Audio Edition - July 31st 2006

Posted by on 31. 07. 2006in Uncut Podcast

On today’s Audio Edition we discuss:

1) The Departure of Doug Nagy

2) Lindsay Lohan drama

3) Mel Gibson and his Drunken Anti-Semite songs

4) Tons of Batman News


6) Some Die Hard 4 stuff

7) The Departed

8) Kevin Smith becoming a film critic

All this and a few things more.

Warning: This podcast contains language that may not be suitable for even sailors. Listener discretion is advised.

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39 Responses to “Audio Edition - July 31st 2006”

  1. hi says:

    We won’t see Two-Face until the third movie. The way i see it HArvey Dent will help Bats and Gordon to bring down Joker in this movie then in the end Dent will be scarred and go insane and teh third movie will focus on Two-Face

  2. Nick Paramonte says:

    Yes they will setup the split personalty in this one. The Joker should remain as an enigma character but I don’t mind if decided do a backstory, but I like the quality of him as the mysterious psychopath, who you don’t know how this monster came to be. Actually there were four villians in Batman Begins. Ra’s Al Ghul, The Scarecrow, Carmine Falcone, and Mr. Zasz, a minor villian to represent the inmates of Arkham that would later break out of Arkham and run loose on Gotham, but they had importent roles in the story that Nolan and Goyer divised and I thought was done extremely well.

  3. jgodsey says:

    If joker’s tale was played down and shunted to Plot line B
    and kicked Batman’s ass at the end
    and has his own ass kicked in Batman Returns III.

    see there IS an upside.

  4. Cabbe says:

    Phillip Seymour kinda already playid a blonde porn star in Boogie Nights :)

    well kinda

  5. Dirk says:

    Great Job on the AE !! Did not miss a beat, in fact much better than ever ! Keep them coming John! daily!!


    why did nagy show up ???? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  6. Jeff Canino says:

    Yeah it’s been pretty much confirmed by David Goyer that Two Face won’t make an appearance in the sequel, just Dent.

    The multiple villains in Begins were handled just perfectly, I don’t think there’s any reason to fear they’d go wrong here. I’d expect the Penguin to have a minor Carmine Falcone-type role.

  7. Alfredo says:

    Holy shit John you have no mercy for drinking and driving.

  8. Joey says:

    Heath Ledger has officially been announced by Jeff Robinov, President of Production at Warner Bros. He will play The Joker. Also, the new movie will be entitled “The Dark Knight”. There ya go.

  9. Joey says:

    you guys really need to read the Batman graphic novels The Long Halloween and Dark Victory if you haven’t already to understand how they plan on introducing the villians in this series. I know i said it in the other topic but i will say it again to reinforce the point.

    While you guys say the more villians you have the worst the movie, it is kind of true but it all depends on how you introduce the villians and what role they play. While you say it is ok to downplay Rahs Al Guhl, he wasn’t really downplayed in Batman Begins nor would he have deserved to be. If anything other than Batman himself he played probably the most central role in the film and tied together all the main themes (the role of the father, fear, etc.) while still leaving a lasting impression on the audience. While you may think Falcone, Scarecrow, and Zsasz all played minor roles and were downplayed they ultimatley were the pieces of a bigger puzzle which became more apparent as the movie went along. They all served a unique purpose while still remaining pretty true to their comic counterparts. You didn’t need to spend a whole film on each character and the door was left open so they could appear again.

    The problem with the original series of films was not as much that there were too many villians just that the focus on the villians overshadowed batman himself in all 4 films. not to mention that the characterization of each villian was completly off and more emphasis was put on who could they get to play this character not on who can play this character and play it well (the only exception would probably be Catwoman and i wasn’t even a big fan of BR). Not to mention Batman himself was pretty off in all the movies too.

    To make another Batman movie with the main focus being the joker the whole time would be a mistake. It would overshadow Batman again and it would take away a lot of the mystery of the character in the first place. To have him re-appear in multiple movies as a recurring villian and a more complicated character would be the better choice. Not to mention he can still be the main villian of the film and not be on screen every few seconds of the movie.

  10. Joey 1.0 says:

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. There is a new Joey in town. Since when? lol, goodness. Welcome Joey (imposter):P, jk. But yeah, the thing about Ledger and Dark Knight, from me. I have now adopted a new name. Joey…1.0. Now I go, goodbye.

  11. Joey says:

    ha ha ha sorry man i’ll change my name if need be i didn’t know there was one before me. and i thank you for the welcome

  12. Joey 1.0 says:

    Nah, dont worry :P. I kinda like the new name, hehe.

  13. Fender Strat says:

    Goyer said after Begins released that Two Face was being saved for 3. Dent would be introduced in 2 but Joker would probably scar him in some way and cause him to become Two Face in 3.

  14. Dirk says:

    Read On….WOWWW!!!

    In a flurry of Monday (July 31) night news, Warner Bros. officially announced the name of its “Batman Begins” sequel, as well as the casting for the film’s new villain.

    As expected, Christopher Nolan will return to the helm for “The Dark Knight,” Christian Bale’s second outing as Batman and Bruce Wayne. In addition to revealing the “Dark Knight” title, Warner Bros. confirmed what has been rumored for two weeks — that Oscar nominee Heath Ledger will play Batman’s nemesis, The Joker.

    The unveiling of the “Brokeback Mountain” star at Gotham’s grinning adversary ends a search that left nearly every Hollywood star of a certain age as a potential Joker. At various points, buzz focused on Steve Carell, Paul Bettany, Robin Williams, Sean Penn and Jude Law before Ledger was selected to follow in the footsteps of Jack Nicholson and Cesar Romero.

    “I’m excited to continue the story we started with Batman Begins,” Nolan says. “Our challenge in casting The Joker was to find an actor who is not just extraordinarily talented but fearless. Watching Heath Ledger’s interpretation of this iconic character taking on Christian Bale’s Batman is going to be incredible.”

    Ledger earned Oscar, Golden Globe, BAFTA and SAG nominations for his “Brokeback Mountain” work. His busy 2005 also included appearances in “Casanova,” “Lords of Dogtown” and “The Brothers Grimm.”

    Production on “The Dark Knight,” which was written by Christopher Nolan’s brother Jonathan, is expected to begin in early 2007.

    “Chris’ unique vision is what made ‘Batman Begins’ such an outstanding film and we could not imagine anyone else at the helm of ‘The Dark Knight,’” says Jeff Robinov, president of production for Warner Bros. “We also can’t wait to see two such formidable actors as Christian and Heath face off with each other as Batman and The Joker.”

    “Batman Begins” made $205 million domestically when it was released last summer, pulling in an additional $166 million foreign.

  15. mogulus says:

    Johnny boy, you sometimes piss me off when you get into politics. I’m sure you’ve learned that by now. But when you hit the nail on the head, damn it I have to shout it out.

    Mel Gibson is one of my idols. Moviewise, Acting wise, Directing wise, everything…
    Drunk drivers are scum of the earth. I have animosity to the act. And being anti semitic is, of course, to me, incredibly offensive.

    But this ONE time, he deserves benefit of doubt. And I can forgive and forget. But man, I really really hope for all that’s holy that he can restrain from such acts, regardless of his feelings.

    I believe if you want to be homophobic, anti semitic, etc, you have that right. But if you try and influence people into hating along with you, that’s where the line is drawn.

    Is it possible, with his personality and all, that maybe he was drunk and spewing to the cops in the spirit of “hey. people think i’m anti semitic, watch what I say to these cops. that ought to get them riled up.”

    maybe he did it out of malice to those who unfairly cast him as a biggot. once you get labled as one so long eventually you’ll blow up. maybe, just MAYBE, this is he way of blowing up.

    I don’t know. only time will tell…

  16. mogulus says:

    P.S. (I need tripple…no… QUADRUPLE SIZED FONT for this)…


  17. Henrik says:


    None of you guys drink?? Why not?

  18. Joey says:

    this is completly off topic but props to John for mentioning Sepultura during the podcast. one of my fav bands

  19. hi says:

  20. Pat says:

    Ah, good stuff guys. What I’m going to miss the most with Doug leaving for Vegas is the tiny giggle you hear when the uniquely dark cave in the most neither regions of Nagy’s brain opens up. The one place in the world where the universe’s combined collection of nauseating vileness is concentrated. Jon usually, but not always, realize what’s coming, stops his current rant, and hilarity ensues. Anyway, good luck in Vegas. =)

  21. Black Steven says:

    Nagy dies and is REBORN! Just like Superman! Somewhere, people are looking for his body in a cave (or an analagous hospital room).

  22. Lou_Sytsma says:

    Good stuff as usual guys. Love the new title for the next Bats film- The Dark Knight.

    One 90 minute podcast a week sounds like a good compromise to me.

  23. matlot says:

    This has got to be bullshit. No way can Dougie no longer be a part of the audio edition - this is fucking bullshit.

  24. darren seeley says:

    In all the Mel Gibson news, people forget that in his drunken state he allegedly called a female officer “sugar tits”….and I do second harsher penalities on drunk drivers, especially those who repeat the habit. As expected with any celeb who gets busted on a DUI/UI, Mel has checked into a rehab clinic. I know that sounds slightly skeptical on my part, but I have always wondered why some celebs don’t check themselves in for self help/AA or detox *before* they get stopped and have to toe the line.

    I agree that people should forgive Mel: he apologized for his drunken behavior. It should be left at that. Not to mention that he was charged, booked and made bail. That does not sound like a simple slap on the wrist. If it was, the cops would have let him go with a warning when they stopped him.

    I generally am forgiving to the celebs who apologize and seek help where they can obtain it. However, I wish that “star treatment” should be removed under occasional circumstances. If some celeb folks get a $500 fine and 48 hours of community service, is that sending a message? Yes, it is. Here’s you Get Out Of Jail free card. If there are ‘no tolerance’ laws for the common person, it should extend out to celebs as well.

    Would legions of fans really want to see these stars in downward spirals? Of course not. Would anyone would have rather see Mel Gibson in a traffic accident that night, injuring or killing himself and/or other people? No. But if some celebs won’t listen to those around them, why would they listen to the person who just went to see thier movie, bought thier CD or watched thier TV show?

    As for Lindsay Lohan, she does need to cut back on her own self destruction. I understand relatives being protective of thier daughters or sons; it’s normal. But I also agree that Lindsay needs to write her own responses, for with all due respect, she’s the actress, not her mom. Not to mention that since Lindsay’s partying ways are getting out of hand, where IS her mother in that regard? So her mother can write back to the producer of a movie and say “how dare you!” but when her daughter gets bombed she turns a blind eye? Hokey doke.

    Oh, and saying that some 20-sh ladies are attratctive when you are over 30 isn’t a bad, twisted thing. I’m in my mid to late 30′s and I think Keira Knightley is hot stuff. Jessica Alba’s what? 23? 24? She’s a head turner.

    Good thing Lindsay came back to work yesterday…I wonder who would step up..? (Note, John: James Robinson, head of Morgan Creek, isn’t the “executive producer”- he is *the* producer)

    As for Bats:

    You mispronouced Ryan Phillippe’s last name. I liked him in ‘Crash” and “Way Of The Gun”. Do I “see” him as Harvey Dent? Surpringly, I sort of can. As for him being a young DA in his 30′s, I think this could be explained in a variety of ways:

    1) He starts out as an ADA ; with the absense of Miss Dawes, he has a full caseload, but will aid Bruce Wayne and/or Batman any way he can without fear from the criminal underworld. This will cost him part of his face by the end of the film.

    2) With the death toll of ADAs and DAs, the state kicks him up the promotion ladder more quickly because he may be the only guy left, until they get a replacement from a neighbor city.

    3) He is a prodigy, the Doogie Howser of DAs.

    4) All the above.

    As for Pengie- John isn’t the only one who was not a huge Danny Devito mutation Penguin, who bit people’s noses off, kidnaps and kills small children (in was suggested while the “bird boy” was in the Carnival, several children disappeared) and on top of that, has a storyline of a twisted retelling of Moses (Killing the firstborn; Baby Cobblepot Penguin sent down a river) …I only liked Batman and Catwoman…and Chris Walken’s Max Shrek.

    My personal pick for Nolan’s Dark Knight and who would make a good Pengy?

    Just…think it over.

    And it’s good to hear Doug will pop in on Audio Editions from time to time, but DAMN that was a long podcast!


  25. carl says:

    that was a fuckin smokin podcast,i was sorry i doubted the podcast would work without doug..keep it up fella.

  26. wolf says:

    LOVED the podcast this week. Doug coming in was an AD classic moment. I think everything is great with you and Darren. Darren never gets to talk all too much on mondays and now we gets to hear a lot more from him. Doug will be missed but I’m at the same time happy he is getting his own podcast up.

  27. mogulus says:

    thanks Henrik. I didnt’ feel like Googling.

  28. Kristina says:

    You know, as sadistic as this sounds, the best lesson for Ms. Lohan would be to fucking OD. That might scare her sorry ass straight. But I have to say, she got straight up PWND in that letter from the studio exec. Well done.

  29. Kristina says:

    And I hope to GOD that they release the video of Mel’s arrest.

  30. Kristina says:

    That jerk from Hulk=Josh LUCAS.

  31. TheSnowLeopard says:

    Just heard Edition 166 today. What a brilliant show. If we don’t hear Doug for a while, what a great show to leave on. Very funny. John - you, Darren and Doug work so well together it is amazing.

    I really hope Doug can appear at least once a month.

    From one of your international friends (Sydney, Australia), thank you!!

  32. rapid detox says:

    rapid detox rapid detox

  33. Big Cock Blog says:

    I can’t be bothered with anything recently. I’ve pretty much been doing nothing to speak of. Not that it matters.

  34. Monster Cock In Ass says:

    I haven’t been up to much these days. Such is life. I’ve just been letting everything happen without me these days, but I don’t care.

  35. Milf Hunter says:

    I’ve just been letting everything wash over me. I’ve pretty much been doing nothing. I’ve just been sitting around not getting anything done.

  36. milf rider says:

    Vulgar language during primetime TV is, is not okay

  37. milf cruiser says:

    Prisons treat, don’t treat prisoners too well

  38. Anal Wife says:

    More or less nothing seems important. So it goes. Oh well. It’s not important. That’s how it is.

  39. Ass Latin says:

    The change of our climate is, is not natural

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