripped six pack. (although it wouldn’t hurt)

    2) Whoever plays Iron Man need not be 6′ tall or higher.

    3) You cast Tony Stark. Stark wears a huge suit of armor that makes him look taller and massive. Period.

    Yes, the bottle will later have a factor in Stark in the comics; I personally wouldn’t mind if as Iron Man, he was in AA on the side. But I would yawn if, in a cinematic high, the hero tosses the gin bottle in the air and either uses it for target practice or to decorate the street.

    Kudos all around on the casting choice!

    -Sealer has spoken

  • 33. Tom replies at 29th September 2006, 5:18 pm :

    Good choice.

    Like I’ve been saying, Tony Stark/Iron Man doesn’t need to be in shape. He’s an alchoholic playboy (even if they’re saving up the alchoholism bit for the possible sequel, it’s still important to the character).

    It’s like what they did with Peter Weller in Robocop. They cast him in part because he was the only guy slim enough to fit into the suit. The Iron Man suit will probably be the same way.

  • 34. Jay replies at 29th September 2006, 5:29 pm :

    Oh I agree with you completely. I think that will be a comparison that many will draw.

    I was just saying it wont be seen in the first movie, not shooting down your take on what went on in the casting process.

  • 35. Jagmir replies at 29th September 2006, 5:31 pm :

    Well guys and gals, you certainly are fans of this guy.

    But fear not, the odds of this being a good move are only outweighed by the odds that Downey will show up in court in a drugged and drunken stupor.

    I hope I’m wrong b/c Iron Man was my favorite comic book character growing up. Now he’s being played by a comic. Just sad.

  • 36. Chisox replies at 29th September 2006, 5:53 pm :

    By the choice of the director and the lead actor I can see were this film is heading. It’s a low budget superhero flick, just like Daredevil. I am not interested.

  • 37. Lee replies at 29th September 2006, 5:56 pm :

    surprising choice,but PERFECT

  • 38. borloff replies at 29th September 2006, 6:12 pm :

    Well ….. That’s good news.

  • 39. jonathan replies at 29th September 2006, 8:18 pm :

    I cannot imagine Robert Downey Jr. kicking ANYONE’s ass. Or as a ladies’ man. This will require special FX and probably lots of CGI.

  • 40. Jay replies at 29th September 2006, 9:16 pm :


    How is 150 to 165 million low budget?

    With the deal that marvel has to finance movies on its own, they have allotted up to 165 million per picture or year, and Jon F. has already said on his myspace page that the budget is north of 150 million.

  • 41. Jay replies at 29th September 2006, 9:17 pm :

    “estimated north of 150″

  • 42. Chisox replies at 30th September 2006, 1:36 pm :

    TO Jay

    The Budget for Iron Man: Asked if Paramount placed a strict ceiling on the effects budget for Iron Man, Favreau responded, “I think the ceiling’s sort of emerge based on what they think that the movie’s going to earn. I think that working on a Marvel project like Iron Man, he’s sort of the biggest superhero left that hasn’t had a franchise yet. I think the success of X-Men and Spider-Man without really being star-driven pieces reassures them that the film does have an upside commercially. And what’s nice, too, is that those movies don’t require an expensive star to [sell] it. Iron Man’s the star, the superhero’s the star. I don’t know that a movie like Daredevil did better for having Ben Affleck than Spider-Man did having Tobey Maguire who was a relative unknown at the time.

    It gives you a little bit of latitude because there’s a lot of money that usually goes into getting that face on the poster. But I’m also of the generation of director, I sort of came up understanding special effects, so I don’t throw the same amount of money that some of the older generation directors who are just learning about it. There’s a way to be ‘scrappy’ is what I’m trying to say. There’s a way to get a lot for your money nowadays. There’s a lot of talented people in that field so I’m not really concerned about it.”

    Were did he say 150 -165 million? I’m thinking 100 million at the most. This is a Paramount picture and they’ve been known to be very tight with their budget. I hope I’m wrong cuz I love Iron Man, but everybody knows the CGI company’s rape the studios. There is no way a film should cost 200 million, but it is what it is. The more money you pump into a film the better the eye candy. That doesn’t make it a better film, it just make the film more appealing.

  • 43. Henry Omehe replies at 30th September 2006, 2:00 pm :

    i actually heard before auditioning for the role, he worked out and grew a goatee

  • 44. Nick Paramonte replies at 30th September 2006, 5:33 pm :

    John, aside from the alcholol Iron Man has a heart conditon and in the comics the suit keeps his heart beating

  • 45. Nick Paramonte replies at 30th September 2006, 5:34 pm :

    It’s Iron Man real weakness

  • 46. Jay replies at 30th September 2006, 6:37 pm :


    You’re right, dude. I went back and re-read the thread and realized I got it confused with what Kevin Feige said about the deal to independently finance movies.

    But, I still say it will be north of 100 mil just by the very nature of the hero being represented. 90% of Ironman in action will be CGI. I daresay that we will see less of a “man-in-suit” than we do in the Spiderman movies.

    By the way, this is an independently produced picture through Marvel’s Merrill-Lynch deal. Paramount is not financing this movie.

  • 47. Jay replies at 30th September 2006, 6:39 pm :

    I hope they spend more than a hundred mil on it.


  • 48. Triumphdude replies at 5th October 2006, 10:11 pm :

    Atlhough NO WHERE near my first choice, I trust Favreau to make the right pick, just like i trust that Nolan made the right choice to pic Ledger as the Joker.

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