More Abe Sapien In Hellboy 2

Hellboy was a fantastic little comic flick. I loved the characters in it… not the least of which was the character of Abe Sapien. Well… the man in the suit, Doug Jones, was at Comic-Con and did some Hellboy 2 chatting. The good folks over at Cinescape give us this:

“The role of Abe Sapien will be beefed up quite a bit for part two,” Jones said. “The relationship with Hellboy is going to be more fleshed out. … The buddy thing … and conflicts that arise with him are going to be more explored, which I’m very excited about. Abe gets more interaction with bad guys … [and] has another little sub-storyline that I think is going to be delicious. I don’t want to give anything way, but it’s going to be a very, very exciting movie to make.”

I think this is great news, and something that has been whispered about before. More Abe I thinks makes for a more rounded out story with Hellboy still obviously being the lead character.

Now, the snag is that Del Toro still needs to find a studio to finance this thing. He should give me a call… I’ll front him the cash. It only take s $400 bucks to make a movie right?

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  • 1. Varun replies at 26th July 2006, 3:07 pm :

    I love Abe

  • 2. alfie replies at 26th July 2006, 3:32 pm :

    so shouldn’t this article be about what a joke this project is and how much of a mess it all seems??

    I mean hell they have been talking about a sequel to this film for a couple of years now and still no fact they don’t even have a studio to fund it anymore….;-)

  • 3. John Campea replies at 26th July 2006, 3:38 pm :

    Well alfie… unlike the Halo mess… this film has never said everything was a go… this film has never said they had a release date… this film hasn’t changed writers after already saying they were done with the script.

    So there is quite a big differece.

    Having said that… I’ve already said before that this is also a mess. Just not nearly as big.

  • 4. themarina replies at 26th July 2006, 3:42 pm :

    This is a bit far fetched but what about setting up a donation button somewhere on the site. You may actually raise money to fund a movie. Maybe even your own?

    Just a suggestion.

  • 5. vijayendra replies at 26th July 2006, 4:30 pm :

    My favourite:

    John: I’m not *pure of heart*.
    Abe: Yes you are.

  • 6. Darth_Xanther replies at 26th July 2006, 5:04 pm :

    Just out of curriosity I’m guessing they won’t bring back that guy made of sand with the cool knive tricks. I wish they did, he kicked arse.

  • 7. alfie replies at 26th July 2006, 5:55 pm :

    I guess its a matter of perspective……

    I think the fact that universal is still developing halo and supporting it is a much better situation to be in than having been dropped by the studio supporting you all together and having to go shop around a sequel to a film which did hardly any business at all…and we know that must be the case or sony would never have let go of it……..
    hellboy 2 the golden army is hardly going to have studio execs drolling for a piece of the action…..

  • 8. Joolies replies at 27th July 2006, 12:36 am :

    Will Niles do his voice again?

  • 9. mogulus replies at 27th July 2006, 1:38 am :

    alfie, man, get used to people slamming Halo. It’s going to happen.
    You’re not going to make John stop speaking his mind about it. And he’s the only blogger I’ve run across with the GUTS to do it.

    and my original comment was going to be “Thank god they’re going forward with this. The first one was soooo fun. Not brainy. Not exceptionally well pulled off…but FUN.

    Is Del Toro still keen on doing it, though? What do you think this news means in that front? Last I’d read was that bit about him trying to choose between doing Hellboy2 next of the HP Lovecraft movie…

  • 10. Kristina replies at 27th July 2006, 8:54 am :

    Seriously, they need to hurry up. I’d like to see it before 2015:)

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