Thomas Haden Church - the physique of a fishwife

I’ve always liked Thomas Haden Church all the way back to his days on Wings (man that was an under appreciated show!) By now you all know that Church is playing the villain Sandman in Spider-Man 3. What I didn’t know was a funny conversation that took place between Church and Sam Raimi (the director) just after he was cast for the role.

The good folks over at Digital Spy give us this:

Church reportedly said, “When I met with the producers and director last year they said, ‘We probably need you to get in a specific physical shape for the movie. Do you mind taking your shirt off?’

I took my shirt off and the director Sam Raimi said ‘We’re going to need you to gain about 100 pounds of muscle. You’ve come here today with the physique of a fishwife and that doesn’t fit our scheme.’”

Oh man that’s funny. Well.. from the looks of the pictures I’ve seen it does indeed look like the man bulked up a lot. No, not 100 pounds of muscle… but bigger for sure. Can’t wait to see this thing.

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  • 1. Varun replies at 26th June 2006, 1:54 pm :

    For those who don’t know what a fishwife looks like:

    Not the most fit type of person to be playing Sandman…but it looks like Church is up to the job

  • 2. Norddeth replies at 26th June 2006, 1:55 pm :

    I can only hope that one day Sam Rami will ask me to take my shirt off……


  • 3. Lilly (formerly John Campea's part-time fiance) replies at 26th June 2006, 3:23 pm :

    Fishwife or not, Church is yummy. :-)

  • 4. Agent Orange replies at 26th June 2006, 4:40 pm :

    I remember him from WINGS, and the short lived Ned & Stacey, with Debra Messing. Once Will & Grace got popular, N&S got pulled rom syndication, so as not to detracted from Messing’s new hit.

    Now TH Church resurfaces, and is more muscled up than Carrot Top. Freaky!

  • 5. darren seeley replies at 26th June 2006, 5:32 pm :

    If there is any doubts, I hope folks have caught Church in the TV miniseries “Broken Trail”, on AMC cable, co-starring opposite Robert Duvall. Duvall, of course, makes everyone look good in a western. I’m going to watch the second part tonight.

    While Church plays a ‘good’ cowboy, his character takes no crap! There’s this jaw dropper scene from last night (first half of the miniseries) where he and a buddy stop some no-good low lives from raping a woman. Church’s character comes in, kicks the shit out of half the guys in the room (his buddy has the other half) stands over some sorry bastard, and BLAM! blows the guy’s right thumb off. Then seconds later, blows off the left thumb!

    And he’s the good guy.

    While I was well hooked into this before that scene, that just cemented my reason to watch the rest tonight. Church is kicking ass! If Church acts that way and goes Charles Bronson again in Spidey 3? Hell with Venom! Screw Goblin 2! Secret guest villian? Who needs him/her?

    Church’s Flint Marko-Sandman is going to chew up the screen.

  • 6. Brandon Routh replies at 26th June 2006, 8:15 pm :

    Yeah, and when Bryan Singer asked Routh to take his shirt off he said, “Well… at lesat you LOOK like Christopher Reeve. You’ll have to gain about 200 pounds of muscle. But, you’re cute! So, um, yeah.. YOU GOT THE ROLE!!!”

  • 7. darkbhudda replies at 26th June 2006, 9:56 pm :

    Loved him as The Strobe in The Specials.
    Especially his speech on superhero responsibility…
    “That might as well be you urinating on that little girl’s arm.”

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