Posted by John Campeaon 24. 08. 2006in News Chat

300-coverHoly freaking crap!!!!  Ok, as some of you may remember, a few weeks ago I posted up some of the posters that were released for next years Frank Miller Graphic Novel adaptation of “300″.  I heard some great buzz about the project and the story, so I finally got around to getting out to my local comic shop and grabbing myself a copy.

I read it in one sitting (which wasn’t too hard since it’s not that long) and I couldn’t put it down.  I read it again immediately.  The story is powerful and drenched with honor and bravery… tragedy and betrayal… it’s fantastic!

I thought Sin City (the graphic novel) was good… seriously… it’s nothing compared to 300.  I feel in love with this story, and I can not wait to see it on the big screen next year.

They’re already well into production, and you can see a whole bunch of production photos at the official site here.

Here’s the synopsis again for those of you who missed it last time:

An emperor amasses an army of hundreds of thousands, drawn from two continents, to invade a third continent and conquer a tiny, divided nation. Only a few hundred warriors stand against them. Yet the tiny nation is saved. It sounds like the plot of a preposterous fantasy novel. It is historical fact. In 481-480 B.C., King Xerxes of Persia raised forces in Asia and Africa and invaded Greece with an army so huge that it “drank rivers dry.” Then they entered the mountain pass of Thermopylae and encountered 300 determined soldiers from Sparta.

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John Campea who has written 6783 posts on The Movie Blog

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12 Responses to “300”

  1. Bishop says:

    This may or may not be a tough question to answer, but perhaps you can. Would you rate it higher than his Dark Knight books? If you would then why?
    (Not that the answer would keep me from picking itup mind you, I love his work, both visual and written)

  2. John Campea says:

    Hey Bishop,

    That’s a REALLY hard question. I think i’d have to side with Dark Knight. I personally think it’s the best GN ever made. But that’s not to take anything away from 300. Dude… go out and get it. Go now!

  3. Mike says:

    I’m a big fan of Miller and the story of Thermopylae. If you like 300, take a crack at Gates of Fire, by Steven Pressfield. It’s an even larger depiction of the Spartan lifestyle. I don’t know if anything’s happened since, but a few years ago Michael Mann was attatched to direct an adaptaion, with George Clooney in a producing role.

  4. themarina says:

    I read “300″ right after reading “Sin City” (I was on a bit of a binge). So far, it’s my favourite of his works (thougth I still have to read Dark Night…) and when the movie announcement was made, I was darn excited. It looks fantastic and considering the great story and the great people putting it together, I have no doubt it will be amazing. Can’t wait.

  5. FZero says:

    Anyone read the Berserk GN? I think its by far the best.

  6. Jagmir says:

    Yes! Yes!…This one made me piss in my pants!

  7. culturalelite says:

    There’s a little bit of the comicon trailer footage from 300 online, there’s a guy stood in the way most of the time… but still, what you can see near the end.. looks AMAZING


  8. Jason says:

    not that i doubt ur opinion john. I loved Sin City, and drawing on the synopsis of 300, whether it is better or not, is based on the viewers taste in movies. it loox awesome tho, but for sum1 whos more into the Sin City feel than films set in ancient times, theyre gonna like Sin City better. just sumthing i thot id mention.

  9. Edward Lee says:

    I found 300 mostly flat and uninteresting for my tastes. I know I’m in the minority, but I also strongly believe THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS is vastly overrated. Both have their strengths, but both have arguably flaws, like any work.

    Miller’s best was A DAME TO KILL FOR (the SIN CITY yarns grew worse as they went from there), with BATMAN YEAR ONE a close second.

  10. Henrik says:

    300 was sold out here :( I picked up dark knight returns though…

    Thought it was pretty solid, not a big Batman fan though, and this may be straying from the subject but doesn’t Frank Miller draw pretty uncharacteristic people? I found it increasingly hard to figure out who was who since they all looked so similar.

  11. PlutoNick says:

    I am Greek, and I found 300 flat too. It was ok though.
    However Dark Knight Returns was fantastic [the sequel was crap]
    and sin city [especially the first novels] were excellent too.

  12. Jason says:

    Sin City was fantastic. Hopefully Frank Miller can push out another good movie to add to his list. Judging from the clips on the offical site, 300 is going to be just as good! I just can’t wait for a theatrical trailer to be released. Hopefully it’ll be coming soon.

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