Nolan Speaks on Robin in Batman

I am a HUGE Robin fan, but I have yet to see his character done right in any incarnation of the Batman franchise, whether on film or TV. Close, but not quite. I don’t think the character deserves his own movie, but I would be first in line if there was one. I had thought maybe with the introduction of Joker in the series, that they might introduce a Robin only to kill him off. The first Robin graduated, and the second Robin was killed by the Joker - a defining moment in the Batman books.

SlashFilm reports:

Nolan assured fans that Robin won’t make an appearance, at least not on his watch. … He reasoned that the caped crusader’s sidekick is in a crib somewhere at this point in the timeline isn’t appropriate for him to enter the picture.

I am a little disappointed that there will not be a Robin in any foreseeable future, but at the same time I am encouraged to see that logic is the only thing keeping him absent. There is a significant age difference between the Dark Knight and his acrobatic sidekick.

It does give me hope however that if they do eventually introduce the character, that Robin will be approached right, and I have every confidence that Nolan could capture not only the character, but Batman’s need for a sidekick. They have to have both if Robin is ever to appear at all.

Just one more tidbit that makes me confident that this franchise is in good hands.

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  • 1. Joey replies at 26th August 2006, 1:12 am :

    the Dick Grayson Robin in Batman: The Animated Series has been the only non-comic adaptation that has done the character justice in my opinion.

    i’m glad to see someone else wants to see Robin get a faithful adaptation on the big screen too. he’s one of my favorite characters (especially the Tim Drake Robin)and i hate how everyone always just shuns him because they think the character is cheesy, etc. I think most people just haven’t been exposed to robin the correct way they only know the campy version from the 60’s tv show or the annoying brat from the B/S films. I hope the Dick Grayson and Tim Drake Robins eventually get a faithful film adaptation. we don’t need to see Jason Todd on the big screen anytime soon though lol

  • 2. Hosero replies at 26th August 2006, 2:05 am :

    I have read my share of Batman comics and I have to say I prefer the solo dark knight to the boy wonder in tow conflicted foster dad. Maybe there is a way to do a good dynamic duo movie but I cant think of one I would like to see.

  • 3. Black Steven replies at 26th August 2006, 2:34 am :

    As much as I love Batman, I’ve never really liked Robin. It never made sense to me to spend so much time emphasising that Batman’s a dark, obsessed loner, and then keep giving him a brightly coloured, teenage side-kick. Good to hear Nolan’s going to sidestep the whole issue.

  • 4. hi replies at 26th August 2006, 5:01 am :

    never been fond of Robin, always prefered Batgirl

  • 5. wolf replies at 26th August 2006, 7:12 am :

    I am also disapointed. Robin is one of my fav characters in the Batman universe. The Robin I saw in Forever and Batman and Robin was dreadful to say the least. I would love to see Robin in the new Batman flicks, but he has to be done right.

  • 6. darren seeley replies at 26th August 2006, 8:01 am :

    Robin does not translate to film. Period.
    End of story.

    But I will say this: awhile ago, I had a joke for my C2F peeps. I’ll share it again for the int’l friends.

    “As the fear gas infected people to be new villians, so shall it infect circus performers who think they are partners with Batman!”


  • 7. Carlos replies at 26th August 2006, 8:05 am :

    I don’t think Robin could work in Chris Nolan’s Batman Universe, unless they really tone down the Robin’s colorfull outfit and if the Batman needs a partner.
    Batman and Jim Gordon seem to be fine, with Harvey Dent also helping them take down the Joker.

  • 8. roy replies at 26th August 2006, 9:20 am :

    i would love to see robin in the films but not right now i dont think they need robin yet

  • 9. Mike replies at 26th August 2006, 9:34 am :

    The Batman universe needs Robin like a 5 year old needs crack cocaine. Robin is a shitty character and always has been. It mainly, though not exclusively, appeals to gay men. Nolan’s interpretation of Batman in Batman Begins would make Robin a nonsensical addition. Bale’s Batman would NOT want or need a partner. Michael Keaton’s Batman wouldn’t have either, which is why it was only introduced when that fucking hack shit merchant Joel Schumacher came in and fucked the franchise up with his two horrific instalments.

  • 10. Salem replies at 26th August 2006, 9:41 am :

    Robin is an interesting charecter, but the thing is, I just cant see him in Nolan’s Batman series.

  • 11. Kevin replies at 26th August 2006, 10:44 am :

    Although i have never read any of the comics or graphic novels, and my exposure to the Robin character has been purley that raging homo in the last 2 90’s Batman flicks i am not the least bit interested in them potentially destoying a wicked movie by having them introduce a side kick.

    I agree that Batman will do just fine with the help of Gordon.

  • 12. darren seeley replies at 26th August 2006, 10:56 am :

    Me again.

    I remembered something I said about Azarel, how I wouldn’t mind him showing up in the Nolan series (might be a nice chance to redo Bane as well) but after being a “partner” and he and Wayne come to blows when the character crosses the line.

    Otherwise, his “partners” should be Gordon, Fox, Mr. Pennyworth and ADA Dawes.

  • 13. Jay replies at 26th August 2006, 11:04 am :

    Thank God.

    Robin does not belong in the Batman FILM universe. In fact, I’ve never liked robin in the comic universe.

    Nolan knows what he is doing.

  • 14. N.David Adams replies at 26th August 2006, 12:37 pm :

    The significance of a Robin character to Batman is a psychological one. Whereas Batman has abandoned his Bruce Wayne persona to be Batman with Bruce Wayne as the mask. Dick Greyson remains Dick Greyson with Robinas the mask. Robin keeps Batman in touch with his reality of Bruce Wayne. In any version of Batman (print or screen) there is little emphasis on Bruce Wayne. The character has become Batman only. Robin is the inner child trying to cope with dark world, trying to make sense of it. Batman is part of the darkness. While we all sympathize with Batman, we don’t totally understand his reasoning. Robin helps us interpret that reason with questions of his own. Batman needs a Robin. The legal problems of having a minor endangered merely adds flavor to any script. And it should be a young Robin, not a incarnation that could/should be above a yellow cape (sorry Chris O’Donnell). If viewed intelligently, future scripts would be far superior than past work. The publicwould be prepared to embrace Robin as the one thing that keeps Batman, Batman.

  • 15. Mike replies at 26th August 2006, 1:54 pm :

    N. David Adams:

    Interesting thoughts. However, the character of Robin still stinks like a toilet that’s just been visited by Jerry Falwell and Rush Limbaugh after they’ve had 30 burritos each.

  • 16. Jay replies at 26th August 2006, 2:26 pm :


    seriously, man. You took the words right out of my mouth.
    I can understand the argument Mr. Adams made too, but it is an unnecessay addition to the film universe since the films are now focusing so intently on who Bruce Wayne/Batman is and what his motivations are.

    Plus, why would a superhero who uses the night and the form of the bat to instill terror into his enemies decide to team up with a child wearing a speedo and a bright yellow cape. It doesnt make sense in the comic universe and it sure as hell doesnt make sense in the universe that Nolan has created.

  • 17. Cory replies at 26th August 2006, 2:27 pm :

    IF… (That’s a big if.)they decide to do Robin, the only way I see it working is if they introduce him as Nightwing. Nightwing is darker and more adaptable to this story line. I don’t dislike the character Robin, I just absolutely detest his damn outfit…

  • 18. Rodney replies at 26th August 2006, 6:54 pm :

    Black Steven? “Good to hear Nolan’s going to sidestep the whole issue.”

    He didnt say he wasnt doing it. He said it wasnt time. He said Robin “is in a crib somewhere at this point in the timeline”. Sounds to me like he admits its part of Batman’s history, but we haven’t got there yet.

    Robin done right is a solid character and one of the few anchors Batman has to remember he is just a man.

  • 19. Shane replies at 26th August 2006, 7:47 pm :

    Has anyone seen the short movie/trailer Grayson? If they made a movie like that it’d be awesome to see Robin with that type of persona. Check it out at the link below if you haven’t. It’s been around a while.

  • 20. Rodney replies at 26th August 2006, 7:51 pm :

    We posted about that here on the Movie Blog a while back. (Feb 05)
    But I agree. That would be a worthy film.

  • 21. darren seeley replies at 26th August 2006, 9:13 pm :

    If I’m reading the above correctly, Rod, then Nolan did say he isn’t interested in Robin…how else would you interpet “not on my watch”? As for the “Robin in the Crib”…that was a joke….and did you know that quote originated back in ‘05, shortly after Begins’ release?

    That’s right! One year ago!

  • 22. Rodney replies at 26th August 2006, 10:33 pm :

    Or he is saying “not in the foreseeable future” - his watch.

    The reference to Robin being in the crib sounds to me like a statement confirming that they are not rushing the timeline just to include the character.

    He didnt say “there is no Robin in this franchise” he said he was still a baby at this point in the story.

    I have faith that if they do introduce the Robin character, that it will be done right, and for the right reasons. It doesnt sound like its impossible, just not the right time for it.

  • 23. Mike replies at 27th August 2006, 6:00 pm :

    I think they should introduce Robin and kill him within 5 minutes. The audience would stand and cheer.

  • 24. Jay replies at 27th August 2006, 7:53 pm :

    I know I would.

  • 25. Ian C. replies at 28th August 2006, 11:50 am :

    I have to join in with what seems to be the general consensus. There’s definitely a place for Robin in the Batman mythology. He plays an important part. But it’s not a good fit for the “era” that constitutes what Nolan and Goyer are trying to do. Establish that part of the mythology, and if someone else wants to do Robin later on, fine. But not at least for the next 1-2 films.

  • 26. David Monaghan replies at 2nd September 2006, 5:57 am :

    robin rocks shut da hell up

  • 27. David Monaghan replies at 2nd September 2006, 6:01 am :

    well maybe they shouldnt put him in tha next film but maybe in the film after that as TIM DRAKE

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