Feast Trailer

Feast-PosterThe trailer for the DVD film “Feast” is out. Many will remember it as the Project Green Light born feature. The thing is… I LOVE this trailer! Now that I’ve seen it… I’m lamenting that I won’t get to see this film on the big screen! How sad for me.

The good folks over at Bloody Disgusting give us a nice little synopsis:

DVD release October 17th: A group of strangers gather in a bar where they’re attacked and systematically killed by monsters. The film was a product of “Project Greenlight”, the program created by Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and Chris Moore to showcase new talent.

That really is all there seems to be to it. People in a bar trying to survive monsters. Sounds like fun to me! Perfect for the genre.

The ending of this trailer made me laugh my ass off too! You can check out the Feast trailer here (be warned… it’s a bit of a slow download)

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  • 1. tri-lam replies at 30th August 2006, 1:52 pm :

    I was one of the three people who actually watched every episode of the Project Greenlight show chronicling the making of this film. Having done so, I was waiting for the pay0off (actually seeing the movie.) Well, I guess it is good that the film will actually see the light of day (or perhaps the dark of a couple of late night screenings in limited release and then to DVD.) All in all, I am looking forward to watching this.

  • 2. Pineapplehead replies at 30th August 2006, 2:07 pm :

    I’m not so sure. I don’t see how this is any different to the hundreds of monster movies. It doesn’t really have anything original about it. I’m not saying it will be bad but there was nothing in that trailer that was new to get excited about.

    The end was funny though as was the comment about a machette not running out of ammo. Bugs looked more interesting in a Cabin Fever sort of way.

  • 3. tri-lam replies at 30th August 2006, 2:22 pm :

    I doubt it is all that different. I’d still like to see it though. Although admittedly, I would be much more apt to skipping it altogether had I not watched the Greenlight series.

  • 4. thegoodfella replies at 30th August 2006, 2:43 pm :

    Seems like it could be fun but was it just me or did a lot of the acting look REALLY bad? I know the horror genre isn’t really renowned for boasting top-class performances but still…

  • 5. Chark Hammis replies at 30th August 2006, 3:36 pm :

    I love the fact the “save your ass” dude gets his face torn off. It gives away a clever shock, but shows the tone of the film.

    I don’t know that I appreciate these creatures being made into a secret government weapon. On Greenlight, it was actually something to the effect of this clan of primordial creatures that come out to feed. Not a new concept, but not the overhashed government weapon thing.

  • 6. JWP replies at 30th August 2006, 10:21 pm :

    Looks to be an okay horror movie, but what’s up with showing all the deaths in the trailer??? I hate when horror movies show half the cast members being killed during the trailer. Yes, it’s a given they’re going to die…but why spoil it prior to seeing the entire film!

  • 7. Henrik replies at 31st August 2006, 7:39 am :

    Wow what a surprise. A ‘director’ who gets a shot and what genre does he pick? The easiest!

    Is there any wanna-be hoping film-maker out there WITHOUT a god damned formulaic horror scripts, focusing on macabre deaths?

  • 8. Krade replies at 26th January 2007, 8:28 pm :

    Anyone who hated this movie wouldn’t know a good movie if God hit them with the DVD case. This movie flat-out kicked ass, and most horror movies featuring government weapon backround explanations have been pretty decent, if not very good or superb. Besides, they actually came up with a nice explanation for it: “Before it can be used on our enemies, it must be tested, on us” That’s never been used before, nothing CLOSE to that has been used before. I am now proud to own this movie on DVD. It’s amazing I’d give it a 5/5 with no hesitation. It’s hilarious and startling if your in the dark at the same time.

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