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The Face Of Bumblebee

Behold the face of Bumblebee from the upcoming Transformers movie. I don’t hate it.. but I’m not thrilled with it either. It’s a HELL of a lot better than the face on the toy was… but I was still hoping for something more… but honestly I just don’t know how you make the face look good.


27 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Alfredo

    it’ cool I like it a lot. are they going to take this down?

  2. DFW Kevin

    ” Johnny 5!!!! He’s Alive!!!”

  3. Chisox

    It’s fine to me. I really don’t know what bumblebee face would look like but I am definitely happy with this. Do you hear that Paramount. Bumblebee good Megatron NOT GOOD.

  4. themarina

    I like it. There’s only so much you can do to create the face of a robot that doesn’t look totally cheesy. I think this is a good one. Looks a bit menacing too.

  5. tri-lam

    Maybe you should have a few beers and then look again. It usually works for me.

    Yeah, I don’t care for it all that much either. It isn’t horrible, I can live with it.

    Who cares about the face? Let’s get a look at that trunk! Whataya say boys!??

  6. bjon

    It looks kinda creepy actually. Just staring at you like that.

  7. SpikeDaPenguin

    It’s..disturbingly cute but I approve of it.

  8. DarkKinger

    The picture doesn’t have that thrill factor to it, but it still gives me that “Holy SHIT” feeling to it. I guess after watching a few cartoons of it as a kid (I wasn’t a die-hard fan, but a fan nevertheless), its sort of surreal to see a picture of them coming to life. Can’t wait for the movie!

  9. Jay

    I have a premonition.

    Alfie will not like this image.

    Just kiddin’ Alfie. I appreciate someone who sticks to their guns.

  10. Joseph Ferrarelli

    Yes, it’s ver similar to a Grunt from Halo. But it does look ver Gold Bug like John!

  11. Simon

    Wait… your not thrilled by this, but Megatron looks awesome?

    Heh, go figure.

  12. Kneon Transitt

    He’s cute. Too cute? Eh… time will tell. Better than Megs, anyway.

  13. Marco

    He does look a little cute but I guess they did the best they can with him. They got to leave the cool image to Optimus and Megatron ;)

  14. Rico

    Megatron is here:

  15. alfie

    I fucking love it!

    this is spot on. I am so happy…

    hang on….

    wait a minute…

    my mistake I thought this was a pic from short circuit 3…

    to be honest jay i don’t hate it nor do i like it….
    I do like the autobot insignia on his head…but it is just a robotic face in the dark..can’t really tell…it looks fine i guess but fuck bumblebee anyway….it all comes down to prime and megatron for me and they have both been fucked up royally…prime not as much but those flames annoy the shit out of me and I think he is too bitsy….I prefer my transformers square and blocky…

    campea you amaze me…we are on a totally different wave length pretty much all the time….you are not thrilled with this picture yet you think megatron is awesome.
    I am not saying you are right or wrong or attacking you I just can never get a handle on what your thought process is….it cracks me up.

  16. Lion

    I’m not impressed.. he has an insect face, bumblebee name taken quite literally— i suppose we can call them all insecticons-

  17. roy

    looks good dont mind it

  18. Nazz

    He looks like a sad puppy that’s staring at you. But like most of the commenters so far, I don’t really mind it

  19. Stuart

    At least it looks like closer to a Transformer than MEGA-HAIKU-SUDOKU-TRON. I hope they have the glowing eyes because otherwise he looks a bit blank.

    If his look and the explaination for his muteness is that the “war-wound” he got was his face-plate blasted off then, hey, look, a change that would work in context that I’d be happy with.

  20. wolf

    I love it. Look at them cute eyes. The thing in front of his mouth looks like it’s only in that shot for some reason, you can see his mouth behind it. Looks like his smiling but scared at the same time.

    People are moaning that the eyes are human like, BUT these are the same people moaning that the Transformers don’t have human like features on their faces. I’m going to buy the BB toy, bring it home and cuddle him.

  21. Pineapplehead

    The mouth piece is fine but the eyes look too organic to me. Not quite what you expect after the poster.

  22. jojo

    Someone might have said this already, but it looks like Robin Williams in that crappy movie Bicentennial Man to me.

    It could look like Abe Vigoda for all I care… can’t wait for this movie!

  23. Jay


    Just pullin’ your chain man.

    You wanna know what I hate about it.
    Look at the jagged cuts in the yellow fiberglass part in the bottom right had corner. Now I cant go see this movie. Doesnt anyone know how to use a jigsaw. Riuned! Ruined I say! Johnny 5 be damned!

    I jest, of course.

    I lke it, but to be honest it is kind of weird that people are complaining that it is too human when they were complaining about Megatron not being human enough.
    You can’t please evrybody, I guess.

  24. ryan

    Remember when they made a movie about “Street Fighter” the video game. And they only showed a glimps of power moves to few the fireball was like a camera flash only.

    Then Mortal Kombat came out and it was more better that Street Fighter the movie.

    Do you think this will happen to Transformers live action movie?

    Like someone will produce a movie of GOBOTS live action and all the robots do look a like the cartoon characters. And not one character is missing. Better yet they might even do it on FULL CG movie like the Final Fantasy.

  25. Mattias L T Cedervall

    I DON’T LIKE IT! Where is his mouth???

  26. MattK

    I seem to be going against the general consensus here, but I’d rank this as the stupidest f’ing face for a robot that I believer I’ve ever seen.

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