Lord of the Rings Quiz

Quizzes are always fun, especially when they’re about something you love… like say…. movies! Especially movies you like. What makes them even better is when they’re not too hard, but not easy either. They’ve got to challenge you!

Well Nick from over at Empire Online sent me an email this morning about a feature i didn’t know they had. It’s a FANTASTIC movie quiz section that will test your knowledge of geek film culture, time you and score you at the same time. It’s fantastic!

I just got back from doing the Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring quiz… and man it’s a TOUGH one! I did ok on it, but certainly not great. No matter how much you think you know… a couple of the questions on there will stump you for sure.

You can go take some of the quizzes (there are a bunch of them over there), but be warned, you have to register to take the quizzes first… but that only took like 20 seconds. The quiz is a lot of fun. Enjoy!

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  • 1. Kristina replies at 26th September 2006, 12:26 pm :

    Oh my goodness! I did the fellowship one too. I thought i would kick serious backside, but i got killed!!! Killed i tell you! That was fun, but wow that was hard!

  • 2. Chark Hammis replies at 26th September 2006, 2:18 pm :

    I killed in Aliens. Chalk one up for Chark who’s seen Aliens one too many times.

  • 3. John Campea replies at 26th September 2006, 2:23 pm :

    OOhhh… Aliens. I’ve gotta try that one.

  • 4. Kevin replies at 26th September 2006, 2:33 pm :

    The Aliens one was good, but i can’t beleive i got 17/20.brutal. I don’t even know which ones i got wrong

  • 5. Chark Hammis replies at 26th September 2006, 4:15 pm :


    You can go back and review which ones were incorrect. If you take it again, some of the questions are different.

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