THE MOVIE BLOG : Official Home of Correct Movie Opinions

Spider-Man 3 Trailer Online NOW!

Sony has put out a press release letting us all know that at 2:30pm (EST) the Apple Trailers website will launch the first Spider-Man 3 teaser trailer online. Guess I won’t have to wait until tonight (when I see Superman Returns) to see it after all.

Here’s a breakdown of the times:

US East Coast - 2:30pm, US West Coast - 11:30am, UK - 7:30pm, Australian East Coast - Wednesday, 4:30am

But be warned… don’t expect too much from this teaser. The movie is still a year away, their still in production, and not a ton of work has been done yet. Expcet some glimpses here and there. Just remember… this is a TEASER trailer. I’ll post up the link when the trailer goes live and give my thoughts.


The Trailer is now up and online! You can see it here.

My thoughts: Decent trailer… but it really doesn’t tell us anything at all… which is what it should do perhpas.

I think people are getting a little too excited about it. Any movie can make a trailer look great if all they do is tell you nothing and show nothing but action shots. Remember all of the new Star Wars trailers? They looked wicked too… just action.. no story… and everyone drooled (me included). This trailer doesn’t really do anything for me (I know most of you seem to love it), but it just looks like another FLUFF action trailer with no meat. Just my opion.

108 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Norddeth

    Holy Shit

    Thats no teaser, thats a fucking trailer!!!!

    Hot Damn!

    good work John


  2. 1138

    Wow!!! That looks so cool!! Can’t wait for this movie!!! Out of all the comic book movies, Spidey is one which has not disappointed and has progressively gotten better!! So this movie I am definitely loking forward too! Can’t wait!!

    Supes returns is looking to fall pretty short based on reviews I am reading, so my expectations are dropping. It looks like you either like it or don’t and I was hoping for a more uniform praise of the film. Some criticisms of the film echoe my own fears. I am still clinging to hope but it doesn’t look good!

    So it looks like it’s going to be Nolan’s Batman and Rami’s Spidey that will keep things going for me as far as comic book movies are concerned!!

  3. rogue

    Wow! I’ve been waiting a while and there looks like a load of new clips in there! Thanks for posting it, cos I’m in UK so I would have had to wait…

  4. Varun

    UHHHHHHHHHHHHHH did you notice how awesome the sandman sequence was????WOW

  5. Pineapplehead

    Holy crap - was that the venom symbiote crawling up his arm?!!!!!

  6. skojax


  7. bullet in the head

    … Blows away all those lame Superman returns teasers

  8. Lou_Sytsma

    Don’t expect too much?!?!?!? Are you kidding?!?!? Like Doug is wont to say - “Holy F******* J**** C*****! That is Fricking Awesome! Now that how you get people excited!”

    Or something to that effect.

    Looked pretty good to me.

  9. Varun

    I don’t know how you could meh this trailer….I mean….come on! What teaser could possible not get a meh after that one?

  10. A.J.

    Looks great… waiting to see a better Quicktime version.

  11. Henrik

    i just came

  12. The Black Guy


    if u don’t hear from me again, it means i’ve comitted suicide…all because venom looks like a gymnast instead of a fucking body builder.

    besides that this trailor is supreme…

  13. SpideFan

    What do you mean this doesn’t show much??? LOL!!

    1 - It clearly shows BLACK GOO / VENOM attaching to Spiderman

    2 - It clearly shows GREEN GOBLIN II

    3 - It clearly shows Eddie Brock discovering Spiderman is Peter Parker

    4 - It clearly shows that all the fanboys were WRONG and Venom is in the movie!

    Deal with it!!

    Best trailer of the 3 yet, and I forsee it being the most darkest, best Spiderman of them all!!

  14. Norddeth

    In fairness to John he posted those disclaimers before he added the actual trailer, I dont imagine anyone would have guessed that it would have shown that much actual footage.

    And as for Venom, wake up monkey, Rami has been “adapting” Spiderman since the very first movie, lots of things are different, so what if Venom isnt as large as he appears in the comics. I think it works really well, like a Ying Yang type of thing, Tobey and Topher have very similar builds, heck I wanted topher as Spiderman back in the day, I think its going to be really cool having them face off.


  15. Henrik

    Don’t go “LOL!!” man. It makes you look like a retard.

    There is no way to tell if Venom is in the trailer, it could just be spidey in the black costume.

    I didn’t see Goblin II anywhere in this, but I may have missed it.

    I don’t know if Eddie Brock saying ‘Parker’, *clearly* shows he’s discovered Spider-Man, but I will give you that it could very well be what happens in the scene.

    And if you call yourself SpideFan, dont say FANBOYS in a condescending way.

  16. spidey1703


  17. hi

    I feel sorry for Superman. The greatness of this trailer will enhance the suckiness of Superman Returns

  18. hi

    here it is

  19. David

    that looks cool! some nice young actors are attached and I expect solid summer hit.

  20. Norddeth

    Uhh “LOL” is very helpful in indicating when someone is making a less-than-serious comment, keeps people from jumping down your throat….well in most cases, whats up your ass Henrik?

    And IMHO fanboy is a derogatory word, its reserved for monkeys who treat comic book material as word of law and throw a hissy fit when something is altered in anyway, given the choice of being a SpideFan or a Spideyfanboy, Id take the former.

    So who pissed in your cornflakes this morning anyway Hen?


  21. Kate

    HOLY CRAP that was so amazing! i drooled over the trailer. Can’t stop watching it. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Spidey!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. queen.padme.amidala

    I swore I saw Gwen Staci in there… was that her? *rewatches* Yes, trademark white blonde hair… unless that was Mary Jane with bad washed out colouring….

  23. Kate

    Yes it was Gwen, with parker leaning over her as if to kiss her….if he does, i will kill him

  24. spidey1703

    Wait… wait… yes we have the results in……

    Spider-Man 1
    Superman LOST!

    Now all I need is a DeLorean and some plutonium, and I’m all set for May 4, 2007

  25. Jeff


    I just creamed my pants more than when I first saw the pic of Bumblebee.

    It looks fuckin FANTASTIC!

    I would like to point out to SpideFan & The Black Guy, that the trailer DOES NOT SHOW Eddie Brock as Venom, rather Peter Parker as Spider-Man when he was taken over by the Venom symbiant. We know Topher Grace, may be playing Eddie Brock, but they may have hired some huge ripped to shit guy to play Venom (in costume) and have Topher just do voice over when Venom speaks. Hob Goblin looks sweet and so does Sandman…and…

    I’m starting to believe that this mysterious “4th villian” that Avi Arad has mentioned, has been right under our noses the whole time. What if the 4th villian is Peter Parker? The trailer even says that a man who fights evil so much often finds evil in himself….plus the fact that THEY SHOW US PARKER AS VENOM!!! I think its only logical to assume that Peter Parker will be the fourth villian. I know, I know, I wanted to see Carnage as much as the next guy, but we’ll just have to wait for spider-man 4.

  26. Phil Gee

    I’ve thought about that myself but Avi Arad knows that if he dares say “Peter’s fourth adversary …… himself” at Comic-Con, he’s not gonna make it out of there alive. Angry geeks will chop him up. I’m hoping it isn’t Black Cat, if only because this film doesn’t need 3 strong females fighting for Spidey’s affections. I still think it’ll be either Vulture or Mysterio and we’ll only see them in the opening minutes of the film (like a Bond teaser)…….and if it is Mysterio then ‘the chin’ will play him. Count on it.

    Oh yeah, apart from what looks like a really bad new Goblin outfit (and i went easy on the old one), the teaser looks amazing. It’s not so much the great set pieces that we recognise from the comic but the way Raimi is crafting it this time. It’s clear from the shots that we see that this is Raimi unchained. I think we have a fair concept of how the movie will play now and i can’t wait. We’d better get a UK release on May 4th too or i’ll be pissed.

  27. spidey1703

    Yet you (Campea) ejaculate at the mere mention of Superman Returns?! Everyone drooled over Episode I because it was new and fresh. This is a continuation of the Spider-Man story. We don’t NEED to know about Parker/MJ/Harry!

    And what is this called anyway? A TEASER TRAILER! It is supposed to gain hype and momentum for the movie, and surprisingly enough “tease” us with bits of this and that, to spark interest and have us WANT to know more.

    Perhaps you didn’t quite look closely enough anyway, because there is a lot more than just “action shots” in this trailer. Parker wrestling with the suit, trying to tear it from his back is action? Parker rescuing Gwen Stacy and MJ looking at them is action? Harry and MJ having a “moment” is action? Parker looking at his reflection in the skyscraper, using it as a looking glass into his soul and seeing the blue and red outfit is action? I think not. In fact, take out the Sandman and Hobgoblin clips and there are not a lot of action shots left. And there are many more non-action shots in this trailer which I haven’t mentioned too.

    And judging by the reaction of pretty much all the international friends here and on other sites, the general audience are pumped and are lapping it up.

    So far so good for Spider-Man 3. Raimi hasn’t disappointed us yet. At a little over 10 months until release, I’d say it’s “job done” as regards the teaser.

  28. Hey Spidey Fan,

    Meh… doesn’t do anything for me. Brainless and dialog-less action trailers don’t get me excited anymore. ANy piece of crap film can do that.

    Please note… I am NOT NOT NOT saying Spider-Man will be shit. Not at all. I’m excited about the movie. This trailer just doesn’t do anything for me at all.

  29. Lou_Sytsma

    OK John, bring on Doug. If it does nothing for him either, then The Movie Blog has just earned its first Red Card.

  30. TM

    DAMN…..DAMN…..DAMN….. I wet myself watching this thing…

  31. Bryson J.

    All I can say is damn!! That was probably the most perfect trailer I have ever seen!!!

    Am I the only one who noticed a pumpkin bomb being thrown at Harry? I wonder who threw it??

  32. Sean

    Personally I was blown away by the teaser, and this is coming from someone who’s become very cynical towards all the comic book movies as of late.

    I love how it hints at what this movie is about thematically. “How long can one man fight the darkness until they find it in themselves?” Genius! Although I’m not a huge Spider-Man fan personally, Venom is probably the one storyline I can’t wait to see brought to life.

    - Sean

  33. get carter

    how in the fuck can you say that teaser didn’t do anything for you yet you creamed yourself over those lame lame lame superman trailers…..that teaser just took a huge dump over superman….fuck superman in fact……bring on spider-man 3…that looks fucking incredible.
    that is the teaser for a film still a year away……holy fucking shit it is going to be awesome

  34. Because the Superman trailers were better. (Note: I’m not saying the movie will be better).

    At least the Superman trailers gave you something. Insight into the story… into what was going on. Not just some dim witted and brainless randomly cut actions sequences with ZERO story or dialog. Uwe Boll can do that.

    Spider-Man will rock. Of that I have no doubt. But I’m disapointed with this trailer.

  35. Norddeth

    Well if we are going to have a pissing contest you should really compare Superman TEASERS to Spiderman TEASERS.

    Dont compare a teaser to a full on trailer, cause Spiderman 3 teaser beats the crap out of the Superman teaser hands down.


  36. Holy shit… I’m not dumping on anyone for liking it. I just said it dosen’t do anything for me.

  37. Lou_Sytsma

    John, John. Pay close attention tonight when you see the teaser tonight. The main thrust is the movie is there in plain sight. Pay special attention to the upside down hanging shot of Spidey and his reflection. Its all spelled out for you. And what is wrong with a few kick ass action sequences thrown in for good measure?

    The main things the SR trailers had going for them was the music and the Brandon bits.

    I almost believe you are being deliberately contrary.

  38. Hey Lou,

    Yes, if I don’t see things your way I MUST be just deliberately contrary.

    One last time boys and girls…

    I think Spider-Man will be FANTASTIC. All I said is this type of trailer doesn’t do anything for me anymore. Period. Sorry if you can’t wrap your head around that.

    I’m not dumping on anyone who likes it
    I’m not saying YOU shouldn’t like it
    I’m not saying Spider-Man will suck
    All I said was I don’t like the trailer.

    Wow… you’d think I just spit on your mom or something.

  39. Jay

    “first red card”… priceless. lou, you killed me with that one.
    that teaser rocked. it did exactly what it was supposed to do… tease me and leave me wanting more.

  40. get carter

    john john john….no one is attacking you.

    personally i just find it strange that this teaser does nothing for you yet the superman trailers got you ready to blow and in my opinion the superman trailers have been absolutely awful.

    that is all….fair enough…this trailer doesn’t excite you….i am just find it strange as it just blew me away.

  41. Hey Carter,

    Yes… I think the Superman trailers are superior to this one. There are others who agree (although the minority). I’m not looking to start a debate on that issue (which one is better).

    Look, I find these kinds of trailer easy and tired. But that’s just me. The Superman trailers had me massivly excited from the first one. That doesn’t mean I think EVERYONE should feel the same way. But that’s my opinion.

    Now… we’ll just see how the movies turn out.

    Theater in 5 short hours.

    Please don’t suck… please don’t suck.


  42. Bryson J.

    Is anyone else as happy as I am that there isn’t a single shot of Aunt May in the entire teaser?

  43. spidey1703

    Correct me if I’m wrong but you said you were bitterly disappointed with the Superman teaser. Pretty much all of the stuff we saw in that teaser was taken from Singer’s online blog, etc. The two best components of the teaser: the score and Marlon Brando’s voiceover. Both of which are 28 years old. I call that “money for old rope”.

    And in this thread you said, “At least the Superman trailers gave you something. Insight into the story… into what was going on. Not just some dim witted and brainless randomly cut actions sequences with ZERO story or dialog.”

    Other than the “Superman is returning” story (which is given away in the movie’s title, not the teaser), what story revelations do we have from the Superman teaser? None. Nothing. Zippo. I do believe you are comparing the Spider-Man 3 TEASER with the Superman Returns FULL trailers.

    It wasn’t until the first full trailer that we got a glimpse of Spacey as Luthor and the fact that he had some devious scheme, and that we got to see that fuckin kid!

    And it wasn’t until full trailer number 2 that we get to see what Luthor’s masterplan is (although growing continents seems kinda stupid, to be frank). The best parts of that trailer: “krrrrryptonite” and Brando’s voice at the end.

    So thus far we’ve got that Superman returns to Earth, Lois Lane has a “bastard child” (quote: Doug Nagy) and she is romantically involved with Cyclops, and that Lex Luthor has got his grubby little mits on some kryptonite to grow continents and presumably defeat Superman.

    From the Spider-Man 3 teaser alone (despite little dialogue, relying just on reaction shots from the actors) we have that the symbiot has bonded with Parker, and he is slowly slipping to the “dark side”. It’s causing tension with him and MJ as evident from the dialogue “What’s happening to you?”
    Then we have the new love interest Gwen Stacy, Parker’s feud with Sandman, Harry being Hobgoblin and looking for revenge on Peter, Harry and MJ perhaps being involved with each other, Eddie Brock, and probably most importantly; Parker fighting his inner demons.

    I’d say we have more from something Uwe Boll could have put together (he wishes) than all of the Supes trailers combined. The smaller details in Supes have been fleshed out more, but that’s expected given they’ve had trailers and tv spots running over the last 7 months.

  44. spidey1703

    One more thing, I’m sure you will blow your bolt at the Transformers teaser even if it’s just “fluff” with screw all insight into the story.

  45. Sigh… some people are so dimm they don’t know how to read “I’m not looking to start a debate on that issue (which one is better)”

    Some people (Spidey) just don’t know how to handle it when other don’t agree with them. I’m not bashing anyone… or saying anyone is wrong. I just gave my opinon. Live with it… and grow up.

  46. get carter

    john … you and I couldn’t disagree more on this matter.

  47. hi

    In my opinion the Spider-Teaser was better than Superteaser. when i saw The Superteaser i was like That’s it, while the Spider-Teaser i was shocked over how cool this movie is going to be. So far the only cool thing i have seen in a Superteaser is the bullett in the eye

  48. Pineapplehead

    I think that given the lengh of time we still have after this and the TF teaser are released before the films actually hit the big screen we can all chill a little, sit back watch the World Cup and thank John for having a great site that allows us an outlet for our opinions.

    *Sips beer*

  49. Tarmac Chris

    Hey John, is there any chance of having this put up as a streaming movie again, rather than the link to the Apple website. Quicktime does not work on my PC no matter how many times I download it.

    And back to topic, this teaser freaking rocked! How can you not be excited by it, BLACK COSTUME AAAH. I mean, you got excited over seeing that bumblebee robot…thing and not this? Come on!

    And yes, I want to hear Doug’s reaction to this in the Audio Edition. It should be priceless, I want to hear those Holy F**** S** F** etc.

  50. DarkKinger

    I can understand why you’re not too excited for this trailer, Campea. Of course, it is a teaser, so best not to fall under the Star Wars trap.

    Now, IMO, I have a lot of faith in Sam Raimi and this franchise. So with this trailer, all I ahve to say is…

    I AM SO FUCKING SOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes, there is a LOT of risk going in to this, with four villains and great supporting casts. But I am a fan of the movies, and I hope to GOD that Stan Lee is right and “the third will be bigger and better” (okay, not exactly his words, but you get the idea).

    Now, while us Spidey fans a awaiting of part 3, the REAL hype is going to Transformers. Now that movie has got me excited, but I am going to have a heart attack with Spider-Man 3 being on my list.

    This trailer has got my fuckin’ attention! Now if a Transformers teaser comes out next week, I’M GOING ON A FUCKIN’ RAMPAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  51. Rynndar

    All other things being equal, and this (if I’m reading the page title correctly) being a “Blog”, there is no line about what is going to be debated and what is not.

    If you’re gonna disagree with people on what seems to be the general consensus, John, you have to be open to comments on WHY they think what they think. I really don’t understand the statement “I’m not starting a debate about this!”

    If a comment makes it into copy, your’s or mine, it’s fair game for debate, there’s no argument that can be made against that.

    It makes me wonder if some people are just disagreeing for the sake of not going with the flow. Provoking discussion is cool and all, but that kind of rebellious opinion is cheap and usually groundless.

    All said, this trailer rocks and I’ve watched it frame-by-frame literally! There is a hell of alot of content there for people who wanna se it, and I for one am more excited about this than I am for Superman Returns, and I personally prefer Big Blue to Spidey in character terms. It’s just that Spider-Man 3 is far better represented, by this one teaser, than SR is by a best of reel from all the released footage/trailers we’ve seen!

    People are passionate about these movies and they have every right to ask why people don’t share their opinion. That’s why we’re here.

    Superman man looks great and all but, in movie terms anyway, this is Peter Parker’s town. Clark Kent is just passing through.

  52. Henrik

    Hey Norddeth,

    Nobody pissed in anybody’s cornflakes (great line by the way). *Sigh*

    Going LOL with exclamation marks is what 13year old girls do when talking about N’Sync. Of course, it is just my opinion, but maybe we could convince John Campea to make a poll.

    About the trailer, after I’ve seen it in quality I will say:

    It *does* clearly show a new Goblin.

    It does show the scene from the comic with Peter Parker getting rid of the symbiot in the clock tower, which leads me to believe that Venom could be in this. It would be sad if they did an entire movie of setup, with a little Sandman thrown in to keep the plot moving ala Batman Begins.

  53. Hey Rynndar

    There is a difference between someone saying “I believe A is right and B is wrong” and then opening that up for debate.

    BUt all I said was that the trailer didn’t do anything for me. People are then free to say they disagree. All that is fair.

    What’s not fair is then attacking someone for their opinion… especially when they go out of their way 5x to say “this is just my opinoin.. I’m not saying anyone else is wrong… it’s just how I feel about it”

    There is a difference.

  54. Pete

    John… you are dead inside.

  55. Rynndar

    I don’t think it’s as clean cut as such a simple statement as “…the trailer didn’t do anything for me…”

    Knowingly or not, you’ve made alot of very noteworthy points other than just that. Points which many people won’t agree with, hence the discussion. I just think we should go INTO that discussion as opposed to distance ourselves from it.

    -WHY did you think that the Superman trailers were better in comparison?

    -What DID you like about the trailer?

    -How could it have been better? What would you have liked to have seen in it?

    I really do think that the majority of people, like maybe Spidey, reckon there’s an interesting discussion to be had here, and are genuinley dying to hear what you have to say because it will be interesting and insight ful. Not because they want to change your mind.

    As for flaming/attacking, it’s a given that those people are a couple of chromosomes short of an educated opinion. Isn’t there any type of system which could be used to curb this crap and maybe display peoples online credibility rating as voted for by others? Maybe some type of “rate this comment” type of thing? Or could that be abused? I would personally like to be able to reward someone for their intelligent conversation as opposed to “XMEN sucks because Logan isn’t that tall in the comic books”. Do you know what I mean? That would probably require registration but just a thought for the future.

    BTW, Props for handling this. Most people would’ve steered clear and not replied.

  56. Henrik

    All comments might not come up as equally interesting and/or intelligent.

    I dont consider myself a moron, but I did write a not very intelligent comment towards the top of this topic because I got caught up in the moment.

    The thought of the internet judging my intelligence makes me shiver.

  57. Jeff

    Hey Henrik,

    Its already been announced that Venom WILL be in the movie, hense Spidey wearing the Venom costume and Topher Grace playing Eddie Brock.

    And the new “Goblin” is Harry, since after his father was killed, he swore to seek revenge on Spiderman, then found his father’s Green Goblin costume, then adapted it, to make it his own..making him the Hob Goblin.


    Hey John,

    How CAN’T this teaser do anything for you? I understand where you’re coming from, with being bored with the tradition action sequence trailers, but this is a TEASER (and a comic book based teaser too!), its suppose to cause general excitement, curiosity and axiety and to get people talking about the movie. From what I can tell just by looking at these posts today, it has accomplished all of that and then some. Teasers are also suppose to give a general overview of what type of movie it is: in this case action/adventure, which is evident by the scenes shown in the teaser. I’m not looking to start another debate or argument, but I’m just trying to get you to see my/our side of it a bit clearer.

  58. Rynndar

    “The thought of the internet judging my intelligence makes me shiver”

    Not “the internet”, but TMB users.

    And you illustrate my point exactly. Such a system makes people think twice about what they post.

    I’m not a web admin and dont know what would be best, I’m only interested in making suggestions based on what I think.

    Personally, I’d be comfortable with being rated on my comments for this or any board. Provided the system wasn’t abused. But that’s the trick isn’t it?

  59. Crayve

    Can you people lay off the fu*king guy. Listen, i understand you all feel a need to cause a mutiny in making John say “OH I FELT THIS WHILE WATCHING THE TRAILER!” We are each our own person, lay off the guy. And listen carefully to what he’s saying, 1- He’s not saying Spiderman will suck. 2- He’s saying you guys are not wrong. 3- He’s only saying that it does nothing for him. Yet you all go out and f*cking attack him for his opinion. He’s not trying to debate anything. Keep in mind he loves Spiderman the character too. So please just off the guy. I loved this trailer but im not gonna fucking attack him because he doesnt feel anything towards the trailer..its his opinion, leave it alone. Sorry if i repeat things here.

  60. Rynndar

    Flaming won’t stop flaming Crayve.

    You don’t fight Fire with Fire.

    Try water.

  61. Crayve

    Im not trying to flame here, my bad, but it sucks when the majority of these posts are all out to attack the guy for only giving out his opinion that he’s once stated 5x’s that he’s not trying to start a debate.

  62. Rynndar

    Totally agree man. Totally.

    It’s just that I usually find it more effective to exploit the fact that these inbred tools have no underlying logic and/or backbone.

    Don’t get mad, get even.

    I’m glad to see so many people standing up for the integrity of this/any community. There’s always some weeding to be done. Especially with such high exposure. If you don’t have anything intelligent/contributory to say… there’s the door!

    *Points to door dramatically whilst sad walking away music from Incredible Hulk plays and flamers walk shamefully outside only to be mowed down by Doug in his new Volvo convertible with the top down and a cigar in his teeth*

    Viva La Resistance

  63. darren seeley

    Holy shit up a pole.

    Why the hell half you guys are attacking John? All this is a little itty bitty ditty that may or may not contain scenes which may or may not be in the final cut (’tis about a year away) and…I’m agreeing with John here. I don’t think it’s all that exiting, but I do believe the film is still shooting, has a bit of post to go, and so on.

    I like it…I don’t love it.

    (I’m more hyped over the Ghost Rider teasers, actually)

  64. Richard

    Two words “Emo” and “spidey”

  65. Crayve

    Why do i get the feeling the moment Spidey reads that, its gonna equal an all out flame war the likes we’ve never seen….?

  66. get carter

    no one is attacking john really….

    I just thought the teaser was great and was surprised to hear that john wasn’t that impressed…..the guy is so fucking excitable about stuff i was shocked that this trailer didn’t excite him.

    I personally think the superman trailers have been dreadful and he has creamed himself over them for months… to read his ho-hum reaction to this teaser surprised me…..

  67. Crayve

    Ahh gotcha, btw i wanna apologize my first post wasnt made out to flame anyone, just trying get people to lay off John, not that it was an attack, *sorry if i made it out to be that* but anyways to the trailer, my mouth never stayed open that long before in my life…what a trailer…Im just wondering how Venom will look…will he look the same size as “Spiderman” or will he be the ever big powerhouse Venom from the 1990’s cartoon show, whats your opinion guys on this matter? get carter your opinion?

  68. Lou_Sytsma

    I am not attacking John for his opinion, I did make some remarks in jest that seem to have been taken literally and for that I apologize.

    John’s reaction to the Spidey teaser does interest me though because content wise it contains the same type of material as the Superman previews have.

    As someone pointed out above John was massively disappointed in the Superman teaser as well.

    Maybe John just doesn’t like being teased. Ooops, I did it again.;)

  69. wolf

    It’s funny how everyone is going insane over John’s opinion, everyones acting like he just shot the pope and ate his body. It’s just an opinion. I felt the same way about Pirates Of The Caribbean:Dead Man’s Chest. The trailers did nothing for me, they didn’t excite me or make me go ”WOW”.

    Now to talk about the teaser. I LOVED IT!!!!! It made me very excited. I’m not too crazy about the symbiote costume and the Hobgoblin suite doesn’t look anywhere impressive. Harry isn’t even wearing any kind of mask…..or it could just be him fighting early on before he gets a costume. I loved the shots of Spider-man in the church reminds me so much of the comics. And the shot with Sandman blew me AWAY!!!!!!

    This movie will be fantastic….and for a teaser it made me VERY excited.

  70. get carter

    Well crayve, Venom had better be a big….if he turns out ot be skinny old topher grace covered in black CG I will be hugely disappointed

    I don’t think venom is in this film.
    Not as a main character anyway.

    My guess and I am totally making this up is that they set up the venom story here.

    Introducing Sandman, Gwen Stacy, harry/Hobogoblin, the black suit and parkers relationship with it, eddie brock and venom is a hell of a lot to do in one film. Especially if you want to do the story justice. I mean it could be done I guess but it would be at the expense of the story. It would be incredibly rushed.

    They could have a great cliffhanger based around peter and the blacksuit seperating and eddie and the suit becoming venom….venoms birth…

    there seems to be a lot going in the story already and lets not forget batman and robin….introducing batgirl, poison ivy, mr freeze and bane (who they totally wasted anyway)all in one film was always going to be tough…let alone schumacher staging it as batman ice follies….

    i could be totally wrong.

    hey, isn’t campea watching superman right now?

    I hope he likes it…he is so excited about it …..

  71. JWP

    Holy shit….fight nice everyone and try to take it easy on John — it’s just an opinion and we’re all entitled to them. I’m a huge Spidey fan — more so than any other superhero character and would have to agree with John that the trailer doesn’t really show too much…hence the term “teaser”. I still do, however, think this will end up being the biggest earner and best story of the 3 movies (and will no doubt be better than the new Superman movie, but that’s just because I’m not a huge fan of the boy in blue — the whole fighting Lex situation is boring already and they need to introduce another villain to that storyline).

    Regarding the teaser, I honestly don’t think they’re showing the final version of Venom yet and that every shot of the black suit it Parker himself….thinking they’ll stick with Venom being some huge muscle-bound freak like in the comics. It does definitely show the Green Goblin or Hobgoblin too — hopefully that’s not the final look of him either…looked like Marty McFly from Back to the Future 2.

  72. roxas

    That trailer was AWESOME!!!

    youtube link:

  73. A.J.

    After watching the higher quality Quicktime teaser, it doesn’t look THAT good to me after all. To be fair, the movie is still almost one year away. But it looks like a fun movie.

  74. DarkKinger

    BTW, will they finally tell us what is the reflection in Spidey’s eye in the poster?

  75. Martin, UK

    Spidey 3 is gonna be about as dark as an episode of Tom And Jerry but that’s a kickass trailer.

  76. antonio

    Dear Mr Campea, once again you are wrong. The teaser does infact tell us that spidey will be battling his inner demons caused by the alien suit, while the villans run a muck throughout new york. Spiderman is the focus of this film.

  77. hi

    What Spider-Teaser told me:
    Spider-Man is being corrupted
    He and Mary-JAne is apparently happy together, but there are something not right between them
    Harry is apparently still mad
    Harry and MJ are bonding again

    What Superteaser told me:
    Superman is coming back from somewhere
    Lois is angry
    Superman thinks he is Jesus, and Jor-El is god

  78. Rynndar

    Dear Mr. Antonio.

    Please read the thread through before you post.

    Not only have others already said what you have said, but nobody here is “wrong”.

    If John didn’t get anything from the teaser then that’s his business.

  79. Norddeth

    Well I think there would be less flamming going on if more people used LOL with exclamation points !!!!!!

    Its so hard to interpret not what, but how, people are saying things, I rag on John all the time, but Im just yanking his chain, and I dont think most people here are being as harsh as it reads.

    I think the biggest problem, to be brutally honest, is John has a hard time conceding a point, he will say “your opinion…my opinion yadda yadda yadaa” but he always reiterates his opinion again, it like that kid who insists on having the last word. (again, just yanking your chain dude)

    I blame this whole thing on Henrik for not allowing people to use “LOL”


    It not just for prepubesant teen girls, its not even to indicate you are “laughing out loud”, it just takes the edges of statements and opinions.

    come on now, lets hug it out bitches.


    PS~ Spiderman 3 teaser is better than ANY Superman trailer

  80. Kate

    People, people, people. Ok so Mr. Campea made his opinion known, fair play to ya, still doesn’t mean i’m happy with him. He is entitled to it, he kinda owns this movie blog thing!!!!
    But all that really matters is weather or not Bruce Campbell will be in Spider-man 3. Thats all i want to know. It woudln’t be the same without a little cameo! So come on,,,love each other, in the end its only a trailer!

  81. Rynndar

    Yeah, love each other, and yourselves.

    Why…….. I’m loving myself right now.

  82. Norddeth

    Kate makes a VERY good point!

    Wheres my BRUCE!!!

    Someone, somewhere, awhile back, mentioned how awesome it would be if Bruce got to be a villian, maybe say Mysterio? it would also continue with the Sinister Six trend, so far we have had Doc Oc and now sand man. If you could manage to toss in Mysterio, along with Kraven, Vulture and Elctro somewhere throughout Spidey 4 and 5, and by Spiderman 6…dun dun dun Attack of the Sinister Six!!!!!!!!

    Well thats my wet dream, back to work


  83. spidey1703

    How the fuck was I attacking Campea?

    If Mr.John Campea of Canadia is not excited about this trailer, that is fine. At no stage did I aim to launch a personal attack on him. If I did, then I am sorry. We are all international friends here after all.

    But as Rynndar also pointed out, one cannot dictate what is debated on a public blog. You cannot just take your ball and go home. I listen to the Audio Edition religiously and John always encourages people to come on over to the site and partake in discussion, which is what I was trying to do.

    I didn’t want to argue which was better between the Spidey and Supes teasers . . . . . (because we all know Spidey kicked Supes’ ass) ;o) . . . . . but I thought there was an interesting discussion to be had there.

    John if I offended you or came across as a dick, I apologise wholeheartedly.

  84. Mr. Sensitivity

    Remember kids, attacking John means: Pointing out he obviously has a predisposition to promote Superman Returns and not Spiderman 3.

    But he’s hoping that the good folks over at Sony will notice this site and it’s popularity, and pay him the same way WB did to spread the good cheer about Superboy… err.. Superman Returns.

  85. Kate

    Tee hee, i made people love each other!

    Bring on Bruce! I want more Bruce in Spider-man 3. You will like it! It is Warm!

    But to point out i have no stand what so ever on Superman! Didn’t like any of the films (they scared me) So Campea I totally understand you loving it. So woo. Some people are just CRAZY about spidey (yes i am one of those insane, psycotic people)

    So promote it more to your hearts content. You will still be “the bee’s kness”!

  86. Hey Mr. Sensativity / Spideyfan / Kyle (all the same guy and same IP address)

    Well… since I spend a ton of time talking about how much I’m looking forward to Spider-Man 3 and how often I’ve said on the Audio Edition that I think it will rule… you must have some sort of secret knowledge that even I’m not aware of.

    I mean, since you’re so clearly predisposed to promote Spider-Man and not Superman.

    Do us all a favour, if you’re going to insult someone and accuse them of being bought off… at least have the guts to post your name instead of changing it coward.

  87. spidey1703

    I may have disagreed with you Campea, but bravo! Bravo! Sock it to him!

    Now kick him in the balls!

  88. Crayve


  89. Henrik

    Haha Mr. Sensitivity = pwned.

  90. Rynndar

    Is it not possible for more than one person to be using the same computer?

    And who the hell is Kyle, I can’t find that comment. Did you delete it?

    John, you’ve let this discussion get way off topic.

  91. Norddeth

    Mr. Sensitivity got sylvestor stalOWNED!!!!!

    He got karl malOWNED

    Bent over and bOWNED

    after work I plan on getting stOWNED!!!

    ok I digress…..


  92. Crayve

    ROFL Norddeth rofl

  93. Henrik


    What are you on a crusade against myself ? First you attack me for questioning the use of internet-talk, then when I use it, you mock me?

  94. Norddeth

    Damn it!, well if you would have let me put “LOL!!!”
    you would know I wasnt mocking you, I was joining in the fun!!!!

    I absolutly endorse the use of the word OWNED and all its variations!!

    preach on brother, preach on!


  95. Norddeth


  96. Norddeth


  97. Norddeth


  98. Norddeth


  99. Norddeth


  100. Norddeth


  101. The 1mperfex Collector

    HAH, bitches! I’m #101!!!

    BTW, I like Spider-Man, and hope Spider-Man 3 will kick ass. But my money will be on Transformers as it will CHOKE THE SHIT out of the ENTIRE box-office history!!!

    Yeah, I agree with Campea: Transformers is going to beat ALL grossing records. ‘ NUFF SAID!!!

  102. mogulus

    best trailer of the year. I’m more psyched for this than Xmen and Superman combined.

    John, I know i may be setting myself up for a fall. But seriously. This is one mighty pleasing trailer. i’m going. that’s all there is to it.

  103. Jim

    Hey there John. So, the trailer didnt do anything for you? Well… i say… THAT’S OK. Geez people. To each his own. I sympathize with John, all he said is that it dint “do anything” for him and he gets flamed with like 100 posts.

    Question: Has this been the longest running posting thread on I cant remember one lonegr than 100 posts. John?

    By the way, did you hear that in the Transformers movie they are making Optimus gay, and giving him a kid? No really… its in the trailer…

  104. Jim

    Man, i just realized this, but after re-reading a bunch of the posts on this thread i have helped (by my silly joking) turn this from a John bashing thread into a ‘gay’ joke. This has officially gotten out of hand…

    Someone bring in the celebrity umpires… Stan Lee, Doug Nagy, and Bumblebee…

  105. Kristina

    Spidey 3 spoilerama! Ye be warned!

  106. Lizardfreak

    Hmmm…I thought we would see a shuttle crashing or something and and Spidey swings in, end of teaser. This was a long teaser, and they still have work to do…and after seeing the trailer…

    This sounds naive, but…could this be a three hour film? I’ve talked on and on and on about Spidey in the past, and don’t have much more to say. This trailer was awsome and got my heart racing, but thinking about all the shit they can have in the film. I would love to see a 3 hour Spidey film, I have always wanted more after seeing them. MORE SPIDEY.

    If anything, maybe they really have been shooting three and four together. Still hoping we’ll see the Lizard.

  107. Trev

    Ok, I know the trailer was great blah blah blah - but symbiote spidey still shooting web from his wrist instead of the top of his hands as it should be?… meh its the little details I wish they’d grab, although it looks like Parker is trying to tear off the suit in a bell tower - thats pretty bad ass if you know anything about Venom.

  108. Tirrell

    Trailer does show Venom in it, he attaches to parkers arm, and it shows himself in a black spidey suit”venom” staring at himself “good v.s the evil inside”. And what’s the point of putting eddie brock in this movie if Venom is not in here, that’s like putting Octavious in the movie but no Dr. oct. Pointless. It appears to be and from what Director Sam had to say about it on his website, was alot of the story originates from the animated series. Saying obviously Venom will be introduced just as he was in the mid 90’s tv series. Parker will be introduced to a new girl, the blonde if u don’t know who she is, you shouldn’t even be reading this. And if you don’t think that’s venom, play close attention to the darknest of peter’s hair, and clothes… dark black. I’m a student at The Ny academy of art i know a lol something about C.A, Don’t know what that is… than o well. One.

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