Zoom Trailer

zoomA trailer for Tim Allen’s new flick ZOOM has just hit the web. Zoom is about Allen, who is a superhero that is brought out of retirement to train a new generation of Superheroes.. Yes, it does sound a bit weak doesn’t it?

However, the trailer just came out… and a strange thing happened. Although I thought it was dumb… I caught myself smiling through most of it. Maybe it could end up being kind of cute? If nothing else I can just stare at Courtney Cox for 90 minutes (I had such a MASSIVE crush on that woman for like 5 years).

You can catch the Zoom trailer here. Thanks to the folks at Cinemablend for the heads up.


  • 1. Jeff Martin replies at 29th June 2006, 11:12 am :

    Yeah but I already saw “Sky High” last summer.

  • 2. Josh replies at 29th June 2006, 11:24 am :

    The poster looks like the Sky High poster as well..

  • 3. slybri replies at 29th June 2006, 11:48 am :

    Saw the trailer before Superman yesterday. It looks like a bad Nickelodeon ripoff of Sky High. Lots of fart jokes and cutesy kids. I wish they would make more real superhero movies instead of goofy spoofs of them.

  • 4. Lou_Sytsma replies at 29th June 2006, 12:00 pm :

    Perhaps another Galaxy Quest?

  • 5. themarina replies at 29th June 2006, 12:00 pm :

    The trailer cracked a couple of smiles for me too. My favourite Allen flick is, by far, “Galaxy Quest”. I think this may have the same sort of charm. At least I hope so!

  • 6. Varun replies at 29th June 2006, 12:06 pm :

    looks like it has potential to be slightly better than sky high…lets see


  • 7. wolf replies at 29th June 2006, 12:16 pm :

    I don’t like Tim Allen. He gets on my nerves. Zoom looks like a Sky High rip-off.

  • 8. A.J. replies at 29th June 2006, 12:27 pm :

    Sky High was pretty good actually, but this looks horrible.

    Galaxy Quest was great… Tim Allen hasn’t done anything remotely good since then.

  • 9. Josh replies at 29th June 2006, 12:54 pm :

    But Galaxy Quest didn’t have kiddy fart jokes..in fact, it was intended to be PG-13 before the studio cut a few little things out to make it PG

  • 10. A.J. replies at 29th June 2006, 1:02 pm :

    Wasn’t there a rumor about the Galaxy Quest sequel floating around couple of years ago? I might recall incorrectly though.

    Has Tim Allen ever done anything good apart from Galaxy Quest and the Toy Story movies?

  • 11. Lizardfreak replies at 29th June 2006, 1:46 pm :

    Looks fun…for the most part.

  • 12. Josh replies at 29th June 2006, 1:52 pm :

    Ok, I finally watched the trailer. Man, this doesn’t look good at all. It’s way too kiddie, and Tim Allen doesn’t look like he’s having a fun time, like he’s just doing this for a paycheck.

  • 13. Drewbacca replies at 29th June 2006, 3:48 pm :

    John, I remember you ranting and screaming in an audio edition once about how people were excited for a particular film because the trailer looked good. You said trailers are manipulative and cleverly edited to always look good. I agreed with you.

    Now, and this IS NOT the first time, I’ve heard you mention how you think a film (that is obviously gonna suck) looks good based on a trailer. Having said that, I kind of agree with you on BOTH points.

    Trailers are manipulative, but you can also get a pretty good idea of what the movie is like from them. So, since I agree with you on both points, I don’t even know what the point of this rant is. Just felt like typing I guess.

    ~ Drewbacca

  • 14. HeroStew.com replies at 9th July 2006, 11:32 pm :

    Paul Hernandez, the creator of Sky High, told me about all the cool stuff that was supposed to be in that movie that Disney didnt shoot or cut. Like Brian Dennehy playing the super powered grandpa. His script for the sequel would have been great if they shot it. When I saw the ZOOM trailer I thought “They should have stuck with Paul and expanded their Sky High franchise”

    Of course I wish they would have gren lit his Greatest American Hero script starring Owen Wilson.

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