This entry was posted on Thursday, September 7th, 2006 at 1:30 pm.
Categories: Top Lists | By John Campea

Battlefield-EarthHey there guys. Ok, so yesterday I put up my personal favorite top 10 movies list. Today, I go in the opposite direction and list my most hated films I’ve ever seen. Remember, this is a personal list… so do with that as you will. Here they are:

1) Battlefield Earth - The single most putrid piece of cinematic crap I have ever had the displeasure of sitting through. It was one of those “When Kenedy Got Shot” moments in that it was so bad, that I still remember exactly where I was, what seat I was in , and who exactly was with me when I had the misfourtune of seeing this “movie”. In my opinion, the worst film of all time by a mile.

2) Highlander 2 - For some cocaine induced reasoning, the makers of this film decided to take everything we know about Connor and the immortals and throw it out the window. Now the immortals are actually aliens from a distant planet and are banished to earth and become immortal as some sort of punishment. Huh? On top of that, Connor and Ramirez are old friends from the old planet. Huh? Just by yelling out “Ramirez I need you”, Connor brings Ramirez back to life. What the hell?!? This movie is 15 years old and I still have nightmares about it.

3) Catwoman - Ummm… someone forgot to tell the makers of this film that Catwoman doesn’t have any superpowers. Not that it mattered… this movie was painful to watch. I think I had the runs for like 3 days after seeing it.

4) Batman and Robin - Arnold as Mr. Freeze? Bat Skates? I’m just not going to say any more.

5) The Ringer - This Johnny Knoxville piece of shit has the honor of being only the 3rd movie in my life that I ever walked out on. Sadly, I didn’t walk out until near the end. Mocking the handicapped is fun. Ug.

6) Dr. T. and the Women - Without a doubt the single worst Richard Gere film of his respectable career. The whole thing felt like the producers thought it would be a great idea to make this movie… then showed up on set… and forgot why they were there in the first place. Oh yeah… stupidest ending to a film of all time.

7) Deuce Bigalow 2 - You can almost insert any Rob “No-Talent” Schneider film in here… but this is his most wretched. What made it even worse was that the first 5 minutes were kinda funny… and made me get my hopes up for the rest of the film. Yeah… that was a bad move on my part.

8) Dungeons and Dragons - This movie had so much going for it. A wealth of potential WITHOUT a lot of fan expectations. It’s a no lose situation right? HAHAHA!!! Even the magnificent Jeremy Irons looks like a knob in this garbage. This movie is the reason why whenever a video game or comic or cartoon based movie is getting made and someone says “They need to get someone who was a fan of the comic/game/cartoon… I just laugh. Solomon was a HUGE D&D nut. Fuck getting a fan… get someone with TALENT.

9) Alone in the Dark - What list like this would be complete without at least 1 Uwe Boll flick. as one online critic once said: “the other practitioners of cinematic drivel can rest a little easier now; they can walk in the daylight with their heads held high, a smile on their lips and a song in their hearts. It’s okay, they’ll tell themselves. I didn’t make Alone in the Dark.”

10) Blair Witch Project 2 - A complete and total departure from everything that made the original interesting and fun to watch. Giant piece of junk. Did anyone else notice that when the guy is in a straight jacket in the padded room… that the padded room had a giant freaking GLASS WINDOW in it?

So there you have it folks… the 10 films that hurt my ass the most to watch. Now hit us with YOUR list.

Oh yeah… tomorrow will be my “Top 10 most Guilty Pleasure Movies”. Or “Bad movies that I love” Wheeee.

85 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Phil Gee

    I agree with you pretty much but i always cut D&D some slack. I just think it’s a hilarious movie and there is a death in it that totally took me by suprise. I’m proud to own it.

    I’d substitute it with ‘The Avengers’. God, i was so looking forward to that film too, what a let down.

  2. Mr Stay Puft

    I don’t disagree with a single film on your list, but for me Highlander 2 is number 1, and not just because of its awfulness, but because the hope I entered the theater with was crushed out of me never to return. At least I expected Battlefield Earth to suck. Hell, the book was awful. I only saw it because I was interested in how bad it was. (Ditto Catwoman). My own list would include Legends of the Fall and The English Patient. The characters in both are so miserable and unlikeable I couldn’t wait for them to die. Both could make number 1 if it wasn’t for the hole left in my soul by the awfulness of Highlander 2.

  3. A.J.

    That’s a good list… I haven’t seen all of those movies but I take your word for it =)

    Dr. T was beyond horrible… what the hell Altman was thinking?

    I have never walked out of a theater but there are few times that I’ve considered it:

    1. Godzilla, piece of crap without any redeeming qualities.

    2. Matrix Reloaded, this was a disappointment on so many levels.

    3. Psycho re-make… why was this made?

    4. Species 2… the first Species was a masterpiece compared to this one and that one was crap too.

  4. 1138

    Great list John!! Right on the money for some of them!

    Here is my list:

    1. Battlefield earth
    2. Ishstar
    3. Heavens Gate
    4. The Village
    5. Batman and Robin
    6. Buck Rogers
    7. Flash Gordon
    8. The Punisher (Dolph Lundgren version)
    9. Mousetrap
    10. The Godfather III (Because I was just so disappointed)

  5. A.J.

    I’ve almost forgot Ultraviolet…

    I had to stop after 10 minutes… That must be the worst thing ever made.

    and another Gere movie… Runaway Bride. That is in the “claw your own eyes out to stop the pain” category =)

    oh… and Butterfly Effect, Ashton Kutcher should not get any movie roles ever in my opinion.

    This list is endless…

  6. A.J.

    1138, Ishtar… I’ve have blocked the memory of that horrible movie away completely.

    But seriously… The Punisher? It’s good example of the most entertaining movie genre that there is… 80’s action movies =)

    I take it before the new version any day.

    Speaking of comic book movies… Elektra is in the class of its own.

  7. Ryan

    No Cat in the Hat? No Master of Disguise? This list is clearly not complete.

    When I saw Alone in the Dark, it was (and actually still is) the worst movie I’ve ever seen. And by worst, I mean least enjoyable. I refused to believe I’d seen the worst movie of all time at the tender age of 24, and so I set out on a quest.

    I’ve since seen Glitter and Battlefield Earth and Bloodrayne

    In one day I watched
    House of the Dead, Catwoman, Master of Disguise, Cat in the Hat, Gigli and From Justin to Kelly

    (strange things happen, by the end of that day, Gigli and From Justin to Kelly, the final two movies I watched seemed positively fantastic)

    Basically any time I hear “Oh Ryan that movie was so awful” I add it to a list of shitty movies I have to see. So far nothing has come anywhere near to being as bad as Alone in the Dark

    (the only movies on your list I haven’t seen are The Ringer, Dr. T and the Women, Blair Witch 2 and dungeons and dragons) all of them I think I could find at least something redeeming, or enjoyably campy about so I doubt they’d even stand a chance.

  8. mero

    hey john,

    you’ve obviously haven’t seen many of the low budget horrow/sf DTV movies that are at your local blockbuster. I’m telling you, dude, there’re much worst movies than those you’ve listed. The movies i’ll list now don’t even have good video or sound, usually don’t make a lick of sense, and have 5 cent production budgets.

    Here’s some of the worst stuff i’ve seen:

    Little Witches
    Slumber Party Massacre 2
    Beach Babes 2: Cave Girl Island
    Groom Lake
    Dead Weekend
    Dinosaur Island
    Tromeo and Juliet

    Next time you want bad, just check out anything by Jim Wynorski, Fred Olen Ray, Albert Pyun, David Decoutau.

    but honestly, the worst films out have already been discovered. they are the Mystery Science Theatre 3000 flicks. They are the worst ones out, much worst than the ones you’ve listed.

  9. mero

    just want to add:

    anything released by Troma is a sign of badness

  10. _ram-jaane'

    american psycho 2 .. the saving grace if you can call it that is william shatner (& even he dies) .. oops Spolier

  11. Ryan

    While all those Troma movies and low budget horror/sci-fi flicks are definitely “worse”

    They’re FAR FAR more enjoyable and fun to watch than anything John listed. Camp/Cheese value goes a long long way in my books.

  12. _ram-jaane'

    (i lie, it cudn’t have been spolit further)

  13. Ted Kord Lives

    These are the 9 worst I watched, or tried to watch.

    1. Batman and Robin
    2. The Thin Red Line (didn’t finish)
    3. Eyes Wide Shut (didn’t finish)
    4. Envy (didn’t fihish)
    5. Superman Returns
    6. Lost in Translation
    7. Monte Walsh
    8. Heavan’s Gate
    9. Catwoman (didn’t finish)

  14. thegoodfella

    Aw man - Jaws the Revenge! To be fair though I don’t hate that movie at all, hell of a lot more enjoyable then your average film…

    There was a Japanese movie called ‘Versus’ that I was expecting to love but ended up detesting, which would probably make it on my bottom ten. Ditto Without a Paddle; needless to say I’m no longer friends with the bastard who made me sit through THAT movie :D…

  15. mero

    I think the problem is that most people aren’t familiar with the DTV scifi/horror stuff. All they watch is what opens in the theaters. People have NO IDEA how awful the stuff that gets released on DTV is. That’s why we get all these lists that are so similar, which is quite boring to see btw. It’s just tiring to see the same movies on everyone’s lists. I completely expected to see the movies that appeared on Campea’s list, and wasn’t surprised by any of it. If he had more obscure movies, it might’ve spiced up the thing. but not only do i think it’s a boring list, but i disagree with most of it too.

  16. Ryan

    Do you guys actually watch the DTV stuff expecting it to be quality? I LOVE it mainly because it’s so campy and doesn’t take itself seriously.

    I mean if anyone here has seen Quest for the Egg Salad (or Gore Gore Girls, or anything Troma has done) will know what I mean when I say that it’s one of the lowest quality movies ever made, but at the same time there’s tons of fun things that happen in it and it never takes itself too seriously which makes it enjoyable.

    If a movie is pure shit, but can laugh at it’s shittiness I can enjoy it, but if it’s pure shit and tries to pass itself off like gold (I’m looking at you Mr. Boll), THOSE are what qualify as the worst movies of all time.

  17. Ted Kord Lives

    I forgot…

    10. Last two Matrix movies

  18. mero

    I disagree completely. I believe most of these DTV movies are made in a sincere serious way, and in general, they don’t have much camp value. The amount of enjoyment you take out of a movie’s own stupidity/awfulness is very flexible and have a lot to do with the person and whether he thinks that would entertain him/her. Just because a film sets out to be bad and succeeds, doesn’t mean it’s any good.

  19. Jay C.


    “I think teh problem is that most people aren’t familiar with the DTV scifi/horror stuff. People have NO IDEA how awful the stuff that gets released on DTV is.”

    Are you trying to get people to watch more DTV sci-fi/horror or are you trying to scare them away? Or do you just think people are wasting too much time NOT watching horrible DTV movies?

    Oh, and Troma isn’t a sign of ‘badness’, it’s a sign of BAD-ASSNESS. You OBVIOUSLY haven’t seen Rabid Grannies.

    And I agree with Ryan…I would watch a Jim Wynorski film over Dr.T and the Woman ANY DAY.

    Jay C.

  20. Jay

    In no particular order -

    House of the Dead
    Batman & Robin
    Twin Peaks: Fire Come Walk With Me
    Battlefield Earth
    Cool as Ice
    Shakespeare in Love
    3 Strikes
    You Got Served

    They all suck equally

  21. mero

    Those are two good questions. It’s tough to figure out what my point was. On one hand, I think DTV is BAD BAD BAD. But I don’t like seeing Battlefield Earth on the top, because it seriously isn’t that bad of a movie. The movie featured a very cool air battle towards the end, and I have to admit I liked the action in the flick and the sfx.

    Alright Alright, I’m telling people to go watch more DTV horror/scifi/erotica. They are BAD flicks, but they’re interesting bad. Just prepare yourself though, you don’t want to go insane from watching too much too quickly. Try to pace yourself. But in the end, you might change your mind about what makes a film “bad”.

    For example, the MST3K flicks. Those are god awful flicks. probably a million times more awful than anything Campea named. yet, they are still sorta fascinating to me.

  22. Ryan

    Oh might as well post my 10

    (Also thanks Jay C for agreeing :) )

    Besides Alone in the Dark being #1 these are in no particular order

    #1 Alone in the Dark
    Cat in the Hat
    Master of Disguise
    Wild Wild West (the only movie I’ve never finished)
    Battlefield Earth
    Batman & Robin
    Godzilla (Matt Broderick version)

  23. mero

    Yeah I admit it’s sorta unfair to compare the two arenas “DTV” and theatrically released films. YET once apon a time, these B-Movies that were churned out by complete nobodies got theatrically released. Til video came along and changed all that. The two arenas are very different. Their intents are different, and their resources and competence levels are different. It’s like when you get 30-60 million to make a movie along with competent directors actors and producers, then you’ve got to produce something watchable. If all you’re working with is 10 grand with David Cotoutau directing, then it’s a totally different.

  24. alfie

    good call about troma jay c.
    here are a few of mine

    Pearl Harbor
    Matrix Reloaded
    Matrix Revolutions
    The Avengers
    Batman and Robin
    Highlander 2
    Oceans 11 (remake)

    Thats about the only ones I can think of that I would go as far as to say I hated…sure there are films haven’t liked and thought were terrible but those are the only films I really really hate.

    I liked blair witch 2 though campea…..I don’t know why but I saw it on video expecting to hate it and wound up thinking it was great…

  25. mero

    gezz, i’m very torn on this issue…

    i started off feeling so confident about it too :)

    I’ve not seen DTV stuff for a long time now, specifically because I felt like my pocket was getting burned after spending money on the stuff. I remember once I watched this movie called “Getting it ON”, nearly one of the most imcomprehensible incompetently made pieces of crap i’ve ever watched. And there was no camp value at all. It’s like they didn’t even know how to use the cameras or mics correctly. Look it up on IMDB if you don’t know about it.

    that was a time when i was very very curious at what the more obscure movies at Blockbuster were like. This movie was released in 1983, and for some reason Blockbuster had it. I walked around a lot at blockbuster and everywhere i see these old VHS cases. I wanted to see what they were like. My own curiosity got the best of me. after a while, i completely swore off those things. So What i’m recommending for you guys is, go do what i did. watch those crap movies just to realize how bad things can get.

  26. mero

    and ok i’m gonna repeat myself again..

    it’s just more fun to name DTV bad movies than Hollywood bad stuff. Plus then we’ll at least get some more interesting lists.

  27. Jay C.

    But with DTV releases, the expectations are fairly low in regards to the filmmakers and distributors. The only reason those movies even make a buck is people like you (and me) who rent them to have fun watching a horribly made horror/sci-fi/sex comedy. This is why alot of first time filmmakers start out in the horror genre, because alot of the time, the worse it is the better it is. They’re the modern day equivalent of Midnight Movies or Grindhouse films.

    In regards to John’s list, these studio films with bloated budgets, a-list stars and high expectations were serious attempts by Hollywood. To have these films on the same level as the films of Wynorski and Troma says something about how bad the Hollywood films are, but also how forgivable the DTV films are. At least they have an excuse! (no budget, no stars, no expectations)

    Jay C.

  28. carl

    where the fuck was doom?

    the ringer
    alone in the dark
    scary movie
    date movie
    van helsing
    deuce bigalow 2
    oceans 12
    blade 3

  29. mero

    I totally agree with you, Jay. but it doesn’t change my opinion that all these lists totally suck. I want to see some DTV stuff on these lists. Look at my list! I went the opposite route everyone else is taking.

  30. Ryan

    I’ve seen a ton of DTV stuff and my most hated movies ARE the ones I listed.

  31. Sean

    The problem with a top 10 worst movies list is that by definition you know there are much worse movies out there, but you just don’t want to bring yourself to sit through them. So I think for the most part we’re talking about top 10 biggest disappointments, as in movies that people actually saw and thought would be good, but turned out to be shit.

    How can we possibly be talking about worst movies of all time and not have anyone mention stuff like Plan 9 from Outer Space?

  32. mero

    Are you watching newer DTV stuff? or the older ones?

    DTV has kinda changed a lot over the years, and it’s gotten better. Maybe because filmmaking technology has gotten to become more accessible.

    I used to watch the stuff back in the VHS days. things like Femalien 1+2, The seventh sense, Jack and Jill and Jill, Jack Frost.

  33. darren j seeley

    Mero, Al Pyun has at least two ‘bad they are good’ movies. One of which was his first film ‘Sword And The Sorcerer” and one of my guilty pleasures, “Nemesis”. Also, even Troma had “Toxic Avenger” and “Class Of Nuke ‘Em High”. I know “Sorority Babes In The Slime Bowl A Rama” is stupid fun too. I mean, you know, some of these low budget pix, sometimes they do have some campy charm to them. I would agree that the Mark Goldblatt film, 89’s “Punisher” isn’t a horrible film. For a low budget action pic, it isn’t too bad. What makes it degrading (aside from two scenes that kill a pace) is that the skull icon is gone save for the knives, and then what’s worse is that the writer (now director in his own right) Boaz Yakin was fired for trying to keep the skull.

    1138 said “Buck Rogers”. Good for 1138. Let’s add “Battlestar Galactica” too. See, there’s a little stunt that Universal did when these shows were on the air or about to air on TV. They took the pilot films, blew them up and cropped them to make it look like a 1:85 ratio. Some repeated effects may have also been suffice for TV, but sandwiched in between Star Wars, Black Hole and Star Trek (and Alien, for that matter)- they stunk as far as theatrical goes.

    Such lists are subjective. For example, I liked “Titanic” as many others did. But everyone knows someone who **hates** James Cameron’s film and think it to be an overrated piece of sap.

    What’s my ten, you ask?

    1) Pearl Harbor.

    2) Batman & Robin.

    3) Twister.

    4) Battlefield Earth

    5) On Deadly Ground

    6) The Omega Code

    7) Charlie’s Angels

    8) Godzilla, who cannot even redeem himself with Doritos[Emmerich]

    9) Doom

    10) Friend Of The Family. [don't ask]

  34. darren j seeley

    Okay, that last one was a piece of DTV ‘erotic thriller/dramas that came out during the 90’s. I’ll sub this in its stead:

    10) Alexander.

    Which also has its moments of soft core.

  35. mero

    Hey Sean,

    I felt Campea really stongly believes that his list is the definitive list of his Most hated movies. MY GUESS IS THAT CAMPEA HASN”T SEEN MANY DTV FLICKS. and i think it’s really telling that all his movies are mostly scifi flick. I think when you call yourself “THE MOVIE BLOG” it means many kinds of movies, not just scifi or action.

  36. mero

    1) Pearl Harbor.

    2) Batman & Robin.

    3) Twister.

    4) Battlefield Earth

    5) On Deadly Ground

    6) The Omega Code

    7) Charlie’s Angels

    8) Godzilla, who cannot even redeem himself with Doritos[Emmerich]

    9) Doom

    10) Friend Of The Family. [don't ask]

    Alright.. I already know Omega Code is a piece of crap. but would you rather watch any of these movies than say 10 random DTV flicks?

  37. darren j seeley

    John makes a good point about ‘Highlander 2′. Reason why I cut it slack is because I liked Roger Hall’s production design. But oh, man…I think they fixed it just by making Highlander 3. Everytime they go back and alter ‘Highlander 2′ it just makes a worse mess than before.

    At least they admit it is trash, and try to clean it up. Bad part is…they should just move along. Oh, yeah. There’s something about “There can be only one”…but that’s not important, I guess.

    And Mero, I guess if someone really wanted, every Andy Sidaris film would make someone’s top ten. Guaranteed. Or at least one of the Ghoulies films.


    1. Gigli
    2. Dude, Where’s My Car?
    3. My Boss’s Daughter
    4. American Pie 4
    5. Cheaper By The Dozen 2
    6. The Adventures of Pluto Nash
    7. A.I
    8. Paycheck
    9. Bad Santa
    10. Munich

  39. alfie

    Bad Santa???!!!???
    wow….I fucking love that film

  40. Alfredo

    I actully like Battlefield Earth, but Highlander sucks.

  41. Lou_Sytsma

    Fight Club
    Top Gun
    American Beauty
    Attack of the Clones

  42. jhupp

    First off, Bad Santa is completely hilarious. Second, here are the genuinely horrible that nobody has mentioned yet:

    Fat Albert
    The Animal
    Street Fighter
    Super Mario Brothers
    From Justin to Kelly

    Third, the not-painfully-awful-but-MAN-do-I-hate-them list:

    Top Gun
    The Cutting Edge
    Karate Kid 2
    Fever Pitch
    every Tim Allen movie

  43. joe

    i agree with u on every tim allen movie especially joe somebody
    heres my list of several
    Cat in the hat
    alone in the dark
    master of disguise
    juwanna man
    dumb and dumberer
    son of the mask(worse than alone in the dark) my # 1
    superman 3 and 4
    batman and robin
    terminator 3
    8 mile
    johnson family vacation i could go on forever but let me know what u think

  44. wolf

    Mine in no order.

    Cheaper By The Dozen
    The Last two Matrix films
    Alone In The Dark
    Clear and Present Danger
    Hitchikers Guide To The Lost Galaxy
    The Big Bounce
    March Of The Penguins
    Fligt Plan
    Crow with the Terminator kid.

  45. clone_tk422

    on a totally unrelated note John,

    are you still doing the Mailbag Audio Edition??

    I know you did the round table a day late on the Tuesday but you mentioned on this podcase that the mailbag edition was still going ahead for yesterday??

    I thought maybe since it didnt get posted you might have been doing iot tonight instead?


  46. MattK

    My list, while not in order, the first one on the list is my most hated film.

    1. Velvet Goldmine
    2. House of the Dead
    3. Night at the Roxbury
    4. Batman and Robin
    5. Alien Versus Predator
    6. Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones
    7. All of the American Pie films
    8. Garfield
    9. Street Fighter (Jean-Claude Van Damme as Guile?)
    10. Resident Evil: Apocalypse

  47. Steven

    I think most of the lists in this comments section clearly have a very short attention span.

    I must be brief, but I am shocked that nobody put


    on the list. Have you seen this film? Probably not, and it should stay that way.

  48. Matthew

    I can’t believe that no one has mentioned The Avengers. That piece of Sean Connery crap was one of only two movies I’ve ever walked out on. That, and Batman and Robin.

  49. dulcenea

    No list is complete without Mulholland Drive on it. Lynch is lucky I didn’t hunt him down and beat him after wasting two hours of my life on that piece of no-sense garbage.

  50. Jmarps

    How about Gladiator? J/K but I do think it is incredibly overated. Anyone else agree?

  51. Alex

    Nothing can top House of the Dead being the worst movie. I don’t care about the other nine on my list because this piece of shit movie makes anything oscar worthy.

  52. alfie

    jmarps I totally agree with you….Phoney epic…never felt real and to be honest the storyline was pretty close to something jean claude van damme could have starred in….

  53. Herby

    A few comments before I get to my list.

    Tromeo and Juliet was fucking great. Get a sense of humor.

  54. Liz

    Oh, yeah, John, I’m with you. Might I add:
    -Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (Kevin effing Costner as Robin? Please)
    -The third Austin Powers movie (I hated it so much I can’t even remember its name. Mike Myers is the quintessential one-trick pony and I wish he’d run away and become a monk-preferably of an order that requires a vow of silence.)
    -Every movie Albert Brooks movie ever made. I got sick of hearing him whine five minutes into the first movie I saw him in. When I’ve accidentally seen others, it only took two minutes for the nausea to surface.
    -”Epics” such as Titanic, Poseidon, et al. Why do these damn movies always have to have a Doomed Love subplot? If I wanted Romance I’d read Harlequin novels.

    You mentioned something about bad movies you love…my own personal guilty pleasure is Lake Placid. It fries me when critics rant and rave about its stupidity because *they’re* the ones being stupid. Yoo hoo, critics: It was INTENDED to be dumb. It’s called CAMP. What the hell are they teaching in film school these days? (Why do I love LP? How can you NOT love a movie in which Betty White tells a group of sheriffs and park rangers that they are all “c***suckers”?

    In the same vein (no pun intended-no really), I get a huge kick out of Blade Trinity. It’s admittedly inferior to the first film (although it is, at least, more memorable than the second, which I saw but cannot recall). But the dialogue. “Hose-humping bitch” and, my own personal favorite (and one I had to skip back to because I didn’t believe my ears the first time)-and my all-time favorite epithet, bar none: “C*** juggling thunderc**t” I’ll tolerate a lot for a good insult.

  55. josh

    what john c the ringer is halarious i laffed my ass off
    here is my worst movies iv ever seen
    spy kids
    running scared
    lotr(all of them)
    zombie sqaud 101
    silent hill
    beyond the wall of sleep
    the desent
    when a sranger calls
    king kong
    and theres many more but i thought the ringer was ausome
    its definelty one o my fav movies

  56. josh

    i forgot some movies i hate

    the village
    ultra violet
    all chick warrior movies
    lots more

  57. Nuez Toy

    The last 12 “Winner” Films acording to the Golden Raspberry Award Fundation:
    COLOR OF NIGHT (1994)
    SHOWGIRLS (1995)
    STRIPTEASE (1996)
    THE POSTMAN (1997)
    WILD WILD WEST (1999)
    SWEPT AWAY (2002)
    GIGLI (2003)
    CATWOMAN (2004)
    DIRTY LOVE (2005)

    The nominees are way interesting, check em out:

  58. A.J.

    Steven Seagal’s On Deadly Ground might be the best movie ever made.

    It’s certainly one of the funniest. :P

  59. Herby

    First of all, “Tromeo and Juliet” was great… Get a sense of humor.

    Now my List…

    10. The Jurassic Park Trilogy - I always get in trouble with this one. II and III are pretty obvious, put the first Jurrassic Park movie relly pissed me off. The book was so great and it was just tossed away. What a colosal disapointment.

    9. Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - After listening to the Radio Drama (still the best version), watched the TV mini series (hilarious), read all 5 books of the trilogy (sheer genius), not to mention Dirk Gentley, Starship Titanic, Last Chance to see and some Brilliant Doctor Who episodes (Also Script Director for season 17) Douglas Adams should be spinning in his grave (except for the fact that he was an Atheist) after this travesty.

    8. Independence day - I get in trouble with this one too, but really, Aliens travel millions of miles through space, conquers the Earth in a matter of hours and we defeat them by downloading a computer virus from a Macintosh laptop (take that Bill Gates). If Ed Wood would have had the budget this is the movie he would have made.

    7. Lost in Space - From beginning to end, pure nonsensical garbage. I loved every second of it.

    6. Gladiator - The Emperor getting in the ring with his greatest enemy. He would have chopped off his head and put in on spike for all too see.

    5. The Avengers - Sean Connery in a Teddy Bear suit. Say no more.

    4. Star Trek V - NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER let William Shatner behind the camera again (BTW. If anybody knows where I can get a copy of the fan video that did an MST3K of this film). However, this is not the worst Star Trek film, that distinction goes to…

    3. Star Trek: Nemisis - Doesn’t even have camp value like Star Trek V, pure shit.


    1. Batlefield Earth - Right on the button with that one John. And I heard that Travolta is trying to get a sequel made (oh please please please…).

  60. WolfMarauder

    Herby, I, for one am greatful they did away with Chrichton’s awful subplots and made Jurassic Park into an actual GOOD story. :-p

  61. Herby


    I read the book in one sitting. But like I said, I always get in trouble with that one ;^)

  62. Doug F.

    Herby> I don’t know about the fan-made mst3k, but I do know that Mike Nelson(head writer of mst3k) has done what he calls rifftax which are mp3 commentary files that make fun of the movie, and that ST:V is one of the ones he has done. (Sidenote: No link because I don’t want to seem like a shill, but I figured you might want to know) Hope you find the video.

  63. JD

    I am totally shocked that Dark Water has yet to make anybody’s bottom 10 list. To me that movie was the worst thing I had ever seen and it must occupy spots 1 through 8 (one spot for each dollar wasted to see it). Number 9 will go to Breakfast of Champions which was a huge dissappoint considering it was based on a Kurt Vonegut novel, and number 10 would have to be The Never Ending Story 2. As bad as those last two were, they barely edged out number 11 and 12. Both of which were Dark Water. Man that movie sucked.

  64. carl

    oh yeah dark water,i actually fell asleep through that in the cinema.what a steaming pile of shit

  65. Ray Flaherty

    So many crappy movies to fit on such a little list..


    -Date Movie
    -Soul Plane
    -The Night Listener(tho Robin Williams was good in it)
    -Dark Water
    -Club Dread
    -The Patient
    -Nepolean Dynomite
    -Breakfast Club

  66. Gilbar

    Battlefield Earth

    I don’t know why, it may have been the snazzy trailer, but I had to see this movie. Dragged two friends along. Worst. Movie. Ever. Years later they still remind me of this mistake.

  67. formerroadie

    um…. Titanic is my #1 worst film of all time. What a load of crap!

  68. Herby

    Doug, found the web site for The Fan video of MST3K of Star Trek V.

  69. Sci-Fi Ranter Girl

    This is a great list. Battlefield Earth is right where it should be. You got all of the really good bad ones on here too!! Good work!

    Lipstick Aliens Podcast

  70. Carlos

    Here’s my Top 10 All-Time Worst Movies

    10. Crash - aka Racism for Dummies
    9. Catwoman/Elektra - Whatever/This barely meets the standards of a made for TV movie
    8. National Lampoon’s Van Wilder - Disgusting and unfunny
    7. Panic Room - Uggh
    6. XXX 2: State of The Union
    5. Stay Alive - Great concept but it’s full of clichés and predictable.
    4. Mr and Mrs Smith - Worst action movie ever!
    3. All Pre-Chris Nolan Batman Movies except Batman The Movie from the 60’s
    In detail:
    -Batman 89: Should’ve been called The Joker
    -Batman Returns: 2-hour long joke
    -Batman Forever: Plothole City
    -Batman & Robin: Everything
    2.Club Dread
    1. House of the Dead - Ah, my brain! It hurts!

    Honorable mentions:
    Lord of War
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: Turtles in Time
    Spy Kids
    Pokemon movies
    Any movie starring Ben Affleck
    Street Figther

  71. Joseph Ferrarelli

    Funny, Battlefield Earth was a L.Ron Hubard novel…and Travolta (a scientologist) is starring in it.

  72. KC

    My 10 Most Hated:

    1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - I couldn’t even sit though more than 30 minutes of this piece of garbage.

    2. Natural Born Killers - Hmmm…it’s been three minutes and the script is tame right now…let’s just throw up some bloody face or something so the movie stays needlessly violent all the way through.

    3. About Schmidt - I normally like my films to go somewhere.

    4. XMEN 3 - What the heck happened? I mean, really? It was a no brainer!

    5. Will Farrell - Anything with him in it is a waste of time.

    6. The Waterboy - Did anyone else want to jump through the screen and shut up that non-sensical waste?

    7. Elektra - I had high hopes because I liked Daredevil. Nice red leather, absolute abortion of a story.

    8. Mary Poppins - Dick Van Dyke’s British accent is the worst attempt at an accent EVER. Not that Nicolas Cage in that Mandolin movie or Tom Cruise in Far & Away was much better…

    9. Ishtar - Maybe this is a crutch, maybe it’s a gimme, but - oh my God, this is a bad bad movie.

    10. Team America:World Police - Baseketball was a funny film from the South Park creators, and so was Orgazmo. Team America? Screw you guys, I’m goin’ home.

    Wife liked Battlefield: Earth. Likes cauliflower too…go figure.

  73. eniino arga8v 7ub

    Cool site. Thanks.

  74. eniino arga8v 7ub

    Cool site. Thanks.

  75. lodama5t pashc yib

    Cool site. Thank you!

  76. lodama5t pashc yib

    Cool site. Thank you!

  77. Scott A.

    I have seen so much crap in my short life that I feel movie studios owe me something for all the time I will never get back.

  78. Lori Parault

    You forgot a few:

    Anything that has “American Pie” in the title

    The Thin Red Line

    Cat People (1980’s version)

    The Nutty Professor movies (Eddie Murphy’s), seriously, what was he thinking?

    Open Range

    Unforgiven, sorry Clint, I hated this movie.

    and last but not least, Peter Jackson’s hideously over-done remake, King Kong. TOTAL SUCKFEST!!!

  79. Dennis W Smith

    1.Anything with Robin Williams in it
    2.Anything with Julia Roberts in It
    3.Anything with Kevin Costner in it(With the exception of “Silverado”)
    4.Meet The Fockers-(That could very well be the most awful movie of all time).
    5.Monster’s Ball
    6.Anything with Sally Field in it.
    7.Chariots Of Fire
    8.Beach Party Bingo
    9.Shindler’s list
    10.Anything written by Stephen King

  80. Dan

    Well, i doubt anyone is reading this far, but i went through the list and saw house of the dead, but not house of the dead 2. this is the worst movie of all time.
    However someone posted, Fight Club, Top Gun and American Beauty to be the worst. which i have on my top 25 best movies of all time. so to each his own.

  81. Zackary

    How in the heck did Fight Club and American Beauty end up on this list? Those are two very honorable films.

  82. pellicola/ragazzo

    OMG WIld wild west was so bad. oh my god it was so bad. OMG!!!!!. it is the worst movie i have ever seen bar none.It was daft. Will smith turned down the matrix to act in this junk.OMG wild wild west was so bad.omg it is horrible. It has subtracted from the sum total of human knowledge.omg wild wild west was so bad.absurd shitty piece of cinema. if you dont think wild wild west is the worst movie ever then you must not have watched it or your brain automatically blocks you from remembering because of the pain it causes. i challenge any one to tell me one redeeming quality…oh yeah, and i think sequels should be banned-even though we would miss out on a few gems but it is totally worth it.UWE BOLL IS STILL MAKING MOVIES???!!!!!! god help us.

  83. the taste of ink

    Cool site. Thanks!!!

  84. Jon

    Wow, some people have some suprising movies on here as worst of all time.

    Personally, I think this thread needs more Wing Commander. Here’s a brief list in no particular order:

    1.) Wing Commander: Here is more Wing Commander.
    2.) Mission to Mars: At least I got a good laugh about it later.
    3.) The Island of Dr Moreau: Eyes glazed over for a while. Once the laughter began at the absurdity of the animal rave we just couldn’t stop.
    4.) Robot Jox: Don’t ask.
    5.) Battlefield Earth: I still think it was kinda fun to watch Travolta mug in all his insane glory. Aaaand, no.
    6.) Dungeons & Dragons: I kinda wanted to cry a little after this.
    7.) Godzilla: Matthew Broderick didn’t seem like he wanted to be there.
    8.) Daredevil: Absurdity on a cosmic scale set to a hip-hop beat. Sort of felt like MTV programming, but minus the controlling effects of Ritalin.
    9.) Star Trek V: “What does… God, need with a Starship?”
    10.) Pit of despair for all the horrible sequels: Matrix sequals, Star Wars prequels (ALL of them fanboys - Phantom Menace actually was the best of that group, arg), and Batman sequels (Batman & Robin).

    And the only movie I ever walked out on: My Life (1993) with Michael Keaton. Not due to it being bad, but more very boring. And exceedingly depressing.

  85. Wunderock

    These are the 10 worst movies that I’ve seen that I can actually remember. Some are pretty

    1. Istar - Proof that all good actors will make at least 1 bad movie.

    2. Jaws: The Revenge - I actually have seen this more than once. I lmao every time I see it.

    3. The Avengers - I thought it be good, boy was I wrong.

    4. Batman and Robin - Too many main actors. Way too cheesy.

    5. The Fountain - Could anyone follow that piece of crap. I don’t think Brad and Cate culd have saved that plot.

    6. Titanic - Of course I did see it on a flight from Philly to Phoenix. The SNL send-up was better.

    7. Wild Wild West - No explanation needed.

    8. Joe’s Apartment - I knew before watching it would be bad. I saw it on a movie channel.

    9. Natural Born Killers - Too much unneeded violence.

    10. Howard the Duck - Too much duck

    I am bias because I like sci-fi. Star Trek V is the worst star trek movie and I can’t bring myself to buy it. Highlander 2 (studio crackheads) wasn’t great but the Renegade version improved it enough to knock it way out of my top ten. Battlefield Earth was pushed out by The Fountain. Of course I think Amazon Women on the Moon would be at number 11. I also have not seen Plan 9 From Outer Space which hasn’t been mentioned, it must be really. Maybe it’s so bad it’s good.

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