This entry was posted on Friday, August 25th, 2006 at 10:48 pm.
Categories: News Chat.

Well just when you thought master filmmaker George A. Romero might break the mold and try something new…. he doesn’t.

There are some people out there that should stick to what they do best and NEVER step outside their circle of comfort. I wouldn’t say Romero is one of them, but he apparently does.

Cinema Fusion got the scoop:

Like the saying goes, you just can’t keep a good zombie down. News coming out of The Hollywood reporter is that horror god George A. Romero is preparing to write and direct another zombie sequel. The new movie titled George A. Romero’s Diary of the Dead will mix in “elements of The Blair Witch Project and the long-running Dead series, the film will follow a group of college students shooting a horror movie in the woods who stumble upon a real zombie uprising.

Don’t get me wrong. I like the Dead series, but is this all Romero is capable of? Maybe he knows his limitations and feels that anything BUT horror is not for him. Ok, they dont ALL have zombies in them. Ok, maybe they do.

Do you think if he did anything BUT zombies that it would fail??

47 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. CRH

    The dudes time has come and gone, Land of the Dead was shit, mark my words it WILL be a B-Movie in 10 years nothing but a luaghable pile of shit. The story for this new zombie film sounds mind numbingly stupid. Maybe he needs some meds. All I know is he needs to stop before he ruins his name.

  2. darren seeley

    This is a shame. Romreo is capable of so much more. While I sort of liked his thriller “Bruiser” from a few years ago, and I always hoped for another Stephen King teamup…but there was the BEST work Romreo ever freaking did…and that wasn’t a zombie movie.

    It was a thriller from 1988 called “Monkeyshines”. If no one has seen it, you missed out on one heck of a movie.

  3. Rob Merritt

    As other people have mentionede, Romero has stepped out of the Zombie genre. I’m not sure but from what I gather, its the only thing he can get funding for these days.

  4. Alex

    I was at Tower Records and came across a movie called Knightriders that was written and directed by Romero. I remember the flick as a kid but have no recollection of it. Does anyone know if it’s any good?

  5. Jason

    Yeah, I’m really not a George A. Romero fan. Land of the Dead was ho hum and I’m assuming this new movie Diary of the Dead will be likely the same story.

    Blair Witch has already been done. Hopefully he doesn’t knock off of the Blair Witch theme too much or else his new horror flick will become a straight to DVD movie.

    I think he should at least try a different genre. Maybe people would actually go to see the movie then…

  6. Hosero

    I personally am excited about this movie. It sounds like an interesting take on the genre, although I am still waiting for a zombies in the old west movie. Lets just hope Georges old ass can film the whole thing before he kicks the bucket and becomes a zombie himself.

  7. JohnIan

    Lets see it this way. Romero has done other movies, which have for one reason or another failed to get public attention. It is his undead films which have given him fame. Consider this director type-casting. Just like the cast of Classic Trek.

  8. Black Steven


    Knightriders is actually a pretty good film - one of Romero’s better non-Zombie efforts. It’s about a group of guys on motorcycles trying to live their lives by a kind of ‘Knights of Old’ code. I’d say it’s worth a look. Where else are you going to see Ed Harris and Tom Savini acting together on screen?

  9. roy

    i didnt mind land of the dead to much im intrested how this thing goes plus i love all zombie movies im obssed with zombies so i hope this will be a good flick.

  10. mero

    i’m guessing Rob Merritt is probably correct. maybe he’s just being typecasted as a Zombie-movie guy. I think it’s a good thing that he’s making movies at all, and not taking a huge long break. from looking at IMDB, he took a 5 year break before directing Land of the Dead. and a 7 year break before Bruiser. and another 5 year break before Dark Half. and he took a decade before directing the sequel to Night of the Living Dead, and 7 years before Day of the Dead. I have no idea why it takes this long for him to embark upon another project.

    anyways, i wish Romero would do something new also. If only the studios and corporate goons that fund him would let him do his stuff…

  11. Griff

    Maybe he’s a necrophiliac. Wouldn’t it be great! They could even make a porn spin-off. SHAGGED TO DEATH!

    Right, I’ll be back in six months. See you at the premier.

  12. Wilson

    People seem to shit on his movies cause maybe they don’t understad them?

    Night of The Living Dead was just great. One of the most influencial independent movies of all time.

    Dawn of The Dead was really fun and took what he was doing another step forward.

    Day of The Dead took it into the more bizarre horror/social commentary style, which, though did not work as well as a film, made an interesting study.

    LAND was actually very well made and well thought out. People shit on it cause they don’t know how to think of it. People can’t wrap their heads around anything that isnt solely horror. The downside to the film was, of course, the horrendous acting throughout.

    DIARY OF THE DEAD could be a flop, but I won’t condemn it for a shitty premise. He could do something interesting. Who knows?

  13. bullet in the head

    “People seem to shit on his movies cause maybe they don’t understand them?” … I don’t know about that I love the first three films in the Dead series, but Land of the Dead was very weak IMO. It was childish and pandered to the horror fan boy’s far too much.

    Dairy of the Dead sounds shit to me … his films Monkey Shines, The Crazies and Martin are all pretty good and Knightriders is worth a look.

    Dawn of the dead is my pretty much my favourite horror movie ever and Night of the dead is indeed influential independent movies of all time and a fantastic movie.

  14. darkbhudda

    Dude, get with the 90s.

    It should be PDA of the Dead.

  15. Triplalibra

    Its a zombie movie, i mean shit, I dont want a great story, it all ends in dismemberment and horrific displays of super human violence anyhow. Romero delivered in Land of the dead as he did in his previous zombie endeavors, with violence and socially enlightening scenerios. What more do you want? Atleast he still has the gall to make zombie movies, We can all count on him to uphold the formidable force of the genre. And the Blair Witch will never have shit on Zombies, or Romero for that matter. Zombies dont go around shaking tents and giving the cameraman a time out in the corner, they deliver damnit!

  16. Emma B

    Good luck to Romero! I love his past work and I’m sure this will be no exception. Oh, and just for the record, the Blair Witch Project idea was taken from another movie too, Cannibal Holocaust, but it still didn’t stop Blair Witch being a successful film!

  17. Lighthawk Demon

    George Romero may have faltered with Land of the Dead, but don’t put the man down for that. He tried straying from his norm… and it failed. Instead of a few people fighting for survival against flesh hungry corpses he tried to tell a story of humans actually living despite the living dead problem.

    Big mistake on his part, true. Perhaps he failed to realize that it’s the fight for survival against insurmountable odds that we love to see when it comes to these type of movies. The odds of surving are slim, but our “hero(es)” don’t give up no matter what.

    Well,… anyway… that’s how I feel about those type of movies. :-)

    What I would like to see him make is a movie about the apparent last group of people’s survival on a world completely overrun by the living dead. Perhaps show us how this isn’t just something occuring here in the states, but rather show us varying areas of the planet, different nations, regions, tribes, etc. through “news” broadcasts and how they’re dealing with it and fighting the onslaught of the living dead. Maybe the last group could be nomadic, taking shelter where they can, when they can, on a journey somewhere where they feel that they can escape and live. Kind of like a cross between a post apocolyptic style movie and a survival movie.

    He could call it “World of the Living Dead”

    At the end we could discover that the “plague” of living dead doesn’t affect animal or insect life, and that the living dead don’t last forever, but eventually succumb to those very insects (flies/maggot) and carnivorous animals like wolves/dogs, lions/tigers, etc…

    Eventually our intrepid group (or what’s left of them) make it to the heart of Africa where life allegedly began. A place where survival depends on the abilty to be fast and intelligent in ones environment, else be eaten by a hungry wild animal.

    Basically my idea is that we would come full circle as a race and have to start all over from our alleged first beginning as upright primates in the heart of the African wilderness.

    Eh…. it’s an idea at least. I wish I could e-mail my suggestion to him. I’d like to see what he comes up with using the premise :)

  18. Adam Mikael

    I think it sounds like an brilliant idea! His movies have given me nightmares since I first saw DAWN OF THE DEAD when I was a kid, and I’m looking forward to many more nightmares to come!

  19. Juke

    How can anyone say those things about George A. Romero, even if Land of the Dead was not as good as the others, his name will live on. I am having high expectations of his new movie Diary of the Dead. The name is a bit cheesy though. I’m sure he felt the nagative aftershock of his Land of the Dead and he decided to approach the Zombie genre in a new way. He should have directed the remake of Day of the Dead, now that the technology is available he could have followed his original script word per word. I heard that he is already planing on making another sequel a sixth instalment, is it ture??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  20. Butterfly

    I disagree completely. Zombie movies are some of the most influential
    horror films in history. So many people have tried to rip off Romero’s work only because in my opinion he created the genre. Nobody can pull it off like Romero.Land of the dead was’nt suppose to be about the people surviving. It was about the zombies,and how they progressed, and how they became more like the living. After all zombies are only a reflection of the human race in general. They only enquire one basic need,and that is to eat. They are the most compassionate of all monsters, and if they did’nt need to eat people, they would make great pets.

    Romero is the king of zombie movies, and u should stick to what u know. I can’t wait for Diary of the dead……

  21. fuck you

    you guys are just a bunch of high expectating fags. you want and want and want him to top his old stuff so bad no one wants to give anything else he makes a chance. all you want is gore gore gore when you have forgotten the whole idea of how there is a message. go back to english class & learn to read between the lines.

  22. Ron Harris

    nice premise for a stoy,Lighthawk Demon.

    I never watched a zombie flick until Dawn of the Dead when I was a kid. It was the most influential movie in my life (and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre). The Notld, Dotd, Dotd and the 91 remake have all been good…Yes Land of the Dead was a bit of a disappointment. Not enough gore, and the casting could have been better, especially if they had used no names… Big names are distracting for me watching horror, because it normally distracts me from the story being told and presented to some degree. In Georges defense of his other movies that didn’t do so wel…I think that is all about the marketing and distribution of the films. Monkey Shines…a most excellant flick. I have yet to meet any person face to face that said they didn’t like that movie.

    One problem that gorehounds like myself face these days are the censors. We don’t have the gore like we did in the 80s and before, though occasionally we get a movie that gets a bit more past the ratings boards. I think that might also be one of the reasons that George has a hard time as well. The studios dictate to him what they want to see made and not necessarily Georges vision. So we get crap.

    If you want to see crap look at what the hell they have done this weekend to the masses of people wanting to see good ole horror movies…they gave us 8 films to die for, (which are now 10 or 11)Horrorfest….nothing but false advertising…saw two of them Friday….you see better more horrorific movies on the sci fi channel or Hbo, Showtime etc…. Lionsgate hyped up a big turd soup with this so far…So the studios and producers have alot of blame in the industry for what people like GAR are able to produce…

    We love the carnage, the good stories, and the nightmares which films used to give us. Rarely do we get those pleasures anymore. Hopefully with George’s indy attitude we will get a pleasureable film this time.

    The gore is enough to create for the effects of a film…blood is inexpensive to make. Latex rubber is 12 bux a 16oz. bottle at Hobby Lobby, etc…cheap and effective…Look what Savini did with Dawn of the Dead…blue makeup and blood…and a bit of latex here and there…nothing elaborate…zombie extras…a gazzilion people would do that for free just to be in a Romero film…cheap and effective…hell look at what our Italian friends have done with blood and oatmeal makeups…

    well enough ranting… :) George good luck and I think we will be in for a treat and hopefully George will have it in him to do more in the very near future…

    take care,

  23. Frank Sinatra

    It annoys me that you experts are so hard on George Romero. If you dont want to see a zombie flick from the godfather of zombie film makers then dont watch it. Go watch something else. Let people who did like Land of the Dead and other Romero movies watch it in peace, ass clowns.

  24. Umm… Experts??

    We are just a pile of guys commenting on movie news. Exhale.

    I called Romero a master filmmaker. How is that being so hard on him? Did I say I woudlnt like to see another zombie movie from him?

    It was a simple question. Can he do anything else? Or is his relentless pursuit of zombie movies a commentary on his own limitations. Sticking at what you do best doesnt hurt.

    Also, while you are at it, you might want to take your own advice. You dont like my commentary on Romero’s tired routine, then dont read it.

  25. Loststar1618

    I love horror films,hence ones with zombies. Romero is the king of this genre. I agree that monkeyshines is a great movie as well as all hiis other projects. But zombies is what he knows. Land of te dead might of not been that great film everybody expected it to be, But it was still better than anybody elses zombie rip-off just like what butterfly said.”U should stick to what u know”, and NOBODY Knows zombies as well as romero. After all he is there creator. Oh as far as wanting him to top his old work, I don’t think anybody can,not even romero himself. I just think we all want the same thing.
    Just to see what he’ll do next.

  26. Sam

    I’m a die-hard fan of Mr. Romero and his work. The man scared me with Night of the Living Dead when I was a kid and I just can’t get enough. Zombie comics and all sorts of nasty goodness in the forms of video games have been the fix I’ve been aching for. And now? A NEW Romero film? Egads! Such a thing should be celebrated! To all you haters who look down on the Old Man..FOR SHAME! The guys does awesome work and really..shouldn’t this thing be 100% of the fans? Get outta here! Your harsh words aren’t wanted, ya douches!

  27. bonbon

    the flims romero dus r amazing and i think diary will be to coz romero is a leagend and he is js a gud director

  28. Is he a good director like your good spelling?

    No one said it is a bad thing Romero is doing another zombie movie. I just wonder if its ALL he can do.

  29. Dethklok fan

    i am a gore lover. i have almost every zombie movie ever made. George Romero is my idol and all you people that arn’t seeing his work for what it really is, fuck you guys for laughing. each of his movies has a hidden theme in them. Night of he living dead had a bit of racism under the zombies. Why does no one ever Notice his movies are about the ZOMBIES?! they are not about survival of humans.eff humans. people keep complaining ” Why doesnt he do somthing without Zombies ?” here are some reasons.
    1. He Created the Whole Genre of zombies, its baisically his.
    2. He has and i look a them as hidden classics like Bruiser.
    3. He took Fright films and horror movies in general to a new level with Zombies.
    4. Hes Fuckin George Romero, He can Do what ever he wants.

    i liked land of the dead and I heard Diary of the Dead is going Strait to dvd anyways…i cant wait for it to come out. im stoked about it, so me and the other 10,000 true fans of Romero’s work will know him for his legendary filmmaking/writting and low budget gore effects. the rest of you peoples eat some douches.

  30. Mike

    Can’t you people just enjoy a movie for it being entertaining? Just because it’d not fuck’n Shindlers List doesn’t mean you can’t sit, watch it, & enjoy it. Yeah, Land of the Dead was no where near “Night” or “Dawn”, but how many sequels over many decades live up to the origonal. Diary of the Dead may be a fun film just like Land of the Dead was.

  31. Mike

    By the way, your an idiot Rodney. Type in Georges name in a search engine and see all the movies he did without zombies. All those zombies in Monkey Shines, Crazies, Martin, Knight Riders, Bruiser, Dark Half. Are you 10 years old? youv’e never heard of any other movies besides his zombie films?

  32. Why cant you all just READ THE POST?

    I asked if Romero was capable of anything BUT zombie movies. Get it yet?

    I dont hate Romero. I didnt say his zombie movies were bad. I didnt say they were not entertaining.

    And Mike, before you act like you are the 10 year old idiot, the post says “Ok, they dont ALL have zombies in them.” but it is his most notable movies that are Zombie Movies.

    10 of his last 12 movies (16 years) have been zombie movies. So he dabbles in some other things (still horror movies with blood gore, and altered bloodthirsty humans) and people forget they exist. That only proves my point.

  33. Mike

    Nope, still wrong.

  34. John Southern

    Your question if he’s capable of doing something else movie-wise is weak. There was a 20 YEAR span between “Day” and “Land” with notable films- “Monkey Shines” The Dark Half” and “Bruiser” - (all stylistically different from his zombie films) in between). Your argument justdoesn’t hold water….

  35. Id really LOVE it if people would actually READ the post.

    I said he was good. I asked if he was ever going to do anything different. He has branched out a couple times (a very small minority of his work) and even then its still been horror.

    He does Zombies because its what he is best at.

    Thats all.

    I have said it enough times already.

  36. Heat313

    I am a horror movie fanatic. I love George Romero n Stephen King They r both kings at what they do. I love the Dead Seris but I was kinda disappointed about the Land of the Dead it could of been alot better. But still this is a Legion n I’m lookin forward to his new movie. Maybe it will be alot better.

  37. Heat313

    So what if he just does Zombie movies its what he does best he started this zombie shit man. Stephen King does horror,Sci fi n Mystery movies cause that’s whats he does. U don’t see him doin know drama,Comedy,or any other shit. U stick to what u do best.

    I guess sum of u muthafuckas don’t see that
    the world is full of alot of Hating as people.
    don’t have any thing better to do then hate on another person.

  38. gscooby

    World of The Dead would be an awesome title to finish the best zombie movie flicks of all time, nothing comes close to Romero’s work. Please if your reading this Mr. Romero finish with World of the Dead.

  39. Mikey P

    At least it will be another original romero. I don’t think it will be as bad as the day of the dead sequel coming out in April. Ving Rhames is back as a different character, they get that cat faced bitch from american pie to play sarah, and nick cannon says “It’s a bad day to be a zombie” while holding a gun in the trailer. If only they could have gotten Zach Snyder to sign on again.

  40. Andy Jones

    The film sounds like a rip-off of “The Zombie Diaries” - exactly the same premise. Zombie Diaries was released theatrically in the UK in October and sold out in my local cinema. I hope it kicks Romero’s thieving ass.

  41. So Zombie Diaries is 28 Days Later shot as Blair Witch, and you think Romero is ripping THEM off? Sounds like the little known UK production is ripping off Blair Witch AND Romero’s Zombie genre.

    Who’s ripping off who?

  42. Mike

    Don’t any one listen to Rodney. He saw a couple of horror movies so now he thinks he’s Roger Ebert.

  43. Very few here have agreed with me Bill.

    I didn’t remove a post because it disagreed with me. If I did, then I wouldn’t be able to keep up.

  44. Yes, I am a blogger. Never claimed to be anything else.

    Please Bill, I have already said my peace and asked you to discuss the topic at hand. I have backed up my generalizations with facts. I have not wished you any ill will.

    The post simply asked if Romero can do anything else. Meaning that what he is known for and that which makes up the majority of anything people recognize him for, is what I am not surprised to see from him. That is all.

    Opinion can never be wrong. Thats what makes it an opinion.

  45. Hey there Bill, Dan and Whiplash… well you’re all the same guy coming from the same computer and same I.P. address, so i guess all I have to say is “hey there Bill”

    It is the sign of a moron and pathetic loser when someone posts under multiple names to make it look like people agree with him. You are a sad sad pathetic little man.

  46. Tell ya what Bill, I just banned the IP address of those “other” 2 guys. So if you’re not them, you should have no problems posting a new comment. Go.

  47. I’m waiting Bill… come one… tell me some more how you’re not the same person as the “other” 2 guys. I only banned their IP address. If they’re not you.. you’ll have no problems posting a reply… I’m waiting…