Jeff Daniels Gets Some Props

Jeff Daniels is one of those guys you see in a TON of movies… and yet never seems to get top billing or the props he so richly deserves.

One of the best example is the amazing job he did in Dumb and Dumber with Jim Carrey.

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  • 1. thesecretsafe replies at 24th July 2006, 10:01 am :

    Why don’t you give out some awards?
    Like one for Most Undervalued Actor?

  • 2. Tom replies at 24th July 2006, 10:07 am :

    This guy has a remarkable resume. Well before Dumb and Dumber was Something Wild where he was incredible. Certainly Squid & the Whale and Gettysburg ranks high. He is someone who can bring light to otherwise lackluster or “dumb” movies. I agree he is sorely underrated.

  • 3. gorgoroth replies at 24th July 2006, 10:13 am :

    Still going strong too, Squid & the Whale possibly his best performance.

  • 4. sal replies at 24th July 2006, 10:13 am :

    never understood why he’s always been overlooked. Like a lot of his work. “something wild” was a wicked film.

  • 5. J Dogg replies at 24th July 2006, 10:19 am :

    He was also really good in Pleasantville (that black-and-white-to-color movie with Reese Witherspoon)

  • 6. Jonathan replies at 24th July 2006, 10:23 am :

    The whole budget for Dumb and Dumber was $16 million. I’m pretty sure Carrey didn’t get $10 million for it, especially since he wasn’t HUGELY popular yet.

  • 7. John Campea replies at 24th July 2006, 10:28 am :

    Hey JonIan,

    You’re right, it wasn’t $10 million. It was actually $7 million. Wow… almost half the production budget. Yikes!

  • 8. John replies at 24th July 2006, 11:06 am :

    Yeah, I totally agree, one of the most unappreciated actors in the Biz. Right up there with Randy Quaid.

    Oh, and Daniels got $750,000 for Dumb and Dumber

  • 9. Jeff replies at 24th July 2006, 11:17 am :

    I love Daniels in Gettysburg. The role he played (Col. Joshua Chamberlain) was his best acting to date IMO.

  • 10. Varun replies at 24th July 2006, 11:42 am :

    Anyone seen Squid and the Whale?

    Daniels has an amazing performance in it….

    check it out now

  • 11. Henrik replies at 24th July 2006, 12:12 pm :

    Gettysburg and Squid and the Whale are both amazing. I wish he did more movies.

    Like can you imagine him in something like Samuel L. Jackson’s part in changing lanes? Everytime I see it, I can’t help but imagine what he would have done with it.

    Or even the Tom Cruise part in Collateral. Had somebody with the talent of Jeff Daniels played the part, it would have been a slam dunk for an oscar.

  • 12. Jmarps replies at 24th July 2006, 1:41 pm :

    You should definitely give out awards. And you should decide, don’t do it with a poll. I’m sure you could come up with some great new categories as well as using some of the existing categories (Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Actress, etc.)

  • 13. Bullyreb replies at 24th July 2006, 2:37 pm :

    A lot of comments about his role as Chamberlain in Gettysburg. You have seen Gods and Generals where he reprises the role, haven’t you?

  • 14. Henrik replies at 24th July 2006, 3:19 pm :

    Gods & Generals is a vastly inferior movie, and there is no reason to mention it.

    The reason we mention Gettysburg is because it is an excellent film, and we recommend people to watch it. We don’t recommend you watch Gods & Generals.

  • 15. Martin, UK replies at 24th July 2006, 3:38 pm :

    I’ve not seen Squid and the Whale but I love this guy. He was great for a little bit in Speed but my favourite performance of his is in Woody Allen’s The Purple Rose Of Cairo. He plays a character that walks down off the movie screen and he plays the actor who played the part as well. He’s awesome in that movie. I’ve not seen Gettysburg either. I’ll look it up.

  • 16. alfie replies at 24th July 2006, 4:06 pm :

    Hey I like daniels too..anyone who saw squid and the whale will know that he should have won an oscar as it was the best performance from last year bar none…..

    but I do not agree that the success of dumb and dumber can be attributed to him at all….that film was just when carrey was hitting his stride as the number one comedic star in the world…..people went to see that because of jim carrey and jim carrey only…daniels was terrific in it and perfect for the part but carrey got paid the amount he did because carrey was the headliner and daniels was the supporting player..the film would have been a hit with or without him…….

    for another superb daniels performance his unhinged cop in 2 days in the valley is great too….like I said I really like the guy but dumb and dumber was a hit due to carrey….do you think it would have beena hit had it had starred jeff daniels and daniel stern???or daniels and john goodman???

    reverse it though and it could have been jim carrey and anyone and it still would have been huge…it was carreys time…and for me personally his peak although cable guy is totally under rated…fantastic film…anyway

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