Audio Edition - August 28th 2006

Posted by on 28. 08. 2006in Uncut Podcast

THE LONGEST AUDIO EDITION IN HISTORY! Over 1 Hour and 20 minutes!!! Today on The Audio Edition Round Table, Doug, Darren and I discuss the following world shaking topics:

1) Doug’s recent drama with his ex-girlfriend (funny story)

2) John’s Transformers set visit (Doug’s angry rant on The Transformers and Love Stories is the stuff of LEGENDS!)

3) The look of Megatron

4) Why did Snakes on a Plane fail?

5) Jack Ass 2 buzz

6) No Robin in Batman’s future

7) Thundercats re-done

8) Frank Miller’s 300

9) The Pramount / Tom Cruise split

10) John, Doug and Darren of to cover the Toronto Sci-Fi/Comic/Horror/Gaming Expo this weekend

11) The Raiders of the Lost Ark Commentary coming tomorrow with Darren, Doug, John and Bruxy

All this and a few things more.

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36 Responses to “Audio Edition - August 28th 2006”

  1. Marco says:

    Interesting! 1 hour and 20 minutes of MovieBlog stuff, that’s good! Sounds like it’s going to be a very interesting show John. Looking forward to it. Cheers.

  2. alfie says:

    a 70 minute show!!
    Fantastic…have a feeling I might be about to mocked or abused during the course of it…during the “look of megatron” segment perhaps.

    oh and I don’t know how many of you have followed doug over to his podcast but you should as it is fucking hilarious.

  3. John Campea says:

    Hey Alfie,

    Actually… and hour and 20 is actually 80 minutes. Your math is almost as good as my spelling.

    And no man… no personal “shots” I promise.



  4. alfie says:

    duh of course it is. jesus that was dumb of me….. my head is well and truly up my ass today.

  5. Joey says:

    I don’t think i have ever enjoyed an edition of The Movie Blog so much and then hated it so much half way through. Your conversation about Robin couldn’t of been more off and i was keeping my fingers crossed that you guys wouldn’t do the whole batman and robin are gay argument and that’s why he shouldn’t be in a future movie but you guys did it. Don’t let the Schumacher films and 60′s tv show skew your image of the character. Also i hate how collectively the only knowledge of Batman you guys seem to have is of The Dark Knight Returns which is a non-cannoical, elseworlds tale and also one of the most overrated comic books of all time. It’s a good book but it’s in no way the “definitive” Batman comic. Go out and grab some Greatest Batman Stories collections and Batman Graphic Novels and all the seasons of Batman: TAS on DVD and further educate yourselves. I highly respect all of you guys but i just have to cringe everytime i hear incorrect comic information lol

  6. Lou_Sytsma says:

    Great show as usual. The opening Midnight Move segue was entertaining and educational.

    John, please don’t forget to follow up on your comments about not fitting in with the other web site guys on the Transformers set. Consider this my Wednesday mailbag question.

  7. Daniel @ Bloggywood says:

    Hey John,
    Just a comment on the “come back on the shield or dont come back at all”. I think thats a reference to victory, and not death, and how the soldiers celebrated their leader by carry him on a shield after a glorious battle. But i can be wrong… :-)

    Great podcast otherwise! Doug needs to be a regular again in my opinion. The mailbag editions are pretty sleepy and we really need Dougs foul language.


  8. Rich says:

    Great show guys! Personally, I’m prefering the Solo mailbag shows, but it’s nice to have Darren and Doug on here Monday’s to add a different flavor and some giggles.

    BTW, where is that Indiana Jones commentary? Or does that come later today?

  9. Black Steven says:

    I loved today’s Super-Size Audio Edition, guys, and Doug’s Transformers explosion was a highlight. It took me back to those heady days (you know, three or four months ago) when we could count on a Superman Returns-related tirade at least once a week. Hilarious.

    Once again, I’m finding your enthusiasm for the film is winning the battle with my common sense and I’m actually looking forward to seeing it. Of course, if it’s shit, I’ll be holding the three of you personally responsible (shakes his fist like a crotchety old man).

    On the Snakes On A Plane thing, I think the problem was that the excitement on the internet WAS the event. The jokes, the blogs, the T-shirts, the many film geeks coming together and enjoying the utter daftness of a film with THAT title - that was the part we all enjoyed. Once the film itself arrived, the bubble kind of burst. I loved the build up, but I still haven’t seen the film, and I’m guessing that’s true for a lot of people.

    A question for Joey: What Batman comics would you recommend?

  10. Simon says:

    Hi john,

    You asked Doug if he had read the transformers script about Megatron’s origin, can you point me in the right direction, I would like to read about it.


  11. JRJP says:

    OMG! why have they done that to Thundercats? WHY?

  12. Topher says:

    Simon, here’s a URL for the script. It’s a few months old, so we’ll see how much as changed. Anyways, it makes me sad.

  13. Jay C. says:

    Sorry John, but i have to disagree on your comment about those who think that Megatron is nothing but how he looks. In a post I made earlier, I had mentioned that these ‘characters’ are basically one dimensional charicatures which are basically only seperated by their looks. I’m sure if you talk to the people in charge of the character designs on the original show, they would agree that they were matching vehicle types with personality types…most likely due to lack of personality. Megatron was bad, so he’s a gun. Prime was good, so he’s a red white and blue all-american truck. Pretty basic.

    I’m sure the movie will expand on this and try and add depth, but this is where i both agree and disagree with you. 1. This is not Megatron. 2. This is not the cartoon, nor could it ever be. The cartoon directly transferred to the screen would be ridiculous.

    This is a Michael Bay movie with robots and a franchise name attatched to it.

    Jay C.

  14. Jon says:

    blow jobs for a year sounds awesome to me, where can I sign up?

  15. CrzyDJM says:

    Good to have “The Three Musketeers” back in the same room again; great AE!

    Oh, and I hope that Transformers is FULL of romance!!! I want to see all sorts of mechanical love-making!!! Bring it on, Megatron!!! Maybe they can even break into song throughout the film!!!

    Transformers : The Musical

    Just think of the possibilities, it could carry over into a Broadway show!

    Just kidding, guys…

  16. Crayve says:

    Hey John, i have a question, i havent read the comments when you posted the megatron pics, but when i looked at it says “Work in progress” does that mean that Megatron isnt totally finalized? Is this just one of the concepts?

  17. Ray-B says:

    Is Doug back??? That would be wicked! I don’t know if you read these comments Mr. Nagy, but it you do, please stay on The Audio Edition. I’ve listened to your other podcast, and you’re just not as good on that one. This is where you shine!!!!! Continue to shine and brighten our lives!

  18. litreofcola says:

    Great show, Doug always brings the gold.

  19. Marco says:

    You got to bring back Doug :/

  20. Phil Gee says:

    Doug was so retrained during the Thundercats bit. I guess he was burned out. But that was like the ‘Return of the King’ of all your shows to date, in so many ways guys. Can’t wait to hear the commentary.

  21. wolf says:

    Great AD. I would love to see Doug back every Monday. I love Doug’s solo podcast as well and hope he can stick with it here and on

  22. Joey says:

    To answer Black Steven’s question, these would be some batman comics i would recommend:

    The Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told Vol.1 - gives a nice overview of the history of Batman (1939-1983) and a good deal of his supporting cast and rogues gallery.

    The Greatest Joker Stories Ever Told - well the title speaks for itself lol. Contains the very first Joker appearance in Batman #1 and the classic Denny O’Neil/Neal Adams reinvention of the character in “The Joker’s Five Way Revenge” (both of which are going to be a big influence on the upcoming The Dark Knight movie). Also who could forget the great Laughing Fish story.

    Batman In The Seventies (Denny O’Neil/Neal Adams) - a great collection of my favorite era of Batman comics. Includes the first Rahs Al Guhl story, and the introduction of a host of new villians such as Man-Bat and the re-introduction of the Joker.

    Batman: Year One (Frank Miller/David Mazzuchelli) - Frank Miller’s best take on Batman is found in this book with the classic retelling of Batman’s origin story. This was a massive influence on the two best Batman movies Mask Of The Phantasm and Batman Begins and not to mention a huge influence on modern comics in general.

    The Long Halloween/Dark Victory (Jeph Loeb/Tim Sales) - This story chronicles the Batman in his early days of crime-fighting while searching for a killer known as Holiday who murders a person each holiday. The 2 books feature almost all of the rogue’s gallery and give a good insight into the relationship between Harvey Dent, Commisioner Gordon, and Batman. Both books are a big influence on the new series of Batman films.

    Arkham Asylum (Grant Morrison/Dave McKean) - Probably the most controversial of all Batman stories and probably helped launch the graphic novel format which is so popular today. The story is about the villians basically taking over Arkham Asylum and requesting a meeting with Batman, etc. In my opinion the villians have never been more creepier than in this story, sometimes even a little too disturbing (The Mad Hatter talking about molesting children). While most people seem to think TDKR pushed the boundaries of the comic book as far as it could go in the 80′s, i personally think this story pushes it even farther. This is definetly not a book for the faint of heart.

    The Killing Joke (Alan Grant/Brian Bolland) - Written by the great Alan Grant (Watchemen/V For Vendetta) this is probably one of the most popular graphic novels in history and like Arkham Asylum another controversial one. While this is definetly not the greatest Batman story, it is definetly one of the greatest Joker stories. You get a more sympathetic take on The Joker and a glimpse into his orign (although non-cannoical to my knowledge). Although you become less symathetic to him later when he shots one of the main characters in the spine lol. Definetly another story not for the faint of heart

    A Lonely Place Of Dying(Marv Wolfman)/Robin: A Hero Reborn (Alan Grant/Chuck Dixon) - Taking place after the events of “A Death In The Family”, we see a traumatized Batman trying to cope with the loss of Jason Todd. He looks about ready to throw in the towel until Tim Drake comes along and later becomes the new Robin. The great thing about this story is Tim Drake dosen’t become Robin the way you think he would. He wasn’t orphaned or anything he just was a really smart guy who deduced through detective work that Bruce Wayne was Batman and then later confronted him on it. After convincing Bruce that he was losing it and he needed a Robin to keep him grounded he eventually took up the mantle of Robin but of course after traveling the world and training with a master martial artist which mirrored Bruce’s journey in Batman Begins.

    while i could go on and on with Batman titles those are just a few that sprung to mind. I would also add that Paul Dini’s current run on Detective Comics is one of the best runs on Batman i have seen in a long time.

  23. jgodsey says:

    hmm…i can think of something to do with a 30 foot robot that is very romantic but i’m a old broad and i supposed that wouldn’t appeal to the age appropriate demographic. 8)

  24. tri-lam says:

    NAGY RULES!!! Isn’t there a way to force him back regularly to the audio edition? (I think something along the lines of the European dungeon girl might be something to look at.)

  25. dan says:

    darren is %100 correct about snakes.
    i never ever cared for snakes or planes in movies.
    not even sam jackson could make me want to spend theatre money on it.
    it was just a dumb concept to the average guy.
    snakes on a plane is a rental at most.

  26. darren seeley says:

    Belated Comments:

    1) Rule #1 : don’t date girls who are in need of anti-depressants and deliberately skip taking such meds. Rule #2 : don’t date girls who can’t hold thier respected liquor. Rule #3 : Use caution if she thinks she hears “voices” coming from the neighbor’s pet goldfish.

    DO NOT under any circumstances allow her to handle any one of the following objects in the kitchen: cheese grater, ice cream scooper, and ye good ol butcher knife. No Sporks from Mickey D’s either! Shit!

    All kidding aside, I’m glad to hear Doug got out of that situation.

    2) The T Movie: I really enjoyed your recap, John, although I wondered about Morgan Fox. [pronounced "More than a Fox"?] Is it possible she may be not used to given interviews and/or knowing full well that she has a roomful of movie geeks from all walks of Internet life getting a good look at her thighs and/or rack? I suppose it would be fair to say she didn’t get the part on looks alone [although sometimes it does happen, I'm sure] or…was she still “in character”?

    That’s all for now.

    No- that’s it!



  27. Pak says:

    I think it would be funny if the guys at Paramount/Transformers production are checking out the podcast to hear what John is thought about the set visit, only to hear Doug’s crazy chick story at the begining. You heard it here first Michael Bay’s first romantic comedy, “Midnight Move -the Doug Nagy story”

  28. Black Steven says:

    Thanks for the help, Joey. There’s a few there I remember and a few I’m not familiar with, so I’ll be picking those up later.

    It’s been about ten years since I read comics regularly, but just lately I’ve gotten hooked on Batman again. It think it’s that damn John Campea’s fault - when he mentioned DKR on an Audio Edition a couple of weeks ago I had to dig it out and read it again!

    All the best.

  29. FZero says:

    Speaking of Thundercats anyone seen the family guy parody?

  30. Drewbacca says:

    Hey John,

    If you’re gonna be in St Paul, give me a shout and I’ll buy you beer in exchange for your Indiana Jones commentary.


  31. Tom says:

    “robin’s ghey lol”

  32. Dre says:

    John, as for your comment that there are no kickass action movies w/out romantic love stories,one comes to mind: Terminator 2.

    as for Megatron, i give it a chance as long as there is an arm cannon & they wrangle Frank Welker to voice him. there is a part of me that says that the pics released are a ruse on the part of Paramount/Bay to upset the fanboys..

  33. Antonio says:

    I do not mind the profanity… But please stop SCREAMING into the mic! It distorts the sound and it is ruining my ears. Other than that, fantastic show.

  34. Henrik says:

    Dude Joey,

    Alan Grant is the dude from Jurrasic Park ;)

    Alan Moore is the great comic book writer you meant.

    I wouldn’t comment on it, except I thought it was kind of amusing that you picked Alan Grant ;) Movie site influencing your comic book mind I guess.

  35. Dre says:

    speaking of profanity, Bay should just cut the swearing out of the flick too if they aren’t doing the blood thing. how can you have giant robots wielding guns n mass destruction & no blood..

  36. Rosanna says:

    mlos oesoesvou

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