
Post apocalyptic “save the human race” flicks are almost as numerous as Zombie flicks. I think 3 or 4 more of them in the next couple of years will be enough to turn me off the genre… but for now they still have my interest. Take for example this project that was just announced from Neil Marshall, the director of my film of the year so far (The Descent) called… Doomsday.

The good folks over at Cinescape give us this:

“Doomsday is a futuristic action thriller,” Marshall said. “It’s about a group of people [who] team together to try to prevent the extinction of the human race. It will be a dark, brutal action adventure. It’s kind of an Escape From L.A., except set in the U.K.,” he said. “It will be a post-apocalyptic future and will include futuristic knights and involve car chases. There is a disease that threatens the remainder of humanity.”

The story takes place in northern England and Scotland and has political overtones. It is set in the near future, when the world has become a very intense place to live. A disaster threatens the future of mankind, and a team of people have to stop it.

Futuristic Knights and car chases? Ok, you’ve got my attention.

Nothing really revolutionary in there, but the genre hasn’t worn itself out yet, and the fact that Neil Marshall is going to direct it has me hooked for sure. Did I mention you really should see The Descent this weekend?

15 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Pineapplehead

    Damn you John for making me think this was a Superman post!


  2. Richard

    Can not wait been looking forward to it for a few months now

  3. Varun

    I thought it was a Superman post as well…

    You know the disaster that “threatens the future of mankind”?

    It is actually Tidal Wave Nolte

  4. Terry Letourneau

    Futuristic Knights and car chases? I guess this will do until Mad Max 4 comes around…thats if it ever gets off the ground.

  5. Bishop

    I have to say, right now Neil Marshall is 2 / 2 for me. First “Dog Soldiers”, then “The Descent”, now this. If this fella can make it 3 / 3 for me, I will be pleased as punch. I will sing his praises from the towers of T.O. as loud as I can.

    That being said I immediately thought “The Last Chase” with Chris Makepeace. ;)

    At any rate, a 2 /3 still marks him as a favorite and one I will watch.

  6. The Black Guy

    Lol, count me in.

    I was thinking, “Wow, Singer announced Doomsday would be in the next Superman movie.” I even called a co-worker over read the great news. False Alarm!!

  7. Brian

    John can you answer me this about the descent please. Alright I had the descent on dvd about 2-3 months ago, it was released ages ago in uk (for once) but I have heard the ending was changed in the US version. In the uk version you see her escape the cave and then in her car be sick and see juno (the chinise chick I think thtds her name) sitting never to her. Then it goes back in the cav, where she still is! and she is speaking with her girl who has her birthday cake, this is meant to reprasent what she sees. Then the camra pans and changes shot and thenyou see the girl isn’t there there is nothing. You hear the beasts ‘howl’ as the camra drifts away. This kind of ending has so many ways it could be enterprited, what do you think??? love to hear

  8. Anonymous

    I doubt I’ll watch this one. Marshall is 0/2 for me. I caught Dog Soldiers on TV once, but changed the channel before it was over. When I heard all the praise on the Descent, I went and got a copy to check out. Another boring movie. I really wanted to like it as much as everyone else does, but I felt the entire movie was cliched. I’ll be happy to explain why if someone insists, but otherwise I’ll leave it at that.

    A decent enough movie, but not nearly worth the praise it’s getting. I’d give it a 5/10. Now, before I’m attacked, this is strictly my opinion and all the fans can go on liking it-we all have different opinions after all.

  9. A.J.

    Count me in…

    I would also like to know how the North American version of Descent ends.

  10. Anonymous


    The American version cuts off just before we find out that her escape at the end was a dream. When she vomits out the side of her car, gets back up and the ghost of Juno is sitting next to her-it cuts off to the credits right there.

  11. darren seeley

    No, John. I don’t think people should see Descent this weekend in North America.
    Why? I’ll tell you why.
    It opens wide in US and Canada NEXT weekend.

    I’m just happy that Marshall’s films are getting better treatment now than they did a few years ago. Dog Soldiers was a hit in the UK and hit the film fest circiuts. Movie sites like AICN and Counting Down all but trumpeted the film. What does the North American/US distributor do? Throws it right to video and the Sci-Fi channel. That’s what. So yeah, if anyone saw Soldiers on TV where the f bomb is muted out and the blood level down a few notches, plus commercial breaks? It might look promising, but the edits water it down. Folks, rent that on DVD and get your butts kicked.

    As for Decsent, may I ask one small favor?
    DO NOT get this movie confused with that piece of shit last year called THE CAVE.
    Thank you.

  12. Marty

    I’m not sold on the story but I’ve loved both of Marshall’s movies so far. The thing is he’s never really had huge budgets to work with so this, a movie with such a big scale, could end up looking like a rubbish Sci-Fi Channel movie.

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  15. Marc

    Seems like a giant rip-off of the “Escape From new York” 80s film.

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