Megatron Pictures

Posted by John Campeaon 24. 08. 2006in News Chat

Behold Lord Megatron.  Thanks to Chris for sending me these (I’m in the airport at the moment). Personally… I LOVE IT!!! Although… I do wish they would have made him a tank. Oh well. I really like the organic look to him.  Very alien.  I hope they do something more creative with the coloring… But damn… he looks EEeeeevvviilllll.



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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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202 Responses to “Megatron Pictures”

  1. DarthMuppet says:


    I thought you would like ‘em. I love what they have done with his look for the film. THIS FILM CANNOT GET HERE SOON ENOUGH!

    Have a good flight dude.

  2. Brian says:

    they do look preety dam sexual

  3. Brian says:

    looks dam sexual too me m8


  4. Rodney says:

    I think this looks cool. But it doesnt look like a Transformer at all. It doesnt look ANYTHING like Megatron.

    This looks like it belongs in a Gyver anime feature, not alongside anything that has the Transformers brand with it.

  5. Scott says:

    I hate it. Its so far from what i was thinking. Well ill wait to see what it looks like on the screen

  6. SS says:

    This is not what i thought he would look like at all, i mean optimus’ design stays pretty true to his original look so why is megatron so drastically different?
    I know that he cannot be a gun etc etc, but i was really hoping his face would at least resemble the original look.
    I would like to know why he isn’t a tank because that seems like a logical thing for megatron to be, but hey it will be interesting to see how they get over megatron not being a vehicle from earth.
    On the other hand maybe this is what he looks like before he turns into a bad ass killer tank!

  7. Olivier says:

    I hate it too, it’s just ugly. It sure looks evil but it has too much details.

  8. DarthMuppet says:

    Hey SS…

    It’s not really a spoiler, but…

    At no point in the script does Megatron ever turn into a Tank. It’s actually pretty clever what they do with Megatron… at least in the script.

    Brawl is a Tank in the film though.

  9. SS says:

    Sounds good thanks for the heads up Darth.
    Looking again at the picture it will be interesting to see the scale of this guy on screen, he is pretty mean lookin!

  10. Christian says:

    YES YES YES!!! I was woried about how Megatron would look. This design looks fucking fantastic!

    I just don’t understand people who don’t like these designs. I guess they would only be happy if the Transformers all looked like guys in square cardboard box outfits… because that’s how they would look in live action.

  11. JRJP says:

    This design looks really cool. Hopefully we will get designs for the others soon.

  12. Jorse says:

    Just a quick comment: Hate it. Hate it. I really hope that it works nicely on big screen. Optimus Prime was nice, so was all the others we have seen so far but where the f*ck this Alien come from? Outer Space. Well, yeah, so does decepticons but this is not at all what I hoped for.

  13. Justin Flood says:

    I love this. talk about EVIL, I can NOT wait for this film to come. I’m sure there is a script reason why megatron is drastically different looking than the others. I have full faith in the fact that this movie is going to rule my ass.

  14. chris says:

    …… The original Transformers movie was the first movie I’ve ever seen and I HATE these designs. I understand the feel to make it more “modern” but come on. They look like weird organic aliens. In my opinion there are too many joints and compartments. Its too overly complicated…anyway I’ll still see it tho.

  15. chris says:

    and one more thing….the decepticons didn’t adapt into human machines? I saw a pic of starscream and he looked like a spider alien thing…not liking tha designs so far at all…..

  16. Lou_Sytsma says:

    Shit looks like they lifted the concept from Shrike in Dan Simmonds Hyperion series.

    Check out the book covers at this link:

  17. paul says:

    design wise this looks very bad, too stylized and will date so quickly. Plus it doesn’t look like a machine, I could spray silver paint on some ivy that’s climbing my house and it would look the same.

    2 out of 10, back to the drawing board and get a proper designer. Like they did with Blade Runner and the genius of Syd Mead.

  18. John Campea says:

    Hey Chris,

    i think the picture you’re talking about is Skorpanok. Starscream does inded look like a Fighter Jet

  19. Servant of Krom says:

    100%. This thing looks wicked! I had my doubts about this project, but all the stuf you’ve been showing has me totally sold. Why is July 4th so far away?

  20. screamwriter says:

    Ugly as sin.

  21. Lion says:

    i don’t care how evil psuedo megatron looks.. it’s not megatron, no incarnation, i don’t care how much of a retelling it is- it’s too far from what it was to be considered megatron, just name him something else if that’s the case- John you are too easily pleased, that’s disturbing- everything is a plus 10 to you- i just can’t see megatron in there.. and what the hell is that anal like mouth with teeth? teeth? why does he need teeth? looks like s**t.

  22. Balls Deep says:

    Looks great! Can’t wait for it!

  23. Lion says:

    and hey john.. chris is reffering to starscreams head.. which is an insect head.. so let me get this straight, it’s not suppose to have human elements.. even though it has two arms and two legs and stands upright.. and yet the one thing that should be there (faces) isnt? and instead they look like insects? that makes so much more sense. especially seeing as at least BB and optimus ressemble they’re original looks.

  24. George says:

    sexy beast

  25. Faraz says:

    Looks totally f/cked up! Why the f/ck does he have teeth for? and wht does Megatron need a dick for? I hope they scarp this and stick to something that resembles the original.

  26. ZICRON says:

    H A T E I T.

    Too orgainc. They are obviously trying to get away from the boxy-ness of the originals, but they’ve gone too far.

  27. mero says:

    it looks really really really weird.. i don’t think this belongs in anymore with the transformers universe.

  28. JeffB says:

    Megatron looks BADASS! I agree with Christian (and no, I’m not him… you can check my ip). Some people won’t be happy unless they see a man in a box suit, talking mouths with voices that sound like their right out of a 80′s cartoon show. THIS IS LIVE ACTION FOLKS! These are aliens, millions of years more advanced than us. But i guess some of you want him to transforms in to a 6 inch gun that you can hold in your hand too. I’m pissing myself! Can’t wait to see this on the big screen! LORD MEGATRON indeed! (I’m guessing you read the script too John)

  29. Alex says:

    This reminds me of Beast Wars where they had a pre-existing form before they transformed. The design looks like it could have been what Megatron could transform to before they came to earth.

  30. SS says:

    I agree why does he need teeth?? why not just give him a face plate or something like prime?
    The design is a little extreme, not that i don’t like it, its just that the prime pictures are wicked, he is a truck and when he is a robot he looks cool and not too complicated. It worries me a little bit because there is a hell of a lot of detail going into these designs and all working parts so ‘it could physically be possible’ but wouldn’t all these tiny pieces just get smashed and fall off when they are in battle?????

  31. Stuart @ Cinemablend says:

    Horrible. Bloody goddamn, life sucking awful.

  32. Larry says:

    Brilliant! Totally fucking brilliant! I thought they’d fuck this up and make it look like a cartoon. This is far superior to anything I thought they’d come up with. Visionary design!

  33. chark hammis says:

    It’s Sauron 2.0!


    Looks like a mechanical vagina.

  34. slybri says:

    @ Lou_Sytsma : That’s exactly the first thing I thought. The Shrike from Hyperion.

    Yeah, Megatron is one Ugly Muther. How are they gonna sell toys of this thing? I guess they wanted him to look really freaking evil. I dunno. I think they’re straying too far from the oiginals. I mean, they don’t even have faces. They look more like insect people than robots. Insecticons?

  35. Henrik says:

    His mouth does have a vagina feel to it.

    It’s pretty good. People should just treat this movie like the comic book - its the Transformers but it’s a new version. It’s not the cartoon show being brought to life, its just out-branching for the franchise.

  36. wolf says:

    That is fucking awesome, I love it. I saw some early sketches of Megtron and they looked alright. But this is better then I imagained.

  37. Mike says:

    First impression -> I don’t like it, something about it, makes me think of a tree creature, or swamp thing…I will try to open up to it. I know I’ll love the movie either way.

  38. nova says:

    The design is great. Too bad it doesn’t look like Megatron.

  39. Kneon Transitt says:

    Absolutely HATE IT. It’s just too far removed from the source material. Updating I can understand… but this?!

  40. mart says:

    Whooo there…
    What do we have here?
    Looks like a, transformation of an alien and a robot… I wonder what the other bad robots look like.

  41. thesecretsafe says:

    What happened to robots in disguise?

    Why even Transform into a sort of jet beetle at all?
    This looks pretty bad.Why even be a robot if you are going to look like a collection of knives mixed with Sauron/Treebeard?
    Does anything look menacing about his sloppy long fingers?No.

    I think with all the Jagged edges they were trying to make him appear evil.That is fine because his face does not bother me but the rest of him is just too much gizmo knives and not enough ROBOT.

    If Frank Welkers voice is coming from Megatron I will be pleased and all will be well.

    Have fun on the set John!I cannot wait for your report.

  42. Jacob-Gin says:

    Megatron looks wicked. And with all due respect to my fellow TF fans on here, if all you want is the fucking cartoon, then just go rent the fucking cartoon. It’s 20 years later. This ain’t the 80′s, and it’s not a cartoon. They’ve got to make these thing work in “real” life on the movie screen. A Megatron that looks like Megatron from the cartoon would just look like a big cute toy and they’d never get away with it.

    I like everything I’ve seen so far. Except why doesn’t Starscream have hands?

  43. Stuart @ Cinemablend says:

    They’ve got to make these thing work in “real” life on the movie screen.

    Yes, because using a tank instead of some stupid left over crossover from Farscape and LOTR would’ve never worked, right(?)

  44. Stuart @ Cinemablend says:

    Starscream’s lack of hands is because they’ve got to make it work in real life, dude.

  45. Jacob-Gin says:

    Yeah Stuart, cause all aliens look like tanks. Jeezuz people, try to think outside of your little boxes.

    No disrespect intended Stuart, I know the comment looks a bit cheecky, but it’s not meant to.

  46. Christian says:

    Is it just me or does his head look like a metallic version of the Predator alien?

  47. John Campea says:

    I’ve never seen a vagina… so I wouldn’t know.



  48. Lee says:

    sucks,looks like a metal predator for sure….

  49. edZio says:

    Anyone with half a brain should be able to figure out WHY he looks like this. This is his pure original Cybertronian mode, and after crashing on earth he has never actually scanned one of our earth vechicles, and really why should he adjust his form to an ‘inferior’ life forms primitive technology.

    I’m fine with the concept of it and design, just perhaps lessen the amount of detail on his body so that it’s not so busy.

  50. Fake Name says:

    I just showed this picture to my wife, and she FREAKED OUT! In saying this I mean that she covered her eyes and said “GET THAT SICK PICTURE AWAY FROM ME!”

    She has a psychotic fear of “swarms” and “scrapyards”, and this picture has elements of both.

    I guess I’ll be seeing this movie with the boys!

  51. chris says:

    I dont like it when guys say “If you want the old style watch the cartoon.” “Stupid old guys whan box robots, this is 2006!”
    I dont consider my self hardcore (dont have none of the original series on dvd….and liked beast was) but the original movie with Optimus Prime’s death was the first movie I ever saw.

    Though not many of the the longtime fans (almost half the target audience) mind changing some of the designs they still want some similarities to the original characters. They want things that look like robots, alien robots, but robots. They could’ve modified the look to make them look loke alien robots, without them looking like part alien part robot. They could’ve used designs from I-Robot, but taller with more armor and joints.

    Besides shine in the pics you couldn’t even tell they were robots. I understand the need to attract a new audience by making them look “extreme” and “cool looking” but still. I respect all the opinions this is just my two cents.

  52. chris says:

    …..they will still get my 9 dollars tho

  53. Jessika says:

    Perfection. That is exactly what an evil alien robot should look like. What? A girl can’t like TF too? (grin)

  54. alfie says:

    i FUCKING hate it. that is fucking terrible….I know they have to go all extreme to get the young ones but that does not in any way shape or form look like the transformers I know and love….

    that is an overly complex ugly looking fucking thing….it is completelky awful…is this transformers or gyver???

    I hate that he is now a jet….first we got a fucking backwoods tobacco chewing prime and now this …..

    Obviously they can do no wrong in your campea but I can;t beleiev yopu are happy with this shit…it is fucking awful….he looks like the fucking predator ….. look at his body….so fucking busy and bitty….I fucking hate it

  55. Gilbar says:

    I’m trying to remember so correct me if I’m wrong but…
    Didn’t the Transformers have alian shapes in Cybertron? Then when they landed here they were made into human objects by the repair robot thing?

    This may just be Megatron early in the movie.

  56. John Campea says:

    Hey Alfie,

    you said: “Obviously they can do no wrong in your campea” That’s a REALLY weak thing to say. If you watched my Transformers commentary video, you KNOW that they have done things I’m not impressied with at all… and things that I’m worried about.

    But deal with it… I like the design. To me it looks futuristic, evil, terrifying and monsterous. Everything the Megatron character should be.

    You don’t like it? Ok, fair enough.. but i think enough people like it that you shouldn’t just weakly blanket me with a lame “they can do no wrong in your eyes” statement. Believe it or not, many people disagree with you.

  57. bullet in the head says:

    Looks like the Guyer or some kind of anime type thing, really not like a transformer at all. Not saying it would not be good to see a robot that looked like that on screen, but it looks very poor in terms of The Transformers.

    I agree things do sometimes need adapting for the screen, but this is taking it way too far in my opinion. Sure it won’t spoil the film but it kills a lot of the nostalgia factor in my opinion.

  58. alfie says:

    if this film was called “Giant Japanese Battle Robots” then I would say “wow that looks cool”

    in no way whatsoever does that look like a fucking transformer……at all.

    Not the transformers I love anyway….that is a totally over tht top update on one of transformers most iconic characters….

    he looks NOTHING like a transformer let alone megatron.

    plus megatron as an alien jet??? fuck that….not even a fucking earth type jet…a fucking out of this world super duper michale bay endorsed over the top jet!! great disguise…..

    megatron is my favorite transformer…..and what we see here is a fucking joke and sums up michael bay completely

    Over the top and unnecessary…..

  59. Grundy says:

    That Looks pretty badasssssss.

  60. Stuart @ Cinemablend says:

    if this film was called “Giant Japanese Battle Robots” then I would say “wow that looks cool”

    in no way whatsoever does that look like a fucking transformer……at all.

    alfie makes a valid point.

  61. Stuart @ Cinemablend says:

    Compare the Transformer eye of the teaser poster which is classic Transformer look and could’ve easily been Megatron in close up, to this airfix junkheap that is actual Megatron.

    Only one of those looks is right, sadly the one that’s right is the one that isn’t getting used.

  62. Jay says:

    Hey John,

    I think it looks f-kin’ fantastic. EVIL as F-K is the best way to say it. Megatron has been described as thinking humans are pions who deserve to be destryed or used like the ants we are, so why would he take the form of a pathetic human machine. An alien jet makes perfect sense to me. Some people are never going to like it and thats fair. Thats their opinion. Most seem to love it.

    OH MY GOD !!!!
    I cant wait for this movie!!!!!!!

  63. Sean says:

    I don’t like it, it looks to busy. I like the Head, but the body doesn’t look like a robot. It looks like a fish.

  64. Al says:

    ….Yeah…..this doesn’t look very good….it looks like this megatron was shat out by a megatron that could have been up to standard…..Mega-turd-bot

  65. DarkKinger says:


    That is sick! Its dark! Its vile! Its EVIL!

    ITS MEGATRON, BITCHES!!!!!!!! Move over, Zod!

    Oh God, this shit looks fantastic! If it is better than Snakes on a Plane (and we know it will), THIS MOVIE WILL BEAT TITANIC!!!!!!!!!

  66. bullet in the head says:

    For me this is very much treating the audience as idiots, as if you won’t get that he’s the bad guy unless they spell it out to a ridiculous level.

  67. Chris says:

    I have to agree with some of the other comments. First thing I thought when I saw it, the face looks like the Predator. I’m not sure about the whole jet thing either.

  68. Brian says:

    ok right guys I want basics. ”What are transformers, did they come out of a game or somthing?” sorry for my pothole of knolage plase explain and not mock :P


  69. Stuart @ Cinemablend says:

    Wikipedia exists for a reason, do your own research.

  70. alfie says:

    looking at it now is this actually a legit picture???

    the logo at the bottom is in classic transformers font….
    thats completely different to the other pictures and the trailer….

    do we know for sure this is real?

  71. Stuart @ Cinemablend says:

    yes, that was the logo and typeface they were using before the official annoucement.

  72. alfie says:

    well it is fucking awful.

    I remember when campea ran a story about burtons vision for superman and there were pictures of superman in that black suit looking very different to the traditional superan and campeas point was look how grateful we should be that burton didn’t get to make superman…and while I agree with that I feel exactly the same way about this version of megatron. it so totally removed form the megatron that I know and love that it makes the film pointless to me. I want transformers…..glassic transformers…I don;t want a film with a bunch of robots who happen to transform in various things…I want trasnformers….

    sure a hand gun is hardly the greatests disguise but a fucking alien jet?? give me a fucking break….

    It is so busy…just too much going on for me. It doesn’t look anything like the transformers I love so I guess this film isn’t going to be for me as everything I have seen so far reeks of michael bay……

    I hate the flames on optimus….I fucking hate them and I know john thinks people worrying about the paint job are being silly but they look ridiculous to me…

    and now this…

    I honestly think I will probably wind up giving this film a miss….

    who am I kidding …of course I won’t but dear god I lose hope more and more each day

  73. Kaneda says:

    Hmm, I like it, ALLOT. It’s freakin’ badass. It does scream real evil. It’s more of how I wanted The Green Golin’s costume to seem in the first Spider-man movie. More like a man in a more organic demon like suit, then a man in a metal suit.

    But why a alien jet? I mean it’s still cool, although like John said, a tank would be cooler. But are all the despticons going to be “alien” vehicles? Or just Megatron and if so, why just him? What happened to them, like the Autobots, copying earth vehicles to blind in? Oh well, it is still early on and hopfully either way it’ll all make since and works out well when the movie hits next summer.

    Can’t wait..!

  74. alfie says:

    I have a feeling this is a very old desing idea. I reckon the film version will be very differetn. Why does this still have the old logo at he bottom when the trailer and other things clearluy has a new font for the title….

    I fucking hope so anyway.

  75. alfie says:

    and when I say glassic transformers i mean glassic transformers. with a capital G!!

  76. Sami says:

    They’ve really been looking closely at villains in other sci-fi/fantasy movies. When you look closely you’ll see the Sauronisms and Alienisms in him. But I still like it very much

  77. Stuart @ Cinemablend says:

    The reason Megatron is an alien jet is allegedly because


    Megatron only turns up for the last 20 minutes of the movie and never gets an earth rebuild. This design is apparently what the pure Cybertron Transformers look like.


  78. JMoney says:

    it could be worse.. they could have made a Gobots movie instead.

  79. bjon says:

    You didn’t put up the other pics of Megatron.

    They have ALL the pics of megatron and all the Transformer toy pics. Go there and post them up

  80. AAX says:

    I freaking hate it…it’s absolutely horrible, and has not one ounce, not one iota of soul in it from Megatron. There’s nothing recognizable at all, and he doesn’t even LOOK like he transforms.

    It’d be great if it was some generic monster movie that was just there to scare the kiddies…but it’s NOT. Megs was more than just a scary bad guy…it was his personality that made him scary…not some f’ing fanged out Guyver reject.

    It looks like crap.

  81. Jeb says:

    Hmmm, I think it’s a stretch, the whole design. It’s a little too busy for me, and lacks that unique quality that separates it from being generic. But at the same time, it does say “work in progress”. I found this just recently, via

    “Megatron is an early style board. Without revealing too much of the story, there is a very important reason for his look to have evolved from pure G1; although the final look is a work-in-progress-ILM has just recently begun all their CGI development. Megatron has a iconic personality, and approach that dates back to G1. Throughout time he has had a very big gun….”

  82. Seymour D. Birthfield Jr says:

    It looks cool BUT…………………. it’s not Megatron. They kept all the other bots the same I don’t understand why they had to reach this far with Megatron.

  83. Seymour D. Birthfield Jr says:

    After staring a the picture for 5 fucking minutes I started to hate it. It really doesn’t fit into the Transformers realm at all. There’s just too much going on with the design. This better be a work in progress.

  84. roy says:

    he looks so evil now this movie is looking more intresting i want to see what he lloks like when he transforms now how it a

  85. TM says:

    I don’t like the look. Too much like something out of an Alien vs. Predator movie. I would’ve preferred if they maybe tweaked up the original look.

  86. Stuart @ Cinemablend says:

    Producer’s response;

    Megatron is an early style board. Without revealing too much of the story, there is a very important reason for his look to have evolved from pure G1; although the final look is a work-in-progress-ILM has just recently begun all their CGI development. Megatron has a iconic personality, and approach that dates back to G1. Throughout time he has had a very big gun….

    A “very good reason”, eh? Is there a very good reason you design team ripped off Lord of the Rings and not Transformers when designing him?

    Thank God Megatron’s “approach” has been left in tact, that really makes up for designing him to look like a stickle-brick ent.

  87. Stuart @ Cinemablend says:

    Oh yeah and Don Murphy released a statement which basically makes no bones about saying “Fuck you if you’re a fan, we’re doing it our way and if you don’t like it I don’t give a fuck.”

  88. Chisox says:

    Well FUCK HIM.

  89. Darksun says:

    “It looks so sexy!”

    Yeah, great… Megatron & sex. says a lot about people.

    It’s a clump of metal shavings that not only looks like the character it’s supposed to be, but has NO character. People are so easily content with “bad-ass coolness” they can’t tell what is good and strait LAME.

    Please people..

  90. TM says:

    This is how it looks at the moment in pics. There’s a good chance that it’ll look great on the big screen. Maybe?

  91. Jay says:

    Yeah… God forbid anyone have an opinion that differs from yours o’ great decider of what everyone should think is cool or lame. Thank you so much for coming here and showing me the error of my ways. How could I have possibly been so stupid as to trust my own PERSONAL opinion. Whew, thanks man.

    By the way, The face conveys anger, wickedness and turpitude. (if you dont know what that means I’ll wait for you to look it up)…………………………………………………….

    Hmmmm… I wonder what character from the transformers could be said to possess all those traits… all the Decepticons, yes, but more specifically. I’ll give you a hint, he’s their leader.

    I appreciate that YOU think the design is lame, but dont imply that I’m too “content” to know the difference between what is “good” or “lame” when making my own decisions.

    P.S. - it should read “straight lame”. A strait is a narrow passage of water connecting two larger bodies of water.

  92. Stuart @ Cinemablend says:

    Is there anything worse than a grammar nazi on a message board?

  93. Mattias L T Cedervall says:

    ME TO WATCH THE MOVIE OR NOT!????!!??!?!!!!!!!

  94. Alex says:

    good job hollywood..wait to screw up another classic. what was wrong with old megatron!? now its alien/terminator sex devil greeeeat

  95. John Campea says:

    Let me chime in here.

    The old Megatron would look like a total goof ball in a live action flim. Totally frigging ridiculous and silly to no end. He’s fine in a cartoon… but in a live action flick he would just be pathetically laughable.

    I totally respect those of you who don’t like the design… because of the design. But for those of you who are just lamenting because he doesn’t look like the cartoon… well I can’t see eye to eye with you at all. But to each their own.



  96. Jay says:

    Sorry about that Stuart.

    The kid upset me and I took the low road.
    It wont happen again.

    Although, grammar and spelling should be important regardless of circumstance.

  97. Jay says:

    Technically what I did would make me a “spelling nazi”.
    I wasnt correcting his grammar. (ie: sentence structure, syntax)

    Dammit! There I go again.
    … oh well …

    Just kidding, Stu. I realize message boards are not the place to expect proper spelling, punctuation or grammar but it is important to me. I cant help it.

  98. Chisox says:

    So John Optimus Prime looks good in the cartoon but Megatron does not? I don’t see your logic. And even if what you say is true, well ok redo Megatron but keep his design withing the realm of the Transformers. He looks cool but not like any auto-bot or deceptacon. WHY they had to be this drastic with the redesign is beyond me.

    I am fine with this design

    of this one

  99. Chisox says:

    Did anybody see that he has teeth? Very odd.

  100. Grimlock says:

    What the hell did they do to Megatron? Alien Jet? No! Megatron is and always will be a gun.

    Whoever came up with that has been smoking too much crack. What next, Starscream as a fondue pot?

  101. megatron_looks_gay says:

    You douchebags that say this is a cool design obviously are blind. This is probably one of the biggest eyesores I’ve ever seen. It looks like a bunch of thorns. Can you even imagine how this will look animated? It’s going to look like crap. They’re killing the brand equity of Transformers on this one.

  102. Stuart @ Cinemablend says:

    Saying that cartoon Megatron would look ridiculous in a live action movie but Optimus, who’s being kept pretty close, looks good is a silly arguement John.

    I think you’re misrepresenting this. Almost *all* the negative comments here have blatently been lamenting that the design for new Megatron is flat out HORRIBLE. Some stupid derivative of 100 different things from 100 different movies and none of them giant freakin robots. And from a design point just plain horrible as has been pointed out. Too much bitty pieces, no focal point, just a mish mash of little metal plates from some HR Giger wetdream.

    The fact that it looks nothing like the original character is a secondary but still valid complaint in the face of the designs of Starscream, Optimus and Blackout, who while for the most part have those horrible insect faces, at least look a little bit like their original robots and not just a chrome-plated ent. It just doesn’t look like a Transformer in any way shape or form. End of story.

  103. John Campea says:

    No Stuart… it’s not “End of Story”

    I respect the fact that you don’t like the design. That’s totally fair enough… but you’re going to have to accept the fact that there are lots of us who do in fact really like it. I think it looks fantastic.

    The Optimus comparision is a totally different ball game. It’s easier to get away with it for Optimus (in my opinion anyway) because his face is totall covered. Megatron was a flat faced robot with expressive eyes and a moving human like mouth. Much harder. Was there a way to change all the things they needed to and yet still make it sort of similar to the cartoon Megatron? yeah maybe… BUT WHY TIE THEIR HANDS LIKE THAT? Give them a blank page to make the best design they can.

    So yeah, once again I respect the fact that you don’t like the design. But I… and others… disagree. And I think our tastes and opinions are every bit as valid as yours. Just as yours are every bit as valid as mine.



  104. Chisox says:

    Sigh =(

  105. Chisox says:

    I’ve check a lot of the Transformers fan boy site and the consensus is pretty much negative. If paramount was smart they would have released this picture mouths ago. Setup some focus groups have them discuss it. That would seem like common sense right? Hopefully the film will be great and this does not distract people too much.

  106. Butler says:

    Isn’t it cheating when you make a transformer that doesnt look like anything? Someone is missing the whole freaking point of “robots in disguise”.

  107. John Campea says:

    Hey Chisox,

    Why set up “focus groups”? Filled with people who know nothing about the script, the story and the direction the film is going and who know nothing about the movie making business??? What purpose would that serve?

    They threw us a bone by keeping Optimus pretty much as he was. Give them a break and let them make the movie. For all you or I know, this is the PERFECT Megatron design for the purposes of the film.

    I’ve said this before about Real Live actors… the look isn’t the important thing (althought I really like this look), it’s the CHARACTER. Let’s see what the character ends up being like.

    I said it before and I’ll say it again… the old Megatron look would look mind numbingly stupid in a 3D live action render (in my opinion). A new design was needed (I. M. O.), and this one works (I.M.O.)

    You don’t like it? Ok, fair enough. But no.. focus groups are stupid. You don’t make movies by popular consnesus or by massive committee. Just my two cents worth.

  108. Stuart @ Cinemablend says:

    I find it hard not to find it strange that John’s enthusiasm for Transformers in general and especially this silly Megatron design co-incides with this set visit.

    I’m not saying it is, I just find it a strange co-incidence after comments made earlier about changes;

    November 2005 - I mean we have to accept changes for a movie adaptation, especially since the original is so old…but some of these really make no sense. How far is too much for the modernisation?

  109. Jay says:

    Fanboys… Negative response…
    Gosh, that is such a strange occurance. I dont know if I’ve ever seen that happen before.

    The general public will not be distacted at all by Megatron not being a gun or a tank. I think the response will be something like “Hey. I thought Megatron was a… Who cares! He’s a bad ass motherf-ker in this movie right here! Thank God they didnt have him shrink into a gun. That would have looked ridiculous.”

    This is an early design. He may change, he may not. Either way, I am so happy with the design and the fact that he doesnt have a malleable metal face, I dont know what to do. Megatrons character was one of my favorites, but even as a small lad I always had a problem with him turning into “The Incredible Shrinking Pistol”.

    And Hey! I’m saying all this with no set visit in my future. Opinions are weird like that.

  110. michael says:

    looks fucking shit, looks nothing like generation 1 megatron which is the best. everyone sayin its great and looks real evil aint got a clue are not transformers fans. megatron looked evil in the cartoon and in the comics plus he looked a bad ass mother fucker, so why try and fix sumthing which aint broken im praying so much the design wil be changed for me and all the true transfans out there.

  111. Jay says:

    Hey Stu,

    Have you ever changed your mind about anything?

    It seems to me that John was posing a philosophical question. “How far is too much?” seems like a question to me. Not a broad sweeping generalization. “some of these really make no sense”. Key word: SOME. Apparantly these changes are OK with some of us. Apparently they do make sense to some of us.

  112. Jay says:

    “everyone sayin its great and looks real evil aint got a clue are not transformers fans”

    Grmmatical errors aside (thats for you Stu)…

    Dude, do you really think Megatron transforming into a “shrinky-dink” pistol that could literaly fit into his own hand would translate well into a photo-real CGI environment. You have got to be kidding me.

    You dont like the design. Thats fine, but the G1 version would translate horribly to the screen.

    “true transfans”. Would that include someone who collected all the G1 and G2 models (and still has them), saw the movie 6 times at the theater, and currently owns all the transformer DVDs. Because all those statements apply to me.
    … or does “true transfans” only include people who dont understand and cannot accept any changes whatsoever. No matter who you decide “true transfans” are, a design change was extremely necessary. A photoreal transformer cannot “cheat” the way cartoon transformers did. Who knows, maybe when you see him transform and see him in motion the look of his robot form will make more sense to you. Maybe not. Either way, people who like the transformer designs for the movie are not clueless as you so eloquently put it.

  113. Travis says:

    STUPIDEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE. the whole thing that was supposed to be so great about this movie is that they were using the original characters, and keeping with the original story…and then this….an alien jet, great…

  114. Cevius Roth says:

    Hey, they ARE aliens, remember? They dont start life here looking like a toaster or a VW. If this is what they look like back before they came here, then its more believable to think that they would look like nothing we have. I like this design, but i hope Megatron doesnt stay like this for the entire movie. I want to see Megatron take some s*** out with that cannon :D

    This is the image Activision is using for the official game, and that looks more like the Megatron we all know and distrust.

    I would hate to think how much effort would have to go into transforming and reforming the 3d mesh for that creepy alien concept.

    Either way, im happy with it.

  115. John Campea says:

    Hey Stuart,

    Wow man… you and I have had some great chats on here over the years… but that last comment of yours was pathetic and weak.

    It is pathetic that just because someone doesn’t agree with your opinion that you stoop so low as to suggest bias. I’m insulted. That really was a weak and bush league thing of you to do dude. Pathetic.

    Sorry to attack your ego… but not everyone agrees with you. I like the design. I think it looks great. DEAL WITH IT. And look around… there are others who agree with me. You have a different opinion than mine… I’m not going to start questioning your motives for your opinion… because only little bitches do that.

    So if I’m so biased… explain this video I did just last week:

    Sad sad sad Stuart. Seriously, I expected better from you.


  116. John Campea says:

    Seriously Stuart, That would be the same as me saying:

    “Well, I find it funny that Stuart wasn’t invited to the set visit and he’s saying bad things about the Megatron design. Obviously he’s just pissed of”

    That would be silly… and so is what you said.

  117. James1981 says:

    What the fuck!!!! If there gonna fuck up megatron like this then fuck knows what Prime is gonna be like!!!!!! This is gonna suck like fuck if your a fan of the origional show. Can’t Holloywood just realise that some things are best not changed!

  118. alfie says:

    what I want to know is why the fuck are they bothering calling him megatron???

    this is every bit as bad to me as those design pictures of superman from burtons version….the ones, campea, where you said we should be so thankful that burton never got to make it….to me this is every bit as bad……
    it doesn’t look like megatron.

    it doesn’t look like a transformer.

    it doesn’t look good.

    It is an overly busy complicated messy looking generic anime style robot. there is no personality in there whatsoever. it is devoid of all character…..

    again why are they bothering calling him megatron????
    I have lost all faith in this film……

    its megatron in name only.

  119. alfie says:

    this is a tabloid type celebrity website….
    they report celebrity sightings and gossip etc etc

    ……even they have weighed in on the megatron design….

    quite funny……

  120. B says:

    Pathetic. It doesn’t look like a transformer - it doesn’t even look alien… doesn’t even look robotic. It looks like the designer just kept adding more lines because no one remembered to tell him to stop, and now we have a silver ivy plant with a face that’s a second-rate attempt at looking like the Predator (with a mouth that looks like a toothy anus).

    Oh well - the movie isn’t really based on any TF series, and Bay is hardly known for quality projects, so keep your expectations low, and maybe we’ll be surprised.

  121. Jesus says:

    Looks like crap.

  122. hello says:

    this design is like giving superman green skin and orange eyes just because he’s an alien! can we suspend believability for the sake of some movie magic?

  123. Luke Luthor Barnard says:

    WTF is that?

    That isn’t Megatron? Thats… that’s…. I don’t know what the fuck that is but I know what it isn’t - Megatron!

  124. ovlovs says:

    megatron and the rest of the cons were never meant to be evil,terrifying,monsters.they were simply one of the 2 factions of cybertonians at war.there is a reason they have thir own symbols.megatron was more of a cunning stratigist who lived by his own code of ethics that as far as he was concerned were not me that’s what made him such a great antagonist to primes protagonist.besides it’s not how they look that should make them evil but their actions.this new megatron looks more like a big dumb killing machine.i’d rather have a cunning warrior myself.

  125. ovlovs says:

    i also just wanted to say if megatron was just a big evil monterous robot that was pure evil with no code of ethics,starscream would have never had as many chances to usurp was only when he left megatron to drift for eternity in space that the camels back was broken.instead of making these things look “evil”,give them depth.they could have easily adapted a form for megatron and starscream that was more in sync with what they did with the me it’s like they think people are too dumb to figure out who’s good and who’s bad.

  126. Axeminister says:

    Gosh that is not any Megatron I know of. Is there any way to tell the movie makers not to make him look like that?

  127. ghettomasterchen says:

    they need to fire the director and design house for even approving these hidous designs. that’s not megatron, it’s a pile of shreded up tin can metal glued together.

  128. dieselxxx says:

    shit this design is … shit…

  129. warp says:

    why the fuck cant they stick to the original… arg

  130. ol' school says:

    this movie is going to suck…….ahhhhh at least we’ll have the movie from 1986. Memories…….

  131. animal says:

    the reason why the original and beast wars was good was due to its simple and linear design. look what they did to the new cgi one, they try to make them more complex and they just look silly. robots will always be deigned to have only what is essential as well, so any idea to make them look like that awful picture is just a badly thought out plan

  132. Joey says:

    For the person who said Brawl is a tank. I think he’s actually supposed to be a decepticon police car in the movie if I remember correctly.

  133. MegaGalva says:

    Ok I have been a Transformers from the day i first saw The movie when i was 4 years old. This is not the Transformers I grew up with. Granted the new look is in many ways understandable and much needed for a live action movie I think they have gone a little to far. Many of the transformers in this movie hold on to at least a little of what they are from the old 80′s cartoon, but Megatron dosn’t seem to have any of that. Perhaps the way they make him act and his personality flow in the movie will make up for this. True the new design for him is very cool looking, but It is not Megatron to me. Perhaps it will be better in the film. I hold all hopes for this film, but if they truely destroy the transformers with this movie I balieve i speek for many fans it will be a dark day for the people who grew up watching Decepticons and Autobots clash on the screens in the liveing room.

  134. Ryab says:

    If it isn’t broken don’t fix it. I hate remakes where they totally destroy the original concept. Nowehere in those pictures could I make out anything even closely resembling the the Megatron I knew, who had a badass cannon strapped to his arm and didn’t look like layers of poorly cut plating was slapped onto his face. Everyone who likes the original knows that a little change is going to happen, but a total revamp of a character everyone liked to begin with is just stupid.

  135. G1 Freak says:

    I think the design is too far from the original concept. Don’t revamp the characters just to prove how good your 3D animaters are. Stick closer to the original design of the characters, I’m not saying copy them completely but atleast make them recognizable.

  136. dean says:





  137. jaymz akino says:

    Galvatron sucked and so does this version of Megatron! With all the CGI stuff, they could’ve made him look somewhat like the original.

  138. wonkey says:

    what the fuck is bay thinking! he looks more like an army knife than the orignal megatron. enyone who thinks that he looks wicked clearly is not an orignal transformers fan very gutted about this and might even put me off watching the fucking damm film theres only one megatron!!

  139. wonkey says:

    what the fuck is bay thinking! he looks more like an army knife than the orignal megatron. enyone who thinks that he looks wicked clearly is not an orignal transformers fan very gutted about this and might even put me off watching the fucking damm film theres only one megatron!!

  140. Fred says:

    Thats like… Hi everyone. We’re gonna make a live action Micky Mouse movie. Then they put some weird ass fat guy in black pants and suspenders and a weird hair cut with *Micky’s Voice* and name him Micky.

    No… To be Micky you need 3 things. A tail. The ears. And he MUST be a mouse. Otherwise, it’s NOT MICKY! (though you may possibly get away with 1 or two missing.)

    Megatron also needs 3 things. A big ass gun on his right arm. That nazi football helmet. And red friggin eyes. Otherwise? Not Megatron.

    If you’re gonna do a film with Micky Mouse or Megatron, you absolutely can not redesign their iconic signatures.

  141. Poole says:

    This is hopeless. Worst designs EVER. Seriously, some one tell me why this movie is still called Transformers??? I mean none of this stuff is from transformers except the title of the movie and the name of the robots. Sounds like Bay and the producers (minus Spielberg) are going for an easy cash grab and a guaranteed audience!!!

  142. Brambo says:

    Megatron is a gun. If you do not want any mass shifting then Starscream will the biggest transformer since a F-22 is 4 times as large as any road vehicle.

  143. joseph says:

    he dont look good megatron on beast war make him loook like crap a alien megatron man thats #@%#@^#$ up i though it wood look like a jet or tank or hummer car but not a alien geez

  144. Edward says:

    What is this? This is not Megatron. Megatron when transformed was a gun not a jet. Plus this rendering has no, and I mean no, likeness of Megatron. I hope this is just someones doodling.

  145. Stephen Heywood says:

    Noooooo! Please Mr. Bay and company.. STAY TRUE TO THE CHARACTERS. People have worked really hard in making the Transformer legacy last 20+ years. Do not make this horrible mistake! If need be, I’ll raise the money you need to correctly design Megatron the way he supposed to be. I’m sure I’m not alone on this one.

    If you release this creature as Megatron, I will make my own Transformer’s movie and do it right. Stop this nonsense while you are ahead..and stop causing real Transformer fans slight disappointment before the movie.



  146. Zac says:

    While I liked the Optimus design pretty well, I abhore this Megatron design. I really hope they scrap it, although I know they won’t. Bottom line, the Optimus design looked like a pretty cool Optimus Prime, this design looks NOTHING like Megatron. It is absolute crap, I despise it and I have very little hope that this movie will be worthwhile.

  147. mhd01 says:

    that robot looks awsome BUT it’ll be disapointing if megatron looks like that! they should keep his original face and leave this robot in storage for the 2nd transformers movie, they did say they wanted 2 make a lot of movies.

  148. sutto says:

    Getting all flustered over a year old concept?

    Get a life people.

  149. Jake says:


    I know it….iknow it!!!
    This megatron suck,and this is all the same for the rest of these caracter. Prime is suppose to be a flat nose truck…Jazz a 911 porsche…bumblebee a cute volkwagon…and megatron a GUN…A GUN NOT A WEIRD ALIEN THAT MAKE ME BARF!!!

    Michael bay must respect these point, in matter of what, the movie will be nothing at all…

  150. Steven says:

    It’s Horrible! It’s ok for something like a Sci-fi channel origional movie, but not Megatron. This is gonna be like That Godzilla movie from the late 90′s all over again. What does a robot need teeth for? They might be intimidating to a person but another robot made of metal ought to think it looks stupid. I may be more willing to accept it if it had a sweet cannon on it’s arm. But all those little parts are ridiculous.

  151. Shawn says:

    It does look cool,but its NOT Megatron.

    -Sure, I COULD be his pure, pre-earth, cybertronian form. That would make sense, and seem acceptable.. (given he has the same voice, too)

    -Lets not forget the Quintessons.. Megatron is very Quintesson-like, and they were indeed mechanical aliens.. So dont tell me they all have to look non-organic.

    -However, that said, Im still a purist.. and theyd better get the story right, and EVENTUALLY connect it to, or at least show some hint of the Megatron we all knew and loved..

    ..Or theyve just sold out.

  152. alexander salib says:

    that $hit is garbage! i waited for ever for that? im so pissed and dissapointed. at least keep his face the same.

  153. mega-pissedoff-tron says:

    fuk this twisted pile of junk crap , screw the people who designed this metalic vagina who do they think they are , this aint megatron its nothing. and screw the gay flames on the wrong semi supposed to be prime , i hope you burn in hell for ruining transformers with your hollywood b.s.

  154. fred says:

    this design sux.. totally trashes the image of megatron

  155. Ismael says:

    This is Horrible in my opinion, they should not use the Transformers name for this.
    I think this movie is made for a kids audience not for people used to see the G1 Transformers.
    I hope they like it!

  156. Dan Geer says:

    I like this design. Granted, it in no way resembles the original Megatron. However, I think this is where they are going with it:

    Basically, I always wondered why the robotic forms of the Transformers always looked like earth vehicles, even when they were on Cybertron. For example, Optimus, in his robotic form, always looked like a Pickup truck, even before they landed on earth. He did not turn into a truck on Cybertron. It wasn’t until they landed on earth that they adapted.

    So what I’m thinking is that they are attempting to resolve this issue. Perhaps their robotic forms will look different on Cybertron, being more alien-like. The vehicles they transform into will resemble their alien-like form. This makes sense to me. Why would an Optimus Prime robot look like a pick-up truck on Cybertron when he doesn’t even transform into one?

    The parts to the vehicles they transform into must exist on their robotic bodies. So when they travel to earth, Optimus and the gang adapt to tranforming into earth vehicles, thus their bodies change as well to have those earth parts. Perhaps Optimus won’t have the wheels and other pick-up truck parts when he’s on Cybertron.

    With Megatron, I think he just keeps his alien-like image because he hates what earth stands for and hates human beings. So that’s why he looks more alien and the vehicle he transforms into also looks more alien. He chooses not to adapt.

    And I agree that Megatron tranforming into a gun is dumb. I never liked it. While I would like this alien-like robot to somewhat resemble what Megatron looked like in the G1 series, it makes sense to me why they changed it if the premise I suggested above is true.

  157. Valdor says:

    Very weird the desing.

    Megatron had a meny transformations (gun, tank, crocodile, tyrannosaurus, spaceship and a triple changer).

    Howhever, the robot design had little changes. For example, the face was been the same; a humanoid face. Of course, megatron’s body had differents designs and is because his transformation.

    Now, about this Megatron, the design is good, the problem is that the robot doesn’t look like Megatron at all. This robot is most insectoid stile and looks like Megatron’s soldier than Megatron himself. I know that in the Transformers of the 80′s, they transform in a Earth like vehicles, but remember that Teletraan I reconstructed them when the Ark crashed on Earth.

    I saw Optimus Prime design too, I have a conclusion that the designers are making the autobots a good looking and the decepticons a
    very ugly looking. Not good, not good at all.

    Good design, but for another transformer.

  158. Dave says:

    It looks really cool… apart from the arms/hands. I gotta say, those look pretty dumb to me. I like the jet altmode, and he definitely looks hellishly evil. Kudos on that.

    However… comma, pause for dramatic effect…

    It doesn’t look at all like a Transformer, or like Megatron. Not one bit. Am I expecting to see a big gleaming white boxy G1 Megatron? God, no. A redesign is expected. That’s not a problem. But I really think that they could have given him some echoes of the original, or even of Galvatron… just something so that when I looked at it I could say, “Okay, that’s Megatron. Neat.” Thus, I don’t like this look for him. Not as Megatron, not at all.

    And yet, as some others have noted, they can still give him that bit of familiarity. If Frank Welker provides his voice, then maybe we can get past the bizarre look without too much trouble.

    I also just have to note, I neither love nor hate Prime’s new look but for one thing… What the HELL is up with the flames? Did somebody mistake him for Rodimus? I give this film about 2/5 so far, with 5 points held in reserve to be awarded when I actually see it. I’ll make it a 3/5 if they get Frank Welker. (And, if it’s a really good viewing experience, it might merit a full 5 of the rest of my score… so hey, it could still be an 8/10, which would certainly be better than expected!)

    Not that anyone cares about my personal scoring system, but I thought I’d toss out my thoughts. ;)

  159. Rick says:

    I happen to know for a fact that Megatron looks nothing like this in the movie actually. This may have been an early draft, but he no longer looks like this.

  160. Patrick says:

    modern desing? yes.
    updated looks? Okay…

    but THAT?!?!

    you gotta bullshitting me…..

    there’s no way they will make a toy with that!

    hope starscream will look better than the pix I saw of him….

    the producers are killing the soul of Transformers….

    christ’s sake!

  161. Oprah says:

    What the hell is that? Predator?

    If this movie is has to be base so loosely based on the original cartoon why even bother.

    This should be titled. battle of the GO-BOTS 2007

  162. Zach says:

    Megatron looks fucking awesome in this design. I was a big fan of transformers back in the day and none of them looked this cool.

  163. omgtansformersisgoingtosuck says:

    This is an insult to most peoples intelligence, this movie is going to blow bigtime. Maybe they should drop the “Transformers” name and let someone else do, then they can go ahead with this movie and not insult what was once a cool toy :/

  164. mike says:

    I don’t really care for this version of Megatron, either, but then again it is supposed to be the “Cybertronian” version of him and I don’t think that any earth images of him has been leaked yet so that is something to be optimistic about, at least.

  165. gantzrunner says:

    If anyone’s seen the leeked images of the toys, this should be megatron’s PROTOFORM, before he reformats. And don’t forget, he’s the one on mars, so he may have adapted to that planet as well. Just a thought.

  166. JJ says:

    Why don’t they give us a live action movie with the 80s G1 Transformers, instead of “modernizing” the characters as they’ve done with this horrific, diseased-looking version of Megatron. Apparently they’ve gone Aliens vs. Predator on us. The very least they could do is make Megatron somewhat resemble his old pistol form, and keep that classic face of his (which was perfectly evil and didn’t need fiddling with). The old Transformers had a very functional look to them. That’s what made them unique among robots. If these pictures are accurate, its hard to tell the difference between robot and vehicle mode here. Looks like something out of Lord of the Rings more than anything else.

  167. the mime says:

    its good could be better

  168. papasalas says:

    It could be pretty sweet. Just tone it down a bit.
    I would make the section between the shoulder and the elbow look more solid and less complex. The same would go for the legs above the knees. I would leave the shins just as they are and would give a bad ass boots feel to it.
    Would keep most of the head except for the face itself. Actually, I would make it much prettier but intense looking.
    To link ugliness with evil is kind of a fairy tale thing. It got old.

  169. the mime says:

    exactley papasalas

    kneeeeel kneeeeeeeel

  170. fred says:

    sum of u idiots havent got a clue bout transformers as they are not aliens they are robots megatron looks a disgrace and bay better sort it out other wise i am not goin 2 see this movie.

  171. fred says:

    another reason why some of you people are idiots and calling transformers aliens not robots is you dont have a clue that Megatron is one of the lineal descendants of the military hardware robots created by the Quintessons on their factory world of Cybertron.which makes them robots not aliens although he was made by an alien race it doesnt make him a alien therefore he should not look a cross between a prdator and the terminator from the first terminator movie

  172. alanb says:

    Ok….. Megatron? To me, it looks more like a Predator. I agree with both sites. You can’t translate the cartoon as it to a live action fime. It wouldn’t look good, simple as that. Remember Mario Bros? Ok, on that matter you can’t go to the limit… but I mean, at least keep some resemblance to a robot-like form.

    When beastwars came out I didn’t buy the idea that much…A lot of curve-like shapes but in the end, I got used to it. I understand that the designs has to be modern somehow but come on! this is too much!

    I just looked at the picture again… and No no no no no… that’s not a robot to me.

    My two final comments…

    1) why not keeping the helmet at least to maintain something out of the cartoon. It doesn’t have to be a pistol, you know. But with the helmet it would show some of the megatron spirit.

    2) Is it me, or when Optimus transforms looks very much alike the first movie of the power rangers (shiny metal robots with a cartoon feeling?)

  173. The Enforcer says:

    I hate it too, I would like a re-design of his head to look as closed as G1 Megatron and that includes his body, it has too much details. Designers must re-design his body more chunky. I really don’t like it, it sucks to me.
    They must make Megatron’s look as closer as the original otherwise this movie will be ruinned and the fans will be dissapointed.

  174. Reluer says:

    Message to Hasbro:
    Talk about Choking Hazard……!!!

  175. Sharpfish says:

    I was an original fan of the G1 TFs back in the early/mid 80′s. I have got used to what they have done to Bumblebee, Prime and generally bought how Bay wants to make it more “realistic” for the masses and not just geek indulgence for us old time fans.

    Which is why this “thing” puzzles me. Sure it fills the part of “Evil metal monster” for all the unknowing, popcorn chomping movie goers but it is so far from the original design and feel of Megatron that it’s hard to imagine how it can seem anything but dissapointing when Prime and Mtron meet on the big screen.

    Gun or Tank (flying gun would be cool ;) ) or whatever but make him retain his evil look through his very distinct and iconic head shape at least.

    As for the design taken on it’s own merits. It is far too detailed, busy and the arms are overlong - looks more like a metal “nemisis” from the Resident Evil games. You can barely see the face or any kind of expression. Megatron was evil and his face showed this but he wasn’t without human-like emotional expresions (unlike soundwave for example) so that facet of his character should also have been kept.

    I don’t know if this is Bays fault, ILMs fault or even somewhere along the line Takara/Hasbro or whoever. All I know is it is a fault. does it make me want to see the film any less? NO! At least I am pre-warned as that would have been a big dissapointment on screen had I not known!

  176. Dyler says:

    I like it, it’s frightning and organic. With this film you will actually see all the moving parts when they transform.not boxy like the cartoon. It’s clever and will make sense.

  177. eyemd says:

    This megatron feels like godzilla in the matthew broderick movie, nothing like the original japanese godzilla that we knew and loved :-(

  178. Andrey says:

    If anybody of the film writers or designers read this than my job here is done…YOU ARE A BUNCHA IDIOTS!!!How the fuck are u supposed to break the screens in 2007 with this piece of crap?Since 1986 we all expected this film and now you did this?First of all this ain’t Megatron!Like the others said with Optimus you did more than we could imagine,but this…During the TV series,Megatron was a tank,a space fighter(Energon) or a kind of Batmobile(Cybertron)…You losed your ideas from the original concept…And by the way…A good S.F. movie is a movie that more than 50% of it’s action couldd be real in the nearest future…How in the world you think that this bad boy would transform in real world?huh?i mean…the design is good (though the original concept was something 100% diferent) but as you can see,this Megatron is nothing more than a silvered-spaghetti…5 cm of metal modeling of its corp?What in the world were you thinking? I remember that Spielberg said this won’t be the last Transformers movie…so all i can say it’s just:The things that you forgot to create in this movie,put them in then ext movie…i just hope that in the end of the movie will be a super-battle between Optimus and Galvatron(you should make a concept for Galvatron too fot this movie).

  179. Butch says:

    I’m not saying I love it, but it does look very evil. It’s way to busy though and should be cleaned up and smoothed out. And why would turn into a car or something guys. He’s fucking Megatron. He’s not here to race around, he’s here to destroy humanity people! I do miss the gun though, but I would rather have this then a boxy remake from the ’80s. Anyway, all you people who have a problem with it, you’re still going to go see the movie anyways like the rest of us so stop bitching and saying you how much you hate it.

  180. Tarlison says:

    Well i do prefer if Megatron turns into a Type of Alterllery or a Scud Launcher truck that would be cool, if he would be a scud launcher the scud missile would transform to his fusion cannon. and will act like a drone (Funnel system like in Gundam) when in missile mode and fire weapons or just RaM target with it similar one of the dragoon system of ZGMF-666 legend :) just a suggestion.

  181. Ultra maximum prime says:

    Megatron has always followed a certain theme, which is a powerful military dictator. That is how I see Megatron, and I’m sure most of us see Megatron that way. One thing his alternate form represented was POWER, from whichever installment of Transformers you prefer. Megatron’s robot mode characteristics were always kept between each different installment, those being a helmet wrapped around a cruel face and a BIG FUCKING GUN. If you line up every different version of Megatron they all look fairly similar in the sense of the character.
    Until now.
    This thing does not fit into the familiar characteristic of Megatron as an evil military dictator. It looks like a wild demon which belongs in Doom or Aliens, and looks as if it came from hell, not Cybertron. I can’t remember Megatron ever appearing to look like a raging demon made of scrap metal. And he looks too flimsy. Sure, its evil and scary, but Megs had a look which this design completely ignores. And the alt-mode? Its just so…. unimaginative. Alien jet?! It looks crap too. The producers should’ve stuck more with a story allowing the REAL Megatron.
    Megatron should have been some sort of kick ass military hardware.
    This design sux.


    Wait, this would make a cool Unicron with that anus mouth, seeing as Unicron has one of those.
    Looking at this design some more, I can see that it kinda looks like Megatron got run over by a truck.

  183. Felix Lim Jr says:

    Well personally i would prefer megatron to be a scud lancher truck with the scud missile firing a fusion cannon at its target when near instead of just blowing up and in robot mode the scud missile can transform into Megatron’s fusion cannon :) which will have the same placement as the original fusion cannon of the G1 version and i would like the G1 megatron’s face :)

  184. rindxqkf mjhyteo says:

    htyifzqu gwyizfnsv jowetvu ilsyeft hazpqsxj kwaubx iftehjzk

  185. Arsenal of megadeath says:

    I really don’t know WHAT you guys are putting in the coffee, or what Michael Bay is on, but these designs are vastly confusing.
    I respect the skill it takes to sketch these and all, but this REALLY looks like something from The Guyver anime.
    If you really want people to watch this movie…Fix ‘em all! and i mean all of them! make them look reasonable and complete, not like a rip-off anime!

  186. Ronagon says:

    This is crap.

    More Hollywood cocaine casting.

    This is where all these crappy decisions come from.


  187. KJ says:

    For those of you who think the Transformers are just robots not aliens, you should think about what you are saying. An alien is a being that is not native to a certain land/planet. Transformers are referred to as aliens because they are not native to earth. Because they are not natives of earth, why should their technology look anything like ours? If civilization on earth were to continue for 11 million years(that is how long the Transformer war has been waging), our technology and vehicles might look something like this alt for Megatron.

    For those who think that Megatron should be a tank or gun etc., they already have one tank, his name is Brawl, and more than one tank would not look good as they(the movie makers) want to give us a variety. On that note, Megatron’s alien look is part of that variety they are giving us.

    Sure, there will probably be a redesign because of all the whining “fanboys” who want someting more like G1. Heck, I’m not thrilled with this design, but I will respect their interpretations of how they think an evil, powerful, ALIEN, tyrant would look.

    I have heard rumors that towards the end of the film that he will get an “earthly” look. I have also read from an interview with Shia LaBeouf(Spike Witwicky) that there will be two more Transformer movies after this one, so don’t think that Megatron’s look won’t change. I’m almost betting that it will.

    Finally for all you who argue back and forth about how good/bad he looks, please stop. You are wasting your time as the person(s) you are arguing with, more than likely, will not change their opinion just because you want them to. There are people in this world who will disagree with you. That’s life. That’s why wars will never stop.

    So, please just stop all the whining and arguing. You are only going to attract negative attention towards your own negative feelings.


    *Spoilers ahead!*

    Apparently this is to be the protoform of Megatron though i have no idea why he is able to transform when he is in what is meant to be ‘stasis’ mode. Some of the other Transformers will also be shown in protoform. Megatron will appear in the first and last scenes of the movie, and most of the short screen time he has will be in this form. At the end of the movie he will scan a earth vehicle and adopt it as a disguise, hopefully looking somewhat more familiar.

  189. Fernando says:

    Just a piece of art;i hope the other caracteristics remain at the same level.

    I want to see the other decepticons…

  190. Mark Mason says:

    You guys are all suck-asses. This Megatron looks like shit, and you damn well know it. What a pack of cowardly worshippers you all are.

  191. Hugo says:

    Optimus looks hot, i’m OK with the flamed out designed, looks like he just came out of Chip Foose’s Overhaulin’ shop.

    Megatron is an alien jet and yes, his design is a bit over the top, so lets see how this comes out once evertything is said and done.
    With the Starscream i am worried cause i have seen some designs of the F22 jet and the color for Starcream is ugly.

    What i don’t get is why in God’s given earth did the producers for this movie degrade Jazz from a porsche 911 to a Pontiac Solstice, I understand they probably did not get the licensing or rights to use european cars, so why not convert him into a hot looking 2007 Corvette instead, C’mon, do this character some justice.

    Barricade, although not in the original generation series has a hot design and looks like a very evil decepticon.

    Ironhide looks hot in robot form. I still have my doubts about frenzy, he has a cool design for graphic artists but it might be too crazy for hardcore Transformer fans.

  192. A.C. says:

    Crap. it looks like my crap painted silver. now that my crap is going to be famous I’m selling it on eBay. all i can hope for now is the Japanese remake it ,just like Godzilla. Why do we have to try to make something already cool always look like crap???!!!WHY WHY WHY. just like them look like the cartoon but real!!!! you wouldn’t cast Steve Buscemi to play the part of Barry White in a Barry White movie would you??

  193. betty butt kiss says:

    This place is crap you mother ****** you domb people you suck

  194. jodieboi says:

    BS! that is not Megatron!!! that is not Megatron!!! that is not Megatron!!! that is not Megatron!!! that is not Megatron!!! that is not Megatron!!! that is not Megatron!!! that is not Megatron!!! that is not Megatron!!! that is not Megatron!!! that is not Megatron!!! that is not Megatron!!! that is not Megatron!!! that is not Megatron!!! that is not Megatron!!! that is not Megatron!!! that is not Megatron!!! that is not Megatron!!! that is not Megatron!!! that is not Megatron!!! that is not Megatron!!!… that is a futuristic Power Ranger!!!!

  195. Brandon says:

    It’s Not A Bad Looking Design, But It Would Look Better With A Little Color

  196. Jesse says:

    I have no doubts this will be an entertaining movie but WTF. Bumblee no longer a BUG. Starscream and Megs look REDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I put the Image of the new megatron in front of you before telling you who it was you would’nt have a clue as to what you were looking at. Prime yes. There’s going to be a lot of sad fans when they see this design.

  197. Mike says:

    Absolute crap.

  198. Andrey says:

    I am back and to show you that the Grand Sector Seven has come with a new password that will give you acces to some new things.The password was on but i dont know why i cannot acces the page anymore.I think that they had to do something with privacy or it’s just my computer:D…the password is: FWIFFO

  199. True to The Game says:

    C’mon why are people always destroying the essence of classics?? The person that designed this strayed why to far of what Megatron is. Megatron was a GUN plain and simple. I watched the interview of the developers answering questions from fans. A fan asked “Why is Bumblebee a camero instead of a VW Bug??”. The developers gave this BS excuse/explaination of “Bumblebee is Bumblebee no matter what form he is”. Please Hollywood stop fucking up classics!!!!

  200. shadow says:

    dis vato looks pretty evil,but dis aint megatron,dis dosent even look like a transformer.whadafxup wit dat? optimus looks pretty badazz though.but megatron should look like megatron.he should be unmistakable.and he should be savagly kickin everyone’s better have the voices for megatron and optimus the same as in the show,wit out dat,da movie will suck.

  201. Mike says:

    I gotta say, before the movie came out, I thought this version of Megatron was crap. But seeing him on screen totally changed my mind. Movie Megatron OWNS! I can see why he was a little different from the older Transformers version of Megatron, but his personality is very similar; maniacal, heartless, brutal and bordering on the edge of mad. One of the most awesome villians on screen!

  202. Jib says:

    WHY IS U PEOPLE BAD MOUTHIN HIM!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Oh, yeah like ke’s supposed to look like his stupid G1 person face?!?!?!!?!? I seriously think this is awesome.Yeah, maybe a leeeeeetle bit too extreme with the spikes. So wut?

    If you can’t do it in style dont bother doing it at all

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