Audio Edition - July 28th 2006

Posted by on 28. 07. 2006in Uncut Podcast

On today’s Audio Edition Doug and John discuss:

1) A new Pee Wee movie in the works. It should have been porn.

2) 28 Zombie movies later… I mean 28 Weeks Later

3) Clips of The Simpsons Movie

4) Nicolas Cage as Liberace

5) L.A. Riots Spectacular (I can’t believe they made this movie)

6) Disney going old school with 2-D animation again

7) WB encouraging piracy by taking Harry Potter off the shelves

All this and a few things more.

Warning: This podcast contains language that may not be suitable for even sailors. Listener discretion is advised.

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35 Responses to “Audio Edition - July 28th 2006”

  1. hi says:

    South Park movie was reelased betweenSeason 2 and 3.
    They make 2.5 billion a year on the Simpsons

  2. Henrik says:

    You’re right that the artform doesn’t dictate wether or not the movie will be succesful. Look at Wallace & Gromit.

    Shrek 2 is the highest grossing animated picture of all time. It was huge.

    Singling me out as a bonehead huh? Thats harsh. I need to get a website. I do think you’re old fashioned. The only problem with the Harry Potter thing may be, that it is not the artist herself, who is pulling her material. Its her own fault for selling out to a major corporation though.

    Its up to the idiot fanboy to buy a boxset. Who cares. People should just wise up and not buy it. Its not life or death. If WB realizes its bad business, I’m sure they will change it. Shouldn’t be that hard to figure out.

    As for the piracy thing, its not like the movies that are available all year long aren’t being pirated.

    I will say that it is common courtesy to respect anybody who likes your art and say “Well if you’re willing to pay me money for it, the least I can do is allow you to.” But you can’t expect anything.

  3. Lou_Sytsma says:

    Self love is narcissism.

    A zombie movie with super intelligent rabies? Kinda sounds like Keene’s The Rising - super intelligent zombies - man, plant, and animal. Picture that. Does that pique your interest John?

  4. beejag says:

    How bout this for a zombie drama, a zombie who developes cancer? :O lol
    great podcast as always guys

  5. Nazz says:

    The title of the next Peewee movie should be called “Pee Wee’s Going Zombie-Hunting”

  6. litreofcola says:

    Hey guys,

    I know the comment was made facetiously, but if you’re looking for a zombie-drama, I would suggest the French film “Les Revenants” (released on DVD as “They Came Back”).

    The premise has a small town dealing with the return of its deceased citizens, who simply walk out of the cemetery one morning. It’s not a horror, and the returnees aren’t flesh-eating automatons, but they’re certainly not their old selves either. While families are forced to deal with the inevitable emotional trauma this awakening brings with it, politicians have to consider the civil and economic implications of undead workers demanding their old jobs back.

    It’s a solid film, and worth watching if only to see how it bucks the conventions of the genre. Here’s the imdb listing:

  7. A.J. says:

    Just some comments I posted earlier…

    #2 - I’m still not sure if this counts as a zombie-flick. The first one was a OK film, but I’m not sure it warrants a sequel. But if they can make money with it, what the hell… I read that Romero’s newest was a box-office disappointment, but sold really well in DVD so there might be still an audience for these films. How did the Dawn of the Dead remake fare in the boxoffice?

    #3 - I was a big fan of the Simpsons and I still love the old episodes. But these newer seasons are almost unwatchable. Maybe I’ve seen the wrong episodes but I doubt it. This series should have been cancelled years ago. Because of this, I don’t look forward to this movie that much. Hopefully they can reach the quality of the older seasons.

    #4 - I don’t know anything about Liberace, but Andrew Robinson (of the DS9 and Hellraiser fame) looks a lot like the guy in that picture.

    #6 - Good for them… it doesn’t matter if it’s 2D or 3D if the story is good.

    #7 - Even if they put these in the “moratorium”, I think that there will be enough copies to go around. This only means Region 1 discs, right? I’m not a Potter fan, so this doesn’t concern me that much. But I’ve been annoyed in the past when studios stop the printing of some discs and they will become OOP. Granted, usually this is due to some copyright issues etc. There have to be millions of Potter discs floating around so I don’t think fans need to pay eBay prices for them if they want them.

    Warner is the best DVD studio (and Criterion of course) at the moment , so I’m willing to give them some slack. They are constantly putting out great DVD releases with great quality and decent price. They even abandoned those awful snapper cases.

    Even so, I don’t know if there is any business reason for them doing so. So yeah, it’s pretty weird. There might be some new Special Editions coming or something like that.

    One unrelated question… Where can I download the older Audio Edition episodes, if anywhere? The newest found on the page is #114. The older download links do not work.

  8. JohnIan says:


    It’s not a zombie movie. Do you remember it? Nobody was eaten. Period. Nobody. As you might recall the scene where a single drop of infected blood transformed a victim into rage. They have no desire to consume, only to destroy to maim. Rage. Please, please, get it straight. You’re killing us horror fans.

  9. wolf says:

    This whole Harry Potter DVD thing is bullshit. Let me put it as simple as this. People take time out of they’re lives to sit down and watch a 2 hour movie. Film makers, companies or whatever will be like ”shit, you know these people have taken time out to watch what we put on screen”. People make films big or small. Because so many people love Harry Potter it has become a world wide famous fanchise. And now, now WB decided to take a product that so many people made famous off the shelves? Thats like parents raising a child and the child when growen up saying ”You know what I don’t need you anymore I’ll come back to this house when I feel like it”. It’s just bullshit and a stupid move. It’s just going to piss people off. Imagine little Billy walking into a store looking forward to buy Harry on DVD and to find out it’s not for sale. Thats just horrible.

  10. Brian says:

    here this settles is :)

    I got this from our bum chums over at

    1) A snake god of voodoo cults in West Africa, Haiti, and the southern United States.
    2) A supernatural power or spell that according to voodoo belief can enter into and reanimate a corpse.
    3) A corpse revived in this way.
    4) One who looks or behaves like an automaton.
    5) A tall mixed drink made of various rums, liqueur, and fruit juice


  11. Jose says:

    Zombie movies are the best! Why do people love zombie movies even though they are all the same?

    Well why do people still watch James Bond films? They’re basically all the same except for the actors.

    Why do people watch Kung Fu movies? Most of them have the same plot, but they still go and watch them.

    Yeah, sure the later James Bond films and Kung Fu flicks get better in action sequences but Zombie movies get better in gore.

  12. Louis says:

    I would say Shrek 1 and 2 kinda kicked The Lion King’s ass at the box-office.

  13. hi says:

    Lion King is third afer Finding Nemo adn Shrek 2

  14. darren seeley says:

    First, Your joke about Paul Reubens being the Joker was partially funny. Right when you two said that I thought: Wonderful! The Joker is the father of the Penguin! [Rubens appeared as Cobblepot Sr. in Burton's Batman Returns] Ha Ha Ha.

    And no, Pee Wee is done. Son of Pee Wee? Now you’re talking!

    Second, while I agree that there are one too many Zombie films, ’28 Days Later’ is not an actual zombie film. The ‘infected’ are not folks who come back from the dead. They can be killed rather easily and they don’t get back up. Where exactly in the film do you see the ‘infected’ eat people? Why doesn’t the hero’s parents rise up from the bed, if the dead are reanimated, and tear his head off? Why are you surprised at the reactions from the commenters about this technicality? Why can’t you admit you were wrong in this regard?

    But again, I DO think it is fair to say that 28 Days is in the ‘spirit’ of zombie flicks because of the Dawn Of The Dead reference in the film…but it isn’t a “zombie” flick. Still, I’m not rolling over in cartwheels for a sequel either.

    Third, I could care less about a Simpsons movie- as far as films on screen while the TV show is still on the air, someone up there mentioned South Park. I want to add a few more:

    *Spongebob Squarepants.

    Now, as far as LA ges, ‘X-Files’ does NOT stand alone. I am not counting ‘Highlander’, even though Highlander III appeared in theatres during the series with Adrian Paul. Up until ‘Endgame’ the series were a different ‘universe’ than the films. Likewise, I don’t count ‘Superman Returns’ as ‘Smallville’ while concerning the same characters, also inhabit a different continuity. You are partially wrong about the Star Trek movies. They should count- for up until Nemesis, they shared the same continuity as DS9. Yes, it wasn’t a DS9 movie. But it is the Trek universe. That’s why you’re partially wrong.

    I also do not count ‘BattleStar Galactica’ (the original) because it was the pilot film that was released briefly in theatres in the mid 70′s-it had already aired on TV (and) it was blown up and cropped for the theatrical distribution.

    But I WILL count…and hang on to your butts for this one…

    …and I don’t mean the animated series [Mask Of Phantasm was DTV] While you ponder that, here’s my other comments on the podcast:

    #4: So what.

    #5: I don’t find it funny. If we must laugh, tell you what. Someone make a comedy about the Watts riots. Let’s see how far this poor taste goes. HA HA HA Someone getting shot in the head FUNNY SHIT. Beating down people, FUNNY SHIT. HA HA HA. So Snoop Dogg shows up to let everyone know this is all in fun. Maybe it’s really funny to those who have mental defects, smoked one too many, something. Maybe the looting, the beatings, the assults…all that should be on America’s Funniest Home Videos. You think?

    #6: Great news. And I actually LIKED ‘Emperor’s New Groove’.

    #7: It might encouage piracy; it might encourage me to put my money on other studio’s DVDs. Or it might encourage a few folks to buy as many copies as we can. Say, 100 copies of Goblet Of Fire per five people. Once they are off the shelf, we sell them on eBay or amazon or somewhere else with a 10 dollar markup on top of the original price of which they were bought. Sure, you can pirate, but you don’t get the extras. How bad do people want this!!?

    HA HA HA HA HA We’ll make a foutune!!! HA HA HA HA!!

    Give yourself a brewskie if you think Adam West,

  15. Marty says:

    - Doug’s right. Zombie movies are cheap and easier than monster movies. You mentioned Day of the Dead but the Romero movies are awesome. They work as a series in that they escalate from a farmhouse in Night until Day where the main characters could very well be the last people on Earth. Land is the only one of the series that sucks because it doesn’t add anything new and is basically Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome with more dead people.

    Dude up there is right. Zombie movies vary about as much as Kung Fu movies and Westerns.

    28 Weeks Later, minus Cillian Murphy and director Danny Boyle, smells of DTV crap.

    - I don’t care about Liberace and I’m the same on Nic Cage. All he is now is those “Nicolas Cageisms”. Leaving Las Vegas was over ten years ago. He’s gone the way of De Niro.

  16. Kristina says:

    Paul Reubens is a good actor, Campea. Have you seen him in Blow with Johnny Depp? He was great in that flick.

  17. Kristina says:

    And I think Nemo beat The Lion King in terms of box office gross.

  18. Kristina says:

    J.K. Rowling has some creative control over the actual filming of the movies. She obviously gets a cut of ticket and DVD sales, but I don’t know how much she’d have an involvement in the DVD distribution plan. I’d put that on the studio.

  19. Litfaßsäule says:

    great site with good look and information…i like it

  20. Brian says:

    dude are you into lost, best show I have ever seen,you may have seen a couple of episodes. I have seen most of the 24 series and prison break please watch lost. I would love to hear what you guys genraly think about the show and the possability of a film. Maybe on Mondays audio edition, there are lots of lost fans out there mate.

  21. Joey says:

    to correct one mr. darren seeley, Batman: Mask Of The Phantasm was released theatrically on December 25th 1993 while Batman: TAS was still on FOX Kids television. It only grossed about $5,617,391 in the US but it was still technically a theatrical release even though it was originally intended to be a DTV release

  22. borloff says:

    Mr. Campea - I saw the second simpsons clip you didn’t. It goes a bit like this “the whole town of Springfield is Marching to the Simpson’s household to lynch Homer. Everybody is yelling for “HOMER HOMER HOMER” … you hear homer yell from inside the house “give them granpa” and then you hear grandpa yell from the croud “I’m out here to get homer too (or something like that). Eventually they break into the house and Krusty and his monkey come through the door and Krusty tell the monkey “Go get the little baby”. Maggie is just sitting there and the monkey starts at her, and then maggie grabs her baby bottle and breaks it like in a bar brawl and challenges the monkey. That was about it.

  23. omninode says:

    I think Campea is wrong about Pee Wee not being able to succeed in 2006.

    You may not realise this, but there is a whole generation out there (kids in their teens and early twenties) who were introduced to Pee Wee not by the tv show, but by the movie Pee Wee’s Big Adventure, which is ALWAYS playing on at least one of the cable networks. In my opinion, a comedy clssic.

    I mean, sure, Reubens has had a lot of embarrassment, but that was years ago, and I honestly think people are over it now. What they remember now is that Pee Wee was actually a very funny character with a lot of unrealised potential.

    So don’t write it off so soon.

  24. darren seeley says:

    Joey : I stand corrected.

    But the real oddity is how the listeners of The Audio Edition can think of a score of films based on TV shows that are still on the air at the time of the theatrical runs, and aside from X Files, Doug and John couldn’t come up with anything else.


  25. alfie says:

    how vampire moveies are there?
    how many ghost movies?
    how many cop movies?
    now many bank robber movies?
    how many love movies?

    zombie movies are not all the same…they are their own genre and i wish we got more of them…

    oh and 28 days later was not a zombie movie……i repeat..IT WAS NOT A ZOMBIE MOVIE

  26. merovingian says:

    wow.. not a single post all weekend long! :(

    looks like it’s campea’s weekend off.

  27. Grundy says:

    28 Days Later is a zombie movie, an unconventional one but a zombie movie none the less. Instead of living dead with the only thought of hunger for human flesh, they are living with the only thought of rage & hate. Plus the whole movie has homages to Romero’s of the Dead movies, espically the third act, which is totally influenced by Day of the Dead.

  28. mogulus says:

    Taking the harry potter movies off the market IS a bone headed move…

    But Henrich was RIGHT, John. Artists owe us nothing. It’s egotistical for the consumer to expect anything at all from them. Let me attempt to make the point in an analogy:

    If I were an author who was in Rowling’s position, I may just do the same thing. By this time, nearly everyone who wants the harry potter movies has bought them. So why not take them off the market for two years or so until the final movie is available on the DVD market and offer them as a 7 pack deal?

    More to the point, i would like to know how many copies of the Philosopher’s stone DVD are being sold this day and time. I’m betting it’s not quite in the top ten. And you wouldnt’ expect any studio out there to provide a movie for sale on DVD permenantly. Heck, John…you can’t buy alot of movies on DVD. Why is this such a big deal with the HP movies?

    Just to finish this up, I agree with you that it’s AWESOME when artists like Motley Crue take the time to thank their fans with their grace. It’s awesome.

    but hell, if it was somehow mandatory or expected, how would you be able to know if the artist YOU support is heartfelt and doing it out of the kindness of their heearts?

    I just wrote a book. And I would pull it from the shelves ( if it were on the shelves that is ) in a heartbeat if I thought I would not be selling bulk quantities in the next couple years so I could set myself up for a gigantic moneytake in the future.

    I just don’t see how Henric’s comment qualifies as boneheaded. I hardly ever agree with him, but this time I’m on his side.

  29. mogulus says:

    oops. by the time I finished that post there was no analogy to be found. please disregard the first couple lines. the point is still the same.

    I miss the old “preview” button you had to go thorugh to post a comment on the older version of this site. : )

  30. alfie says:

    a zombie is a person who has died and come back to life.
    in 28 days later if you die…you die. you don’t come back to life….you die.

    so therefore it is not a zombie movie.

  31. alfie says:

    total change of subject but according to a story on rotten tomatoes batman continues or whatever it will be called will have more than one villain and the joker won’t appear until halfway through the film…he will have a fully explained backstory….now it must be in flashbakc form as he had already started his murderous shenaningins in batman begins hence gordon giving batman the card but multiple villains always worries me…still….i can;t fucking wait…

    oh and the joker will not be anything like nicholsons..extremely dark version expected….

  32. mogulus says:

    where exactly did the idea that the flesh eating dead being called “zombies” actually come from?

    Voodoo superstition doesn’t really have any of that. They’re mindless slaves, regular or dead people who have spells put on them to reanimate them or control their mind.

    There should be a movie about Zombies who get fed up with this stereotype and cause riots in L.A. about it.

  33. Dicer says:

    Pee Wee still rules!

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