Transformers Teaser Trailer Here

Posted by on 29. 06. 2006in News Chat

Hey kiddies. Wanna see the Transformers Teaser Trailer? Look below.

**UPDATE** It’s Back

UPDATE #2 Screw it! Studio decided to not even try to fight it getting out on the internet and have put a HIGH QUALITY version of it up online at the official site! Go here to see it!

**UPDATE #3** - The Transformers site seems to have taken the trailer down. So here it is for you… my international friends.

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39 Responses to “Transformers Teaser Trailer Here”

  1. nova says:

    wow. i was only able to watch it once before youtube took it down. but it looks like the description you got earlier was true.

  2. wolf says:

    It’s no longer available, was it the teaser or were you bullshitting? :P

  3. DarthMuppet says:


    FUCK YES!!!

    Excuse me…

    I need to go… um… take care of… umm… something…

  4. fungusinmyeye says:

    wtf? where’d it go? - first

  5. igl says:

    ah, crap. Missed it. Well, only have to wait for a week to see it :)

  6. Lizardfreak says:


  7. Josh says:

    It didn’t look like it was that great of quality, but I didn’t get to watch it. Happened a lot faster than the Spidey 3 bootleg trailer.

  8. themarina says:

    Darn. Missed it!

  9. borloff says:

    It appears to be up and running now…….. oh baby……….. i’m all goose bumpy…….. i need to masterbate now. Not much to see, but it was a teaser…and i was teased.

  10. TM says:

    It’s cool and all, but I was hoping for some more movie footage. “Please sir…..may I have some more?”

  11. igl says:

    guys, there’s a much better quality at the official site :)

  12. John Campea says:

    Hey TM,

    Keep in mind… they only started filming a few weeks ago. They’ve got no footage to show us really.


  13. SS says:

    Yeah i agree was cool but would love to see more!!!
    Is it just me or is anyone else wondering why a decepticon is on mars???
    I know that original stories need to be adapted to suit the big screen but i thought the whole reason the transformers were on earth was that they crash landed there and were all deactivated for hundreds of years. And the reason they are so cool and that everyone can relate to them is that when they were re-activated they were repaired using surrounding veichles/plans and made to look like all different kinds of transport on earth.
    Dont get me wronk i frickin love the transformers, just wish there was more info!!! need input!!

  14. Crayve says:

    John, im just curious, what time can i look forward to hearing the audio adition? is it in the works is it done?….lol i keep refreshing the page every 15-30 minutes hoping to hear what you guys talk about next lol….yes sad i know…-’

  15. Phil Gee says:

    Well gosh, that wasn’t quite what i was expecting, but it was nice enough. It would have been great to hear a transforming sound (you know the one i mean) but i’ll live. Personally, i hope they show us very little of the actual robots until close to the release date. I really miss those types of marketing campaigns.

  16. spidey1703 says:

    Is the Transformer’s website being √∫ber-slow for anyone else?

  17. hi says:

    Before seeing the traielr(can’t get in right now, suspect it is becuase of heavy traffic) feel my anticipation is rising for this movie. I was a huge Transforemrsfan in the late 80′s and early 90′s but my interest faded, but now it’s starting up again

  18. spidey1703 says:

    Was the “A Michael Bay Film” really necessary?

    Overall, I’m indifferent

  19. Pineapplehead says:

    I feel the countdown clock was unneccesary for that teaser.
    I know it’s just marketing but after seeing the Spiderman teaser I was hoping for something a little more exiting than a buggy looking around.

    I thought the transformers were supposed to be found encased in ice?

    Does anyone think it may be the Autobots who have crashlanded and the Decepticons have finally caught up to them?

  20. Pineapplehead says:

    These guys must get so pissed off at not being able to keep it secret for just another 5 days or so. Talk about viral internet publicity though.

  21. Liam says:

    where is it? all I see is the normal front page.

  22. DarkKinger says:



    Why, God?! WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh wait, its next week. Oh well, it is the beginning of production.

  23. rynnndar says:

    What a waste of my time

    Ther’s a minute and a half of my life I’ll never get back

  24. DarkKinger says:


    Hey, Campea gave us the trailer! YOU FUCKIN’ RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My thoughts: Since the movie is still in production, there is no actual footage from the movie. So, I really liked the Spider-Man 3 teaser. While this teaser doesn’t show much, all I can say is:

    HOLY GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKIN’ COCKSHIT BITCH IN HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This teaser did MORE than any teaser I have EVER seen. AND boy, did it sum up at the end:

    “It was the only warning we would ever get.”

    THAT was the best fuckin’ way to show a teaser! I don’t care WTF happens, I’m seeing this BITCH-KILLER!!!

    One last thing: PLEASE DON’T SUCK!!! DON’T YOU DARE LET IT HAPPEN, BAY!!!!!!!!

    Thank you, Campea!

  25. Rynndar says:

    I find peoples’ reactions at this “trailer” laughable.

    Excitement for the sake of excitement.

    It shows nothing more than the poster and the fact that a transformer was once on Mars. It can’t really be said that it sucks, but how can anyone say it rules either?

    There’s nothing to critique here in my opinion.
    Fanboy self service at it’s most poignant.

  26. Alfredo says:

    FUCK!!!!!!! I can’t win today!!!

  27. DarkKinger says:

    Eh. You have a good point. But it got me hooked for more. Its not like I am dead sure it’ll rock, but I don’t want this to be a Uwe Boll piece of shit.

    Now, while there is just one year, WTF will be released during the fall? I can’t think of anything exciting.

  28. Kristina says:

    Okay…….I watched it, and I can’t say that I’m pumped. There was no real footage to see, unlike the Spidey 3 teaser. Call me when they have a full trailer.

  29. Varun says:

    soooo vague/….bleh….still excited

  30. Sucks Badly says:

    NO, they did NOT take it off the main site, it’s still there. Click on “WATCH THE ANNOUNCEMENT TRAILER” (or however they word it).

    It.. um… SUCKS. They shouldn’t have released it. It looks like a really good Final Cut Pro movie, but doesn’t look professioally done at all.

    You see a SHADOW of some type of robot and then the earth?? Gee, thats a great trailer guys.

    It pales in severe comparison to the legic Spiderman 3 trailer, and I’m sure they released it in an attempt to get peoples minds off of the awesomeness that is the Teaser Trailer for Spiderman 3.

    This is NOT the way a trailer should be releaed… horrible.

    I’m surprised that John didn’t make any negative comments about this the same way that he did to the SM3 trailer. “It didn’t really show anything, I’m not moved”.

    Wow. So this one moved you?? LOL

  31. Tanya says:

    It’s back up on the website. Looks cool…not as cool as Spiderman but then again Spidey gave a lot for a teaser trailer…Transformers is really a teaser.

  32. Mike Sturman says:

    Michael Bay has some downloadable versions of the trailer on his blog

  33. Alfredo says:

    I can’t win!!!! the above link doesn’t work!!!!

  34. Nord says:

    Spiderman 3 has officially destroyed the term “teaser” from the day it was released and forward from there.

    Come on people, shake your A.D.D raddled heads for a moment, a teaser, by definition, is only supposed to tease you, its an American Table Dance, not a Canadian Table Dance, you silly bastards.

    One of the greatest teasers ever was The Blair With Project, a few seconds of an extreme close up on a crying girl with snot dripping off her nose, and EVERYONE wanted to know more about that movie. To this day Im convinced the teaser trailer is why Blair Witch did so well at the box office.

    Anyways, long story longer, that was an AMAZING Teaser for Transformers. If it doesnt get you pumped then you have robotic parts inside your body replacing things that make you FEEL!!!!!!


  35. Rynndar says:

    FILMSTALKER just noticed that NONE of the Mars footage or story will be used in the movie. See Bay’s blog…

    What was the point then?

  36. fstar says:

    ive read that this movies has a budget of like 150 mil

  37. AvidWatcher says:

    Hi all,
    I just watched the Transformers movie very intently today. Remember the part when Mikaela’s purse is laying open on the ground, and the camera zooms in onto the contents for a split second or two? I am very confident in saying that there was a GREEN dildo with WHITE ribs in her purse for all avid watchers to see.
    No jokes, I’m being serious.

  38. Thorstyn says:

    Yes there WAS a dildo in Mikaela’s purse. I swear me and all of my friends saw it plain as day. Thank God for making me not feel likea psycho.

  39. ladylover217 says:

    He dudes,I saw the litlle dildo too,because i know it was there. I have helped making this lovely movie, and by coincident that day, i had to do the content of mickaela’s purse.So i Thought to put the the naughtyness of this epic a litlle by putting that little dildo right there ,that day!!!!

    BUT there is even better news : If you guys buy the original dvd ,and you press pause on 1:45:45 you can see another dildo on a couch in the back of the yellow camaro ,at home!!!every night!!

    Bey,ladylover217 aka OptimusPrime

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