James Marsters Gets Movie Break

James-MarstersJames Marsters is one of those TV character actors that just screams “Movie Star”. Sadly, most TV actors have a very difficult time transitioning to the big screen (Look at just about every cast member from Friends), but once in a while it actually works out (George Clooney for example). James Marsters could very well be that next guy.

As “Spike”, Marsters was one of the only things I liked about the “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” TV show. As that same character he was terrific in “Angel” (a far superior show in my opinion), his short role as Braniac on “Smallville” was great, and his one single guest appearance on “Andromeda” as the Nietchian Lord Charlemagne Bolivar is one of the few memorable episodes of that show. I like the guy, and up till now I’ve been stumped as to why he hasn’t received a bigger break. Well, according to Reuters, it looks like that break may be here.

James Marsters is set to appear in a film along side multiple Oscar winner Hilary Swank in “P.S. I Love You”

Based on the best-selling Cecelia Ahern, the Warner Bros. release centers on a grieving young widow who discovers her late husband has left her a list of tasks revealed in 10 monthly messages that are intended to ease her out of grief and transition her to a new life. Marsters will play the late husband’s best friend.

The movie is being called a “Romantic Drama”, which in my opinion is the perfect project for Marsters to take right now to broaden his repituare and avoid getting type cast in nothing by Sci-Fi projects. It’s good the see the dude catch a break… now lets see is he’s actually able to do anything with it. I think he will.

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  • 1. Black Steven replies at 28th September 2006, 7:16 am :

    Damn, this is going to reveal the full extent of my Buffy nerdiness, but I love James Marsters, and I’d love to see him do some decent film work. Anything, really.

    Spike, Spike, Spike. Such a great character. If only thay’d had the good grace to let him stay dead and not bring him back for the inferior (sorry, John) Angel. Still, they needed the ratings, I suppose.

    Shit, now that I think about it, he would’ve been a pretty good Joker. Fucking Heath Ledger…

  • 2. Black Steven replies at 28th September 2006, 7:17 am :

    You see what happens? You see what happens when you awake my inner Buffy geek?

    I mis-spelled they.

    Sorry about that, spelling police.

  • 3. Terry Letourmeau replies at 28th September 2006, 8:52 am :

    Always been a fan of the Spike character. He would have made a better Anakin Skywalker, he had the audition and everything. But I guess it was just because Lucas’s kids were Buffy fans…damn.

  • 4. Drewbacca replies at 28th September 2006, 10:15 am :

    Great news! Always my favorite character (and actor) on Buffy. I’d love to see this guy achieve super-stardom. Good luck James.


  • 5. Norddeth replies at 28th September 2006, 10:30 am :

    Thank god someone else agrees that Angel was better than Buffy. Don’t get me wrong, I loved Buffy, but Angel was more a show for grown ups and alot of the buffy kiddies just didnt get it.

    Nice to see Marsters getting work, but Im still holding my breath for an Angel TV movie!


  • 6. ted1108 replies at 28th September 2006, 11:09 am :

    Thanks John for mentioning that you though Angel was better than Buffy (though Buffy was fantastic as well. I found that individual episodes were better than any Angel episode, but the quality wasn’t as consistent through an entire season). I always seemed to enjoy Angel more as well.

    Spike deserves all the success he gets. And the guys over 40 frikkin’ years old!!! DAMN!!!!

  • 7. Meli replies at 28th September 2006, 1:18 pm :

    As as huge Buffy and Angel fan I adore James Marsters. Spike was one of my favorite villians and it made me a little sad when they made him good. On Smallville I enjoyed watching him and in my opinion it showed he was more than just an evil vampire.

    I hope this movie is good and moves him into more movies roles because I’ll pay to see him on the big screen. :D

  • 8. Marina replies at 28th September 2006, 4:18 pm :

    It’s good to hear he’s getting a break. I completely agree that he was the best part of “Buffy” and it is rather surprising that it’s taken this long for him to hit ‘Hollywood’. Hopefully this won’t be his only opportunity.

  • 9. Edward Lee replies at 28th September 2006, 10:34 pm :

    I thought Joss Whedon cast Marsters as Wonder Woman. Did that fall thru?

  • 10. Leslie replies at 29th September 2006, 2:12 am :

    Meh, he looks too old and wrinkly.

  • 11. Ditto replies at 29th September 2006, 11:20 am :

    Why is James Marsters age mentioned as if it’s something unusual? Tom Cruise, Hugh Grant, Tim Roth, Gary Oldman etc etc are all over 40! And all great actors so what’s the big deal? James will be fantastic in this, as he is in everything he does.

  • 12. kathy replies at 2nd October 2006, 10:09 am :

    Marsters is fantastic and an incredibly talented actor. His portrayal of Spike on Buffy and Angel just blew me away and left me eternally in love with the character.
    I am just so glad to see him get a break and hopefully the kind of recognition he deserves. I would still love to see him back on my TV screen though so I could get a regular weekly dose of him, but hey…I’ll take Big Screen films, made for TV films, anything just to keep James busy for a very, very long time.

  • 13. Karen replies at 2nd October 2006, 3:42 pm :

    Yay James! I prominant role in a feature film from a major studio with an award winning cast and crew. A very savy move on both the part of Mr Marsters and Warner Bros.

  • 14. Abby replies at 5th March 2007, 2:28 pm :

    I can’t believe hes’s the age he is!!!! He’s tooo hot to be that old. Oh well, he’s still damn sexy!!!!!!


  • 15. utgn mpjbeqn replies at 8th March 2007, 1:20 pm :

    ofdusehz zupq efmyg vkdyzs eghrztop vwuzgqy nwzp

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