4 Weddings and 3000 Funerals

Oh my goodness… this is so wrong… so very very wrong… and yet I can’t help but laugh at it.

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  • 1. JAGMIR replies at 24th July 2006, 12:02 pm :

    This is so wrong in so many diffrent ways, I’m at a loss for words.

  • 2. Mu replies at 24th July 2006, 12:09 pm :

    A link to the actual film would be nice. That StopNedDanny site doesn’t have one for some reason…

  • 3. The Black Guy replies at 24th July 2006, 12:19 pm :

    This is odd, VERY VERY odd.

  • 4. Gordon Shumway replies at 24th July 2006, 12:22 pm :

    Hardly strikes me as the story that needed to be told. Is it worth all the morality issues and controvesy?

  • 5. Mu replies at 24th July 2006, 12:23 pm :

    I would think it’s worth it exactly _because_ of the morality issues.

  • 6. The White Guy replies at 24th July 2006, 12:25 pm :

    …I don’t quite understand why I should find this funny….The title is more than a little offensive….And the filmmaker seems to be making light of 9/11….Now is there a point to this film? What is trying to be said here? If you are giggling at this story, maybe you need to reevaluate your life, dude.

  • 7. Mu replies at 24th July 2006, 12:29 pm :

    As I see it, the event in question really does need to be put in perspective. A lot of horrible things happen every day, and nobody cancels their wedding over it.

    Anyway, there is a promo available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSKe_n5w64w

  • 8. John Campea replies at 24th July 2006, 12:33 pm :

    i think it’s the absurdity of it that makes it so funny. Were there REALLY people complaining about their weddings or other plans getting screwed up???

    That’s HILARIOUS.

  • 9. Mu replies at 24th July 2006, 12:35 pm :

    That’s funny too, but maybe not funny enough for a whole movie…

  • 10. spidey1703 replies at 24th July 2006, 12:40 pm :

    Sounds shit. And not funny

  • 11. Gordon Shumway replies at 24th July 2006, 12:44 pm :

    The only point this clip preview makes is the bit saying that if people in china died we wouldnt even know. Thats not the case here in the UK with BBC coverage its not so domestic based.

  • 12. Gordon Shumway replies at 24th July 2006, 12:58 pm :

    Actually just read the stop Ned Danny site. Fuck them, they say we dont need another Micheal Moore. Are they saying we dont need anyone else out there exposing corruption in superpower goverments etc. They also say something of ‘questionable morality’ shouldnt be distributed. Who are they from preventing us from always questioning established ways of thought?

    Im not saying that this film is of huge importance or anything, Im talking about the wider issue.

  • 13. Mu replies at 24th July 2006, 1:11 pm :

    Gordon’s point is so obvious to me I didn’t even think to say it. Also, to keep free speech alive, people have to keep stretching the borders for what can be said. Sometimes it’s good enough just beeing controversial, to see what pops up.

    Of course we already knew there’s a strong lobby for censoring anything “immoral” in the US, but I guess it doesn’t hurt reminding people either.

  • 14. Josh replies at 24th July 2006, 1:44 pm :

    I was pretty pissed when I saw that site. One of my biggest pet peeves is people trying to censor other people’s voices and opinion. It also didn’t help that my second pet peeve is ignorant patriotics who think their country is the only one in the world.

    When I got to the site, I was shocked to see banners of American flags and patriotic symbols and slures, used only for one thing: TO GIVE THE “GOOD GUY” IMPRESSION. It’s like when the Catholics protest a Harry Potter, they throw God and the Bible into the mix, to make those in middle believe the other side of the equation is evil. Well, that pisses me off!

    So I sent a half kind/half angry letter and sent it to the owner of that website. I kept from using highly offensive material, only because no one ever listen to guy who says “fuck you up your fuckhole, you stupid fuckface”..But it is no way formal, as it probably should have been

    Here’s the e-mail I sent to the stopneddanny site:

    “Listen guys..not to rain on your parade, BUT if you are trying to censor Ned Danny, and keep people from knowing about him. THEN TAKE DOWN YOUR SITE. It is because of this site that I am now considering watching this. Oddly, enough, I don’t totally disagree with him. He probbaly shouldn’t have used 9/11 but his idea of a tragic death happening on the same day as a great celebration known as marriage, and society focusing on the negative instead of the positive. There is a thing called freedom of speech, and calling out to people to censor him and Michael Moore is just as wrong as burning books. It’s like forcing people NOT to watch it. People shouldnot be forced to do anything, and includes being forced not to do something, like seeing a movie they want to see. That’s wrong. I don’t care if the film says “Jesus was a tranvestite” or “George Washington took it in ass all the time”..the man has a right to his opinion and is not forcing you to see it, and you have a right to your opinion, but trying to force him not show it. Also, take down goddamn American flag off your site if you are not going to recognize the “freedom of speech” in our country. You say his film is unpatriotic, well I say your site is unpatriotic for not recognizing one of the great freedoms that our country has given us. I also might add that the USA is not the only country in the world. If you guys really want to get back at him. Then make your own goddamn film. Make it about how good you think the Iraqi War. How great you think Bush is. How much better you think America is than everyone else.


    A Person Astonished to Find So Many Ignorant Bastards in the World”

  • 15. Ryan replies at 24th July 2006, 2:14 pm :

    After yelling at John earlier, you have redeemed yourself. That shit is hilarious (the title alone is still funny). Good find.

  • 16. borloff replies at 24th July 2006, 2:25 pm :

    Damn, Netflix doesn’t carry it.

  • 17. CW1985 replies at 24th July 2006, 2:26 pm :

    The funniest thing I’ve ever seen:

    A Valentine, with the two towers (anthropomorphized so they’re both smiling) and a plane (also anthropomorphized and smiling), hearts everywhere. The tagline at the bottom? I’m falling for you.

  • 18. darren seeley replies at 24th July 2006, 2:27 pm :

    “Were there REALLY people complaining about their weddings or other plans getting screwed up???”

    I think there might have been, for those that were directly or indirectly affected, John.
    Aside from those with personal loss? Relatives/friends stuck in airports?

    In any case, while I fail to see the humor in this, I don’t think the filmmaker should be censored. There very well may be an interesting story to tell. {like I said, folks stuck in airports] and I know where I was 9/11. I was at work in the morning, heard about it over the radio during break, and while it was a big topic of discussion when I got back to the shop, guess what I did when I got back to my workplace after lunch?

    Went back to work….like everyone else.
    Next day? Went to work…
    Wed 9/13? That’s right…

  • 19. slybri replies at 24th July 2006, 2:37 pm :

    I’m sure the film itself tells some interesting and funny stories. I wouldn’t mind seeing a film about weddings ruined by 9/11. But does the title of the movie and the poster design have to be so shockingly direct like that?

    Or is he just doing it to be controversial on purpose for free publicity? Whatever it is, it’s working.

  • 20. mart replies at 24th July 2006, 3:04 pm :

    Lol. Totally just cracked me up :D
    It’s sad, but hilarious :D

  • 21. Greg replies at 24th July 2006, 3:27 pm :

    While I do not believe the film should be censored in any way, the focus on humor is disgusting. The central idea of exploring how 9/11 affected major life events such as weddings and births is intriguing, and this could have been a great film if handled with the proper gravitas. The humor angle has me avoiding this film like the plague. If there is some humor to be found in some people’s stories, that’s fine. But to intentionally make fun of 9/11 in general? I’m sorry, but anyone who finds this funny is one sick fuck.

  • 22. John Campea replies at 24th July 2006, 3:34 pm :

    Hey Greg,

    I see what you’re saying… but I think you’re missing the point (I think so anyway).

    I don’t think anything is making fun of 9/11… what I DO think is funny is that some people thought their little weddings, or other thing like that, were so important that everyone whould have just ignored the 9/11 events.


  • 23. prs replies at 24th July 2006, 3:49 pm :

    Well, my wedding was 9/15/01 in Cleveland, OH, and my honeymoon was scheduled to begin on 9/16 in NYC and Nantucket. We had family and friends scheduled to come for the wedding from all over the US, many of whom went to absurd lengths to make our wedding. In the end, only my aunt and cousin from California were unable to make the trip.

    The honeymoon was another story. We were scheduled to fly from Cleveland to NYC, and then from NYC to Nantucket. I cancelled all those flights on Thursday of that week and we decided to drive instead and skip the Nantucket part of the trip. Our time in NYC was amazing. We had gotten tickets to see David Letterman on a fluke on 9/10/01, and the show we saw was the first one after 9/11, the one where Dan Rather broke down and David chocked back tears during his monologue. All over the city, people were shell-shocked, but starting to come out of their shells. Since many folks weren’t going out, everyone at every restaurant was thrilled to see us and gave us free drinks/dessert.

    My wife and I have since moved to NYC, in no small measure due to that trip. There was something so beautiful about NYC’s response to such a tragedy, and although it may sound strange to say, it inspired both of us to live our lives the way we wanted to. If there is anything good that can come from such a tragic event, it is the recognition of the fragility of life; once you recognize that it could go at any minute, you want to make your dreams come true before it gets too late. I have always wanted to live in New York, which is in my opinion the greatest city on earth.

    If 9/11 hadn’t occurred, we wouldn’t have had the wedding we had. As the minister said during the ceremony, it’s when the times are bad that we most need to hold on to the good times. At my wedding, everyone was so happy to be together, and most people had fairly interesting stories to tell about how they got there. And the honeymoon was a truly life-changing experience.

    All of this is to say that worldwide events have all kinds of personal consequences, and there is no single interpretation of any one event. Of course 9/11 was incredibly awful (the worst global event of my life), but it also changed my life and gave me the courage to make the most important change I’ve ever made in my life (other than getting married in the first place…). Having said all of that, I’m not at all offended by the movie, or by any other movie. If you think about it, the terrorists responsible for 9/11 represent the forces of repression. The best protest against their nihilistic world view is artistic expression, no matter the content. In fact, the more ‘offensive’ the content, the better.

  • 24. Greg replies at 24th July 2006, 3:51 pm :

    If this film focuses on people who “ignored” 9/11 to focus on their own lives, and you think that’s “funny”, then it is YOU who are missing the point. Human nature makes it easy to use the events in our own lives to push the horror of a 9/11 type of event out of our minds. 9/11 was absolutely horrifying. I had nothing out of the ordinary going on in my life at the time, so the events of 9/11 hit me like a sledgehammer. I had nothing else going on to pull my attention away. Each person has their own methods for dealing with tragedy, and one of the more common ones is to latch onto something else. This isn’t wrong, and it’s not funny. It’s very human.

    Now take a look at that poster for the film. “I don’t think anything is making fun of 9/11?” Are you fucking KIDDING me?!?

  • 25. Josh replies at 24th July 2006, 3:52 pm :

    No,no,no,no, it is not making fun of a tragedy..it’s making fun of ignorant, self-absorbed people who think their moment of glory is more important than a million lives. I see people like that all the time..I work at a department story and I could be bleeding to death right before their eyes and all they could care about is the fucking bar of soap they came to buy.

  • 26. John Campea replies at 24th July 2006, 3:56 pm :

    Hey Greg,

    I think you’re assuming to know what’s going on in the heads of people (by all means please do correct me if I’m wrong).

    Josh’s comments above mine here say it best.

    I don’t think the poster makes fun of 9/11 at all. I see it as making fun of the absurdity and ignorance of the whole situation (those more concerned with their events than those of 9/11.

    I respect the fact that you see it differently… but I just don’t see it that way.



  • 27. HeroStew.com replies at 24th July 2006, 4:12 pm :

    Josh I totally agree with you. When I see the poster I laugh, not at the event, but at the human state of mind and the “BUT WHAT ABOUT ME!” attitude. That poster would have made a good editorial cartoon. Because its true.

    Thanks for sharing that story PRS.

  • 28. alfie replies at 24th July 2006, 4:22 pm :

    i am not offended by it at all…couldn’t guve a fuck to be honest but if someone you knew died that day i don’t think you would look at that poster and say “i don’t see whay people are upset”

    That poster was made for one reason and one reason only…to cause controversy…..it comes across as very very weak and lame…

    I think the idea for the film is great but that picture is just a boring and cynical attempt to deliberately stir up controversy

    it is so obviously designed to annoy and shock certain people…

    the picture is not funny or clever….totally lame and incredibly forced…it says nothing other than “look how daringly dangerous we are…aren’t we funny”
    I am surprised to see you find this amusing john…..

  • 29. JRJP replies at 24th July 2006, 4:26 pm :

    stopneddanny.com LOL!

  • 30. digdug replies at 24th July 2006, 4:27 pm :

    while i agree the poster is just to create a buzz, that’s precisely what posters are for. and i dare alfie to create something that’s funnier than that.

  • 31. Greg replies at 24th July 2006, 4:30 pm :

    Just look at the wide range of responses here on this thread. I’m hardly the only one who believes the poster is ignorant, offensive garbage. The very fact that this wide range of responses exists just shows how ambiguous the intent of the poster really is. I don’t expect to be able to convince you that my interpretation of the poster is correct. My interpretation IS correct. But SO IS YOURS! It is the ambiguity of the poster that is at fault here. It offends me, as does the assertion of some people here that clinging to weddings and other important, personal events that occurred on 9/11 is somehow funny or wrong. Anyone with a good understanding of psychology would see this as a coping mechanism, and entirely natural. Now, are there actually selfish bastards out there who couldn’t care less about the real victims of 9/11? Of course there are. But let’s not lump everyone together in that category, just because their important life event just happened to occur on 9/11.

  • 32. HeroStew.com replies at 24th July 2006, 4:39 pm :

    Greg. I agree. Thats why I say this poster would have made good editorial cartoon. Because it creates discussion. Look at this thread for proof. Do I laugh at the event. No. But I do laugh at the absurdity of the fact that people are really that self absorbed (but not every body)

    I am not sure that is what Ned Danny intended. But worked to advertise his film.

  • 33. HeroStew.com replies at 24th July 2006, 4:52 pm :

    I have to also wonder. How many people who think this is sick and wrong ALSO watch Family Guy. Or South Park. Or Saturday Night Live. Or other shows who have made jokes of Nazis Germany, Heroshima, and many many other human disasters. Maybe they dont think those jokes are sick and wrong because they themselves are so far removed from the crimes committed on the Jews and others during World War 2. If that is the case. Then they seem to be in a worse state then those who laughed at this poster (and then felt guilty) are.

  • 34. Donald replies at 24th July 2006, 5:44 pm :


  • 35. xplod replies at 24th July 2006, 6:00 pm :

    In my opinion that site it’s just marketing to promote the movie…

  • 36. HeroStew.com replies at 24th July 2006, 6:06 pm :

    I thought that the Stop Ned Danny was just a marketing ploy also

  • 37. bullet in the head replies at 24th July 2006, 6:34 pm :

    I’m not sure the people are that selfish in a way, if you watch the news, there is a tragic event every single day. Every day there is war, children are raped, and people die. So while 9/11 was a terrible event in which innocent people needless died so are many other events. How many people still enjoyed the holiday season even though the tsunami had happened. You can’t take world events onboard every day and make them personal or you would never get on with your life. I don’t think they are making fun of the tragedy itself at all, just looking at how it affected events far from the tragedy itself. Sure the poster may be a bit tasteless, but it’s also very tongue in cheek. I can understand people directly affected feeling they might want to avoid this, but the concept does not seem to be one which directly mocks the actual events in New York at all.

  • 38. bullet in the head replies at 24th July 2006, 6:35 pm :

    … Oh I also think that the site seems like a marketing ploy

  • 39. Seymizzle replies at 24th July 2006, 6:38 pm :

    There is no humor in the 9/11 tragedy, none whatsoever. Try explaining the premise to a New York police or firefighter. You wont like the outcome. This film is pure filth.

    You may not agree with the bible but at least these prophets understood man’s weaknesses.

    Matthew 24 verse 12

  • 40. HeroStew.com replies at 24th July 2006, 7:19 pm :

    MMMM….Good one. But I think Matthew 7:3 would be better suited.

  • 41. Martin, UK replies at 24th July 2006, 7:53 pm :

    That clip of the woman on Youtube was weird. I wasn’t offended or anything, all I could think was “This chick is fucking bonkers.” It’s an interesting idea for a movie anyway. Catchy title. I think the trailer for Stone’s World Trade Center is infinitely more tasteless than that poster.

  • 42. Fredo Teabaggins replies at 24th July 2006, 7:54 pm :

    If this is a real documentary, Ned Danny could do well to re-title the film (not because the other is offensive) and the movie poster could be re-done as well. The concept is really quite astonishing. It would be interesting for him to go back and look at other events - JFK assasination, Pearl Harbor and see how people handled special events on those somber days.

    I don’t think anyone should be upset. If they think his documentary is in bad taste, their focusing too much on the crappy title and poster, because the concept is funny and shows how selfish we can all be.

  • 43. Josh replies at 24th July 2006, 8:00 pm :

    Am I the only one who thought it was strange that a site called StopNedDanny.com only had one quote from Ned Danny, and that one quote just happened to be somewhat negative?

    All in all..that site seemed awefully biased for my tastes.

  • 44. Steven replies at 24th July 2006, 10:02 pm :

    Too soon! Too soon!

  • 45. Henrik replies at 25th July 2006, 12:14 am :

    Too late. Who gives a shit.

  • 46. Lou_Sytsma replies at 25th July 2006, 5:19 am :

    Regardless of the perspective the movie gives, the poster is cheap advertising at its worst.

  • 47. digdug replies at 25th July 2006, 10:22 pm :

    i just heard ned danny on the jim richards show (http://cfrb.com) talking about “4 weddings and 3000 funerals” he doesn’t sound like a douchebag, and at the end he mentioned http://neddanny.com

  • 48. roy replies at 26th July 2006, 4:47 am :

    this is so wroong i despise this

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