Casino Royale Trailer

Posted by John Campeaon 08. 09. 2006in News Chat

Ok, so I just caught the new Casino Royale trailer, and I’ve got to say I’m am now 100% pumped about this flick. It is one of the best action trailers I’ve seen this year, and easily the best “Bond” trailer I’ve ever seen.

And a word about Daniel Craig. Holy crap this guy could just be the BEST JAMES BOND EVER! There… I said it. Keep in mind that I’m only saying that based on the trailer and he miht suck in the movie… but from what I’ve seen so far this guy is THE MAN. Finally… a James Bond who looks like he could kick my ass instead of kiss it while buying me a martini.

Go see the Casino Royale trailer here. Then come back and give your thoughts.

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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31 Responses to “Casino Royale Trailer”

  1. Sam says:


    Awesome trailer

    Hope it hasn’t given too much action and plot away though, really looking forward to this now.

  2. Josh says:

    This is a whole new Bond! Look at his eyes at the start of the trailer. Cold Blooded! This guy is dead serious not tongue in cheek(a nit pick i have with some of the pre-connery/post-brosman bonds), this looks like a completely different Bond film all together, with a new formula..I like it!

  3. Phil Gee says:

    I’m with you John, this is exactly what i wanted to see in the new trailer. The good thing is that they are really selling it as a different kind of Bond movie rather than the constant explosions and noise of the Brosnan flicks (maybe that’s too cruel).

    I’m a little concerned that the villain(s) won’t be very good. I’m sensing a lack of prescense there. But i’m totally convinced that the love story will work. I’ve just seen 2 minutes of footage of Eva Green and i’m already in love with her.

  4. Chark Hammis says:

    This trailer makes Bond feel a little more action-ey and maybe a little more gritty (Bond NEEDS gritty), but at the same time has the undertones of being the same boring Bond franchise we’ve seen over the last decade. Bond needs to evolve.

    I’ll be at the show and hope I’m wrong.

  5. John Campea says:

    i don’t disagree with you Chark, it does still feel like Bond. I would suggest though that the change that Craig brings to the role that you pointed out is probably the start of that “evolution” you mentioned.

    But on some level… it has to still feel like Bond… or there isn’t any point calling it “Bond”. Just my thoughts.

  6. thegoodfella says:

    Well, if it didn’t feel like a Bond movie then I’d be furious because I’m a big fan of the franchise. The thing I like about Casino Royale is that it still keeps the key Bond elements but manages to put enough of a spin on them to make it more interesting, from what I can tell anyway.

    Brilliant trailer; can’t wait to see this…

  7. miles says:

    i like it.

    it is hard to adjust to a new bond, and even though he dosn’t look like bond does in my head i think the movie itself looks exciting.

  8. Jay says:

    Thank God I’m not the only one who thinks that Craig is going to be fantastic. If you’ve seen Layer Cake, you know that #1: he can act his pants off and #2: he can pull off suave. I’ve been on board this needed change in Bond since day one. Hell, Ive thought Bond needed a change for the last three movies.


  9. anonymousbrain says:

    This is what makes the Bond Franchise so fun.

    Every few years you get a new Bond actor, you get a new style of movie, but you keep the hot chicks, fast cars, crazy villans, and great action (which just gets more thrilling).

    Great trailer, my hopes for this Bond movie are renewed.


  10. hi says:

    this looks so good.

  11. themarina says:

    Nice. Nice, nice, nice. I’ve never been a big Bond fan but this may be the movie that turns me. That looks fantastic!

  12. John Frost says:


    Does anyone care to recall the Timothy Dalton reboot of the franchise? A supposedly tougher, rougher Bond. Let’s hope this doesn’t go the same way.

    I’m reserving final judgement until I see the film. But I’ve checked out the vlog and the blog and the trailer and I’m excited about this film. Craig is definitely channeling some Steve McQueen here, and that can only be a good thing when you’re talking action.

    Anything else out there to wet my appetite?

  13. TJ says:

    WOW omg I didn’t even notice it your right John Frost he is definetly channeling Steve McQueen even looks like he could be his son or something wow. I just watched The Great Escape yesterday when it was on tv. That can only be a good thing like you said I hope he is because that gives it a throwback type of feel at the same time which is good considering I didn’t like how the Pierce one’s were getting a little too futuristic even though I like him as bond the films weren’t that good but this take seems perfect. I really hope ha is Steve McQueen for a new generation if he’s even half that man Steve was in his hay day then this could be the beginning of a very big career.

  14. Scott says:

    This the the film i have been looking forward to since the first trailer. Iam a huge bond fanatic as John is to star wars iam to bond. I dont understand how people hate this guy after the trailer. look at the Connery bond he wasnt the best looking. This guy likie john said probably will be the best 007

  15. FZero says:

    I’ve never been able to sit through a bond movie but that trailed sold me. It was probably Tonny from the Pusher trilogy as the villian, that guy fucking rules.

  16. Lou_Sytsma says:

    That frakkin’ rocked. Craig has that Eastwood glare down pat. Can’t wait to see this.

  17. Chisox says:

    Count me in. That was awesome.

  18. Kristina says:

    But he’s so fugly…..

    Okay, whining aside, the action looks good, but I just can’t give final say on Craig until I see the flick. Of course the trailer looks great. That’s what it’s supposed to do.

    Just imagine that trailer with Clive Owen in it. Goddamn it…

  19. Aetherus says:

    “Does anyone care to recall the Timothy Dalton reboot of the franchise? A supposedly tougher, rougher Bond. Let’s hope this doesn’t go the same way.”

    Hey, I’m a fan of the Dalton era Bond, where the darker theme was closer tied to the themes of the novels. When Craig was initially announced as the new Bond, I stated I would skip the movie, thinking Craig would have made a better Bond villain flunkie than 007. But after seeing the trailer, I have to admit that I have my hopes up (slightly), mainly due to similarities to the Dalton Bond era films. I’ll keep my expectations low going in, hopefully to be pleasantly surprised.

  20. Pendragon00 says:

    I loved all the films (except the dalton ones, sorry Aetherus) and i know im going to love this one even if it looks like a different type of film… my dad on the other hand is going to hate it

  21. Jason says:

    I couldn’t be more happy they cast daniel craig to play bond. i think he’s a terrific actor and even though everyone trashed talked him with everything they could think of…including his hair color…he’ll prove them all wrong!

    i can’t wait until he says it…the names bond. james bond.

  22. Gordon Shumway says:

    For anyone who thinks Craig doesnt look like Bond:

    Look at Fleming’s commissioned impression of 007, which was used as an example to aid the Daily Express comic strip artists.

  23. Mattias L T Cedervall says:

    No one here has mentioned the fact that a huge mistake has been made about the Bond-timeline. This new movie is supposed to be about when he became 007 but he didn’t have a female boss until much later!! And Daniel Craig is looking too old!! He doesn’t look like a guy in his twenties more like his fourties. Bond is supposed to be young in this one!!! And Daniel is butt-ugly!!!!! :-/ Damn fools at the studio!!! But the script looks good and the villain (a guy from my neighbour country Denmark).

  24. Don Thiel says:

    What’s with Martin Campbell and scaffolding? (the end of Goldeneye and the mine scene in Zorro comes to mind)
    Don Get me wrong trailer looks great.

  25. alfie says:

    I wish they had let tarantino do it though…
    he really wanted to this one….

    he had a great idea and that was to make the bond films a directors series…..

    give each film to a different director so one film you get scorceses version of bond…then ridley scotts etc etc and you let each director do “his” bond film….

    Tarantino wanted to do casino royale and set it in the ’60′s….could have been interesting….

    I would love it if they did take a risk with the franchise and hire directors who are not easily pushed around my the brocolis…..get away from the “director for hire” path they take….

    still can’t wait for this film…I think craig will be great…I can’t get the new trailer to work though..stupid moviephone…anyone have another link for tube or anything???

  26. nick botulism says:

    this is one of the best-made trailers for anything i’ve seen in a long, long time.

    i hope the movie is as good!

    and count me in as a dalton fan, too…

  27. Gordon Shumway says:

    Doug will hate it though. Bond in love? ‘I have no armour left, you’ve stripped it from me’. Can’t wait to hear his thoughts, could be Superman Returns all over again.

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  29. Jan says:


    Bond isn’t supposed to be in his twentys in this ones. He was in the army, and after that he already was working for the secret service some years. It’s only that he earns his 00-Status at the beginning of this one. But he’s not supposed to be in his twentys. He’s supposed to be in his late 30ies.

    And it’s not important if M is woman or a man, because this is some kind of reboot. It’s not before Dr. No or something like that. It’s just a fresh start. But I believe Judi’s character will die in Bond 22 or 23, and then will be replaced by a male M.

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