David Hasselhoff a winner at Bollywood movie awards

Film Fodder.com let us know about this:

The “Baywatch” star claimed the International Star of Year Award at Saturday’s Bollywood Movie Awards.

Who would have guessed that the movie industry that glorifies cheesy musicals with heavily costumed women would love Baywatch and Night Rider and… actually admit to it. I thought that it would be some big taboo for a Bollywood person to admit to enjoying Baywatch: “what, No! I think the way Pamela Anderson runs is most distressing. She is certain to injure her back”, but no they love the shows and say it proud. And good for them for liking Night Rider as well, somebody obviously did in North America at one time too; it ran from 1982 – 1986.

The people of Bollywood are not snobs and they admit when they like the less cool TV shows. As usual Hasselhoff accepted the award without shame (this man made millions with the show’s, what’s there to be ashamed of?) “I’m proud of shows like ‘Baywatch’ and ‘Knight Rider’ because it’s about saving lives, not taking lives,” Hasselhoff said.

Yes folks this is the feel good story of the week. Everyone is a winner. The people of Bollywood for admitting to liking cheesy TV shows and Hasselhoff for accepting their praise without any embarrassment.

In the spirit of this article I will now admit to liking country music.

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9 thoughts on “David Hasselhoff a winner at Bollywood movie awards

  1. Well.. it certianly is cheesy… But I had no idea that this guy had won an award in India..

    Did the newspapers cover this story? how come i missed it..

    Either way was a nice read..

  2. I never missed an episode of Knight Rider. The Dukes of Hazzard , A-Team, Knight Rider triple threat was irresistable to a 9 year old boy. At least this nine year old boy.

  3. I like David Hasselhoff BECAUSE he’s willing to take the hits and make fun of himself and still have a fabulous time. Hell, I’d do the same if I was him!

  4. Yeaaaaaa! :)

    Next we’ll have Shakira shaking a leg with King of Bollywood Shahrukh Khan!!!

    Nope, I’m not even kidding: http://www.ibnlive.com/news/srk-shakira-in-a-hot-number/20388-8.html

    The movies’s gonna me kalled Om Shanti Om which will loosely be a remake of Karz (1970’s) and based on this we guyess it will be a reincarnation/revenge saga!

    Looking forward to it??
    Go on .. who’se willing to admit it??
    Does the migty Hoff visit TMB?


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