Superman 29th Largest Opening Day - And It was A Wednesday

According to the good folks over at Boxoffice Mojo, Supermant Returns opening night took in over $21 million dollars.¬† That makes it the 29th largest opening day for a film in history.¬† Oh but here’s the kicker… you’ve got to keep in mind it opened on a Wednesday night instead of a Friday.¬† Those are good numbers.

A few days ago we had a poll asking how much Superman Returns (keeping in mind that it opened on Wednesday) would make by the end of the weekend.¬† Less the half the people who responded thought it would make over $100 million.¬† After making over $21 million on opening day I think it’s safe to say it will blow the doors off of $100 million by the end of the weekend EASILY.

If you missed it, you can watch my Superman Returns review here.


  • 1. spidey1703 replies at 29th June 2006, 4:09 pm :

    It will definitely make $100m, but isn’t $21m a little disappointing for a movie which opened in 3,915 theaters? Bearing in mind that the $21m includes the preview shows from Wednesday evening.

    The only film ranked above Superman Returns in Wednesday openings which debuted on more screens was Spider-Man 2 which kicked the balls off everything with $40.4m.

    The others above Superman Returns all debuted on LESS screens (The Matrix Revolutions, War Of The Worlds, The Two Towers, Passion Of The Christ, The Phantom Menace, and Return Of The King) yet made more of the green.

    I was expecting slightly upwards of $25m myself.

  • 2. hi replies at 29th June 2006, 4:15 pm :

    And everyone said this would kick Spider-Mans ass

  • 3. get carter replies at 29th June 2006, 4:17 pm :

    if you think warners are happy with the first day take you are crazy…..they will be worried.
    this is a film that has cost them close to 300 million all up.

    it opened on a shit load of screens and they definitely would have wanted more.

    for the record I loved it. was expecting to hate it and I loved every minute of it so I am not dumping on it out of some kind of hatred for the film.

  • 4. Mr Stay Puft replies at 29th June 2006, 4:27 pm :

    This movie has until Pirates 2 (7/7) to make its money, then it’s off to the small screens in the back. Pirates 2 will be the movie to beat this summer and Superman Returns will suffer at the box office because of it.

  • 5. John Campea replies at 29th June 2006, 4:29 pm :

    Who on earth thought it would beat Spider-Mans Box Office?!?!?! Not me! Not anyone I talked to.

    And yes… do think they’re VERY happy with a Wednesday $21 million take. VERY happy.

  • 6. spidey1703 replies at 29th June 2006, 4:35 pm :

    According to BoxOfficeMojo:

    “Superman Returns played on over 8,200 screens across 3,915 theaters, including 76 IMAX locations that generated about $1.2 million of the $21 million gross. Previews were conducted at around 2,500 theaters on Tuesday starting at 10 p.m., which Box Office Mojo estimates accounted for over $4 million of the reported opening day, though Warner Bros. would not reveal that figure. On Friday, the theater count bumps up to 4,065, making it the fourth widest release of all time.”

    Considering The Omen made $12.6m on a TUESDAY opening in just 2,660 theatres, Superman Returns had a very low take for a big-budget blockbuster.

    I smell trouble… and it smells like a pirate!

  • 7. Kate replies at 29th June 2006, 5:02 pm :

    Ok i really don’t know what this big deal over Super-de-man is. It mad alot of money in my book. I haven’t seen it (being from ireland) and probably won’t, coz i found the original to scary when i was younger!

    But still, from the trailer’s it does look good, but as nagy said, its looks all lovey-dovey and i know thats not meant to be a super-de-man thing.

    So people just love each other and stop going mad over it. There’s nothing more you can do. Either you love it or hate it.

  • 8. get carter replies at 29th June 2006, 5:02 pm :

    men in black 2 made 18 million on a wednesday.

    john…you are crazy. warners would have been hoping for so much more than 21 million.

    You are sounding a little like the iraqi minister of information when the u.s. invaded baghdad…..

    anyway I am not dumping on it..I loved it….but for a film which cost this much..had as much press as it did …and lets face it superman is probably the most iconic and well known of all heros 21 million ,even on a wednesday, is disappointing.

    Mark my words…warners will be clenching theor buittocks until the weekend rolls out….

    it will have a big drop tomorrow.then pick up again for the weekend but it still has to do at least 20 mill a day to make 100 by monday.

    I believe it probably will but 21 million no matter how much spin you put on it john is a bummer for this film.

    even war of the worlds made a wee bit more than this this time last year. this film has to clear over 600 mill to break even. 21 million is not a good start

    that fucking shitty third matrix film made more than this on a wednesday….

  • 9. get carter replies at 29th June 2006, 5:08 pm :

    I am picking 90 mill by monday.

    close but no cigar….

  • 10. TJ replies at 29th June 2006, 5:29 pm :

    wow guys relax boxoffice means nothing its fun to talk about but it means nothing. The biggest example of recent years that most of you would understand would be batman which is wildly considered the new standard of comic book movies and yet made half of spider-man and almost half of spider-man 2 and yet it was much better then they were. Also Fantastic Four which is probably the crappiest superhero movie in years and arguably ever was up there in the money also. Of course I want the movie to make 450 million domestic and hit 1 billion worldwide but it isn’t going to happen but that in no way means it was worse then spider-man because it isn’t it is far superior. The two biggest complaints with this movie are one there isn’t much action in it for a 2 1/2 film and that people see it as a rehash and isn’t really that original. First of all I pic story over action anyday, superman hasn’t been on the big screen for decades. I don’t want a mindless two hour block with and hour of action I want one hell of a story considering the time since the last one. Action should aid the story not be the centerpiece, classics have a good story at the center and action to aid it. If Superman Returns was just a mindless action movie it would be forgotten but by telling a good story it has a chance to stand the test of time and maybe 20 years from now it could be considered a classic where in 20 years who the hell will remember that they made FF4. I’ll leave it at that for now so I’ll check back if anyone wants to question me but don’t flame just debate, there is a difference.

  • 11. peter replies at 29th June 2006, 5:31 pm :

    Campea=Harry Knowles 2.0, at least when it comes to this flick.

    You also said the critics have been ‘raving’ about this movie, but really it’s been pretty mixed. They either really like it or really hate it.

    It’s cool if you dig the movie, but chill the fuck out.

  • 12. Kristina replies at 29th June 2006, 7:24 pm :

    A look at the IMDB boards reveal VEY mixed word of mouth. That plus Pirates opening next week will KILL this flick, I’m afraid. It’s a very good movie, but Pirates will be more fun to watch, I think.

  • 13. Joey replies at 29th June 2006, 7:36 pm :

    The film cost about 204 million to make according to Bryan Singer.

  • 14. Koko replies at 29th June 2006, 8:03 pm :

    haha debate is funny

  • 15. get carter replies at 29th June 2006, 8:49 pm :

    that is a 204 million PRODUCTION budget.
    that excludes the 40 million spent developing it over the past few years…..and excludes what has to be a very expensive marketing budget. you are looking at a 300 million dollar movie here.

    again i must state that I loved it. I went in with extremely low expectations.

    I am seeing it again tonight.

    I agree with john about bosworth. weak link.far too young to play lane. I love margot kidder’s lois though so she never had a chance…husky voiced and a smoker….wonderful stuff….
    routh is great but i still think reeve is the best superman/clark kent.
    I love reeve’s clark kent. you could buy that no one would guess kent is superman with reeve but in this one i feel that routh looks like routh whether he is kent or superman but he is a great superman.

    spacey is good as lex but enough with lex luthor already…..if there is a sequel please lets move on to someone new…..and unless stamp is still fit enough to play zod….NO JUDE LAW AS ZOD FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST…….

    anyway the film is great but I feel that for kiddies of today the film is probably to talky for them…..and that will ultimately hurt its box office.

    the whole plane sequence is one of the finest action set pieces I have ever seen. god I wish i could see that at imax but alas….
    obviously i don’t want to get into it to much as our fine friend oer oin the u.k. are yet to see it but it really every bit as good as campea said.there is one scene which i won’t divulge on an open forum that had goosepimples up my arms and yes a wee little nostalgic tear in my eye…

    but routh is not better than reeve…i just think campea has a little man crush and that is blinding his judgement there….

    I do also wish there had been more action. I didn’t want a brainless action film with no story i wanted great action with a kick ass story i just didn’t find the whole story that great. Luthors plan was kinda lame and the whole love aspect didn’t have me engagaed….

    so if I broke the film down …action, acting all its plot lines and sub plots etc etc individually they don’t work for me but put together the film as a whole does.

    I am really holding back the spoilers here….

    but it is great and I went in expecting to hate it.

    I know i keep focusing on what i didn’t like but I am really trying to stay spoiler free…..

    the film is awesome.

  • 16. Drewbacca replies at 30th June 2006, 1:07 am :


    Just saw the 3-D version at the IMAX. Damn cool, but I’m glad the whole movie isn’t that way (only 20 minutes interspersed throughout). I wrote a couple of special 3-D IMAX paragraphs at the bottom of my review. Check it out if you want.


  • 17. Daniel replies at 30th June 2006, 2:46 am :

    I have to say that I did not like this film. None of the action was exhilarating, the acting was wooden at times, and most of all I never felt that Lex Luthor was a formidable villain. I wished I liked it and I hoped to have liked it but I didn’t.

  • 18. Arethusa replies at 30th June 2006, 11:22 am :

    Oooo man I bet I could have seen those execs faces when they got the Wednesday BO. That combined with the massive percentage drop in take by next week…oh it’s gonna flop. They’re already burning candles for the DVD sales.

  • 19. John Campea replies at 30th June 2006, 11:54 am :

    Arethusa … dude… what the hell are you talking about????

    You do realize that Superman’s Wednesday opening beat out Batman’s Wednesday opening right? It make like 35% MORE than Batman Begins on opening day.

    Batman Begins: $15 million
    Superman Returns: $21 million

    Tell me again how this is a “flop”. I think your dictionary may be out of date.




  • 20. spidey1703 replies at 30th June 2006, 12:05 pm :

    Yes but Batman Begins with an opening in 3,718 theatres and a rating of 83% on Rotten Tomatoes eventually petered out at $205.3m domestically.

    Granted, worldwide it made $371m but Warner Bros would DEFINITELY have wanted Superman Returns to make profit from US/Canada alone, and then have the takings from the rest of the world as pure profit.

  • 21. John Campea replies at 30th June 2006, 12:15 pm :

    Hey Spidey,

    The number of screens is irrelivent after 2700. And if this pace (35% above Batman), continues, then the studio WILL break even just with domestic box office totals alone.

    After international Box office returns and DVD sales… Superman Returns is going to be a massive money maker… either way.



  • 22. Joey replies at 30th June 2006, 2:32 pm :

    People saying this is a flop is outrageous. 21 million is great for a wednesday. Ppl are dumb.

  • 23. Shane Yaw replies at 1st July 2006, 2:50 am :

    Im really dissapointed with the film. i was looking forward to it for so long and it wasnt that great. it was long, boring, and had no real plot. the film was random and things happened for no reason. im sad… oh well Spiderman 3 is coming out soon, that better be good!

  • 24. spidey1703 replies at 1st July 2006, 6:33 am :


    “Box Office Mojo reports that Bryan Singer’s Superman Returns has scored a second day gross of $11.02 million, a drop of 48% from its opening day, including Tuesday previews. This is a slightly larger second day drop than last year’s War of the Worlds or Warner Bros’ Batman Begins, though experts think the movie will do a significant amount of business over the weekend regardless. Check back on Saturday for an update of how it did on Friday.”

  • 25. get carter replies at 1st July 2006, 4:49 pm :

    I know this is cheesy and boring to keep going on about but superman made 16 million on friday.

    even you john have to admit thats not great.

    It aint gonna hit 100 mill by monday.

    I am not saying it is a flop at all…..but it looks like a film that needs legs and with pirates any day now i think it aiont gonna get them.

    as for people comparing the batman begins bo with supermans….it is a bit has been 19 years since the last superman film….it has only been 9 since batman and robin. people were very skeptical about a new batman and rightly so after that ice follies piece of crap.

    I just think people are not that interested in superman. there was no buzz for it outside of geekdom.

    I guarantee that warners are unhappy now. they will be panicking

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