Tom Cruise in Comedy?

Besides having evolved himself into a total Jack Ass… Tom Cruise is a VERY talented and diverse actor. A lot of people tend to forget that before doing Mission Impossible style action or heavy The Firm or Magnolia type drama, Tom Cruise did some comedy in his younger career.

I was reading an article in the USA Today about the state Cruise is in these days, and I came across this really interesting piece of info:

He could go funny, returning to those Risky Business and Losin’ It roles that made him so endearing. The 40-Year-Old Virgin director Judd Apatow told Entertainment Weekly he has been talking with Cruise about making a comedy.

Really?!?! Tom Cruise in a Judd Apatow film? Now honestly… think about that for a minute… that could be just the kind of project that could soften Cruise’s image in the public and get his PR moving in the right direction again… especially if he’s open to some self-depreciating comedy. I think people would eat it up. What do you think?


  • 1. JWP replies at 30th August 2006, 12:28 pm :

    I’d still think Cruise is an assclown due to all the bozo things he’s done within the past year or so. One could compare his situation to how Kevin Costner was perceived after getting too big of a head back around when Waterworld came out, and he left his wife for some chick who was only a few years older than his eldest daughter — granted Costner’s situation wasn’t even that bad, but I remember a lot of people perceiving him in a very negative way for quite some time, and his next few movies following those situations did not do too well.

    I do agree, Tom Cruise is a gifted actor….but his time of being the big start he once was may have come and passed. I think a lot of people have lost interest in seeing him in movies and there are lots of other actors who are more marketable right now, and will likely demand less money than Mr Cruise.

  • 2. themarina replies at 30th August 2006, 2:02 pm :

    At this point, the only think that will save Cruise for me would be some serious self-depriciating comedy. I think he has the sence of humour to take something like this on. I hope it pans out. It would be great to see him return to his “roots”.

  • 3. wolf replies at 30th August 2006, 2:42 pm :

    This could be the best movie for Tom. I would love to see the guy do comedy and if pulled off right people might see him in a different light then a crazy scienctologist.

  • 4. wolf replies at 30th August 2006, 2:43 pm :

    This could be the best movie for Tom. I would love to see the guy do comedy and if pulled off right people might see him in a different light then a crazy scienctologist.

  • 5. Jay replies at 30th August 2006, 4:10 pm :

    I think a comedy is the best PR move for Cruise right now.
    Like they say…

    Laughter is the best medicine.

  • 6. Jay replies at 30th August 2006, 4:15 pm :

    I think it sucks what has happened to him of late, but I’m really getting tired of the Cruise bashing.

    WHY?!?!? Why, Damn You?!?!?!
    Why did you fire your publicist?!?!?!?!?
    Its looks like maybe she was really keeping him in check.

    …or maybe he just had a mid-life crisis and decided to let his thought be known.
    Who knows?
    Either way… I want the old Tom Cruise back!

  • 7. mrkeen replies at 30th August 2006, 4:45 pm :

    The question posed is: Will Tom Cruise actually take a roll in a self-depricating comedy? I kind of get the feeling that he’s not the biggest fan of finding comedy in his own shortcomings…

  • 8. alfie replies at 30th August 2006, 5:20 pm :

    I would love to see him star in a film where he plays the biggest star in the world who while promoting one his new films goes around the world appearing on talkshows making an absolutle dick of himself abusing preganant women who suffer from post natal depression and making bizarre proclamations of love for a young up and coming starlet who he has fallen in love….who he then brainwashes and inseminates with the frozen sperm of the creator of this crazy cult he belongs too……then he gets fired and has to try and claw his way back to the top….it would be awesome

  • 9. Terry Letourneau replies at 30th August 2006, 6:16 pm :

    Wasn’t Jerry MaGuire a comedy? Sure it’s not as off beat as 40 year old virgin, but I still classify that as a comedy.

  • 10. alfie replies at 30th August 2006, 7:56 pm :

    he is fucking amazing in maganolia. his stuff was hilarious.

  • 11. Wendy replies at 30th August 2006, 9:00 pm :

    Is this serious? I never laughed once while watching Risky Business, and Cuba Gooding Jr. stole the comedic show in Jerry Maguire. Don’t remember laughing at Tom’s characters….ever.

  • 12. HandnHalfSword replies at 30th August 2006, 10:12 pm :

    I’m all in favor of Cruise staring in a live-action remake of Southpark Episode 137.

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