Audio Edition - July 26th 2006

Posted by on 26. 07. 2006in Uncut Podcast

On today’s Audio Edition, Sharon Dewitt joins John and Doug as they discuss:

1) Sharon in LA

2) Zach Braff as the new Fletch?

3) For the last time - Iron Man is NOT Tom Cruise

4) Eva Longoria’s career mistakes

5) We review Miami Vice

6) We review The Descent

All this and a few things more.

Warning: This podcast contains language that may not be suitable for even sailors. Listener discretion is advised.

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18 Responses to “Audio Edition - July 26th 2006”

  1. Vix says:

    #4. I’m not sure about the movie - seems hokey but I always see Eva Longoria as a comedic actress more than a dramatic one. But I do agree that this isn’t the movie role for her.

    #6. I saw the trailer for The Descent and even that gave me heart palpitations. I’m not usually claustrophobic but I don’t think I’ll ever be going cave diving.

  2. alfie says:

    I agree about longoria…I would trust her comedy well before I would trust her with drama….

  3. Dan says:

    John, so Sharon’s breast is a go right?

    Or is it kinda a Routh?

  4. darren seeley says:

    Hello. Guess who.

    #1: Good Luck to Sharon. Have a nice flight to LA. Been there a number of times, I have relatives in Orange County and Manhattan Beach area.

    #2: What they should have done is hire the “My Name Is Earl” writers. Ha Ha. “Scrubs” is a funny show; “Earl”, on the same network…is even funnier. And aside from ‘Foul Play’ and the first ‘Vacation’ Chevy Chase’s best film was ‘Fletch’. Didn’t care for ‘Fletch Lives’ (which was not based on any of the Gregory McDonald novels). Unlike you guys…I just watched that film again recently on DVD (I have it) as well as another film which I’ll talk about in a minute.

    #3: Sealer was Iron Man for two hours. But after it was learned Sharon DeWitt moved to LA, she was offered the part. After all, the character is covered in an Iron Suit. In addition, Sealer couldn’t get to the gym fast enough: his stunt double turned out to be John Campea. They didn’t like Campea’s ADR. He was dubbed by Doug Nagy. Sealer finally had to settle for the remake of Howard The Duck…

    Only to discover that “Cruise has the bag”…. :)

    #4: I’m not a big fan of Eva. I like Lake Bell though. I’m not crazy about the title of the film.
    At first I considered a big debate on David Duchovony (He’s Iron Man!!!) but aside from “Return To Me”, I have to be honest. His best characters big or supporting have either been Fox Mulder or spoofs of Fox Mulder/X Files (Evolution, Zoolander). I am surprised that John recalled the film with Jeff Bridges and Sally Field….

    Which brings us to #5.

    One of my favorite directors is Michael Mann. I was hooked on his early work early on, long before the success of “Last Of Mohicans” and “Heat”. One of the best films I have ever seen is his theatrical directorial debut, “Thief”- which starred JAMES CAAN. (Your third “Kiss Me Goodbye” actor!). As far as “Vice” losing pastels, when I see the film this weekend, I won’t lose sleep over it: Vice dumped the pastels midway in the second TV season.

    Fashion and the music have to be in the film or it isn’t Miami Vice. When the show was on, people boosted the sales of Hugo Boss. And the soundtrack? Just you saying the soundtrack is great is great news overall. I am tired of soundtracks that have ‘music inspired by’ and those tracks are crap. I like it when the soundtrack is heard somewhere at sometime during the film.

    While I wouldn’t mind it if Mann did more dramas like “Insider” or “Ali” it’s great to see him do action and crime thrillers- it is where he excels. He also tends to work with tech advisors who are/were real cops or former crooks. I’ll say it again “Thief” is awesome. I also liked his version of “Red Dragon’ (Manhunter) better than Brett Ratners, even though the latter was a bigger hit (but I also think Manhunter wasn’t marketed properly in ’86)

    Note: I was however, a bigger fan of Mann’s “Crime Story” AND…as much as I watched Vice, and you’ll roll over with glee when I say this, John. There was another TV show, not unlike Vice, which I freaking LOVED. It was a cop show out of Canada called NIGHT HEAT.
    If Vice does well, I hope someone dusts that off that show with Scott Hylands and Jeff Wincott.

    #6 Decent.

    Another film I’m looking forward to: Neil Marshall’s previous film was Dog Soldiers. If you seen that film, you knew that Marshall will rise up in the ranks. Therefore, your comments on Descent is more than encouraging. I think Lion’s Gate know they got a winner here, and I’m not quite sure what the film opens against, but if this buzz grows, it might give other pix a run for the money.

    Note: I hated the Hills Have Eyes remake.

    Sealer over and out.
    For tonight, anyway.

  5. darren seeley says:

    P.S. Did you say there were, like, “Critics” in the screening?
    If so…Lion’s Gate really LOVES this movie…

  6. Red Steven says:

    The Descent is a great ride. Glad you guys enjoyed it,too. Nagy, you’re going to fucking love it.

    I’m not claustrophobic, so the beginning didn’t do as much for me as it will for others, but even those parts that didn’t scare me were fabulous. And Nagy was right to call it “Innuendo”. There’s a wonderfully subtle character-driven subplot simmering under the surface throughout the entire thing.

    You can read my review in the link attached to my name below, if you’re so inclined.

  7. borloff says:

    I saw Longoria on SNL a few months back. I was suprised at how funny and sharp she was.

  8. common says:

    Really glad you liked The Descent, it came out in the UK last year, a truely good good film and terrifying, hope in goes down well over there.

    Have you seen Neil Marshalls other film ‘Dog Soldiers’? - a bunch of paratroopers on an exercise in the Scottish highlands come across… a bunch of werewolves

    it’s really funny, sick, not as good as The Descent, but a brilliant nontheless - a definate go

  9. Jeff says:

    The Descent is definitely a rock hard Routh…umm…not intended like that mind you. John, just curious…..what ending did you see in the North American release? I imported a copy from the U.K. after hearing the hype and heard that there was a second ending shot for the U.S. That would be a damn shame if they changed it.

    As for Eva. Give her a shot before we convict her of any crimes. I mean really….regardless of WHO was cast for the role….would this be a movie you’d put on your must see list?? Nah.

    Crispen Glover as Iron Man.

    Agree with your hesitation of Zach Braff as Fletch. As much shit as Chevy Chase has done over the years (decades), I’ll always remember him as Fletch…and Clark. Braff just doesn’t seem to have the Fletch-isms. Jason Lee I was sold on when he was first mentioned for the role. I see Zach Braff starring opposite of Mandy Moore in any romantic movie. Not to discredit him as I love him on Scrubs…..but Fletch? Nah. Will I see it opening day? Absolutely.

    Keep up the good work gents. And fix those dead links for past audio blogs!

  10. Brian says:

    I saw the descent about two months ago or maybe even more, itwas released in england ages ago, for a change. Why are people just starting to pump up the advertising and hype now?

  11. Marty says:

    The Descent rules. It’s nice when a great British movie comes out. Makes us feel special. Doesn’t happen often. According to IMDB the movie was made for £3.5m ($6.5m American).

    And I’m not sure about this but I think you may have got a different ending to the one we got here in Britain. I heard that they were cutting it down a little.

    Check out Dog Soldiers at your local Blockbuster. It’s not as scary but it’s fuckin’ hilarious. Squaddies talking shit and fighting werewolves. It’s ace.

    Hey John, just wondering, what was the one film you gave 10 out of 10?

  12. Brian says:

    yea I really liked the descent ending it was (along with a few other things) seperates it from its rivals (the cave etc.)and the shoot em up genre. It was very stylishy done and I am looking forward to seeing Niel Marsh’s new project. I am also wonder whats John’s top and bottom 10, hint hint.
    The only refreance this upcoming comment has is that Michal Fox, couldnt find a more sutable post:P… Another issue that occured to me ages ago while watching the jarhead trailer (I know its agges ago) but I saw this trailer and it was one of my fav trailers I have seen. Partly because of the range of music used (dont worry be happy,Jesus walks) and the other part beign the eye candy shots that were in motions. A couple of days after seeing this I went down to the cinema to see the film. Although I did really enjoy the film, I felt robbed the trailer really sold me downriver on 3 accounts. The front music Jesus Walks was only used at the very end credits-missed oppatunity, I was waiting for it in a gungho action scene but again therer was none. Infact it was so much the reverse that the whole point of this film was to depict the absence of prupose in the Gulf war. Finaly on my third point, as this was of my faverouote trailers I saved it and had a clear memory fo what to expect from the film. There were a couple of clips, most notably one involving paintballing that wern’t accualy in the film!! As I said before I really did enjoy the film its jus these couple of problems I found. Share your throughts about this

  13. Brian says:

    sorry I mean Jamie Foxx- I’m loosing it:P

  14. A.J. says:

    2. I too prefer Jason Lee over Zach Braff in this role. I think that Braff is a funny actor (at least in Scrubs), but Lee would be a better fit I think.

    3. It is interesting to see who will they cast for this role. As with the Magnum P.I. movie, it all comes down to the mustache =)

    4. Never seen Longoria in anything (I refuse to watch DH), so I could not care less about her career.

    6. I also read somewhere that they changed the ending for the North-American release of the Descent. I wonder if they changed something plotwise or just cut something. I saw The Descent the first time last year… it’s a great movie and I too recommend Dog Soldiers.

  15. Nick says:

    Hey guys, i got tickets to see a private screening of Accepted on Wednesday and I went into it thinking that the movie was going to be okay, but nothing special. It turns out that the movie was one of the best i’ve seen all year. It was hilarious and when it comes out I think you should all go see it. Justin Long was great and you feel some Vince Vaughn in his jokes. That must have rubbed off on him considering Long has been in a few of Vaughn’s movies. Like I said the movie was excellent and when you see it and love it you can thank me.

  16. Lou_Sytsma says:

    You guys have moved my anticipation for The Descent up another notch. As one with claustrophobic issues this one should really do a number on me.

  17. Alfredo says:

    Sharon NOOOOOOOOO! Come Back!!!!! At least post pics of yourself in your underwear!!

  18. Zuke says:

    I’ve enjoyed these 2 Audio Editions w/Sharon. It’s cool to have a female perspective on there. And some of her comments are SO hilarious coming from such a sweet sounding voice! “Anal sex!” ROTFL!!!!!

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