Jean Claude Van Damme In Rush Hour 3

Now just call this the best news I’ve heard all week! Word flying aroudn the web this hour is that Jean Claude Van Damme has indeed singed on to appear as a bad guy in Rush Hour 3! Oh my sweet goodness! I LOVE IT!

Make Van Damme a dark brooding bad guy who doesn’t have too many lines and just kicks the shit out of a lot of people and you’ve got GOLD on your hands! Holy crap! Just the thought of seeing Van Damme and Chan fight it out at the end is pure Viagara for the male soul! This would be a stroke of casting genius!!!!

The good folks over at AICN give us the following:

Jean Claude Van Damme has signed on to play the main villain in “Rush Hour 3″(set to film in August). It involves Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker getting mixed up with Triads in Paris. Van Damme spoke on a recent British TV Show about it and was looking forward to working with Jackie Chan.

This is total perfection. The only problem is that they only have enough money left to pay Van Damme bus fare and lunches after giving that hack Chris Tucker $25 million bucks. But I’ll tell you right damn now… when I go to see Rush Hour 3 it will be to see Chan fight Van Damme… not to see Tucker doing his old “I wanna be Eddie Murphy in his prime” routine.

Hell yes! Van Damme in Rush hour 3! Is there anything that could be better?!?!?! Joy!!!! Thanks to Varun for the heads up.

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  • 1. Varun replies at 5th July 2006, 9:38 am :

    Thanks for the Props….

    I need to stop reporting for you and get back to actually doing work… I am about 2 weeks behind (partially due to my Movie Blog addiction) so if you here from me less its not because I don’t care, but I really need to get my shit in order ;)

  • 2. Jay replies at 5th July 2006, 9:55 am :

    Oh my God! I think I just creamed my shorts. The Van Damage back on the big screen. This is good news indeed. I wonder if it will be lasting or just a flash in the pan for his career though. Man, I hope this brings him back for good.

  • 3. Lou_Sytsma replies at 5th July 2006, 9:57 am :

    The big question is will Chan do the Van Damme splits?

  • 4. Meli replies at 5th July 2006, 10:03 am :

    This is great news for Rush Hour 3 - I would love to see Van Damme on the big screen again and as a bad guy?? Yay! The fight between him and Chan alone will be worth the price of admission.

  • 5. Gordon Shumway replies at 5th July 2006, 10:22 am :

    This is great news, I’d love to see how the fight is cut. Jackie usually strings hundreds of moves together in one take while van damme usually has a cut between each roundhouse. Its two filmaking styles meeting. hopefully if it goes well Van Damme can make that Kumite movie I heard rumours about.

  • 6. Steven replies at 5th July 2006, 10:33 am :

    What would be great is if the first act climaxes with JCVD crushing Tucker’s head like a walnut between his Belgian buns of steel. This would set up a great ‘you killed my partner!’ revenge scenario for the rest of the film, and us audience members would be spared Tucker’s tired ‘Look, I can dance like Michael Jackson!’ routine. Jackie could team up with Tucker’s brother - Jar Jar Binks - and the two of them could take Van Damme down.

    By the way, it’s worth mentioning that no special effects should be used for Tucker’s death scene. They would have to ACTUALLY CRUSH HIS HEAD. That is the only way he can justify that $25 million paycheck.

  • 7. Darth replies at 5th July 2006, 11:49 am :

    I think we have missed the obvious here. Tucker and Chan will BOTH fight Van Damme, in seperate locations, at the same time.


    Well, how long has it been since Van Damme has appeared as twins in a movie? He is long overdue…

    My anticipation for this movie has increased twofold…

  • 8. themarina replies at 5th July 2006, 11:49 am :

    Wow. And here I thought Van Damme was done! This is fantastic news and I completely agree, with would be great to see him and Chan go at it.

  • 9. wolf replies at 5th July 2006, 12:11 pm :

    Best news all day. It’s great Van Damme is heading back to the big screen and what better way then fighting the CHAN-MAN :D

    But I wonder if Van Damme can still kick ass?

  • 10. Zuke replies at 5th July 2006, 12:24 pm :

    Ok, I’m confused. I agree that Van Damme can kick butt in fight scenes, ala TimeCop, but do you really think he can act his way out of a paper bag? Or that his ego and boasting in real life (interviews, etc.) are justified? This guy is so full of himself in real life that I can’t help but feel jaded when watching him on the big screen.

    That aside, this may very well stop Rush Hour 3 from tanking at the box office, which would seemingly justify (on the surface) Tucker’s $25M paycheck. You might say, “But people are going to see Chan and Van Damme duke it out, not Tucker ham it up.” Fine, but that’s transparent if the film pulls in $40M on opening weekend and pulls in big DVD sales later. If you really want to see that annoying overpaid megalomaniac Tucker go away, as you ranted on a few podcasts in a row after you first heard the news about the $25M, shouldn’t you be praying for this movie to absolutely bomb?!? I mean, worse than Basic-Instinct-2-BOMB?!?!

  • 11. Varun replies at 5th July 2006, 12:43 pm :

    You never wish for a movie to bomb especially with an up and coming director like Ratner and a veteran like Chan

  • 12. Norddeth replies at 5th July 2006, 1:04 pm :

    This is the best casting news Ive heard in a long time…actually, the last time I was this excited about a casting announcement was when Kelsey Grammer signed on as Beast, which, obviously, is another Ratner project. Im liking this guy more and more.


  • 13. Henrik replies at 5th July 2006, 1:23 pm :

    I just got excited for this movie, even though i hate the first two…

    Jean-Claude Van Damme needs to camp it up StreetFighter style.

  • 14. goomack14 replies at 5th July 2006, 1:46 pm :

    You all are missing the point…Chris Tucker making fun of the French…well worth 25 million.

  • 15. darren seeley replies at 5th July 2006, 4:26 pm :

    Well, considering that Tucker is getting his lump sum, Chan gets his fifteen, and the price tag of production, they would have to get the cheapest yet reasonable draw they could get thier hands on.

    Also, Van Damme HAS played “good” bad guys before, one of his earlier roles in “Black Eagle” comes to mind, but then there was “Replicant” where he played this serial killer clone. Of all the 80′/90’s action stars, he’s the most likely to have a ‘comeback’ his DTV films are the only ones that aren’t complete shit (Wake Of Death, Second In Command) and having a Van Damme/Chan showdown would sell a few more tix.

    Van Damme also is still in good shape (one of the few action stars of late 80’s/mid 90’s who has aged well) and this is by far the best movie news I have heard all day.

  • 16. Gordon Shumway replies at 5th July 2006, 4:46 pm :

    He has played villians before but could he possibly beat his performance in No retreat No surrender? I hope so.

  • 17. Kyle replies at 5th July 2006, 4:58 pm :

    this movie WILL KICK ASS!! i dont give a shit for the story now. 2 ass kickers killing eachother will make 200 mil easy

  • 18. Fender Strat replies at 5th July 2006, 5:08 pm :


  • 19. Koko replies at 5th July 2006, 6:25 pm :

    Yes Daddy!! Fuckin give it to me doggy! This is amazing news!!!! I knew I could smell a Van Damm comeback the minute I seen how good of shape he was in when I seen him in ‘Celebritys Gone Wild’ and he was coked out of his brain running down the street with no shirt on. HE WAS STILL IN GREAT CONDITION!!! FUCKIN YES! AMEN!!!

  • 20. quaid replies at 6th July 2006, 8:55 am :

    A Chan - JCVD fight wolud be just exciting as the Jet Li - Mark Dacascos fight in “Cradle 2 The Grave”.
    JCVD is still in Turkey, filming a movie named “Sinav” (The Test).

  • 21. Martin, UK replies at 6th July 2006, 1:08 pm :



    I like Van Damme, he’s not an amazing actor but he has personality and is pretty adept at kicking people in the head. Jackie Chan versus Van Damme? I think I just came.

    If this is a lie then I’m going to cry. A lot.

    The best thing since Lee versus Norris in Way Of The Dragon!

    They need to put Van Damme on the poster, possibly strangling a small puppy and grinning.

  • 22. Mattias Lars Thomas Cedervall replies at 6th July 2006, 2:20 pm :

    This is good news indeed! The one thing that I can’t understand is why Tucker gets so much money!! He isn’t a great actor or a star!! Give the money to charity instead.

  • 23. darko replies at 10th July 2006, 9:51 am :

    You either LOVE Van Damme or HATE him. That is how it should be and that is why this is an Excellent casting choice !!!

  • 24. Marisu replies at 15th July 2006, 3:12 pm :

    The director of several Van Damme movies, Sheldon Lettich, has said that this rumor is false. But it’s coming from several places and I really wonder if some of the powers that be that are involved with Rush Hour 3 haven’t heard about this and how excited people are about it. If they don’t advertise Van Damme on the poster or in the commercials, it wouldn’t hurt ticket sales, so it would be a good idea. Plus, Chan and Van Damme are real life friends, and Jackie even came by on the set of Knock Off to give advice and such. It would be a nice on-screen team up, especially if they fought one another.

  • 25. rafael replies at 17th July 2006, 10:51 am :

    they just removed van damme from the cast , that’s why it was just a rumor

  • 26. Gee replies at 17th July 2006, 2:46 pm :

    Who do you think made Rush Hour 1/2 funny? Chris Tucker! I was afraid he wasn’t going to be in Rush Hour 3 he is the only reason I would go see it. I love Jackie Chan he is one of my favorite. And as for JCVD He is a terrible actor he’s not even worth two chop sticks. You want a great movie,cast Jet Li as the bad guy (my favorite) then you will see some real action.

  • 27. layla howell replies at 25th July 2006, 8:01 pm :

    OMG i love u jean claude van damme!!!!!!!!!! my favorite movie
    of yours is bloodsport!!!!!! that movie is so insirering! you are so hot
    too!!!!!! you are my romodel. if i had one wish it would be to meet you!
    if i met you it would be a dream come true I LOVE YOU!

    Love Layla Howell always and for ever

  • 28. layla howell replies at 25th July 2006, 8:09 pm :

    HELL YES jean claude is so fuckin awsome he will kick ass in
    the movie he is undifeeted he will rock i can’t believe he is
    back in action the van dammeinator lol

    LOVE Layla howell ur bumber 1 fan always and 4 ever

  • 29. layla howell replies at 25th July 2006, 8:11 pm :

    u rock!!!! my man jean claude van damme he is a legend
    no one will ever out do him

    Love layla howell

  • 30. layla howell replies at 25th July 2006, 8:12 pm :

    this is the greatest news in for ever

    love layla

  • 31. Steve replies at 4th August 2006, 11:14 am :

    Be careful what you’re saying Goomack14, he’s Belgian and NOT French. That’s a huge difference!
    Trust me…I am Belgian myself.

    And for the record: it can be quite embarrassing for us as Belgians to hear him talk in his movies with his French accent (I speak Dutch but he comes from a French speaking part of Belgium = crazy country :-)), but man…can he fight!!! Of course in a way, we’re all proud of him. Afterall, He’s one out of 10.5 million Belgians who succeeded in being a big moviestar.

    It goes without saying this will be the moviefight of the decade! And Chris Tucker with his $25 million…he get’s to sit in the front row!!! Lucky bastard.

  • 32. Dimitri replies at 11th September 2006, 10:06 pm :

    This better be fuckin’ real dude. Van Damme is the shit and all these sorry ass wackos have just forgotten. FUCK ‘EM! Bring him back to the big screen. If he isn’t cast in the movie, then go fucking cast him!

  • 33. Haroon Ahmadi replies at 27th November 2006, 2:54 am :


  • 34. Haroon Ahmadi replies at 27th November 2006, 3:02 am :

    I can’t wait to see this movie / a big thanks for thoes who make this nice and best movie

  • 35. GoGO replies at 4th December 2006, 9:56 am :

    I would like to know how many movies Van Damme has made and what are the name of their titles?

  • 36. Haroon Ahmadi replies at 12th January 2007, 12:16 pm :

    i do’t know when the movie is comming > hahrrrrrrrrrrrry

  • 37. Pat replies at 16th February 2007, 5:23 pm :

    too bad its not happening. IMDB shows no sign of Van Damme. Although there were rumors of such a thing, Van Damme said he was just joking around about such a role.

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