Lars and the Real Girl

Emily Mortimer is just adorable. She can pull of the sexy seductress, but to me, she is best suited for being the infectiously pretty and irresistable smiling angel. Ever since she was in “The Kid” with Bruce Willis, I have always wanted to see her in something super fun. Maybe I already missed it, but it caught my eye when I saw this story.

Cinema Blend says:

The official plot description calls it what [Ryan] Gosling falls in love with a “lifelike doll he finds on the internet”

I jumped to the same conclusion as the Cinema Blend writer. The only reason to cast a real actress to play the “doll” would be for the doll to actually come to life, at least in some part of fantasy for Gosling.

Ryan Gosling was the “trying to be cool” stereotype in the teen show “Breaker High” and back then I always thought he would break into comedy if TV didnt kill him. I was impressed to see him break forth into a more dominate role on tv, and then the impressive dramatic lead in the Notebook.

So here are two people that have been on my radar but not actively watched for some time now. And they are in a romantic comedy together.

I am actually looking forward to see how this one turns out.


  • 1. A.J. replies at 23rd August 2006, 11:14 pm :

    I think Emily Mortimer was in Woody Allen’s Match Point. I did not like the movie that much though.

  • 2. themarina replies at 24th August 2006, 12:38 am :

    I was also impressed by Gosling’s ability to jump from TV to film but I was more impressed with his performance in “The Believer”. Not a fantastic movie but he was quite memorable.

  • 3. Poppe replies at 24th August 2006, 4:20 am :

    Ryan Gosling is the next Brando or Pacino. I haven’t seen him do a bad role since he left Television. I’m eagerly awaiting Half Nelson.

  • 4. MadRocketScientist replies at 24th August 2006, 1:09 pm :

    I loved her in Frankie Boy and Formula 51 (The 51st State)

  • 5. Allen replies at 24th August 2006, 2:52 pm :

    Um does this scream “Mannequin” remake to anyone else?

  • 6. Drewbacca replies at 25th August 2006, 11:04 am :

    Yeah, Gosling is supposed to be completely amazing in “Half-Nelson.”
    And I agree with above, “Match Point” - good Mortimer role.


  • 7. Lee Edward McIlmoyle replies at 29th August 2006, 1:32 am :

    I have had a crush on Emily Mortimer for quite a while now. She also had good roles in Notting Hill and Elizabeth, but I loved her in The 51st State. I keep hoping to see more of her in high profile movies, because most of the stuff she did before that flew under my radar.

    I really do need to collect more movies.

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