Kevin Smith - Film Critic

This news is actually a couple of days old, but I thought I’d throw my 2 cents worth in there anyway.

As many of you know, Roger Ebert is recovering from some serious health problems and surgery. That leaves Ebert and Ropper one film critic short. So who is stepping in to fill the shoes? Kevin Smith (Yes, the director of Clerks). I think this is AMAZING news for several reasons:

1) I have always said Smtih is a master communicator. He doesn’t seem to pull any punches or spare any praise. He’s never afraid to look like a fan boy, or like an asshole.

2) He has a filmmakers perspective. Seeing a major director giving reviews for film is going to be novel at worst… hilarious at best.

3) Tons of attention to the show and to Smith. I don’t think a lot of your average Kevin Smith fans regularly watch Ebert’s show. But guess what… his episodes will have a bunch of new viewers for sure… and some people who don’t normally take in Smith’s films will probably be exposed to him really for the first time.

Some other film commentators out there have been bashing this move. Some say it’s hypocritical for Smih to do reviews… and I can see where they’re coming from… but I also disagree totally. I think this is a great thing. As long as it’s just a guest spot and he doesn’t start his own review show or anything like that.

HEY!!!! Come to think of it… I’m now looking for a regular Audio Edition Co-Host. I should give Smith a call. Think he’d do it? :P

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  • 1. TM replies at 31st July 2006, 1:02 pm :


    On a more serious note, maybe you should. Smith seems to be approachable and a down to earth person. You’d be surprised.

  • 2. Geoff replies at 31st July 2006, 1:05 pm :

    He did go on Geekdrome.

  • 3. Marty replies at 31st July 2006, 1:10 pm :

    So this is on the podcast thing they do? That’s awesome. Shame he’s too late to review his own movie.

  • 4. replies at 31st July 2006, 1:30 pm :

    This to me is a case of US going on Ebert and Ropper by proxy.

  • 5. Varun replies at 31st July 2006, 1:51 pm :

    grab some torontonians for the show

    Dan Akroyd
    david Cronenberg
    Michael ironside
    Dan Levy (Eugene Levy’s son who is on MTV Canada)
    Mike Meyers

    so on and so forth

  • 6. Jon replies at 31st July 2006, 3:13 pm :

    I don’t see why other filmmakers are getting on smiths case about this. I’m looking forward to his reviews, should be fun. You and Kevin Smith would be great for the audio edition.

  • 7. naughtinita replies at 31st July 2006, 6:08 pm :

    oh! oh! oh! if u’re gonna bring on kevin smith on audio edtion i promise u i will print notices saying ‘’ and put it all over my college!

    not saying u’re not great alone in audio edition john, but smith IS more popoular =) almost all my frens love his movie.

  • 8. Vix replies at 31st July 2006, 10:29 pm :

    Haha That would be awesome! If you could get Smith for the Audio Edition, that would rule too.

  • 9. themarina replies at 1st August 2006, 1:02 am :

    I don’t think I’ve seen Ebert and Roeper’s show in years. Now I’ll have to go see when it’s on just to see Kevin Smith. Darn!

    As for you too doing an AE together…I think this has great potential!

  • 10. Loren replies at 1st August 2006, 1:32 pm :

    well he prolly won’t walk out like segal did…

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