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Keeping Mum

I first wrote about the new Rowan Atkinson comedy “Keeping Mum” over a year and a half ago. Before I get into it too much, here’s the synopsis:

Atkinson will play a pastor so obsessed with writing the perfect sermon that he doesn’t notice his wife’s infidelity or the adolescent escapades of his kids. Kristin Scott-Thomas plays the spouse, and Patrick Swayze the brash golf instructor with whom she dallies. Maggie Smith plays the discreet housekeeper who decides to take the situation in hand and rid the town of its dirty secrets.

Patrick Swayze as a womanizing golf instructor gigolo??? Good grief sign me up! That sounds freaking hilarious. Doug and I then went crazy for it on The Audio Edition after we saw the trailer… and then we never heard anything more about it. Now, finally it looks like it’s getting a limited release in North America this month. Really folks, you have to check out the trailer. The best part:

PATRICK SWAYZE STANDING IN NOTHING BUT A THONG: “What? You don’t think this is hot?”

I’m going to have to keep my eyes open for any screening around my area. Have any of you guys seen this flick yet? If so, what were your thoughts?

13 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. louis

    saw it a few month back.
    very good movie.

    hows that, we got something first here in Oz before you guys.

  2. Rob

    It’s very funny, a bit darker than it sounds in places though.

    A definate go. The UK does get some films before you lot then…

  3. A.J.

    It’s time for Swayze to make a comeback…

  4. Edward Lee

    John, I’m glad you & Doug got hot’n'bothered after seeing Patrick in a thong. If this is the source of your fascination with the flick, maybe you should tread into man-on-man porn.

  5. Marcus

    I saw this movie on an international flight this summer, I was really surprised by it. It’s quite good. The real question is why it takes so damn long for good foreign films to make it over here, i.e. ‘The Descent’!

  6. Sarah

    This looks good, can’t wait for it to finally show up in the states.

  7. Joe

    this was playing on 2 international flights i took this summer, but wouldn’t you know it, i never watched it (i get sick if i watch in flight movies). sounds really promising though, Rowan Atkinson will always get me to the theatres…

  8. The Jay

    Nothing but a thong? Is he trying out for Chippendale’s again (RIP Chris Farley)?

  9. Iain

    It’s awful apart from the slug balancer. Rowan cannot pick a good movie to save his life.

  10. _ram-jaane'

    Pick it up on dvd for 13$ .. Haven’t seen it but it didn’t do very well here in UK ..

  11. Babz

    saw the movie, unexpectedly good.
    but to tell u the truth, i did not notice Swayze very much.
    he did an ok job, but nothing spectacular.
    loved the British humour in the movie.

  12. Hav

    Yeah its a good dark comedy very funny in parts definitely worth a watch

  13. GeorgeC

    ENTER YOUR COMMENTS HERE. Make sure you fill out the box below this one before submitting your comment
    What can drive one crazy is a choice between reward and punishment that becomes impossible to distinguish. In Keeping Mom a wife blandly settles her husband’s affair with a double murder. Released, she now visits her daughter (incognito as a nanny) and helps turn her family life around. The nanny’s name is Grace and the sick theology is that God’s grace uses several murders to bring love and order to a family.
    We are to understand that it is part of God’s mysterious grace that several murders (dog, dog owner, golf pro) serve to bring about good.
    Moral of the story: God uses what is extremely evil - a murderous mad nanny - to bring about much good.
    Reviewers rave, some call it ‘black humour.’ “Keeping mum” ends with the family committing two murders of innoscents to protect the family secret.
    Okay, I get it. This is ‘black humour’ and the devil is laughing at God because ‘black’ (evil) gets its message across and we end up confused about God.

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