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You Me And Dupree - Under the Radar?

By John - July 11, 2006 - 08:23 America/Montreal

With all of the hype surrounding Pirates of the Caribbean 2, another film is quietly creeping into theaters this weekend.  You, Me and Dupree (Owen Wilson, Matt Dillon, Kate Hudson).

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying the marketing has been bad… actually it’s been pretty good.¬† But it’s flying in the shadow is the POTC blimp… which is a shame because this film looks HILARIOUS.

We haven’t seen Owen Wilson since Wedding Crashers (his best performance since Shanghi Noon) and I think the chemistry between him and Dillon has the potential to come close the the chemistry he had with Vaughn.

Let’s face it… we all know a Dupree.¬† I do a podcast with one 3 times a week¬†¬† :)

POTC 2 will once again dominate the boxoffice this weekend. No doubt.¬† But I think this little comedy has a chance to surprise some people.¬† I think it will nudge Superman down to third place and could do a little better than expected… after all… EVERYONE has seen POTC already.

And let’s face it… does anyone really have any plans on seeing Little Man this weekend?¬† Yeah… I didn’t think so.

Oh by the way, at the You, Me and Dupree website they put up this neat little interactive game with Dupree (Wilson) answering your questions.¬† It’s kinda like an online Magic 8 ball.¬† You can check it out here.

So what do you think?  Will you check out You, Me and Dupree this weekend?  Think it will be any good?


  1. Norddeth says:

    Ive been looking forward to this and Taladega Nights all freaking summer man, summer comedies have really taken it up a notch and Im enjoying it while I can. In the last couple years there have been some really excellent comedies Anchor Man, Wedding Crashers, 40 year Old Virgin, quality stuff.


  2. Lou_Sytsma says:

    Odd, I thought Darren was only on once a week. ;-)

  3. Sabs says:

    After seeing DMC three times in three days (mostly with people who haven’t seen it themselves), I’m really looking forward to this movie. I agree with you, John: this movie is definitely going to astonish some people when it soars past Superman in the box office.

    I think some real, juicy comedy is almost guaranteed with the Owen, Matt, and Kate trio. I’m already drooling /and/ laughing over the trailer.

    And I don’t think I want to see My Super Ex-Girlfriend or The Devil Wears Prada with a bunch of emo friends. Or see those movies period.

  4. Norddeth says:

    Whats DMC?

    Whats EMO?

    Im officially old now that I have to ask what slang words mean….ugh


  5. Sabs says:

    DMC is short for ‘Dead Man’s Chest’.

    I’m not going to care to explain ‘emo’. I’m not much for stereotyping, anyway, so I probably shouldn’t even said it.

  6. beejag3441 says:

    im actually seeing it tonight on a sneak pass tonight so i’ll be sure to drop by and leave my 2 cents on it later on.

  7. Steven says:

    Maybe. Owen Wilson’s good, and Matt Dillon can be funny when he gets the chance, but I do wish Kate Hudson would go away. God bless her for being in ‘Almost Famous’, but she’s been in nothing but dreck ever since. As useless and unattractive as her mother. What the hell does a goddamn manly-man and acting genius like Kurt Russell see in that woman? The mother, I mean, not ickle Kate.

  8. wolf says:

    I can’t wait to see this movie. Trailer is hilarious and I knew many Dupree’s in my life….Geez I feel old saying that.

    I’m an Owen Wilson fan and I like Matt Dillion. So this is a go for me. I’ll see it next weekend with DMC.

  9. themarina says:

    I’m not looking forward to this - at all. Sure, we all know a Dupree but that doesn’t mean I want to see an entire movie about it. It just doesn’t look funny to me. I didn’t even think “Wedding Crashers” was that fabulous. A lot of the comedy was lost on me. On the other hand, “Taladega Nights” looks funny as hell.

    This weekend I’m going to catch “A Scanner Darkly” which *finally* opens in Vancouver on Friday. Now THAT looks great.

  10. Norddeth says:

    ummmm, you think Kate Hudson is unattractive? sorry to be the one to have to tell you this, but you are gay dude.


  11. Meli says:

    I spilt on the movie. Yes, it looks funny as hell, but it could also turn out to be one big long running joke with more groans than laughs. I may wait a week since I’ll be going to see POTC again with the fiance.

  12. Richard (no not THAT Richard) says:

    I don’t understand, please tell me one scene from any of the commercials or trailers from this movie that look funny. He gets hit by a car, that’s funny? They wake up to find him in a silly position on their couch, that’s funny? This movie looks like a bunch of not-funny stunt gags. It can’t possibly compare to Wedding Crashers, which yes had some stunt gag stuff, but the dialogue and interplay between Wilson and Vaughn is truly what made that movie comedic gold.

    Maybe I’m wrong, and there all the good stuff just isn’t in the trailers, but I won’t be seeing it to find out.

  13. beejag3441 says:

    Ok well I just got back from the movie a little while ago, and I have to say not only was the this the funniest movie i’ve seen in a while, but it also was very heartwarming at times. Everyone did a very good job and Owen Wilson shined in it. As for the audience they were laughing non-stop throughout the whole film.

    I have to say it actually reminded me of the 40yr old virgin a little since it was filled with great comedy but wasn’t as funny as say The Wedding Crashers in part due to the great story and wonderful charecters.

    Out of 10 and using the movieblog style of rating, i would give the film an 8 out of 10 and also give it a definate go.

    Peace all - Beejag

  14. Steven says:

    Thanks for clearing that up, Nord. I’d been wondering why I get that funny feeling in my tummy when I watch Kurt Russell films…

  15. Chark Hammis says:

    My take? Dupree come comes in at 3-5 this weekend. This movie will barely make a whimper.

  16. Jim Gleeson says:

    Mild Spoilers included

    At first I thought EMO was a way of describing people that looked like Emo Phillips the comedian, but I guess I was wrong. Check out answers.com or the ghetto dictionary if it gets too taxing.

    I saw Dupee on opening day and although it was not as good as Wedding Crashers, I still thought it was funny. And while there are the sight gags hinted to in the trailers, the movie has a lot more going for it than that.

    The best part since Shanghai Noon? I don’t think you have to go that far back to find a better Wilson Role.

    1. Wedding Crashers (2005)

    2. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

    3. Starsky and Hutch (the movie sucked but him and Stiller were still good in it) Add into that his role in Zoolander, the way Stiller and Wilson play react to eachother is well worth it which explains “Meet The Parents” as well.

    4. Zoolander and the Royal Tenenbauums

    5. “Meet The Parents”

    Michael Douglas even turns up in this movie and does a good job as the head of a land development company/father of Kate Hudson.

    Kate Hudson, for all their lack of using her in this movie as an actress, is great to look at on the big screen. There is one dream sequence where she appears in a very revealing bikini…well it is nice to watch and it illustrates why Dillon’s character Carl acts the way he does.

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