The Departed Trailer

THe-Departed-TrailerEver since it was announced that there was going to be a North American remake of the AMAZING Asian film “Infernal Affairs” a lot of people have speculated if it was going to be any good or not. Well, I think “The Departed” is going to be FANTASTIC! There are 4 reasons I think this film will rock:

1) Amazing cast - Jack Nicholson, Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Mark Wahlberg, Martin Sheen, Alec Baldwin… HOLY CRAP!

2) Fantastic source material - Infernal Affairs my be my favorite cop movie of all time.

3) Most importantly… The Director - Martin Scorsese totally rules

4) The new trailer!

Yeah, The Departed trailer is finally here… and it does NOT disappoint in any way! This thing look frigging amazing! And someone tell me when the hell did DiCaprio get so frigging ripped?!?!

You can see The Departed trailer here.

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  • 1. replies at 31st July 2006, 2:23 pm :

    I did not hear about this film till last week. I AM SO SOLD ON IT. I dont have any Dicaprio hang ups. This movie will either be awesome or suck. I dont see any in betweens for this one.

  • 2. bjon replies at 31st July 2006, 2:32 pm :

    Yeah this movie looks tight as shit! It is going to be sooooo good. Seeing the trailer reminds me that DiCapreo is really in a whole different bracket of actors now. He’s older and yeah he’s fuckin ripped.

  • 3. spidey1703 replies at 31st July 2006, 2:58 pm :

    Great story. Great cast. Great director. Great director.


  • 4. Marty replies at 31st July 2006, 3:03 pm :

    I didn’t like Gangs Of New York too much but The Aviator was great. DiCaprio keeps getting better with every movie so I’m looking forward to this despite not really dying for a remake of this awesome awesome movie.

  • 5. Jon replies at 31st July 2006, 3:32 pm :

    I saw the trailer this weekend when I went to see Miami Vice, and I must say that this film looks phenomenal. I think Dicaprio is catching up with Deniro in the amount of movies he’s done with Scorcese. Based on the trailer I really think this is going to be a great film. How can this go wrong? With this cast and Scorcese, there is no way.

  • 6. Mike replies at 31st July 2006, 3:46 pm :

    I really dislike Scorcese. I don’t like any of his movies and the trailer did nothing to improve the situation. DiCaprio looks pathetic, Jack Nicolson plays that guy from “Anger Management” and Damon just works for salary. I think this one deservedly flops… And no, didn’t like the original all that much.

  • 7. themarina replies at 1st August 2006, 1:16 am :

    This looks great. With that cast and director, I have a hard time believing this could be anything but fantastic and yes, DiCaprio appears to be growing with every role.

    My only qualm about this trailer is the crappy, and I mean CRAPPY, Pink Floyd cover. What the ehck was wrong with the original? Oh brother.

  • 8. Burbanked replies at 1st August 2006, 7:43 am :

    Overall, The Departed looks very good - but the trailer’s a mess. It’s a Scorsese film edited via Michael Bay with barely-above-perception shots of fists, guns, knives, things breaking. Blech. I like the idea and seeing Nicholson in a Scorsese movie a whole lot, but this trailer is being marketed for an audience that knows nothing about his movies.

    And for spidey1703 above? Ew.

  • 9. David replies at 1st August 2006, 8:19 am :

    I loved the original!!! Cant wait for the release of the NA version. I love Scorcese and the cast is just great!

  • 10. roy replies at 1st August 2006, 8:17 pm :

    this looking great, great cast, great director i am looking forward to see this

  • 11. GODFATHER replies at 4th August 2006, 12:25 am :

    I saw this trailer the other day, and it looks like an excellent movie. So much to look forward to next year. Or is this flick scheduled to be release this year?

  • 12. T-Money Movie Mandingo replies at 19th September 2006, 9:07 am :

    Vera Farmiga is in the movie… She was fantastic in the movie “Down to the Bone.” Scorsese picked her specifically based on her performance in that role. There was a huge article about her in the New York Times Magazine. She is a budding star in Hollywood - expect her to be busy in the couple of months following the release of “The Departed.”
    By the way, I strongly recommend you see “Down to the Bone” -
    When speaking of her performance in “Down to the Bone”, critic Peter Travers from Rolling Stone admitted, “If there was an ounce of taste left in Hollywood, the magnificent Vera Farmiga would be a front-runner for the Best Actress Oscar.”

  • 13. John replies at 24th September 2006, 12:53 pm :

    uh, about that pink floyd “cover” song you claim. that is actually a performance by Roger Waters himself …

  • 14. d. k. replies at 22nd October 2006, 9:18 pm :

    Like a lot of Scorcese films he takes you almost there, scratches the surface of important issues, only to drop the ball in crucial moments. I usually like his movies and think he’s one of the best directors out there. But let’s face it, it’s usually the little things Directors miss that make or break a movie. The Departed missed the mark on several occasions for any intelligent viewer looking for Scorcese to hit the bull’s eye again.

    Most of the movie was good cop robber intense blood and mob stuff on the order of the Sopranos. Good scenery and locations. But in the acting, Jack was overboard and a bit cartoonish, not really sinking into the depth of the evil character he was playing. I expected way more from Jack. It looked like he was playing and not being the character. I was let down. It was just too convenient how Matt got away with way too much under the other cop’s noses. Martin Sheen was so under used as was Alec Baldwin. Leo’s acting was the stand out for this cast.

    The editing was sketchy. Many of the short scenes quickly ended and were poorly seamed together. The sound track was totally off track: up and down, loud and screeching, and didn’t make sense for me with this movie.

    The parts of the storyline that made the least sense and where Scorcese took this stellar cast from a great movie into a dumb movie were:

    The love affair Leo has with the shrink wouldn’t happen. Kind of a big stretch for the audience to believe this. A police shrink isn’t going to nearly throw prescription narcotic drugs at a new parolee client, then immediately transfer him to another shrink and then right away have an affair with him. Come on, at least build it into her character ahead of time with a scene here or there so we get a glimpse of her failing integrity issues first, build a little heat between her and Leo and then have them get together and then perhaps people could buy it. I mean really, how stupid do you think the audience is??

    Then toward the end it got disorganized in the direction or editing which of course the buck stops at the Direction. In order:

    As Leo fears for his life, he goes to the shrink’s place and makes a big deal about giving the shrink an orange oversize envelope in case he dies or calls her to tell her to open it. But what’s in it? The rest of his inheritance? A copy of his file? A recording of Jack and Matt? What was that entire scene about and in the next sequence, why did Scorcese make such a big deal of it having the shrink stressing over opening the envelope, not opening it and then writes Leo’s name on the envelope and puts it in her top drawer and not a locked file cabinet?? Again, dumb!! We never find out?? Editing or Direction- Both??

    Why’d Leo send a copy of the CD to Matt but not the Police? Huh? He was supposed to be the smart guy, right- 1400 SAT score, come on? And then to further insult our intelligence, why’d Leo meet Matt on top of a deserted building, knowing his file had been erased, not making sure his ass was covered? Are we expected to believe Leo wouldn’t have talked to the Black dude cop ahead of time, suddenly he just shows up on the roof and knows nothing like Shultz in Hogan’s Heroes? Then were suppose to believe, again suddenly, that the other bad cop who only had a casual bit part, just knows what is going on up on the top floor and is just conveniently waiting at the bottom floor and when the elevator doors open it’s wham, bam, thank you mam. How tidy. And for the rest of the movie somehow the shrink doesn’t turn Matt in after hearing the CD Leo sent. Huh again?? Who’s baby is it?? Alec’s character just fades away after all those great hysterical scenes he’s in. The good cop Mark, who’s character never quite goes anywhere but you expect it to, is totally left out of the movie and no where to be seen and then suddenly appears in that ending…What the heck was that? Matt walks in, looks at Mark and say, “Ok.” Bam. Did the writers suddenly get writer’s block?

    My girlfriend liked the cute little scene of the rat on the banister at the end but from Scorcese I expect depth and cool and not cute. Marty was lost in action on this movie. I sure hope he gets a good focus group to review his next project.

  • 15. Pat replies at 30th October 2006, 1:54 pm :

    Hey I’m stoked for this movie for sure….. does anyone know what song is playing at the beginning of the trailer??

  • 16. R replies at 15th December 2006, 3:37 am :

    the song is

    Rolling Stones
    Gimme Shelter

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