John Talks World Trade Center With Oliver Stone

I recently had the chance to sit down for a few minutes with Oliver Stone to talk about his new film “World Trade Center“. To see my review of the film you can go here.


  • 1. Pat replies at 10th August 2006, 2:29 pm :

    Good stuff John, you almost sounded like a proper grownup movie critic there for a second or two. :P Guess you had limited time, but what you got out of him was not bad at all. This inteview do shows why I like Kevin Smith though. He doesn’t take himself so God damn serious, which is the case with a lot of other Hollywood people. Getting an Oscar does in fact not equal finding the cure for AIDS.

  • 2. wolf replies at 10th August 2006, 2:45 pm :

    Good interview, I enjoyed it. I’ll be check this movie out when it comes out here.

    I would love to see you get moe interviews with directors and stars.

  • 3. bret replies at 10th August 2006, 2:48 pm :

    For some reason the video isnt working. You tube says it isnt there

  • 4. marty replies at 10th August 2006, 2:52 pm :

    Great interview. It’s always fun to listen to Oliver Stone talking about his movies. Good job on the questions. Nice to hear stuff that relates to the film and the actual decisions behind the casting, not just the typical “So what was it like working with global superstar Nicolas Cage?” and the ass-kissing that follows.

    Nothing annoys me more than seeing really talented people being asked really dumb questions on MTV-ish shows. “Hey, Eric Bana! You’ve worked with Ridley Scott, Ang Lee and Steven Spielberg, three of the greatest directors around, so… what makes you Hulk Out? Does your dog poo in the living room or something?” Grrr.

    Good job!

  • 5. bret replies at 10th August 2006, 2:52 pm :

    never mind, it worked fine in the actual blog page. Great interview, you interview very well.

  • 6. Alfredo replies at 10th August 2006, 3:05 pm :

    Good job dude.

  • 7. Joey 1.0 replies at 10th August 2006, 3:07 pm :

    Great job John. I bet you enjoyed that. lol.

  • 8. Bishop replies at 10th August 2006, 3:17 pm :

    I remember reading about how excited / nervous you were. John you seemed very calm and genuinely interested in what he had to say, and I think this reflected in his answers to you.
    You could, however, almost see the little boy glee bubbling just under the surface.
    On you that is.
    Not him.
    So much.

    - Bishop

  • 9. Meli replies at 10th August 2006, 3:26 pm :

    Nice interview - good questions - I thoroughly enjoyed it. :)

  • 10. FredoTeabaggins replies at 10th August 2006, 5:07 pm :

    Impressive indeed, John. I remember my first two press junkets at Sundance and my testes were in my ass both times.

  • 11. finnishguy replies at 10th August 2006, 5:51 pm :

    Very nice effort on the interview. I would have listened to it much longer, but of course you had your restrictions. So when do we see your next big time interviews?! :)

    As for the movie.. I dunno.. I guess I’m waiting for a movie that isn’t afraid to ask a question or two about what happened. But I guess I’m in for a long wait on that one..

  • 12. Justin Flood replies at 10th August 2006, 5:58 pm :

    Hey John, good interview. Looking forward to the next one. You successfully avoided asking the typical hollywood fluff questions, and I think Stone rewarded you by giving thoughtful answers. Good job!

  • 13. Dirk replies at 10th August 2006, 6:15 pm :

    Good Job !!! Stone, wow


  • 14. Triflic replies at 10th August 2006, 6:18 pm :

    Nice and to the point. Even though I almost always dislike Oliver Stone films, I do enjoy hearing the man talk. Good interview John.

  • 15. Dirk replies at 10th August 2006, 11:05 pm :

    HALO director Neill Blomkamp speaks!!!

  • 16. Mdean replies at 10th August 2006, 11:11 pm :

    Good job! Question…Who filmed and edited this?

  • 17. Drewbacca replies at 10th August 2006, 11:40 pm :

    Nice interview John. Well thought out, yet simple questions.

    I love the way you sit there like a statue while he’s talking, and I can read your thoughts as you’re not listening to a word he is saying, “oh my God, I’m talking to Oliver Stone, oh my God, I’m talking to Oliver Stone, oh my God, I’m talking to Oliver Stone, oh my God, I’m talking to Oliver Stone, oh my God, I’m talking to Oliver Stone, oh my God, I’m talking to Oliver Stone, oh my God, I’m talking to Oliver Stone.”

    Sriously though man, good work!


  • 18. Brian replies at 11th August 2006, 4:30 am :

    preety good interview..
    as for the movie, I want a contreversial movie that some people will simply refuse to watch it. I understand why people would want this sort of ‘entry’ movie first. But what I really want is a movie from the terrorist perspecicte how intresting would that be

  • 19. John Campea replies at 11th August 2006, 5:20 am :

    Hey Mdean,

    They had a camera crew there that shot it, gave me the tapes and I edited it.



  • 20. Luke replies at 11th August 2006, 5:57 am :

    great interview sort but sweet

  • 21. miles replies at 11th August 2006, 8:25 am :

    excellent work sir, i bet that was a great experience.

  • 22. The Daily Reel replies at 11th August 2006, 12:30 pm :

    This is a great interview. It is very natural. Great job!