Audio Edition - August 30th 2006

Posted by on 30. 08. 2006in Uncut Podcast

Hey there boys and girls, welcome to another installment of the Audio Edition Mailbag! I’m pumped about today for the following reasons:

1) Crank Crank and more Crank. I share some of my enthusiasm about the upcoming Jason Statham movie “Crank“, and as a special treat, I get to talk to the writers and Directors of Crank, Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor. I really enjoyed this conversation!

2) I chat with the Entertainment Editorial Manager from IGN, Mr. Chris Carle about his thoughts on The Transformers project, and what he’s been hearing from his readers

3) I talk pretty frankly about my trip down to LA

4) The Mail Bag!!!!!

All this and a few things more.

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25 Responses to “Audio Edition - August 30th 2006”

  1. alfie says:

    I am hanging out for crank…it looks awesome.

    I love the premise and I reckon statham is great bbbbuuutttt I just heard that it is not being screened for that true??

    Thats what i heard anyway…why the studios keep doing this is beyond me….it is a silly silly thing to do.

  2. Jay says:

    Hold your opinions untill you actually see something concrete.
    Thats crazy talk.

    (sarcasm implied)

    Megatrons face would look absolutley stupid if you put it into a 3-D world.

    (sarcasm implied)

    Although he was luke warm on the Megatron design, I find it endearing that he is willing to trust the judgement of the people involved, who he has actually met and has seen their inthusiasm in person.

    Give it a chance guys.
    Dont get mad… Get glad.

  3. Jay says:


    Everyone has to start somewhere. Dont feel bad about having dreams.
    Thats silly to think that these guys are better. They just have more experience.

    and dont let stuart get you down. Have faith in your own opinions.
    I know thats who you were talking about and I hate to see you questioning your opinions because of some guy who was just mad that he didnt get to go.

  4. Jay says:

    I like it too, so I dont think you are crazy.

  5. Lou_Sytsma says:

    John your response to the fitting in question was awesome. With an open and honest answer like that how could anyone question your integrity?

    Your forthrightness impressed me. All the best in whatever course you decide to take.

    But if you think I am going to let your ST is dead franchise mantra ever go unchallenged you are now forewarned. ;)

    Kudos and Live long and prosper!:)

  6. Brian says:

    I love your impressions of crazy moaning fans lol crazy.

    Please john no more transformers here in england we have never heard of them pleaseee its doing my head it m8


  7. Brian says:

    at 33 mins more fucking transformers….



  8. Brian says:

    you forgot lost?!? lost is better than any movie. I hear you though. What do you think of lost?

    Brian (again)

  9. Louis says:

    You are being a little too humble. Kinda like an employee who says all his co-workers are so much more efficient after his first day at work. Of course they are, they’ve been there for years and had so many opportunities to learn what works and what doesn’t - as well as how the company functions. It was your first trip and if it truly excited you to meet Michael Bay and Oliver Stone, I think you should take the Movie Blog in that direction. It is not your ‘Joe Nobody’ image that shines as your secret ingredient behind the success of your site, it is how genuine your passion flows through everything you say, write, and record. You gotta follow what passionates you where it goes, and just hearing the tone of your voice when talking about travelling the world meeting big directors, all your listeners kinda know what your choice is going to be.

    Fear the life half-lived.

  10. FZero says:

    Thats fucking horseshit how youre saying those guys are better than you. Those sites are shit compaired to this one. You’re honest and you dont give a fuck if it rubs people the wrong way. You actually get excited about the movies, while the other guys just seem to be going through the motions. Those cookie cutter websites have nothing on this one.

  11. Pia says:

    John, I’ve always loved the fact that no matter what other people felt or said, you guys have your own opinion and do not try to wrap your it pretty pink ribbons to suit what the majority thinks or whatever. That, to me is the appeal of TheMovieBlog.

  12. Scott says:

    John that might have been the most depressing thing i heard today. the reason i listen and read is cause your opion is opion. Not some made up opion. Listen to other podcast in my opion none of them have the passion toward movies you have. none of them flipp out like you do like in that Audio Edtion with Bruxy( did i spell that right??) If you moved down toward LA no i would not question your integerity After reading for a year +

  13. darren seeley says:

    It’s too bad you missed out on Toronto Film Festival. I know the feeling, sort of. I been down to the Austin Film Fest & Heart of Screenwriters Confrence twice (2001, 2002) and haven’t been back due to a prolonged, painful and ugly money crunch. (on top of going back to college as a ‘non traditional’ student) …

    But if I were on the T set, I don’t know if I would feel like an ‘outsider’. Yes, I am not employed by those online sites, and I love to write…but you must look at it from another perspective, John. You were still invited to the party, and you recieved the same gifts/priveledges as others…and…

    If what you say is true and this was the first major set you were on, keep this thought:
    hell, do I really have to ask? What if, say, a few years from now, I asked you “Hey John, what was the first major film set you ever visited?” What would your reply be? Go on, think it over. A smile should come to your face just for the thought alone.

    Also…you say the producer knew this guy…Bay knew that one…etc. let me ask, John : How do you think that happened? Didn’t these folks start off, apple right off the tree, so to speak, at one point? There was a day when they may have been under the gun, and feeling out of place, I’m sure. Even the small duck has to get its feet wet before it goes in the water, know what I mean? Isn’t it possible that, say, somewhere down the road, Oliver Stone waves to you, Jason Statham, or whoever, says “Hello, John Campea”…and there’s the folks from the other sites…and one dude who is the new duck?

    I for one would never consider you “a sellout”. I’m actually shocked you get comments/e-mail like that. I for one am happy for you that you got to go to the T movie set. Folks should be estatic that they were witness to a major growth spike in one of thier favorite blogs/sites. Not to mention that since it is a community, everyone who dives in and participates helps make the site what it is, and anyone who is honest about that should be thrilled to your good fortune. We were witness to this evolution. You have the mailbag now, listener feedback….and that to me isn’t a definition of a sellout. It’s only a case of good fortune, and how you can make the site better, even with Richard leaving earlier this year and Doug cutting back on AE’s (as if he really left) …

    Yes, you may not get a chance to go to Toronto Film Fest, but somehow I don’t think that will stop you, let alone TMB.

    -The Seal Of Approval.

  14. Gordon says:

    Hey John

    Just wanted to say that I’ve only been listening to the Audio edition for the past couple of weeks and having the RSS feed downloaded each day as well.

    I love what you do. It is totally different to what others out there are doing. You have a passion for what you do and that really comes across. Film is one of the most subjective things out there and your opinion is your opinion. If I disagree, then fine but I’m never going to attack anyone by saying they’re wrong.

    Anyway, I ramble as usual. Keep up the great work and I hope that the Movie Blog keeps going from strength to strength and can’t wait to see the new website.

  15. Craig says:

    Hey John, great show as always. Seriously, don’t worry about keeping the wednesday mail bag show under 30 minutes. I could listen to you ramble on for hours. As far as your L.A. trip and thoughts about moving there, I have to admire the fact that you have such integrity. Keep it real. The international friends need you. “Campea panders to noone!”

    - Cheers mate!

    (Megatron sucks)

  16. JohnIan says:

    This is the way I see it.

    The websites you mention during your outing are doin’ a job. They get paid by their sites to be there, take notes and write articles. It’s a trade. Your appearance wasn’t that. You were there out of passion, not money. The love of movies.

    It’s like going a resturant and noticing everybody is wearing suits, you’re not. And that the others are not so much eating, but rather tasting food and critiquing it. You’re there for a tasty meal, them too - but only as an after thought.

  17. Jerry says:

    First of all

    1- I hadn’t even heard about Crank before. Listening to your enthusiasm for it and that great interview with the directors, well, you’ve got me hooked! I’ll be there opening day!

    2- I like the idea of you talking to other web guys like Chris.

    3- Campea… you… fucking… RULE! You constantly lay bare you movie lovin soul for us, popular or not. You reflect the passion about movies that we, your fans, all share. You’re the most “real” guy on the net, and that’s why we love ya dude!

    4- I agree about the TV-Movie thing. TV has gotten a lot better (Love to “Lost”), but they’re still not the Movies.

    That’s it man. You rock. Best Non-Doug AUdio Edition yet!

  18. Black Steven says:

    I hope you don’t let a little insecurity get in your way, John. Like Louis mentioned above, what you described sounded exactly like the first day of every job I’ve ever had. There’s always that sense of intimidation - that you’re the only guy there who doesn’t know what’s what - but that passes as you gain experience.

    Look at it this way: You’ve already got a contact at a major studio, not to mention a hot ginger actress friend to help you out. How many of those other web guys could say that?

    I say go for it, and if anyone accuses you of selling out, well… fuck ‘em.

  19. CrzyDJM says:

    I’d like to talk about your integrity! You said that noone has questioned your integrity before, so here I am buddy…

    I’m going to call you out!

    I think that you have no integrity!!! You sell-out!!! You stink!!!

    And The Movie Blog is the WORST site ever!!! This site has no integrity!!!

    Just kidding, John…I’ve been making The Movie Blog a daily stop for over 2 years now, so I guess I thought I’d give ya a hard time…

  20. Roguepirate says:

    John, just stop saying you’re gonna keep it to 30 minutes, it’s just not gonna happen. I dig the longer audio edition, im just tired of the empty promise at the beginning of every mailbag episode.

  21. Jay C. says:


    In regards to integrity, I think that no matter how honest/dishonest the person is, the second they are invited to/flown to sets or press junkets, integrity WILL be questioned…even if it is unfair and unjust. When deciding to allow a studio to pay for hotels and flights, you have to prepare for what people will think about your report. Even if you came back saying you hated Megatron and thought the movie was going down the shitter, people would think THAT opinion is bias as well, whether it be because you were mistreated on your trip or that you’re compensating for how well they’ve treated you.

    Here’s an article which might be an interesting read…

    This guy was given the golden treatment by…that’s right, Paramount. But as soon as he wrote a cynical article about the experience he had, he was not only asked to take the article down but was BANNED from all future Paramount advance screenings. We all know why Paramount flies people to sets and press junkets…they want good press. They want supporters and advertising. THe second this guy questioned their methods, they freaked.

    One thing the article touches on is how many people cover their own flight/hotel costs to these junkets in order to remain completely bias and hopefully not give the studio the impression that because they paid for this person’s trip, they don’t owe them a thing. They’re simply there to REPORT. The temptation to accept FREE hotels and flights is obviously huge (i would do it), but it also comes with reprecussions. Especially when poeple follow your public opinion. You yourself said on one of your podcasts that you were tempted to give the studios good reviews just to get the chance to jetset. Well that’s what they want. And either way, you’re going to be accused of it. So by taking part in these events, you’re opening yourself up to criticism in regards to your integrity, so i think it’s something you’ll just have to accept if you decide you want to take your site/life in that direction. It’s a double edged sword.

    Jay C.

  22. themarina says:

    I think Jay said it best, it’s a double edged sword. Personally, I make my daily stop(s) here because I like the news, share most of the opinions, and you have a passion that shows and it’s not a 1500 word essay. I DON’T want to read the essay. I want it quick and easy because that gives me more time to read comments. I’m hoping you decide to let the site keep growing. The way I see it, the more stuff you get to do, the more information we get and for me, as long as you keep the “community” feel to it with the open comments and discussion, I’ll keep coming back.

    Keep up the great work!

  23. wolf says:

    Is Doug coming back every monday? He’s been doing quite a few podacasts lately. It’s great to hear him with you guys again.

  24. Ryan Cross says:

    About the Transformers set reports: Different web-sites have different formats and target different audiences. The Movie Blog is (obviously) a blog and John wrote his set report accordingly.

    Notice that IGN set report starts with an overture about 80s cartoons being made into movies, some background on the Transformers movie, etc. That’s because it’s an article and not a blog post. It’s designed to be one of many hundreds of articles on a huge web-site. Reading IGN and reading the Movie Blog are very different experiences. The Movie Blog has less articles but a more personal touch, because it’s run by just a few people.

    I’m guessing many readers of the Movie Blog read almost every article posted in a day (unless they miss a week or whatnot). Who does that with IGN?

    My point is that it’s the personalized blog style of the Movie Blog that appeals to people, where you choose articles that interest you, give your own opinions, and generate discussion about various topics. The Movie Blog will never be a direct competitor to IGN, because it’s not trying to do the same thing in the first place.

    I would love to see you (John) visit more sets and give more set reports, interview more directors, etc. As long as you keep your current approach to the site, I don’t see any of those things hurting it. As for moving to L.A., ultimately that’s up to you, but I certainly wouldn’t consider you a sellout for doing it. If it generates more material for discussion and enjoyment, I’m all for it.

    P.S. I agree with Wolf. It’s been great hearing Doug on Mondays again.

  25. jgodsey says:

    Did one of those directors ACTUALLY say “he’s so money.” ? how twee.*

    (twee = dainty, quaint)

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