M&Ms Dark Painting Answers!

Posted by John Campeaon 30. 09. 2006in News Chat

A little over a week ago we posted about 50 Titles of Dark Movies in a Painting

The idea to this game is to scour the painting and find a Darkly Themed movie titles. Be careful, there are 50 of them in the painting. Click on each part that you think is a movie and a dialogue box will appear, and you can enter your guess. If you get it right, it will grey out the image.

And many of you rose to the challenge to find them all, and we had a LOT of comments about people sharing their finds.

John and I decided that we have left you in the dark long enough, and instead of waiting in dire curiosity for the answers we would give them to you here in the continued post.

In no specific order…

Alien in the Bell tower = Alien
The Number Seven on the Bell Tower = Seven
Swarm of Butterflies = Butterfly Effect
Man in darkness Yelling = Scream
Big fish with the Underbite = Piranha
Darkened Archway in bottom left = Pitch Black
Man with pencil for a head = EraserHead
Man with Candy Cane for a head = CandyMan
Man with bucket over his head = Wickerman
Giant Orange with Clockface = Clockwork Orange
Man in Straight Jacket = Psycho
Floating hat, gloves and eyeglasses next to Psycho = Invisible Man
Kids with the map = Lost Boys
Woman with Bucket of water = Dark Water
Blue M&M with hoop = The Ring
Woman with children = Mummy
Three children Dancing in a circle = Child’s Play
Bug spilling out of the glass = Beetlejuice
Monster in the swamp = Creature from the Black Lagoon
Green M&M in a dress = Blue Velvet
Saw in the Tree = Saw
Little Green man in the Tree = Leprechaun
Red M&M juggling Pennies = Sixth Sense
Group of MOnkeys = 12 Monkeys
Jackknife = Blade
Man with the Lamp = The Shining
Sheep with Earmuffs on = Silence of the Lambs
Hanging Map of Texas in Shreds = Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Men on stairs snubbing each other = The Grudge
The stairs (count them) = 39 steps
Baby showered in green leaves = Rosemary’s Baby
Man in bed surrounded by demons (street sign) = Nightmare on Elm St
Corn running with feet = Children of the Corn
October’s Date burned in the field = Friday the 13th
Wolves in the field = The Howling
Man with spyglass in the window = Rear Window
Signs at top of stairs = Signs
Man with Pumpkin for a head = PumpkinHead
Small grouping of dark houses = The Village
Grim Reaper in a fenced in area = Dead Zone
House that looks like a candle = House of Wax
Flock of Birds behind the Candle House = The Birds
Glowing eyes up in the hills = The Hills Have Eyes
Mountain Top = Twin Peaks
Bug at the foot of the Mountain = The Fly
Men with O’s arguing = The Omen
Blackbird in the top right = The Crow
The Colliding Planets = The War of the Worlds
Pumpkins Behind the Stairs = Halloween
Jawbone beside stairs = Jaws

This post was written by :

John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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30 Responses to “M&Ms Dark Painting Answers!”

  1. Alby says:

    Is this page completely broken in Firefox by the pop-up for anyone else, or is it just me? The pop-up kinda grabs onto my cursor and won’t let go, making it impossible to close!

  2. Merola says:

    Works fine in firefox for me.

    Its amazing that you found all the titles!

  3. matt says:

    U Guys really suck ASS!!! i was having so much fun finding this stuff,untill my friend came over and didnt kno the stuff in the picture,so Ofcourse the stupid american mind CANT LOSE to a computer game and had to search for answers well thanks to you IDIOTS the game was no more fun.THANKS ALOT MORONS.Write me back if im wrong

  4. Rodney says:

    Actually Matt, you are incorrect about this one.

    There is a reason I kept the answers behind an extended part of the post. If you wanted to continue to be challenged and feel that pride of discovering the answers for yourself, you just didnt have to read them.

    These answers were presented to ease the minds of those tortured souls who tried their best, but couldnt figure out a couple of the answers and just needed to know.

    Its a public service, a courtesy, but not one you required.

  5. nique says:

    Thanks for posting the answers - I was one of the tortured souls who had just 4 left and it was driving me crazy because I couldn’t get them. (Actually, probably would never have guessed them.)


  6. nique says:

    Does anyone know of any more of these type games? I enjoyed playing!!

  7. Ki says:

    Agreed. You guys shouldn’t have posted these until AFTER halloween at least.
    (Since it wouldn’t have been somewhat themed and FUN)

    I was going to hot a mini contest in the office but you guys fucked it up by
    posting this which pops up 4th on google searches.


  8. Sari says:

    Oh my gosh I had a great time playing this game! What is wrong with these whiny people who insist you messed up the game by posting the answers? Perhaps someone needs a nap and have their computer taken away since they have no willpower to NOT look at the answers.
    Grow up losers!

    Guys I would love to play another game like this. It made me use my brain.

  9. sherri says:

    what a GREAT game - I was down to 5 and thank you for the answers… it was making me crazy and my work suffer. but now I can share the fun (and the answers if need be) with my friends…
    and for you other guys who are complaining about having the answers -if you didn’t want to know the answers, why did you go looking for them in the first place???????? get over it. it’s just a game.

  10. Lisa says:

    ahhhhh i sucked really bad at this and had to know the answers so i was glad when i found this!!!! Poor Moni is still rackin her brain tryin to find the answers when i know i am just gonna end up giving them to her!!!! hehehe!!!

  11. Lisa says:

    Thanks for posting the answers. I am one of those tortured souls that only had three left and could NOT figure it out for the life of me. The green M&M one was a killer. I never even heard of that movie. And to those little whiny asses throwing their little temper tantrums about the answers, grow up. You shouldn’t have looked at the answers if you didn’t want to know. DUHHHHHHHH!!!! Go home and get back to your mommy’s titty little brats.

  12. Lisa says:

    ohhhh yeah. I want to know how these people on the top 100 score list managed to solve and type in 50 answers in two minutes. I am a fast typer and I couldn’t do it in less than six minutes. Hmmmm…..

  13. James says:

    I agree with everyone that says thank you on here.

    The whiney suck asses who apparently have nothing better to do with their day then whine on a public forum. Get a life, move out of your parent’s basement, and find a sexual partner. It will make life easier for you, and you won’t complain about little stuff like answers to a website. I would also suggest a hobby that does not involve the computer.

    Thanks for the answers. I could not figure out the “39 steps” never saw the flick.

    Happy Halloween

  14. Allie says:

    I really enjoyed this game, but it says I only got 49 out of 50 and I swear I have all of them and I can’t figure out what it thinks I am missing. I can’t even click on anything else to put in another answer.

  15. Lisa says:

    Did you get the dark archway? That one I had trouble finding and it was my last one. The answer says bottom left, but it is actually bottom right.

  16. G says:

    If you are such a loser that you blame someone else for posting answers… that you go and cheat off of these answers but it’s their fault… you really need to get your head examined. I mean come on, it’s not like as you were staring at the picture this post opened itself up and smacked you in the face making you read it. Come on. I got 45 out of 50 w/o the list. With out someone posting those other five, it would have drove me crazy. So you don’t want the answers? Don’t google M&M quiz answers… come on.

  17. Donna says:

    Thank you for posting the answer! We were down the the last two and we were STUCK! I was happy to find your answers!!

    Great Fun!!

  18. Anonymous says:

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  23. Titty Fuckerz says:

    Thanks for the help! I would have never guessed all of these. I only had about 15 of them (I know, I suck… I’m not a horror fan).

  24. Anonymous says:

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  28. Melissa Martin says:

    I loved this!! I am a movie nerd and loved using my brain on something challenging!! Please make another!! I had everyone at my job working on it!

  29. wynonah says:

    thankyou! :D
    i dont watch scary movies a lot, so i only guessed 2. [texas xhainsaw massacre and the nightmare on elm street] haha. until i found THIS. haha. loveit :)

  30. wynonah says:

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