This entry was posted on Friday, July 7th, 2006 at 9:18 am.
Categories: News Chat.

A long promo for the new Eragon movie (based on the popular book) is now online.¬† Although I’ve got to say Eragon right now feels a bit like a Lord of the Rings rip off (they sort of draw comparisions themselves in the feature), it still has me interested.

The cast looks pretty damn solid.¬† Jeremy Irons (who although he’s done nothing but crap recently, is still one of my favorite actors), John Malkovich and Djimon Hounsou are names you just can’t go wrong with.¬† The landscapes and effects all look like they’re shaping up well… but it also seems to lack a litle bit of the scope that I like to see in fantasy films.¬† Maybe that will change as the project develops.

Not sure what Eragon is about?¬† Here’s a quick synopsis:

Eragon, a young farm boy, finds a marvelous blue stone in a mystical mountain place. Before he can trade it for food to get his family through the hard winter, it hatches a beautiful sapphire-blue dragon, a race thought to be extinct. Eragon bonds with the dragon, and when his family is killed by the marauding Ra’zac, he discovers that he is the last of the Dragon Riders, fated to play a decisive part in the coming war between the human but hidden Varden, dwarves, elves, the diabolical Shades and their neanderthal Urgalls, all pitted against and allied with each other and the evil King Galbatorix. Eragon and his dragon Saphira set out to find their role, growing in magic power and understanding of the complex political situation as they endure perilous travels and sudden battles, dire wounds, capture and escape.

I’ve never read the book myself, but the people I’ve talked to who have all seem to love it. That, and the fact that I’m a sucker for fantasy films has me interested.

You can see the Eragon promo video here.

17 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Brent Van Boursted

    It does sound like a really good cast to be honest. The book is terrific, and I hope it generates enough money to make the other two books in the series [Eldest and unknown rumored to be "Empire"].

    hopefully it wont disapoint.

  2. DarthMuppet

    Saw this promo about six months ago… it seems to have disappeared for a while(at least… I haven’t run across it in a long time). Glad it’s finally back online.

    The first two books in the series are great-I just hope the third doesn’t suck. Oh well… at any rate, it’s still pretty impressive that the author wrote the first one at seventeen(I think).

    Anyway, there should be a (real)trailer out sometime soon. They keep pushing it back for some reason(it was originally supposed to run before X3). I really hope they don’t fuck this thing up. This is gonna be one of those films that is absolutely spectacular or is so awful that it’ll give new meaning to the word suck.

  3. Joel Gustafsson

    Jeremy Irons is a great actor. I cannot think of any film where he did a bad performance.

    However, casting a popstar and letting a SFX guy direct? That puts a damper on the whole thing. I hope I’m wrong and that the film turnes out to be a classic. But I have my doubts.


  4. sal

    Joss Stone? Joss ‘Effing’ Stone??? how did she get in it? Oh well, we’ll wait and see, she might be ok but not counting on it.

    From the little we see of the film in the trailer it looks as though Jeremy irons isn’t hamming it up as much as he did in dugeons and dragons which is a good thing so he might actually put in a reasonable effort in this instance. I agree with John in that JI is a good actor, just had some sh1t parts/films of late, maybe he’s just taking every job thats thrown at him to pay the bills, I don’t know, it would be nice to see him do a decent movie again.

  5. themarina

    This is indeed a great book. The movies looks mighty interesting too.

  6. Meli

    My daughter will be all over this. These books are next on her reading list, so I know the fact it’s coming out as a movie will make her even more excited.

    I hope the movie turns out well, I love fantasy and I wish there were more well made fantasy movies out there.

  7. queen.padme.amidala

    I really loved the first Eragon book, it was well written for a young writer, and it had so much potential.

    The second book was the biggest disappointment of my life.

    I expected the author to improve his writing skills (can’t we all?). Mostly, because he was young and had potential to be an amazing fantasy writer. But he didn’t improve his prose, and his writing was the exact same as it had been when he was sixteen and wrote the first book. He’s twenty now, his writing SHOULD have improved.

    That kind of writing was impressive for a sixteen-year-old (being one, I should know), but it was not at all good for a twenty-something.

    I’m willing to give the movie and the third book a chance. The movie definitely has a nice looking cast (Djimon Houston rocks!)

  8. Xplod

    I read Eragon and Eldest. I love both of them. Some things are a little predictable, but I can live with it.

  9. xplod

    Everything that is fantasy, is a lord of the rings rip off

  10. Martin, UK

    Dragonheart with a kid? Outside of John Malkovich acting like a pimp I really don’t see any reason to watch this. Also, if I see that shot of people walking on mountains while the camera swoops around them in a helicopter one more time I’m probably going to fall right to sleep. I haven’t read the books but I’m pretty sure this movie is going to be overly long and try its best to set up a sequel so I don’t have the patience for it. I really don’t need to see a young person come of age and be the unexpected saviour of the world again.

    The name really doesn’t do it any favours. It really sounds like Voice Over Guy is saying “Aragorn” at times.

  11. Trout

    I’ve never read the books. When did they come out? The plot sounds an awful damn lot like Panzer Dragoon for the Sega Saturn. Awesome fucking game. Not really a sword and sorcery setting though, more like a dystopian future kinda thing. All I’m saying is that someone might have grounds for some sort of legal action.

    Damn! now I just want to go play Panzer Dragoon!

  12. Jordan

    i read both books and they were both AWESOME. Eldest was one of the best books i ever read. i cant wait for the eragon movie and video game. im deff. gona buy the third book as soon as it comes out!!

  13. hasan

    i just dont think those chosen for eragon and arya fit the part. theirs hairs are very wierd. blond and redhead?! i dont think the trailers particularily exciting. a fan revised version on youtube with lotr music is way better. It seems like it wont be as good as lotr, but still a better book-made-into-a-film than harry potter.

  14. Phil

    ahhh… i watched the trailor and was a little dissapointed… i expected to see huge uhh, what were those big creatuyre things which you could probably assume are orcs… i forget… started with a “H”… i expected to see them, instead i see woos little soldiers in red capes fighting the battle… ah well.

  15. Willbert

    Unfortunately, from what I have seen of the trailers and the books brought out before the movie….this looks like a HUGE disappointment.
    Evidently, they really monkeyed with the story, and changed characters (Urgals aren’t what they are described in the book at all)
    If you’ve read the books a few times like I have….prepare to be disappointed.

  16. Garrity

    Basically the book was awesome and the movie, not so much. Paolini wrote a great fantasy, it’s just a shame that the movie doesn’t reflect it. Anyone who has read his book will notice how different the movie is, even the personality of the main character is wrong. I don’t think anyone should judge his well written book by the incredible disaster that the movie was. The author deserved better.

  17. matt

    this movie is nothing like the book if u have read it the pummel of eragons sword (zar’och) is red not blue he doesnt even kill the shade (duza) and doesnt get the scar on his back that is painful the battle with the shade is the best part of the whole book! how could u leave it out??!??!?!?!? but its just digging a deeper hole for the squel (if the make one) lets just make this simple and undersandable (lol bad spelling) if you HAVENT read the book its a great movie but if you HAVE dont watch this movie i almost broke in to tears when they didnt kill duza!

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