World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War

World-War-ZCan we ever get anough of the whole Zombie genre? Apparently not. Paramount pictures has just bought the rights to a novel that hasn’t even been published yet called “World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War” Yeah… ok… that’s a cool title. But another zombie movie?

The good folks over at M&C have posted up a little synopsis of the project… and to me it sounds like every single other zombie movie we’ve seen so far:

The book describes a world war fought against humans infected with a virus that caused them to die and be reborn as flesh eating zombies.

I will say this, putting this overused formula into a new context of an actual “war” could be pretty interesting. According to the post, the story for it is so good that Paramount and Warner Brothers were in a bidding war for the rights, to which Paramount won.

What do you think? Have we had too many zombie films? Or are you willing to eat them up faster than human brains?

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  • 1. Jdr replies at 15th June 2006, 11:32 am :

    There can never be enough good zombie flicks.

  • 2. Norddeth replies at 15th June 2006, 11:33 am :

    Who doesn’t love Zombies?

    I think it’s time the Zombie takes it’s rightful place in movie history, alongside Vampires and Werewolves. Its an established movie “character” and can be done in so many different ways.

    Alot of people attribute the rebirth of the zombie to the remake of Dawn of the Dead, which was a great movie, but I think alot of people over look Shaun of the Dead, they actually made a romantic comedy with zombies….and it worked. So now you are able to take Zombies and dress it up all kinds of different ways because a risk was taken and it worked.

    Like John said, this is new territory, a Zombie War flick, all I can say is Im pretty jazzed about it

    *jazz hands*


  • 3. beejag replies at 15th June 2006, 11:34 am :

    I dunno John this one if done right could be either really cool or easily really dumb, but hey, who knows could be as good as the dawn of the dead remake which is still my favorite zombie flick.

    peace - beejag

  • 4. CrzyDJM replies at 15th June 2006, 11:38 am :

    John, you ask “Have we had too many zombie films” and I say NO.

    I stand with “Jdr” and say that there can NEVER be enough zombie flicks.

  • 5. Triflic replies at 15th June 2006, 11:52 am :

    It’s a good title, but John as a Canadian, it doesn’t have as much of a ring to it:

    World War “ZED” just doesn’t sound as cool.

  • 6. Andrew replies at 15th June 2006, 12:32 pm :

    I agree. There can never be enough.

    I had this idea, though… But it was more like a history of zombies. I want to make a zombie film based during the prohibition. Tommy Guns + Zombies = magic in the making.

  • 7. themarina replies at 15th June 2006, 12:54 pm :

    I loce a good zombie movie and this sounds like it might be a bit of a new take on the classic zombie movies. However, the book hasn’t even been publised yet! This is bizzare to me. Usually a book becomes a movie when it’s really popular but we don’t even know how it will be received! Strange indeed.

  • 8. beejag replies at 15th June 2006, 1:38 pm :

    Like i said above you can never be sure till you know more, this could either suck or be the greatest thing ever, but i really wish they would expand these kind of stories, since every zombie movie has been the same thing roughly.

    Maybe its time for the zombies side of the story?

  • 9. alfredo replies at 15th June 2006, 1:50 pm :

    To quote Warren Ellis “Sometimes there must be zombies.”

  • 10. alfredo replies at 15th June 2006, 3:19 pm :

    What a sec wasn’t Bard Pitt looking fo gay role earlier this year? This could be his chance to gain ultimate legitimacy with fans and critics.
    “Brainsssss… Homosexual Brainsssssss….”

  • 11. adam replies at 15th June 2006, 3:31 pm :

    I agree with the others that said you can “never have enough” zombie movies. I don’t think anyone has made the truly great epic zombie movie yet. Someday somebody is going to make a zombie movie that is going to blow Romero out of the water. Actually I think the best thing would be a tv series set in a “zombie apocalypse”. Come on HBO, please??

  • 12. 1138 replies at 15th June 2006, 3:44 pm :

    zombies are cool! Bring on the zombies!!!!

  • 13. Rynndar replies at 15th June 2006, 5:22 pm :


    Don’t wanna shit on anyones parade but…..

    Mutant Chronicles anyone?

  • 14. Chris replies at 15th June 2006, 6:28 pm :

    Are they zombies on crack like in the Dawn of the Dead remake or are they more classic Romero zombies? If they are more the classic zombies I would have to pass, those slow moving creatures of the night bore me but those speed freaks creep me out and a war with them could be fantastic.

  • 15. Mr Stay Puft replies at 15th June 2006, 6:45 pm :

    The author - Max Brooks - wrote the entertaining “Zombie Survival Guide”, so I expect I’ll enjoy his latest effort. Pick up a copy.

  • 16. Lou_Sytsma replies at 15th June 2006, 8:26 pm :

    I am hoping Brian Keene’s The Rising and City of the Dead - zombie sex anyone? - make it to the big screen. He has taken zombies to the next level.

  • 17. mogulus replies at 15th June 2006, 8:44 pm :

    Land of the Dead promised this type of thing and fell flat on it’s face, which sorely disapointed me after I enjoyed DAWN of the dead so much.

    I’m interested to see it develop and will give it a shot, at least on DVD.

  • 18. DarkKinger replies at 16th June 2006, 12:46 am :

    I liked Land of the Dead, but I knew that this film was not going to make everyone happy. As for ‘World War Z’, sign me up for it. I like the idea, and I hope the book will be good enough to adapt on film.

    Now, my question is, will Paramount treat this to give it a great treatment? I mean, you’ll need a good director, screenwriter, cast, etc.

    Well, I hope this project works well, but my money is between Spider-Man 3 and Transformers.

  • 19. Cybermike replies at 16th June 2006, 1:58 am :

    “It was an exciting bidding war between Paramount and Warner. It looked like Warner was going to have the rights to the film but in a last second bid, Paramount won the rights. The exact amount payed for the rights hasn’t been disclosed but experts suspect that Paramount payed around $13.50″

  • 20. Bishop replies at 16th June 2006, 6:56 am :

    As much as I love all things Zombie, I think Zombie does include mass infection (such as in Demons), and would really like to hear more about this title, perhaps even read it when it comes out, before I weigh in.

    I am still looking for the grand zombie epic and have yet to experience it through Messieurs Romero, Argento, et al.

  • 21. ZOMBIE GUY replies at 16th June 2006, 9:43 am :


  • 22. Rob replies at 18th June 2006, 1:50 am :

    I’m always up for a good zombie flick, and i agree with ZOMBIE GUY that the movie should have good music to it. I would like to have no music and have it be more like watching the good ol resident evil games come to life, THE RIGHT WAY. anyways, i just read that Brad Pitt won the rights to the novel over Leonardo DiCaprio and the freakin novel hasn’t even been published yet. THis movie better be good. Oh yea i also think that there should be really graphic chomping scenes like the old school George Romero’s Dawn of the Dead-”Let me check my blood pressure-oh-no-my arm’s getting bit off-scenes”.

  • 23. Meli replies at 18th June 2006, 11:30 am :

    I love Zombie movies! So, there can never be too many Zombie movies!
    I like the Zombie Survival Guide , so it’ll be interesting to read World War Z when it’s available.

  • 24. alan replies at 20th June 2006, 7:12 am :

    i was really excited bout hearing of a movie like this so i rushed out to buy the book only to realise it asnt out till september aaaaaah but i think the zombies will be slow sen as the author said they were in the zombie survival giude

  • 25. chasing replies at 20th June 2006, 2:33 pm :

    Zombie movies are a genre unto themselves. As such, there can never be too many of them. Too many if they all want to be blockbusters, however, yes. But this is based on a book, by a successful author in the genre, which is about “oral histories” of survivors of the zombie wars, when the undead took over. Sounds good to me, although hard to imagine it as a movie.

  • 26. Michael replies at 24th June 2006, 9:55 pm :

    It could be good if they stray from the ususally cheesey zombie look and feel. I do think that it helps that it is told from a serious stand point of veterans of this war. I would love to see this given a Schindlers List meets Seven kind of feel. If they give it a good dramatic look, covering the whole spectrum of human emotions and thought during this war. At the same time while I love a good gory zombie movie, there are ways of downplaying the dismemberments and brain eating that can really make people shutter as in Seven. There was some gore but mostly it was how the movie led you to these scenes and the fact that it was not all shown that gave a heavy forboding of the situation. There was no happy ending, there was no menacing lighting and camera angles when the killer was near. It was very stark and visceral because it focused on the levity of the story by making it a very believable story instead of focusing solely on how many ways one can be shocked by gore.

  • 27. Sandy replies at 28th June 2006, 3:58 pm :

    I’m sick of zombies so far. Please enough of that crap.

  • 28. Emma replies at 30th August 2006, 1:32 am :

    Max Brooks will know how to do a zombie movie right, so I say he should make a hundred. Perhaps this can put to rest all the myths abou the walking dead and make people stop calling me paranoid for reinforcing my home to withstand attacks…


  • 29. Loki the Stampede replies at 30th August 2006, 4:00 am :

    I just came upon this site browsing for the book, and I will say this about the main poster:

    You sir, are a noob! Greater than sign, semi-colon, space, left parenthesis!

    Now, this is no Land of the Dead or Dawn of the Dead, or anything even simular to that. This has been written by a true Zombie expert, Max Brooks. This movie will actually be good and so on a so forth.
    So, you are wrong to say this is “like every single zombie movie we’ve seen”
    This, will be THEE zombie moive to see!

    -Loki the Stampede

  • 30. QueenZombie replies at 5th September 2006, 10:10 am :

    I cant wait for more and more zombie films. The more the merrier I say.

  • 31. QueenZombie replies at 5th September 2006, 10:11 am :

    Oh. Anyone for minced brains?

  • 32. Dan Sinatra replies at 14th September 2006, 10:50 am :

    I doubt its possible to make too many Zombie movies! It would be like saying we have made to many war movies. and there is a hell of a lot of them. So Mr. Campea, you don’t like zombie movies, thats fine, don’t watch them, but don’t try spoil the fun for the rest of us. I have just finished reading World War Z and it was amazing. This movie has the potential to be absolutly mind blowing. I just hope the people in charge of producing it don’t ruin it by changing it to what ‘THEY’ think people want to see. Don’t tamper with a masterpiece!

  • 33. CrzyDJM replies at 16th September 2006, 5:15 pm :

    Reading this right now, and it’s AWESOME…

    Very good…

  • 34. Jay Brittenham replies at 17th September 2006, 3:50 am :

    I’m reading this book as we speak and it’s a brilliant work. It’s told, in postmodern style, as a collection of interviews conducted by the author. As much as I love the Romero zombie movies, he’s never approached the topic with this much depth. This is to be expected given the narrative difference between cinema and literature.

    This takes the whole zombie invasion and mixes it with all the real life issues that would actually result from such a scenario. At one point, a Palestinian recalls first hearing of the zombie outbreak and how, forced by his father, he skeptically emmigrated into Israel to escape the coming plague all the while believing the whole thing was a ploy by the Israeli government to capture and kill Palestinians.

    It’s a very subversive, political work. If they make it, I hope they keep the ‘documentary’ effect with subjects being interviewed. This could be a truly great horror film but knowing Hollywood, they’ll screw it up. It won’t taint the experience of having read the book, however. Stephen King has never produced better than what is printed within these pages…

  • 35. Kevin replies at 17th September 2006, 2:26 pm :

    I don’t know why but zombies scare me more than almost any other type of stereotypical monster or horror flick. Must be something from my childhood since these slow moving creatures should be easy to avoid and to kill. So I’m looking forward to any new zombie movie.

    Recent fast movie zombies or similar make the genre even more frightening. 28 Days was great except for end piece with the military holded up in an old house. I’d love to see a movie about happened during that 28 days and I suspect this new book and movie might give us a touch of that.

  • 36. john replies at 17th September 2006, 11:03 pm :

    I’ve read the book, and if they stick to the source material, then we are in for a good movie. the book deals with the whole zombie epidemic from a very realistic stand point. i highly recommend it.

  • 37. Christopher Hutchinson replies at 25th September 2006, 5:37 pm :

    If the rumors about Paramount/Plan B being in close contact with Max Brooks about hiring writers and the direction of the project are true, hopefully Hollywood won’t screw up another great novel.

    If the film stays true to the novel, it will be incredible, and truly some groundbreaking territory in the zombie genre. The novel is truly engrossing because the detail levels are so intense that the reader can often forget they are reading a fictional novel, and rather look at the novel as a detailed look at a fascinating portion of history.

    I do agree that original ideas in the zombie genre are running out (which is why, in my own film projects - see the URL attached to my post), I’m deviating completely from zombies as objects of horror, and rather making them objects of comedy, as I satirize the zombie genre. That said, even though the good ideas are running out, they aren’t gone. World War Z is a take on the zombie concept that is truly original, and works wonderfully well on the page, and hopefully will work well in film as well. I’m just always skeptical that Hollywood can actually turn a great novel into a great film, after all the ways I’ve seen them screw up incredible novels in the past.

  • 38. Bryan replies at 1st October 2006, 8:02 pm :

    I am almost finished with this book and it is great. They bring in some many realistic items that the entire vombie character is sort of downplayed. I have really enjoyed it and it they do make a movie of it, I hope they stick to the script.

  • 39. A Thinking Man's Zombie replies at 22nd October 2006, 9:29 pm :

    This has the potential to be very good, but many of the posters seem to overlook the obvious: World War Z is not a single narrative, but rather multiple narratives which would make it extremely difficult to turn into a movie if the movie were to ’stick to the novel’.

    Rather, I predict that the movie will focus on the mainland US, and on a platoon of soldiers beginning in Yonkers and then the fight to take back the US.

    Movies, by necessity, need to have a much tighter focus then one can get away with in the format that “World War Z” has.

  • 40. jose replies at 28th October 2006, 10:00 am :

    As a veteran of all resident evil games( except survivor which sucks)I can say that i hope this movie doesnt disappoint people like land of the dead or shaun of the dead ,I mean really those movies sucked shaun wasnt even funny u english fags!!!

  • 41. Dave replies at 1st November 2006, 3:31 am :

    Great book. Mixes zombies with “Patriot Games”. Interesting and innovative format with cool images and scary “what if’s”. What makes this scary if all the ways governments, drug companies, the media, and the human mind could (and would) react to a devestating world crisis. Hope this becopmes a (well done) movie!

  • 42. jaddix replies at 17th November 2006, 9:27 am :

    I listened to the cd version of this book, and although it is a zombie genre book, it is unlike any other zombie movie out there, it is so incredebly in depth that you honestly feel as though you’re proffessor is reading facts about a zombie war that happened. it is going to be a great movie. i hope.

  • 43. Tony replies at 20th November 2006, 7:04 pm :

    I have seen all of the George Romero’s movies “Night of the Living Dead”, “Dawn of the Dead”, “Day of the Dead” and “Land of the Dead” and the many other movies,”Shawn of the Dead”, “28 Days Later” All of the “Return of the Living Deads” and “Resident Evils” are great movies. But there are many more B rated movies with zonbies. To be a true zombie fan one must take in all of these movies,and at least like them. Here is a list of many more Zombie movies.

    * Dawn of the Dead (Remake)
    * Shaun of the Dead
    * UNDEAD
    * The Boneyard
    * The Beyond
    * House By The Cemetery
    * Dead Alive
    * Resident Evil 1-2
    * Night of the Living Dead 90
    * The Evil Dead
    * The Evil Dead 2
    * Zombie
    * Zombie Lake
    * Plan 9 from Outer Space
    * The Dead Hate the Living
    * The Dead Next Door
    * City of the Dead 1-2
    * White Zombie
    * Zombi-1-2-3
    * Revenge of the Zombie
    * The Beyond
    * Hell of the Living Dead
    * Revolt of the Zombies
    * Zombie Holocaust
    * Children of the Living Dead

    I own all of these movies, most can be found on and for cheap. Most of them are really good some are bad, but I like them all.

  • 44. Tony replies at 20th November 2006, 7:06 pm :

    Just started to read “World War Z” and I am hooked, can’t seem to put the book down, so far I love it. Well worth the money!

  • 45. kale replies at 24th November 2006, 7:25 pm :

    I’m reading the book now, and I think the book is amazing, but unless the writers decided to focus as another poster mentioned the film will fail. Another problem is the story is so in depth, and covers such a large period of time that it is difficult to keep the narrative running smoothly. Time jumps can be difficult especially when you are not following a single character or group. I think the film, if it is produced…(films are picked up and dropped all the time.) will start in china, and quickly cut to a year later. At which point it will probably turn into an ensemble piece, following an American politician, a foot soldier, and an American family / typical American. This way they can jump between characters and also have a easy way to jump forward in time. The bulk of the story in the book takes place after America has been over run so it is logical that the bulk of the movie will be there too, it just leaves the question where will the film decide to end.

  • 46. bsck replies at 10th December 2006, 1:00 am :

    I have not read the book yet, {although i’m looking forward to it},
    so I can’t comment. I just want to say to all of you Romero bashers
    that if it wasn’t for him this page would not exist!

  • 47. Healz replies at 10th December 2006, 1:42 am :

    Hey Loki!
    I have to agree with bsck! I read the book and thought it was absolutely amazing. Max Brooks is good, but George Andrew Romero
    is THE true zombie expert! By the way, check your spelling.


  • 48. mvhlsdf stmkzp replies at 4th February 2007, 10:58 pm :

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  • 49. jietsng ybczj replies at 4th February 2007, 10:59 pm :

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  • 50. wcsbxezli pwqcmn replies at 4th February 2007, 10:59 pm :

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  • 51. bnvxuwoki rwglsa replies at 4th February 2007, 11:00 pm :

    dwnleiq wevj pdjyqz jrvshb qhyfj kwfevd qerxajw [URL][/URL] kzbdjpe pzhtqwslb

  • 52. Jane replies at 13th March 2007, 5:58 pm :

    I have to say I’m not a nut for this sort of movie and normally I would say not another one but really, anyone, wether they are a fan of zombies or not should give this book a read.
    I got the first book from Max Brooks some time ago and I thought it was great.
    Then I heard of this one and gave it ago. Its just BRILLIANT.
    Its not just about zombies, it’s about how we would tackle an outbreak like this. It applies not just to zombies but any sort of big viral outbreak.
    Its about not just facing the horror of the undead but the horrors the living can commit as well.
    This deserves to be a movie, but lets just hope they don’t ruin it.

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