Casting News on Aliens Vs Predator 2

The debates have waged near wars as far back as the playground. Aliens Vs Predator, who will win in a fight. There are too many “what if”s that make the debate go on for ever, but aside from a Dark Horse comic series, the two shall never meet, so speculations grew. The insane amount of publicity about the Aliens VS Predator movie was to put an end to the debate and be the official canon as to who might win! Now they are doing a sequel. A rematch.

Cinematical reports:

Variety reports that Alien vs. Predator 2, which begins filming next week in Vancouver, British Columbia finally has its lead actors. Reiko Aylesworth (who played Michelle Dessler on the Fox series 24) and Steven Pasquale (star of FX’s Rescue Me) will be squaring off against the acid-blooded facehuggers and the lobster-faced hunters from the stars. Brothers Greg and Colin Strause, who share an impressive resume as special effects artists, will direct from a script by Shane Salerno. John Davis and Robbie Brenner are producing through Davis Entertainment.

So in a movie called Aliens Vs Predator, or its sequel, how is it even important to announce its “stars”

Lets be clear about this. The stars will be the Aliens and the Predator. Im sure Aylesworth and Pasquale will offer some human connection to the film, like the one girl from the first movie who rose above her peers. But really, this movie is about a pile of Aliens throwing it down with a Predator. I dont even know WHY there are people in this movie.

So will this be a sequel to the events of AvP, or will this be another encounter in another time? Now that the two are in the same Universe it makes sense that this was not the only time the two races crossed paths.

The sequel is being penned by Armageddon writer Shane Salerno, and I did enjoy that a fair bit. Not everyone agrees with that, but it was a fun movie with a decent fluffy story and a lot of action and great characters. If AvP2 is like that, I will watch it again and again.


  • 1. Marina replies at 25th September 2006, 5:41 pm :

    I was really disappointed by the first one and I’m skeptical that they can improve on that. I guess we’ll have to wait to see what comes from this. If nothing else, the Alien will look awesome. I hope.

  • 2. Jason replies at 25th September 2006, 6:30 pm :

    Didn’t they learn their lesson the first time around? Why are they even making a second?

  • 3. Christopher replies at 25th September 2006, 6:33 pm :

    I am sorry. I loved the first two alien movies, I liked the predator movies but I hated AVP.

    The bosses at the studio where given a chance to make a movie with Ridley Scott and James Cameron. If they had made that movie it would have been one of the greatest films of all time. But they had to make a sure thing.

    If they could some how get them back (pay them lots of money), please do so.

  • 4. Rodney replies at 25th September 2006, 6:59 pm :

    Jason, what lesson was it they were supposed to learn?

    The movie made like $80 million in domestic box office with another $90 million overseas, so I think they learned that it will make money.

    If anything, if they hope to overcome the stigma of the first AvP they will get a good story and good actors.

  • 5. Greg replies at 25th September 2006, 8:26 pm :

    “So in a movie called Aliens Vs Predator, or its sequel, how is it even important to announce its ’stars’.”

    We all know who starred in Alien and Aliens (Sigourney Weaver, Lance Henriksen, Michael Biehn, Bill “Game Over, Man!” Paxton). There is a great reason why: the characters (and the actors who portrayed them) were integral to the quality of the films. Seems you’ve forgotten that. Your mentality (the humans don’t matter) was shared by the people responsible for AvP, therefore you got the movie you deserved.

  • 6. Rodney replies at 25th September 2006, 8:55 pm :

    Because in Alien or Aliens it was always ABOUT a human vs the aliens.

    This movie is about the Aliens VS Predator. They either have to make us care about one side or the other, or we are left with some humans in the wrong place/wrong time caught in the crossfire.

    I predicted that the humans would prevail. Did I get what I deserved?

  • 7. Edward Lee replies at 25th September 2006, 9:25 pm :

    Armageddon scribe? I don’t know that I’d put that on MY resume!

    I didn’t have any major problems honestly with the first AvP. It was a comic book entry into the ALIENS/PREDATOR world, and it worked on that level. I welcome the sequel.

  • 8. josh replies at 26th September 2006, 12:54 am :

    avp (alien vs predator) is one of the worst movies iv ever seen along with the grudge and grudge 2 and all of m night shamlams whatever u call him movies they all sucked too and what was with end of avp he like scared that girl on the cheek and hes like thats my tag like what fruit and what was with there dread locks avp sucked and im pretty sure avp2 is genna suck like the grudge 2 if u want to see a good movie this year you should go and see JACKASS 2 i laffed my ass off and i one of the best movies iv seen and i sure hope you dont see avp 2 bcuz its a waste of 10 dollars avp sucks avp 2 sucks everbody that likes avp sucks

  • 9. Black Steven replies at 26th September 2006, 2:29 am :

    So, it’s a sequel to a poor film that managed to further sully two franchises in one swipe, starring semi-no-names from television, written by the inventor of Armageddon, and directed by a couple of special effects guys?

    I don’t want to be a negative nancy, but, Jesus Harold Christ, this is going to be fucking dire, and I worry for the sanity of anyone who thinks otherwise.

    Sorry, Rodney.

    Also, I never understood the whole ‘Who would win - Alien or Predator?’ thing. I mean, it’s basically a fight between a technologically advanced, armed to the teeth super hunter and… a big ant from space. Am I the only one who doesn’t get this? It’s roughly equivalent to a lion versus a camouflaged marine with night vision and an M16. Now, don’t get me wrong, lions are not to be fucked with, but my money’s on the guy with all the guns. And the night vision. Probably knives, too - you know, one of those knives that you keep in your boot. Also, mace. Maybe some hand grenades…

  • 10. danny replies at 26th September 2006, 5:18 am :

    also that marine would be able to lift a 240 pound bodybuilder off the ground with one arm.

  • 11. Rodney replies at 26th September 2006, 6:55 am :

    Well that is just it, Black Steven, you have your opinion about who would win. But remember that those knives dont mean much when the first alien whos acid blood eats it. Or that one Predator could be expected to go up against dozens of aliens who have thermal vision and much more efficient movement abilities.

    This just proves my point. The debate over who is better can go back and forth all day long. One Pred and one Alien, sure, I pick the Predator. But we all know Aliens dont travel alone.

    Perhaps in the sequel they will get a better story and “save” the franchise. It can happen. Much like they are redoing The Hulk to do “better” than the first (which I actually liked)

  • 12. Black Steven replies at 26th September 2006, 7:36 am :

    In all honesty, I don’t have any opinion on who would win. I was hoping to make a point about the silliness of the whole thing, but I’m not sure dry sarcasm travels across the internet too well. I think Danny was with me, though.

    I’m a big fan of Alien, Aliens and Predator, but both franchises have fifty/fifty records when it comes to good and bad individual films. Alien Vs Predator was enough to kill both for me. I’d love to see them resurrect these movie monsters and give us another great film, but with that list of ‘talent’, can you honestly see that happening?

    P.S. The original Alien (the one who got to see young Sigourney in her undies) was, I believe, travelling alone. Also, little Davey Fincher’s puppet Alien was a Johnny-no-mates.

  • 13. MechoPower replies at 26th September 2006, 8:03 am :

    Neither of these franchises will ever be resurrected unless they go back to the bread and butter days that made them famous…what I mean by that is making another movie that shows their pure brutality and rage that the first movies of each franchise coined that made them famous in the first place. I for one could care less who wins as long as it is a kick ass WAR between the two ALIEN races without some fucking stupid ass human love story involved. Lets see these two powerhouses wipe eachother out.

    PS-The marine comment was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 14. Black Steven replies at 26th September 2006, 9:24 am :

    Hey, Mechopower’s with me, too! Wait, when you say awesome, you mean ‘awesomely funny’, right? I was aiming for awesomely funny.

    Your comments about brutality, war and whatnot make some sense, too. If I were to indulge my inner geek, I would love to have seen an AVP that took place on the Alien home world. The Predators like to go where the action is, don’t they? Well, I’ve never been there myself, but I hear there’s more action than you can shake a stick at on Alienworld (also, the best shopping in the galaxy). That gives you the scope to have all sorts of hunting and warfare, plus plenty of room to stick some space marines in the middle of it all.

    Problem is, I suppose, my version would have been pretty expensive, and I think they did AVP on the cheap. That’s why we ended up with present day folks finding an ancient ‘confined and therefore inexpensive film set’ trapped under some ice.

    Oh, well…

  • 15. Chark Hammis replies at 26th September 2006, 11:58 am :

    The script made it’s way around the web a few months ago- it basically boiled down to “Dan of the A V P”. A bunch of folks holed up in a Texas Wal Mart in 2007 as the Predators and Aliens waged war aaround them. Complete and total shit.

    I have no hopes for a return to a cogent and canonical story on this one.

  • 16. wolf replies at 26th September 2006, 12:51 pm :

    I really liked the first AVP. I’m hoping they have the Alien/Pedator thing that burst from the Predators chest in the last film.

  • 17. Loren replies at 27th September 2006, 11:59 am :

    I hated the first movie with a passion and I’ll prolly refuse to see this but have to watch it anyway.

    I had two big problems with the first movie. one it was completly misrepresented i think the tagline was “whoever wins we lose!” but the human just managed to be their on accident… and my other problem was not enough predators! only three! against the horde of aliens present? what is that!? and two of them died pretty much without a fight at all. their just wasn’t enough predator/alien asskicking!

  • 18. karthik spartan replies at 19th March 2007, 4:39 am :

    I really impressed with the Predator movies and Alien-1, but AvP is just a screwup movie, i dont like a single bit of it. It just sucks, the movie makers just made this movie as scifi,bloody,cheap action with no new things just slashing on each other like barbarians and killing the incapable humans like nerds.This movie has nothing at all. Dont tell me it has amazing special efx and fighting sequence. shit, come on people you cant watch a piece of crap foold by its puny graphics. In previous predator and alien movies they are the villans of the movie and comes in anti-mankind roles, But this movie is showing them as Great knights waging war on each other, they are worst enemys of mankind for god sake!! they were ment to kill prople almost all died a horrible death.I petty those who were actually love these creatures and calling thenselves as proud fans. I am sorry to say these movies(yet to come) will make those man eaters as Heros and they are not.. they are worst enemys of man kind and must stay that way and theres is no honour in them. Dont fall for the craps that movie makers simply wana show some bloody and say it has work of art… an making lot of money.

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